TENDER DOCUMENTS - Singapore Land Authority · Submission of Tender for the documents, plans and...

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Transcript of TENDER DOCUMENTS - Singapore Land Authority · Submission of Tender for the documents, plans and...

55 Newton Road

#12-01 Revenue House

Singapore 307987

Main: (65) 6323 9829

Fax: (65) 6323 9937

Website: www.sla.gov.sg

Tender No: SLA000/RT17-25/3-2/1696/1/1




CLOSING DATE: 21 November 2017

11.00 am

Government of the Republic of Singapore c/o Singapore Land Authority

File Ref: LMA-BDM-3-2/1696/1/1




Tender No: SLA000/RT17-25/3-2/1696/1/1



1 The Government of the Republic of Singapore (“the Government”) c/o Singapore Land Authority

is inviting tenders for the tenancy of the said premises on the terms and conditions stipulated in

this Invitation to Tender (Tender No. SLA000/RT17-25/3-2/1696/1/1) for the following use and


(i) use as Commercial School, Medical Clinic only (NB: The tenant will not be permitted to

change this use to some other use), and

(ii) for an initial term of 3 years (NB: The tenant may request to renew the tenancy for two (2)

further terms not exceeding three (3) years each. Any such renewal of the tenancy upon its

expiration shall be at the Government’s sole discretion).

2 This Invitation to Tender comprises this Tender Notice and the following:

Part 1

Property Information

Technical Information

Conditions of Tender together with the following appendices:

Appendix A : Form of Tenancy Agreement

Appendix A-2 : Form of Guarantee/ Performance Bond

Appendix A-3 : Evaluation Criteria

Part 2

Plans, drawings and consultancy reports

Part 3

Appendix B : Form of Tender

Appendix C : Tender Brief

Checklist for submission of tender

Envelope Label Cover

3 Tenderers may download the above tender documents from the State Property Information

Online (SPIO) website (http://www.sla.gov.sg/spio).


4 Tenderers who are interested to attend the Tender briefing should take note of the date and

time specified below:

Date : 7 November (Monday)

Time : 2.30pm – 3.30pm

Venue : Revenue House, Board Room, L19

At the Tender Briefing, there will be (amongst other things) an elaboration on the tender

evaluation criteria used in this Invitation to Tender.

5 Tenderers should also inspect the said premises (which are more particularly described in the

Property Information found at Part 1 of this Invitation to Tender) before submitting their tenders.

Registration is not required. The site showround for the said premises will be held at the date(s)

and time(s) specified below:

Date : 8 November 2017 (Tuesday)

Time : 3.30 pm

6 All tenders must be submitted to the Singapore Land Authority in a sealed envelope labelled

with the envelope label cover provided in these Tender Documents and deposited into:

Tender Box No. 1

Singapore Land Authority

55 Newton Road #12-01

Revenue House

Singapore 307987

after 14 Nov 2017 but not later than 11.00 am (Singapore time) on 21 Nov 2017 (“Closing

Date”) The timing for the close of this tender will be based on the official time display at the

Singapore Land Authority at 55 Newton Road, #12-01 Revenue House, Singapore 307987. All

tenders submitted after 11.00 am (Singapore time) on the Closing Date shall be disqualified and

shall not be considered.

7 Shortlisted tenderers may be required to attend a tender interview on either 27 November 2017,

afternoon or 28 November 2017, afternoon.

8 Tenderers are to refer to the instructions in the Conditions of Tender and the Checklist for

Submission of Tender for the documents, plans and information which they are required to

submit as part of their tender submission. Any tender that is not submitted in accordance with

the terms and conditions in this Invitation to Tender shall be liable to be rejected.


9 All enquiries regarding the Invitation to Tender, the said premises and the terms and conditions

of the tenancy for the said premises shall be made in writing and directed to the Singapore Land

Authority at the address set out below:

Singapore Land Authority

55 Newton Road #12-01

Revenue House

Singapore 307987

(Attention: Manager,

Revenue Management Team,

Business Planning and Development Department)

Contact Person:

(1) Ms Jocelyn Ng - Tel No. 6478 3272

(2) Mr Siew Hong Leong – Tel No. 6478 3754

All written enquiries must reach the Singapore Land Authority no later than 10 days before the Closing









PDR/ 1


1. Location : The property is known as State Property along

Tampines Street 92 and comprised in the State land lot

specified at item 2 below, as indicated on the location

plan in Attachment 11.

2. State Land Lot No. : 05747K (PT), MK 28.

3. Estimated Land Area : 179,615.2 sqft (i.e. 16,686.6 sqm), as indicated on the

plan in Attachment 22

4. Property Description : The property on the aforementioned State land lot

comprises three (3) blocks of three storey buildings.

Photos of the buildings taken on 17 February 2017 are

shown in Attachment 1-23

5. Estimated Gross Floor

Area (GFA)

: The estimated total GFA of the buildings shown

shaded in red on the plans in Attachments 3-1, 3-2, 3-

34 is 171,020.14 sqft (i.e. 15,888.29 sqm).

6. Area of Maintenance : The area of maintenance by the tenant is as shown

edged green on the plan in Attachment 25.

7. Tendered Usage6 : To be used only as Commercial School7, Medical Clinic

only. A change of use is not permitted.

8. Tenure : An initial tenancy term of three (3) years. Note: The

tenant may request to renew the tenancy for renewal

for two (2) further terms not exceeding three (3) years

each, but please take note that any renewal of the

tenancy upon its expiration shall be at the sole

discretion of the Government as landlord. (See

Condition 2 of the Conditions of Tender and clause 3.1

of the form of Tenancy Agreement8)

1 See Part 2 of this Invitation to Tender.

2 See Part 2 of this Invitation to Tender.

3 See Part 2 of this Invitation to Tender.

4 See Part 2 of this Invitation to Tender.

5 The plan is in Part 2 of this Invitation to Tender.

6 Usage that is not specified is not allowed.

7 Excludes Foreign System School and Childcare Centre/Kindergarten use

8 The form of Tenancy Agreement is attached as Appendix A in Part 1 of this Invitation to Tender.

PDR/ 2

9. Estimated Electrical Load9 : Existing maximum electrical load without the need for

a new substation is 2 MVA10.

10. Fire Insurance Policy : The tenant is required to take up a fire insurance policy

in the amount of $25,602,700/- for the initial three-year

tenancy term. The quantum is subject to revision at

each tenancy renewal, if any.

9 Subject to condition 9.1 in the Technical Information.

10 Existing maximum electrical load is based on the existing substation at Block G.



The contents herein are provided for the information of the Tenants only. Whilst every care and attention

has been taken in the compilation and preparation of all information, neither the Government of the

Republic of Singapore nor the Singapore Land Authority warrants that the contents herein represent all

the conditions and requirements of the relevant public authorities/Public Utility Licensees in respect of

the proposed project at the said premises or that they are free from errors or omissions whatsoever.

The contents herein are subject to changes by the relevant public authorities/Public Utility Licensees


A summary of the initial services requirements of the relevant public authorities/Public Utility

Licensees is set out herein. It serves only as an indication of the possible work involved with regards

to services, and is by no means exhaustive or final.


1.1 Diversion and Provision of Utilities Services

1.1.1 The Tenant shall ensure that the following requirements are complied with:-

(a) to consult and liaise directly with the relevant public authorities/Public

Utility Licensees regarding the actual locations of all service mains within

the said premises and on the requirements and conditions for services

diversion and provision, if any, prior to the commencement of site work.

All necessary precautions shall be taken by the Tenant to safeguard the

service mains before they are diverted.

(b) to ensure that all service mains that do not need to be diverted are

identified and provided with protection, if necessary, during the renovation

and preparation of site stage of the proposed project. The cost of repairs

to any damaged service main as a result of work carried out by the Tenant

shall be borne by the Tenant.

(c) to make his own arrangements with the relevant public authorities/Public

Utility Licensees and pay for the cost of any diversion and/or “capping off”

of existing services, provision of service mains and connection fees if any,

in connection with the proposed project.

(d) to consult and liaise directly with the relevant public authorities/Public

Utility Licensees to provide all the internal distribution for water, electricity,

drainage and sanitary discharge for the proposed project at the said


1.1.2 In general, no structure shall be sited close to or over existing/proposed services.

The Tenant shall comply with all the necessary requirements as stipulated by

the relevant public authorities/Public Utility Licensees.

1.1.3 The Tenant shall at his own expense install separate utility meters and pay for

consumption of utility direct to the Public Utilities Board (PUB), SP Services Ltd

and SP PowerGrid Ltd.

1.1.4 The Tenant shall at his own cost and expense make his own arrangements with

the relevant service Departments or public authorities and shall pay for his own


service connection including any diversion and provision of service mains and

shall provide for his own internal distribution for water, electricity and sanitary

discharge including sewer line, construction of substation or transformer in

connection with the proposed usage. Any new service lines serving the said

premises shall be contained within the site boundary.

1.1.5 The Tenant shall also comply with the requirements of the relevant Departments

or public authorities in relation to his service requirements such as provision of

an electrical substation or transformer room etc if required by SP PowerGrid Ltd.

1.1.6 If required by SP PowerGrid Ltd, the Tenant shall construct a new electrical

substation within the said premises bided at his own cost and arrangements and

with the approval from SP PowerGrid Ltd.

1.1.7 The Tenant shall liaise with the Telecommunication System Licensee under the

provision of current Telecommunications Act, for the telecommunication supply

to the proposed development.

1.1.8 The Tenant shall provide all facilities for telecommunication services, such as

MDF room, Telecom riser ducts, lead-in pipes and manholes etc, within the said

premises. All Telecom facilities shall be provided according to the prevailing

Infocomm Development Authority (IDA) of Singapore “Code of Practice for Info-

communications Facilities in Buildings”.

1.1.9 The Tenant is advised to approach the Telecommunication Facility Co-ordination

Committee (TFCC) and StarHub Cable Vision Ltd (SCV) early during the

planning stage of the proposed development, for consultation on the location and

diversion of existing Telecom services with the Telecommunication System

Licensees, proposed connection and design of Telecom facilities. The detailed

Telecom facilities shall be submitted and duly verified by TFCC and SCV and

approved by the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore prior to

commencement of works.

1.1.10 The Tenant is required to engage a licensed telecommunication cable detection

worker to locate and trace existing telecommunication plant routes by digging

trial holes or by detection equipment before commencement of earthworks in the

vicinity of telecommunication cables.


2.1 Roads & Parking

2.1.1 LTA requires the Tenant to de-conflict their operational hours with the local

commuter peak hours. LTA requires the Tenant to start their operations at

9.30am or later.

2.1.2 The total combined trips arising from the said premises should not exceed 50

to 100 passenger car unit (1 car = 1pcu; 1 bus = 1.6 pcu for small bus to 2.5

pcu for big bus) per hour during morning and evening peak hours (i.e. 7-9am

and 5.30-7.30pm). The tenant is required to submit details of traffic and

demand management measures to LTA for comments and approval


2.1.3 The Tenant is also required to comply with the following requirements from


i. To provide sufficiently long internal driveway as the road fronting the

side with proposed access is a two lane one way road with parking on

one side of the road.

ii. Traffic demand should be sufficiently evaluated and contained strictly

within the said premises’ internal driveway.

iii. If Electronic Parking System (EPS) is proposed, the auto barriers are to

be set back deeper than 2 car length to facilitate traffic queue to be

within the said premises and not spilled over onto the public road.


3.1 Pollution Control

3.1.1 Sewage and sullage water from the proposed uses shall be discharged into the

public sewer. The use of on-site sewage treatment plant is not acceptable. The

potential users of the proposed site should check with PUB(WRN) on point of

sewer connection and the allowable discharge rate.

3.1.2 For F&B/Canteen/Café, the use shall comply with the Code of Practice on

Environmental Health, including the terms and conditions of the licence issued by

NEA. Also, wastewater from the kitchen shall be discharged into public sewer via

a grease trap, which will have to be located outside food handling/preparation


3.1.3 For proposed uses such as campsite, adventure camps and sports & recreation,

the potential users shall undertake to ensure that the proposed uses will not cause

any noise disturbance to the people residing in the vicinity. All noisy activities shall

be carried out within enclosed buildings equipped with noise mitigating measures

so as to retain the present ambient noise level in the area.

3.1.4 The location, siting and operation of the M&E equipment at the said premises shall

not pose nuisance problems to the nearby residential area. The noise emitted

from operations of M&E equipment shall comply with the noise limits specified in

the Guidelines on Boundary Noise Limits for Centralised Air-Conditioning and

Mechanical Ventilation Systems in Non-Industrial Buildings. A copy of the

Guidelines may be viewed at

http://www.nea.gov.sg/cms/pcd/noise_guidelines1.pdf. Details of the mitigation

measures shall be submitted before installation / implementation to CBPU for


3.1.5 Any A&A works to be carried out shall not pose any dust or noise nuisance to the

neighbouring premises. Noise & dust mitigating measures shall be put in place,

where necessary to avert any potential complaints.

3.1.6 The proposed use shall comply with all the applicable requirements and provisions

of the Singapore Standard on Code of Practice for Pollution Control (i.e.

SS593:2013), the Code of Practice on Environmental Health, the Code of Practice

on Sewerage and Sanitary Works, the Code of Practice on Surface Water


Drainage, the Code of Practice for the Control of Legionella Bacteria in Cooling

Towers, the Guidelines on Boundary Noise Limits for Air-Conditioning and

Mechanical Ventilation Systems in Non-Industrial Buildings, the Environmental

Protection and Management Act, the Environmental Public Health Act, the

Sewerage and Drainage Act, the Energy Conservation Act and their Regulations.


4.1 Trees & Plantings

4.1.1 Should there be any development plans, the Tenant shall adhere to all of NParks'

standard requirements and ensure that all trees with girths of more than 1 metre

measured 0.5 metres from the ground, which are growing or situated on any land

designated as a tree conservation area or on any vacant land pursuant to the Parks

& Trees Act (Cap.216), whether such trees are on the said premises, or on any

neighbouring or adjoining land, or along any common boundary line of such land or

lands, shall be protected, unless otherwise approved by NParks for removal.

4.1.2 The existing and/or future standard roadside green verge as well as green buffer

within the adjacent development should not be affected when these commuter

facilities are implemented.

4.1.3 The Tenant shall comply with requirements for green buffers and 2-metre wide

peripheral planting verges. The green buffers and peripheral planting verges must

be free from any encroachment above ground, and/or any structures or services are

to be recessed to at least 2-metre below ground level, and are not to slope with

gradients steeper than 1:2.5.

4.1.4 The Tenant shall consult NParks’ Parks and Trees Regulatory Branch early at the

planning and design stage on the felling of any trees that may be affected by the

said premises with a copy of recently surveyed plan of the site (of less than 2 years)

and its peripheral roads, at a scale of at least 1:500, clearly indicating information

on tree species, height and girth.

4.1.5 The Tenant shall ensure that existing/proposed roadside trees and green verge(s)

abutting the said premises are not to be affected, especially by storage/vehicular

lanes, services access, bus stops, and any other statutory requirements to divert or

reconstruct services or road features/elements, etc. Similarly, the Tenant shall

ensure that pick-up/drop-off points, taxi lay-bys, loading/unloading bays and fire

engine hard-standing areas are to be located within the said premises. The Tenant

shall consult NParks on the tree protection criteria of the roadside trees during early

planning and design stage.

4.2 Land Reinstatement Requirements

4.2.1 The field shall be flat and free of construction debris, backfilled with 600mm of loamy

soil. Where necessary, rolling shall be carried out to ensure that the level of the land

is uniform throughout.

4.2.2 Only Axonopus compresses (cow grass) is acceptable as for the reinstatement of

the turf. The Tenant shall note that only close turfing will be acceptable.


4.2.3 All turfing shall be regularly watered, weeded and maintained until fully established

for inspection. The Tenant shall refrain from cutting the turf for 7 days after the last

cutting and ensure the turf to be free of weeds, prior to handing over to NParks for


4.2.4 Please contact Mr Chen Yiping at chen_yiping@nparks.gov.sg for further details.


5.1 Drainage

5.1.1 The said premises is not affected by the current drainage scheme.

5.1.2 The minimum platform level shall be 300mm above the existing adjacent road

levels or ground levels or any other levels as determined by PUB as in clause

2.1 of the latest 6th edition of Code of Practice on Surface Water Drainage

(COP), whichever is the highest. Any proposal to level/backfill the subject site

shall be submitted to the Department for comments and approval..

5.1.3 The existing drainage system shall not be altered or interfered with unless

specific written approval is obtained from the Department. Any proposal affecting

the existing drainage system shall be submitted to the Department for comments

and approval.

5.1.4 The design and construction of the proposed use/development within the said

premises shall not cause damage or affect the structural integrity of the outlet

drain/roadside drains.

5.1.5 The Tenant must ensure that the runoff within, upstream of and adjacent to the

said premises can be effectively drained away without causing flooding within

the said premises and in the vicinity of the said premises.

5.1.6 ABC Waters Programme

PUB has in 2006 launched the Active, Beautiful and Clean Waters (ABC Waters)

Programme. As part of the Programme, PUB has launched ABC Waters design

guidelines which provide ideas on how natural runoff treatment systems termed

ABC Waters design features such as rain gardens, vegetated swales and

bioretention swales can be integrated within a development. These features

detain/ slow down stormwater runoff and improve water quality by using plants

and soil. They also enhance landscape and biodiversity of the development.

Specific information on the design of these features can be found at the website


5.1.7 Industrial, commercial, institutional and residential developments greater than or

equal to 0.2 hectares in size are required to control the peak runoff discharged

from the said premises. The maximum allowable peak runoff to be discharged

to the public drains will be calculated based on a runoff coefficient of 0.55, and

for design storms with a return period of 10 years and for various storm durations

of up to 4 hours (inclusive). Peak runoff reduction can be achieved through the

implementation of ABC Waters design features and structural detention and

retention features, such as:


I. Detention tanks;

II. Retention/sedimentation ponds;

III. Wetlands;

IV. Green roofs;

V. Planter boxes;

VI. Bioretention swales;

VII. Porous pavements;

VIII. Bioretention basins or rain gardens, etc.

The Qualified Person (QP) shall be required to submit details (calculations

and/or hydraulic model results) showing how the proposed system meets the

required peak runoff rates. Due consideration shall be given to meeting ABC

Waters stormwater quality objectives, which will often require treatment of

stormwater runoff using ABC Waters design features. For design guidance on

the ABC Waters design features, the Tenant can refer to the ABC Waters

Guidelines and relevant chapters in the Engineering Procedures, available on

the PUB website.

5.1.8 PUB encourages the implementation of ABC Waters design features in the

development as well as the achievement of ABC Waters certification.

Information regarding ABC Waters Certification can be found via the link:


If applicable, the design and construction supervision of ABC Waters design

features as well as drawing up the maintenance plan for these features shall be

carried out by an ABC Waters Professional.

Please contact Ms Ong Geok Suat (ong_geok_suat@pub.gov.sg) and Ms Enid

Chen (enid_chen@pub.gov.sg) for issues related to ABC Waters design


5.1.9 The planning, design, construction activities and procedures for plan submission

shall comply fully with the requirements as stipulated in the current edition of the

Code of Practice on Surface Water Drainage and the Sewerage and Drainage

(Surface Water Drainage) Regulations 2007. The Tenant may download the

latest version of the COP from the PUB website


5.1.10 Effective erosion and sediment control measures shall be provided by the

Tenant and the QP shall advise the Tenant to provide such effective measures

and facilities with inputs from Qualified Erosion Control Professional (including

site management system and perimeter cut-off drain, silt traps, storage ponds,

treatment plants, etc) to ensure clean discharge that complies with the statutory

requirement. The proposed erosion and sediment control measures shall be

submitted by a Qualified Erosion Control Professional (QECP) to Public Utilities

Board before commencement of works. All affected watercourses shall be de-

silted and cleared until completion of work. For reference, the information can

be found in the website https://www.pub.gov.sg/drainage/earthcontrolmeasures.


5.2 Sewerage

5.2.1 The Tenant may need to make a new sewer connection to the public sewer if

the existing sewers are found to be inadequate due to the increase in used water

discharge from the additional population.

5.2.2 The following existing sewerage facilities are in the close proximity of the said


i. Existing 150mm, 300mm and 375mm diameter sewers within the vicinity

of the said premises.

ii. The plan in attachment 4 showing the approximate locations of the

sewerage infrastructure within/in the vicinity of the said premises, is for

reference only.

5.2.3 No structures / piling / retaining structure (whether temporary or permanent) shall

be sited close to or over the existing sewers. All new structures shall be kept as

far away from the existing sewers as possible and no nearer than the following

minimum lateral clearances from the centerline / outer edge of the sewer pipe:

Sewer Pipe

Diameter (mm)

Nett Clearance Required

150 to 600

(depth ≤3m)

1.0m from outer edge of any structure to centerline of

sewer pipe

150 to 600

(depth > 3m to 5m)

1.5m from outer edge of any structure to centerline of

sewer pipe

150 to 600

(depth > 5m)

2.0m from outer edge of any structure to centerline of

sewer pipe

5.2.4 It is critical to note that no building works, including preliminary activities like trial

trench, soil investigation works, earthwork, excavation/digging, piling, ground

drilling/penetration works, etc shall commence within the required setback for

the sewer until a written clearance from PUB has been obtained.

5.2.5 The Tenant must check for the presence of public sewerage pipelines by

referring to the Sewer Information Plan (SIP) which can be purchased online

through the PUB’s website at


servicesplans. Please note that the sewerage information in SIPs is indicative

and for reference only. A thorough site investigation, including trial trenches,

shall be carried out to determine the exact position and levels of the existing

sewers prior to commencement of any works.

5.2.6 The Tenant shall comply with PUB’s general requirements for protection of the

existing sewers, pumping mains and DTSS tunnels & structures. The standard

advisory note to the Tenant on the procedure and requirements to prevent the

sewerage system from being damaged by construction activities can be found

in PUB website at https://www.pub.gov.sg/Documents/WRN_AdvisoryNotes.pdf

5.2.9 PUB(WRN) shall be consulted on any proposed works in the vicinity of the

existing sewerage system i.e. within the excavation/piling works' influence zone

or a corridor of 25m/36m (DTSS tunnel & facilities) from the works to be carried

out. The guideline on ‘Prevention of Damage to The Sewerage System’ can be

found in PUB website at

https://www.pub.gov.sg/Documents/WRN_AdvisoryNotes.pdf. Before the

commencement of works, the Tenant is required to submit a notification for the


commencement of works to our Network Management Branch (NMB) at least 7

days before the commencement of any excavation works near any sewers or

sewerage system.

5.3 Water

5.3.1 Any changes to the existing internal reticulation system of the said premises

shall be carried out in compliance with the following requirements:

i. The design of the water service installation shall comply with Public

Utilities (Water Supply) Regulations, Singapore Standard CP 48 – The

Code of Practice for Water Services and all statutory requirements.

ii. Where pumping system or storage tanks are required for the water

services, a Professional Engineer must submit the Notification of Water

Service Work together with a set of drawings to Water Supply (Network)

Department. If all the fittings in the water service installation are

receiving direct water supply from PUB mains, then a licensed water

service plumber shall be engaged to submit the Notification of Water

Service Work and a set of the drawings to our Department prior to

commencement of the installation work.

iii. Water pipes and fittings to be used in the said premises shall comply

with standards stipulated by PUB.

iv. The detailed water requirement for the said premises shall be submitted

to Water Supply (Network) Department if it is more than 1,000


v. Water conservation measures as stipulated in the Public Utilities (Water

Supply) Regulations and SS CP 48 – Code of Practice for Water

Services shall be adopted.

vi. Non-potable water should be used for non-potable purposes such as

irrigation, general washing, etc whenever possible.

vii. Water should be recycled wherever possible.


6.1 Security

6.1.1 a. The Tenant is encouraged to adopt measures stated in Attachment 5 from the

Singapore Police Force.



7.1 Fire Safety

7.1.1 b. The Tenant is required to comply with the Fire Safety Act and Regulations in

Attachment 6. Please consult the Fire Safety and Shelter Department (FSSD)

located at SCDF Headquarters for any clarification on Fire Safety requirements.

MHA’s no-objection is contingent on the fulfilment of the necessary FSSD




8.1 Height Restriction

8.1.1 d. The Tenant shall ensure that all developments, structures and fixtures on the said

premises shall not exceed the maximum height of 64m to 70m AMSL. Such

developments, structures and fixtures include those on the roof tops whether

permanent, temporary, transient or stationary(including but not limited to the

building superstructure, TV antennae, water tanks, lift motor rooms, cranes,

maintenance equipment, lightning conductors, moving objects, vegetation etc.)

and all construction equipment and temporary structures (including but not limited

to cranes, piling rigs, etc.) which shall all be subject to the same height limit.

Republic of Singapore Air Force’s (RSAF) clearance shall be sought for the use

of construction equipment and temporary structures above 48m AMSL (Email:



8.1.2 From civil aviation perspective, all development at the said premises shall not

exceed the maximum allowable height of 49.0m AMSL.

8.1.3 The said premises is in the vicinity of Tampines SAFRA. The Tenant is not to

encroach on MINDEF’s land boundary or affect any of its facilities, infrastructure

and services. The Tenant’s proposal must also not impose any constraint on

MINDEF or curtail its existing and future developments, operations and activities

in any way. In addition, the access road(s) leading to MINDEF’s premises must

not be obstructed at any point in time, including during the construction period.

Under no circumstances shall MINDEF be responsible for any loss, damage,

liability or expense incurred or suffered that is claimed to have resulted from siting

in proximity to the military premises.

8.1.4 The Tenant shall consult DSTA through URA -Development Control Group when

the detailed development plans are available. For any subsequent change of use

or minor A&A works, the Tenant is still required to seek clearance from DSTA for

the proposal. No change of use and A/A works shall commence without DSTA’s

prior approval.



9.1 Electricity

9.1.1 There are underground electricity cables in the vicinity of the said premises. If

the Tenant have to carry out earthworks in the vicinity of the cables, his

contractors shall engage the services of licensed cable detection workers to

carry out the cable detection work prior to the commencement of earthworks.

All necessary precautionary measures must be taken to prevent damaging the

cables at the work site. The contractors can contact Earthworks Surveillance &

Patrolling Section’s Mr Chen Jianhong, Senior Engineer at Tel no. 64700602

regarding cable damage preventive measures. The contractors are required to

submit notices to the service provider at least 7 days prior to earthworks

(including trial trenches) in the vicinity of high voltage electricity cables under

the provisions of current Electricity Act.

9.1.2 The Tenant’s contractors are advised to acquire a set of drawings for the

electricity cables around the proposed work area. For further details on cable

plan requests, please contact Mr Ismail, Technical Officer of Earthworks

Monitoring & Cable Protection Section at Tel No. 64700660.

9.1.3 For proposed earthworks which are likely to affect the cables and need cable

diversion/protection/suspension etc, after the cable detection work is done, the

contractors can contact the following officers:

• For 22kV and below cables, please contact Mr Jay Tay Zhi Wen, Principal

Engineer of Distribution Network East Section at Tel No. 67272421 or email:


• For 66kV cables, please contact Mr Ng Lay Ho, Principal Engineer of Regional

Network East 66kV Section at Tel No. 67273222 or email:


• For 230kV and above cables, please contact Mr Richard Ngo, Principal

Engineer of Extra High Voltage Network Section at Tel No. 67272583 or email:


The contractors shall notify SP PowerGrid 6 months before the commencement

of earthworks affecting distribution cables and 24 months if the work involves

transmission cables (66kV and above). The cost of cable diversion / protection

/ suspension incurred by SP PowerGrid shall be borne by the Tenant. The

contractors shall not commence the proposed earthworks until the affected

cables are diverted/protected/suspended.

9.1.4 Please consult Mr Lau Siang Loon, Senior Engineer of Distribution Planning

Section at Tel No. 69168631 or email: siangloon@spgroup.com.sg if you need

information on substation and connection requirement, etc. for your proposal

and Mr Bob Tan, Principal Engineer of Distribution Planning Section at Tel No.

69168452 or email: bobtan@spgroup.com.sg for matters on substations to

make way for redevelopment works.

9.1.5 If further clarification is needed, please contact Mr Chen Jianhong, Senior

Engineer of Earthworks Surveillance & Patrolling Section at Tel no. 64700602

or email: jianhong@spgroup.com.sg


9.2 Gas

9.2.1 There are existing gas pipelines in the vicinity of the said premises.

9.2.2 For further enquiries pertaining to the existing gas pipelines, please email to


9.2.3 Enclosed Attachment 7 “Requirement for Distribution Gas Mains Diversion

Works” for information.

9.2.4 Existing gas plan(s) can be purchased on request from Mapping & Earthworks

Administration, SP PowerGrid Ltd, Pasir Panjang District Office, 25 Pasir

Panjang Road, S(117536) at Tel: 6470 0603 / 6470 0621.

9.3 Telecommunications

9.3.1 SP Telecom (SPT) has existing services in the area of the said premises.

9.3.2 SPT have enclosed an A3-size plant map in Attachment 8 showing the existing

services in the area for reference. The Tenant or its contractor is also advised

to acquire the latest plant map from SPT before carrying out earthworks near

to the services.

9.3.3 For proposed earthworks that are likely to affect the subducts and optical fibre

cables and require diversion/protection/suspension work, etc to be carried out,

after the cable detection work is done the contractor can contact Mr Mohd

Amin, at 67272359 for discussion.

9.3.4 In addition, SP Telecom’s requirements for civil works near their pipe/duct

network are as follows:

(a) Manual trial hole tests must be conducted in the vicinity if

excavation work is near their pipes/ducts and to inform SPT

immediately should their pipes/ducts be affected.

(b) To inform SPT in writing whether any of the proposed works affect

SPT’s existing uPVC pipe/HDPE duct infrastructure or manhole.

(c) The Tenant shall advise their contractor to take extra precaution in

the course of excavation work and to inform SPT immediately if

there is any damage done to their infrastructure.

(d) Do disseminate information regarding SPT’s pipe/duct layout to all

relevant parties involved in earthworks such as main-contractor,

sub-contractors, machine operators, etc.

(e) Do note that the depth of SPT’s pipes/ducts varies due to site


(f) Do inform SPT on the dismantling of supports and backfilling

procedure over their pipe/duct infrastructure.


(g) Do provide and maintain visible markings using tapes or poles

indicating the actual position of SPT’s pipes/ducts within the

construction site whenever the pipes/ducts are affected.

(h) Do note that the time needed to carry the plant diversion work range

from 6 to 18 months and the Tenant shall bear the full cost of the


(i) Do refer to the website at www.singaporepower.com.sg for

information on procedures for earthworks and purchase of plant


9.4 Address

9.4.1 The Tenant is to apply, at his own cost, to the IRAS for an official address of

the said premises.


10.1 Development Control Guidelines

7.1.1 The Tenant shall comply with all relevant Development Control Guidelines (e.g.

quantum control, planning conditions, etc), modifications thereto, and other

requirements of all relevant public authorities in respect of the proposed

development which have been issued or may be issued from time to time by the

Competent Authority under the provision of current Planning Act.

7.1.2 The Tenant will be required under the Planning Act to apply to the Development

Control Group (DCG), URA, for Use/Planning Permission after the proposed

use(s) is approved by the Singapore Land Authority.

7.1.3 The length of time for temporary use of the said premises, if approved by URA, is

determined from the date of formal Development Control approval issued by URA.

Upon expiry of the planning permission, the approved use shall cease unless the

permission is extended.

7.1.4 Except with the prior written approval(s) from the relevant authorities and provided

that exceptional circumstances exist, the Tenant shall not increase Gross Floor

Area (GFA) nor construct new structures. The overall plot ratio or the declared

estimated GFA is to be verified by the Tenant. The Tenant is to establish the

existing GFA and to submit the figure and survey plans showing the existing

approved GFA to URA for evaluation.

7.1.5 The use(s) of the said premises is subject to approval by URA. Once approved,

the authorised use would be granted TP, where applicable. The authorised use in

the TP shall not be changed to any other use(s) without the prior grant of TP by

the Competent Authority for the said change in use.

7.1.6 Temporary Permission (TP) from URA shall be cancelled if the use causes

disamenity, nuisance and/or inconvenience to the neighbourhood.



11.1 Visual Inspection Report

10.1.1 The Tenant shall engage a Professional Engineer to inspect the entire building(s)

and recommend whatever structural repairs necessary to restore and render the

building(s) safe for the proposed use(s). Structural repairs involving alterations

and/or additions or installations must comply with the Building Bye-Laws and the

rules and regulations of the Building and Construction Authority (BCA).

10.1.2 The attached report in Attachment 9 on visual inspection of the said premises

represents a dated opinion of a Professional Engineer (PE) engaged by the

Singapore Land Authority (SLA). This report has not been submitted to the BCA.

It is the PE's opinion on the general condition of the building(s) and the potential

rectification works required. It is made available for information only and should not

be considered as advice nor used to support any application or submission to any

relevant authority for any works which may be required at the said premises. SLA

and the Government make no representations and give no warranties of any nature

whatsoever in respect of the attached report including but not limited to the

accuracy or completeness of any information, facts, findings and/or opinions

contained therein. SLA and the Government shall not be held liable in any way for

the use of and/or reliance upon any of the information, facts, findings and/or

opinions contained in the attached report. Prospective tenants are expected to

engage their own Qualified Persons (QPs) to undertake a structural integrity study

based on their proposed use and building layout to ascertain the scope and cost of

works. The building plans need to be submitted to BCA for compliance with the

prevailing building codes at the prospective tenants’ cost.

11.2 Report on Fire Safety Requirements for Existing Buildings

10.2.1 The Tenant is required to submit relevant plans for fire safety works to Fire Safety

& Shelter Department (FSSD) for approval. The Tenant shall engage a Qualified

Person (QP) - a registered architect or professional engineer - to make formal

building plan submission to FSSD for approval. The QP may approach FSSD for

a walk-in consultation on the required fire safety requirements before making his

submission (if deemed necessary). The submission for the said premises shall

comply fully with the provisions stated in the prevailing Code of Practice for Fire

Safety Precautions in Buildings under the provision of current Fire Safety Act.

11.2.2 The attached report in Attachment 10 on fire safety requirements represents a

dated opinion of a Professional Engineer (PE) engaged by the Singapore Land

Authority (SLA). This report has not been submitted to FSSD. It is the PE's opinion

of the potential type of works required for the interim use(s) of the said premises.

It is made available for information only and should not be considered as advice

nor used to support any application or submission to any relevant authority for any

works which may be required at the said premises. SLA and the Government

make no representations and give no warranties of any nature whatsoever in

respect of the attached report including but not limited to the accuracy or

completeness of any information, facts, findings and/or opinions contained therein.

SLA and the Government shall not be held liable in any way for the use of and/or

reliance upon any of the information, facts, findings and/or opinions contained in

the attached report. Prospective tenants are expected to engage their own

Qualified Persons (QPs) to undertake a fire safety requirements study based on

their proposed use and building layout to ascertain the scope and cost of works.


The fire safety plans need to be submitted to FSSD for compliance with the

prevailing fire safety codes at the prospective tenants’ cost.

11.3 Availability of Building Drawings

11.3.1 Record of drawings on the said premises is available from the Building and

Construction Authority (BCA) at the prospective tenants' own cost. It could be the

architectural and/or structural drawings on the said premises, or drawings for

additions and alterations work to the said premises. For details on how to view or

obtain a copy of the drawings, prospective tenants may refer to the BCA website

at www.bca.gov.sg. Please note that the drawings lodged with BCA may not be

the most updated copy. SLA and the government will not be held responsible for

actions taken as a result of or in reliance upon any information in the drawings.

Prospective tenants are advised to independently verify the accuracy.

11.4 Report on Feasibility Study for the Proposed Site Parcellation


The attached report in Attachment 11 represents a dated opinion of a Professional

Engineer (PE) engaged by the Singapore Land Authority (SLA). This report has not

been submitted to any of the technical agencies for approval. It is the PE's opinion

of the potential works required for the interim use(s) of the said premises. It is

made available for information only and should not be considered as advice nor

used to support any application or submission to any relevant authority for any

works which may be required at the said premises. SLA and the Government make

no representations and give no warranties of any nature whatsoever in respect of

the attached report including but not limited to the accuracy or completeness of any

information, facts, findings and/or opinions contained therein. SLA and the

Government shall not be held liable in any way for the use of and/or reliance upon

any of the information, facts, findings and/or opinions contained in the attached

report. Prospective tenants are expected to engage their own Qualified Persons

(QPs) to undertake a feasibility study based on their proposed use and the building

layout to ascertain the actual scope and cost of works required.




In this Invitation to Tender (Tender No: SLA000/RT17-25/3-2/1696/1/1), the Singapore Land Authority,

(the “Authority”, which expression shall include its duly appointed employees, servants and agents,

and unless the context otherwise requires, the Government of the Republic of Singapore (the

“Government”)), as agent for and on behalf of the Government, in consultation with the Economic

Development Board, is inviting tenders for the rental of the property listed in the Tender Notice and more

particularly described in the Property Information (the “said premises”) for the use(s) as stated therein

on the following conditions:-

1 Conditions of Tender

1.1 The said premises are to be let out on an “as is where is” basis subject to all easements and

rights (if any) subsisting thereon but without any obligation on the part of the Authority to define

the same. The said premises should be viewed by tenderers and each tenderer shall in any

event be deemed to have tendered with full knowledge of the actual state, nature and conditions

thereof. Each tenderer shall also be deemed to have notice of the actual state, nature and

conditions of the said premises and the successful tenderer shall accept the said premises on

an “as is where is” basis as at the date that possession of the said premises is given to him

(please see Condition 12).

1.2 Tenderers are required to ascertain the exact and detailed conditions and requirements of all

relevant government agencies, public authorities and Public Utility Licensees in respect of the

proposed use of the said premises and shall at their own cost and expense observe and comply

with the same.

1.3 The layout plans of the said premises are attached only as a guide. All aspects of the plans,

details, guidelines, dimensions, descriptions and proposals given in these plans are subject to

deletions, alterations, amendments, variations, and revisions without prior notice. Tenderers

should determine the internal layout of the said premises based on the actual layout on site.

1.4 Tenderers shall assume that plans or drawings that are not included in this Invitation to Tender

are deemed not available as it is the responsibility of the successful tenderer to appoint

professional consultant(s), at his own cost, to produce the necessary plans or drawings for

submission to the relevant government agencies and public authorities.

1.5 No error, omission or mis-statement in this Invitation to Tender (whether affecting the area of

the said premises or not) shall invalidate any tender submitted or any Tenancy Agreement

executed by the successful tenderer nor shall the same discharge the successful tenderer from

any of his obligations (whether under the agreement for the Tenancy, the Tenancy Agreement,

at law or in equity) or entitle him to any compensation whatsoever or to any reduction of the

tendered monthly rent.

1.6 Each tenderer shall be taken to have read and shall be bound with full notice and knowledge of

the contents of this Invitation to Tender and any plans, drawings, reports and other documents

referred to, mentioned in, appended or annexed to the same, made by the Authority prior to the

Closing Date (as defined in Condition 3.4). All references herein to this Invitation to Tender

shall be deemed to include such documents as added to, varied or amended as aforesaid.



2 Terms of Tenancy

2.1 The successful tenderer shall, subject to the provisions of this Invitation to Tender, be granted

a tenancy of the said premises for an initial term of three (3) years (the “Tenancy”) on the terms

and conditions contained in the form of Tenancy Agreement in Appendix A of these Conditions

of Tender (the form of Tenancy Agreement in Appendix A to be referred to in these Conditions

of Tender as the “Tenancy Agreement”). The tenant (i.e. the successful tenderer, or where

approval has been granted pursuant to Condition 11, the New Company) may request for a

renewal of the Tenancy but please take note that any such renewal shall be at the sole discretion

of the Government as landlord. Please refer to clause 3.1 of the Tenancy Agreement.

2.2 The Tenancy and the rent-free period (if any) shall commence on such dates to be specified in

the Tenancy Agreement to be executed by the tenant (Please refer to Condition 8 and

Schedule 1 of the Tenancy Agreement).

3 Submission of Tender

3.1 The tender documents for the said premises may be downloaded from the State Property

Information Online (SPIO) website (http://www.sla.gov.sg/spio).

3.2 Each tenderer is allowed to submit only one (1) tender. The tenderer shall not, whether directly

or indirectly by himself, agent or in any other way submit more than one (1) tender for the said

premises and should the tenderer do so, all his tenders shall be disqualified.

3.3 A tender deposit equivalent to the tendered monthly rent (rounded up to the next nearest

dollar) by way of a crossed Cashier’s Order/Money Order made in favour of the

"COMMISSIONER OF LANDS" shall be enclosed with each tender submitted. Any

tendered monthly rent submitted in dollars and cents will be rounded up to the next nearest

dollar for administrative expediency. Tenders submitted without a tender deposit shall be

disqualified. Tender deposits paid in cash will not be accepted. The tender deposit shall

be forfeited in full if the tenderer attempts to withdraw his tender after the Closing Date or if the

tenderer does not comply with the terms and conditions contained in this Invitation to Tender.

The tender deposit of the successful tenderer shall also be forfeited if the Tenancy Agreement

is not executed within the time period stipulated in this Invitation to Tender. For unsuccessful

tenderers, the tender deposit shall be refunded without interest and sent by post to the address

as stated in the Form of Tender and thereafter, such unsuccessful tenderers shall have no claim

whatsoever against the Authority. The Authority will not be held liable for any returned tender

deposit that is lost in the post.

3.4 Each tenderer shall submit his tender including the completed Form of Tender and Tender Brief

and all supporting documents referred to in the Form of Tender and Tender Brief NOT later than

11.00 am on 21 Nov 2017 (the “Closing Date”), in a sealed envelope labelled with the envelope

label cover provided in this Invitation to Tender and deposited into Tender Box No. 1 located in

the office of the Authority at 55 Newton Road #12-01, Revenue House, Singapore 307987. The

timing for the close of this Invitation to Tender will be based on the official time display at the

Singapore Land Authority at 55 Newton Road, #12-01 Revenue House, Singapore 307987. Any

tender submitted after 11.00 am on the Closing Date shall be disqualified and shall not be


3.5 Tenders shall be submitted in the name of:

(a) an individual;

(b) all the partners of a firm;



(c) the trustee(s) of a society (hereinafter referred to as “society”);

(d) a limited liability partnership;

(e) a company; or

(f) a corporation.

Except where the tenderer falls within Condition 3.5(b) or (c) above, tenders submitted in two

(2) or more joint names may be disqualified.

3.6 Tenderers shall only submit a lump sum figure as the tendered monthly rent. Any

breakdown or itemisation of the tendered monthly rent shall be disregarded, and where the

tenderer has not submitted a lump sum figure as the tendered monthly rent, the tenderer shall

be deemed to have submitted a lump sum figure as the tendered monthly rent for the duration

of the initial 3-year term of the Tenancy based on the aggregate sum of all itemised figures.

3.7 If there is any discrepancy between the tendered monthly rent inserted in the Form of Tender

and the tendered monthly rent stated in other documents, the tendered monthly rent in the Form

of Tender shall prevail. If there is any discrepancy between the tendered monthly rent inserted

in words and figures in the Form of Tender, the tendered monthly rent in words shall prevail.

3.8 Upon request by the Authority, tenderers may be required to submit a plan showing their

proposed concept for the said premises as well as their proposed layout and

renovation/decoration of the interior of the said premises.

3.9 Proof of Income

Tenderers are required to submit as proof of income and financial status, the following


(a) (where the tenderer is a company, limited liability partnership, society, firm or corporation

but is not required by law to audit its financial statements) the tenderer’s financial

statements for the last two (2) years (including profit and loss accounts, balance sheets

and cash flow statements); or

(b) (where the tenderer is a company, limited liability partnership, society, firm or corporation

but is required by law to audit its financial statements) the tenderer’s audited financial

statements for the last two (2) years (including profit and loss accounts, balance sheets

and cash flow statements); or

(c) (where the tenderer is an individual), a copy of his notice of income tax assessment for

the last two (2) years.

3.10 In the event that the Authority seeks clarification from a tenderer on any aspect of his tender,

the tenderer shall provide a full and comprehensive written response within seven (7) days (the

"stipulated time") after the date of such written request(s) from the Authority. The Authority

reserves the right to disregard any response received after the stipulated time, regardless of the

cause of the delay.

4 Proposed Use(s)

4.1 Each tenderer shall state his proposed use(s) for the said premises on the Form of Tender.

Such proposed use shall be one or more or all the use(s) as stated in the Tender Notice.



4.2 The Authority shall not be held responsible and liable in the event the relevant authorities refuse

to grant approval for the said use(s).

4.2 Any tender submission proposing any use(s) other than that as specified in the Tender Notice

and the Property Information shall be disqualified. Without prejudice to the foregoing, any tender

proposing the use of the said premises for religious or racial activities or any purpose/events

related to any religious or racial bodies/organizations shall be disqualified.

5 Eligibility of Tenderers

5.1 The tenderer must have the necessary experience in the operation of businesses or

management of properties related to his proposed usage for the said premises. For example, a

tenderer must show proof of his experience in operating or managing commercial properties in

the case of a proposed usage for commercial use of the said premises or in the case of a

proposed usage for plant nurseries/plant sales centre, he must show proof of his experience in

the operation of plant nurseries/plant sales centre. For the avoidance of doubt, the Authority

may consider other relevant factors in deciding whether or not to accept a tender by the tenderer.

5.2 The tenderer must be of sound financial status.

6 Warranty by the Successful Tenderer and Every Tenderer

6.1 Every tenderer shall be deemed to warrant and represent that he does not fall within any of the

categories of persons, companies, limited liability partnerships, societies or corporations

appended hereunder and does not represent or act on behalf of any persons, companies, limited

liability partnerships, societies or corporations appended hereunder:

(a) Persons under the age of 21;

(b) Persons, companies, limited liability partnerships, societies or corporations debarred from

public sector contracts for any line of business;

(c) Persons against whom a bankruptcy application has been presented in the High Court;

(d) Persons adjudicated bankrupt or persons against whom an application under the

Bankruptcy Act for an interim order has been made;

(e) Mentally disordered persons;

(f) Companies, limited liability partnerships and corporations against which an application

for winding up has been presented in the High Court or which are in liquidation, whether

compulsory or voluntary (except for the purpose of amalgamation or reconstruction when


(g) Companies, limited liability partnerships, societies and corporations placed under

receivership and a receiver appointed to manage the affairs;

(h) Companies for which an application has been made for the appointment of a judicial

manager or companies placed under judicial management or companies that have

entered into a scheme of arrangement with its creditors;



(i) Persons, companies, limited liability partnerships, societies or corporations, including their

shareholders and directors (for companies or corporations which are not public listed

companies or corporations) and their partners (or limited liability partnerships), who are

or have been tenants of State properties and who have monies owing to the Government;


(j) Public listed companies or corporations (including their directors) who are or have been

tenants of State properties and who have monies owing to the Government.

6.2 If the successful tenderer shall, at any time, be found to fall within any of the categories of

persons, companies, limited liability partnerships, societies or corporations stipulated in

Condition 6.1, or represents or acts on behalf of any person, company, limited liability

partnership, society or corporation falling within any of the categories of persons, companies

limited liability partnerships, societies or corporations stipulated in Condition 6.1, the Authority

shall, without prejudice to any other rights or remedies available to the Authority whether under

the agreement for the Tenancy or the Tenancy Agreement, at law or in equity, be entitled to and

may at any time –

(a) terminate the agreement for the Tenancy or the Tenancy Agreement (as the case may

be) by giving notice to the successful tenderer, in which event all monies paid pursuant

to these Conditions of Tender (including any deposit) shall be forfeited and belong to the

Authority; and

(b) re-let the said premises, whether by public auction or private treaty or by tender or offer,

subject to such conditions and generally in such manner as the Authority may in its

absolute discretion think fit, and all losses and expenses incurred in connection with or

arising from a re-letting or attempted re-letting, including (without limitation) any loss or

deficiency of rent arising from such re-letting, shall be made good and paid for by the

successful tenderer to the Authority and shall be recoverable by the Authority against the

successful tenderer as damages, but any increase in rent on a re-letting shall belong to

the Authority absolutely.

7 Goods & Services Tax

7.1 The tendered monthly rent as stated in the Form of Tender shall be EXCLUSIVE of any goods

and services tax (“GST”). Any GST which is payable on the rent or any other taxable goods and

services supplied under the agreement for the Tenancy or the Tenancy Agreement shall be paid

separately by the successful tenderer, as and when required by the Authority.

7A Evaluation Criteria

7A.1 The selection of the successful tenderer shall be based on the evaluation criteria and method

set out in Appendix A-3, and any other relevant factors as the Authority may deem fit.

7A.2 If, upon evaluation in accordance with the criteria and method set out in Appendix A-3, it is

found that two (2) or more tenderers have the same highest combined scores (collectively,

the “Tied Bidders”), the Authority may (at its absolute discretion), on or before the expiry of the

Validity Period stipulated in Condition 9.1, decide to carry out a random ballot (the “Ballot”) to

determine the successful tenderer from among the Tied Bidders. If the Authority decides to carry

out such a Ballot, the Authority shall notify the Tied Bidders of the date and time for the Ballot.

The Authority shall proceed with the Ballot at the specified time (notwithstanding that any of the

Tied Bidders may be absent at the specified time) to select the successful tenderer from among



the Tied Bidders. The Authority shall not be obliged to respond to or entertain any query or

request made by any Tied Bidder as to the conduct of the Ballot on any ground whatsoever.

8 Acceptance of Tender

8.1 The Authority reserves the right at any time to withdraw this Invitation to Tender without being

liable for any costs, damages, losses, fees, charges, expenses or compensation or any nature


8.2 The Authority does not bind itself to accept the highest, the whole, or part or any tender. All

costs and expenses incurred in connection with any tender shall be borne by the tenderer.

8.3 The issue by the Authority of a letter of acceptance (the “Letter of Acceptance”) accepting a

tenderer’s tender (which includes, without limitation, the tenderer’s proposal (the “Proposal”)

submitted as part of the tender) shall create a binding agreement for the Tenancy with the

tenderer, on the terms and conditions as contained in these Conditions of Tender, the Tenancy

Agreement, and the tenderer’s tender as accepted by the Authority in its Letter of Acceptance.

The Letter of Acceptance may be issued to the successful tenderer’s address given in his Form

of Tender and sent to him at that address by post, and the Letter of Acceptance so sent shall

be deemed to have been received by the addressee in due course by post. The date of the

Letter of Acceptance issued by the Authority to the successful tenderer shall be deemed to be

the date of acceptance by the Authority of the successful tenderer’s tender.

8.4 The successful tenderer or (where approval has been granted pursuant to Condition 11) the

New Company, shall execute the Tenancy Agreement (in duplicate) and make payment of the

rent and other amounts required under the Tenancy Agreement within twenty-eight (28) days of

the date of the Letter of Acceptance;

8.5 The successful tenderer or (where approval has been granted pursuant to Condition 11) the

New Company shall, within twenty-eight (28) days after the date of the Letter of Acceptance,

forward all of the following to the Authority:

(a) the duly signed Tenancy Agreement (in duplicate) in the form set out in Appendix A of

this Invitation to Tender;

(b) a banker’s guarantee issued by an MAS-approved bank in the form set out in Appendix

A-2 of this Invitation to Tender, for an amount equivalent to the Security Deposit (as

defined in Condition 8.6),


an insurance performance bond/guarantee issued by an MAS-approved insurance

company in the form set out in Appendix A-2 of this Invitation to Tender, for an amount

equivalent to the Security Deposit,


a Cashier’s Order/Money Order made in favour of "COMMISSIONER OF LANDS" for an

amount equivalent to the Security Deposit;

(c) a Cheque, Cashier's Order or a Money Order made in favour of “COMMISSIONER OF

LANDS” for an amount equivalent to the GST payable on the tendered monthly rent;



(d) a certificate of Stamp Duty issued by the Inland Revenue of Singapore (IRAS) in respect

of the stamp fee paid on the Tenancy Agreement;

(e) the duly completed and signed GIRO and direct credit authorisation forms in the

prescribed form set out in the Letter of Acceptance; and

(f) a fire insurance policy for the amount stated in the Property Information.

8.6 At the time of executing the Tenancy Agreement, the successful tenderer, or (where approval

has been granted pursuant to Condition 11) the New Company shall pay a Security Deposit of

at least three (3) months’ rent. The Authority may, in its absolute discretion, increase the

quantum of the required Security Deposit up to a maximum of the equivalent of six (6) months’


8.7 Tenderers may, before submitting their tenders, appoint a registered surveyor to survey the

gross floor area of the said premises. The cost of each survey shall be borne by the respective

tenderers. The absence of an independent survey shall not be a ground or excuse for delay in

the payment of monies due under these Conditions of Tender, nor shall it be a ground for delay

in executing the Tenancy Agreement.

8.8 The monthly rent payable for the said premises under the Tenancy Agreement shall be the

tendered monthly rent stipulated in the successful tenderer’s tender that is accepted by the

Authority in accordance with this Condition 8, and the tender deposit provided by the successful

tenderer in accordance with Condition 3.3 shall be deemed to be the first payment of the

monthly rent due under the Tenancy Agreement.

9 Validity Period

9.1 Tenders submitted shall remain valid for acceptance by the Authority for the period (the “Validity

Period”) of one hundred and eighty (180) days (excluding public holidays) commencing on the

Closing Date of the tender.

9.2 No tenderer may withdraw his tender after the Closing Date.

9.3 Notwithstanding that the Authority has issued a Letter of Acceptance to the successful tenderer,

tenders from all other tenderers shall remain open and valid till the end of the Validity Period.

The Authority reserves the right at any time to accept the tender from an alternative tenderer.

10 Withdrawal of Tender

10.1 If a tenderer attempts to withdraw his tender after the Closing Date, the tenderer’s tender deposit

paid pursuant to Condition 3.3 will be forfeited. The tenderer may further be debarred from

participating in all public sector contracts for all lines of business for such periods as may be

determined by the Authority at its sole and absolute discretion. Where such tenderer is a limited

company, both the company and its individual directors may also be debarred.

11 Incorporation of New Company or Use of Existing Company

11.1 If the successful tenderer wishes to form and incorporate in Singapore a new company or use

an existing company (such new company or existing company shall hereinafter be referred to



as the “New Company”) with limited liability to execute the Tenancy Agreement, the successful

tenderer shall be required to first seek the Authority’s prior written approval for the same, which

approval, if granted, may be subject to such terms and conditions as the Authority may think fit

(including without limitation, the requirement on the part of the successful tenderer to hold and

retain in the New Company throughout the term of the tenancy a controlling interest of more

than 50% of the shares in the New Company).

11.2 On or before the execution of Tenancy Agreement, the successful tenderer shall forward to the

Authority a printout on the New Company from the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory

Authority (ACRA) and if required by the Authority, a list in writing of the shareholders and their

holding shares in the New Company, including particulars of all shares held by each particular

shareholder and the value thereof, and such list shall be certified to be correct by a director of

the New Company.

11.3 If the approval from the Authority under Condition 11.1 is not granted, the successful tenderer

shall execute the Tenancy Agreement, and forward the items set out in Condition 8.5 to the

Authority, all within the time-lines stipulated in Condition 8.

12 Possession of said premises

12.1 Subject to Condition 12.2 below, possession of the said premises shall be given to the

successful tenderer or (where approval has been granted pursuant to Condition 11) the New

Company, by delivering to him/it the keys (if any) and a letter (the “Handing/Taking Over

Certificate”) stating that possession of the said premises shall be deemed to have been handed

over to him/it with effect from and on the date of such Handing/Taking Over Certificate.

12.2 Possession of the said premises shall be given in the manner as aforementioned in Condition

12.1 only after the receipt by the Authority of all the payments and documents referred to in

Condition 8.5.

12.3 The successful tenderer or (where applicable) the New Company shall accept the said premises

on an “as is where is” basis as regards the matters mentioned in Condition 1.1 and in all other

respects as at the date of the Handing/Taking Over Certificate, and neither of them shall make

any objection or requisition whatsoever in respect thereof nor shall they at any time

(a) withhold payment of any monies;

(b) object to or refuse to accept the delivery of possession of the said premises;

(c) delay or refuse to observe or perform any of the terms and conditions contained in this

Invitation to Tender or in the Tenancy Agreement;

(d) claim for any compensation or reduction of the tendered monthly rent; or

(e) require the Authority to remove any encroachment, structure or thing present on, under or

within the said premises.

12.4 The Authority shall not be required to clean up, or remove any rubbish or debris or other articles

from the said premises, at any time, whether before, on or after the delivery of possession of

the said premises to the successful tenderer or (as the case may be) the New Company, and

neither the successful tenderer nor the New Company shall claim against the Authority for any

cost incurred in cleaning up the said premises, or removing any rubbish, debris or other articles

from the said premises.



13 Default or Breach

13.1 If the successful tenderer or (where approval has been granted pursuant to Condition 11) the

New Company fails to execute the Tenancy Agreement in accordance with Condition 8.5 (or

any extension of time that may be granted by the Authority), or to observe or perform any of the

provisions of the agreement for the Tenancy, the Authority shall, without prejudice to any other

rights or remedies available to the Authority (whether under the agreement for the Tenancy or

the Tenancy Agreement, at law or in equity), be entitled to and may at any time –

(a) terminate the agreement for the Tenancy or the Tenancy Agreement (as the case may

be) by giving notice to the successful tenderer or where applicable, the New Company,

in which event all monies paid pursuant to these Conditions of Tender (including any

deposit) shall be forfeited and belong to the Authority; and

(b) re-let the said premises whether by public auction, private treaty or by tender or offer

subject to such conditions and generally in such manner as the Authority may in its

absolute discretion think fit and all losses and expenses incurred in connection with or

arising from a re-letting or attempted re-letting including (without limitation) any loss or

deficiency of rent arising from such re-letting shall be made good and paid for by the

successful tenderer to the Authority and shall be recoverable by the Authority against the

successful tenderer as damages but any increase in rent on a re-letting shall belong to

the Authority absolutely.

14 Disqualification of Tender

14.1 All tenders shall be submitted in accordance with this Invitation to Tender. Any tender which

attempts to vary the prescribed Form of Tender or the Tender Brief (contained in Part 3), or

these Conditions of Tender or any part of this Invitation to Tender, is liable to be rejected. In

consideration of the tenderers agreeing to abide by all the instructions, terms and conditions

contained in this Invitation to Tender, the Authority shall evaluate the tenders fairly and in

accordance with this Invitation to Tender.

15 Debarment

15.1 If a tenderer or any of its directors or partners is found to have been debarred from public sector

contracts for any line of business, the tenderer may be debarred from participating in this

Invitation to Tender.

15.2 If the successful tenderer or (where approval has been granted pursuant to Condition 11) the

New Company, fails to observe or perform any of the terms and conditions contained or referred

to in this Invitation to Tender or the Tenancy Agreement, the Authority reserves the right to

debar them from all public sector contracts for all lines of business for such periods as the

Authority may at its discretion determine.

15.3 If the successful tenderer, the New Company or any tenderer is convicted of the offence of

corruption (the “convicted party”), regardless of the amount involved, the Authority shall debar

the convicted party from participating in all public sector contracts for all lines of business for a

minimum period of five (5) years.

15.4 Without prejudice to any other rights or remedies available to the Authority whether under the

agreement for the Tenancy or the Tenancy Agreement, at law or in equity, the successful

tenderer and the New Company shall on demand pay such amount as the Authority may



determine as compensation for any loss and damage that may be suffered, directly or indirectly,

by the Authority as a result of any failure to observe or perform any of the terms of the agreement

for the Tenancy or the Tenancy Agreement on the part of the successful tenderer, the New

Company, or the employees or agents of the successful tenderer or the New Company.

16 Proposed works to the said premises

16.1 If, for the purpose of his proposed use(s) for the said premises as set out in the Form of Tender,

the successful tenderer or the New Company proposes any addition or alteration works (the

“Works”) which include:

(a) the demolition of existing structures;

(b) the construction of new structures as replacement for any reduction in the gross floor

area resulting from such demolition; or

(c) earthworks including but not limited to the alteration of the contours of land by moving,

placing or replacing earth, or by excavation, cutting, filling or backfilling,

the successful tenderer or New Company may subject to the prior written approval of the

Authority and the relevant authorities being obtained, proceed with and complete the Works in

accordance with such plans as have been prepared by competent professionals and submitted

to and approved by the Authority and the relevant authorities.

16.2 The Authority’s consent in connection with the Works may be given subject to such other terms,

conditions and requirements as the Authority deems appropriate which may include (but is not

restricted to) the provision of an additional security deposit and the submission of a project



17 General Provisions

17.1 Payment of any amount payable under or pursuant to these Conditions of Tender shall, unless

otherwise expressly stated, be made in such manner and by such means as the Authority may

notify to the successful tenderer in writing.

16.2 The headings in these Conditions of Tender shall not be deemed to form part of the same and

shall not affect the interpretation or construction of any of the provisions contained herein.

17.3 Any notice or document required to be given to a tenderer in writing may be sent by post to the

address given by the tenderer in its submitted Form of Tender, and such posting shall be

deemed good service of such notice.

17.4 Time shall be of the essence in respect of all provisions in these Conditions of Tender relating

to the payment of the tendered monthly rent (or any part thereof) and any other monies by the

successful tenderer or (where approval has been granted pursuant to Condition 11) the New


17.5 In these Conditions of Tender, the words “company” and “corporation” shall have the meanings

ascribed to them in the Companies Act (Cap. 50).

17.6 The agreement for the tenancy, the Tenancy Agreement and (where applicable) the letter from

the Authority granting approval to the successful tenderer pursuant to Condition 11 contain the



entire and whole agreements between the parties and supersede all prior written or oral

commitments, representations, arrangements, understandings or agreements between them.

Each party warrants to the other that it has not entered into the agreement for the tenancy or

the Tenancy Agreement on the basis of any prior written or oral commitments, representations,

arrangements, understandings or agreements between them.

17.7 The successful tenderer or the New Company (as the case may be) shall be liable for and shall

fully indemnify the Authority in respect of all losses, damage, injuries, claims, actions,

proceedings, liabilities, costs, expenses, fees, charges and demands of any nature whatsoever

(including legal costs and expenses on a full indemnity basis) which may be made against or

incurred or suffered by the Authority arising directly or indirectly from or in connection with any

of the following:

17.7.1 the failure to observe or perform any of the provisions of the agreement for the Tenancy

or the Tenancy Agreement on the part of the successful tenderer or the New Company

(as the case may be) or the employees or agents of the successful tenderer or the New

Company (as the case may be); and

17.7.2 the use and occupation of the said premises.

17.8 In no event shall any delay, failure or omission on the part of either of the parties in enforcing or

exercising any right, power, privilege, claim or remedy, which is conferred by the agreement for

the Tenancy or Tenancy Agreement, at law or in equity, or which arises from any breach by the

other party of the agreement for the Tenancy or Tenancy Agreement.

(i) be deemed to be or be construed as a waiver of such right, power, privilege, claim or

remedy, or of any other right, power, privilege, claim or remedy in respect of the

particular circumstances in question; or

(ii) operate so as to bar the enforcement or exercise of such right, power, privilege, claim

or remedy, or of any other right, power, privilege, claim or remedy, in any other instance

at any time or times thereafter.

17.9 The agreement for the Tenancy shall remain in full force and effect as between the Authority

and the successful tenderer notwithstanding the execution of the Tenancy Agreement, and shall

not merge in the grant of the Tenancy Agreement of the said premises to the successful tenderer

or the New Company (as the case may be).

17.10 The agreement for the Tenancy and the Tenancy Agreement shall be subject to, governed by

and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Singapore for every purpose.

17.11 Any dispute relating to the agreement for the Tenancy or the Tenancy Agreement shall be

resolved exclusively in the Singapore courts.

17.12 A party who is not a party to the agreement for the Tenancy shall have no right under the

Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act (Cap. 53B) to enforce any of its terms.

17.13 In giving its consent or approval in respect of any matters hereunder wherein the consent or

approval of the Authority is required, the Authority shall be at liberty to impose such conditions

as it shall in its absolute discretion deem fit and which shall include, without limitation, the levy

of a fee.

17.14 The Authority reserves the right to amend any terms in, or to issue supplementary terms to this

Invitation to Tender at any time prior to the Closing Date.

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Appendix A





[ ]

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Contents Page

1. Definitions & Interpretation ...................................................................................................... 3

2. Letting of the Premises ............................................................................................................. 5

3. Tenancy for a Further Term ...................................................................................................... 5

4. Tenant’s Covenants .................................................................................................................. 5

5. Landlord’s Covenants .............................................................................................................17

6. Other Terms ............................................................................................................................17

7. General Terms .........................................................................................................................22

SCHEDULE 1 ........................................................................................................................................26

SCHEDULE 2 ........................................................................................................................................28

SCHEDULE 3 ........................................................................................................................................29

SCHEDULE 4 ........................................................................................................................................34

Attachment 1 – Intentionally Left Blank

Attachment 2 – Plan of Premises

Attachment 3 – GFA survey plans of the Building

Attachment 4A – Plan of Infrastructure Services

Attachment x – Tender Proposal

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REF NO: [ ]

THIS AGREEMENT is made on the [day] of [month] [year].



55 Newton Road, #12-01, Revenue House, Singapore 307987 (hereinafter referred to as the

“Landlord") of the one part;


(2) [TO INSERT NAME OF COMPANY ] (Company Registration No < > ) whose registered

office is at [ ] (hereinafter referred to as the “Tenant” which expression shall where the

context so admits include the Tenant's successors, executors and administrators) of the other



1. Definitions and Interpretation

1.1 In this Agreement:

“Approved Use” shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Schedule 1;

“Approved Works” shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Clause 4.11.2;

“Earthworks” includes but is not limited to the alteration of the contours of land by moving, placing or replacing earth, or by excavation, cutting, filling or backfilling;

“GFA” means gross floor area;

“Parties” means both the Landlord and Tenant, and “Party” means either the Landlord or the


“Premises” means the property described in Schedule 1;

“permitted occupier” means any person on the Premises for any period expressly or by

implication with the Tenant’s authority or permission;

“Rent” means the rent payable by the Tenant as specified in Schedule 1;

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“Security Deposit” shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Clause 4.6.1;

“Singapore Land Authority” means the Singapore Land Authority constituted under the

Singapore Land Authority Act (Cap. 301);

“Term” means the term of tenancy granted under this Agreement as specified in Schedule 1;

“this Agreement” means this Agreement and all plans, drawings, schedules of and annexures

to it, and includes all supplementals, additions, variations and amendments to it;

“working day” means any day from Monday to Friday inclusive but excludes any public holiday.

1.2 Every obligation by the Tenant is taken to include an obligation by the Tenant to ensure that

each of his employees, agents, independent contractors, permitted occupiers and others under

his control comply with that obligation. Any covenant by the Tenant not to do any act or thing

includes an obligation not to allow that act or thing to be done.

1.3 Each plan, drawing, schedule of and annexure to this Agreement forms an integral part of this

Agreement, and the provisions thereof shall have the same force and effect as if expressly set

out in the main body of this Agreement.

1.4 A reference to the whole includes any part thereof and a reference to the word “include” or

“including” shall not be construed as having any limiting effect.

1.5 Words importing one gender include all other genders, and words importing the singular include

the plural and vice versa.

1.6 Words denoting natural persons include corporations and firms.

1.7 If any Party to this Agreement comprises two or more persons, obligations expressed or implied

to be made by or with that Party are deemed to be made by or with the persons comprising

that Party jointly and severally.

1.8 All clause, paragraph and schedule headings are for convenience of reference only and shall

not be taken into consideration in the interpretation or construction of the clauses, paragraphs

or schedules to which they relate.

1.9 Unless otherwise stated, any reference in this Agreement to a numbered clause, paragraph or

schedule of this Agreement shall mean the clause, paragraph or schedule of this Agreement

so numbered.

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1.10 Unless otherwise stated, any reference in this Agreement to any statute or legislation shall be

deemed a reference to such statute or legislation as amended from time to time, and for the

time being in force, and be deemed to include any subsidiary legislation made under it.

2. Letting of the Premises

2.1 The Landlord hereby lets the Premises to the Tenant, subject to and in accordance with the terms

and conditions contained in this Agreement and the provisions of the State Lands Act (Cap.314)

and the State Lands Rules, for the Term and at the Rent.

2.2 The Premises are let to the Tenant on an “as is where is” basis, and the Tenant shall accept the

actual state and condition of the Premises in all respects as at the date of this Agreement and at

the commencement of the Term.

3. Tenancy for a Further Term

3.1 If the Tenant wishes to have a tenancy of the Premises (in whole and not in part) for a further term

of three (3) years, the Tenant shall serve a written request on the Landlord not less than ten (10)

months and not more than twelve (12) months before the end of the Term, and the Landlord may,

at its sole discretion, agree to grant the Tenant a tenancy for such further term from the end of the

Term, at such rent and on such terms and conditions (including a provision granting the Tenant an

option to renew the tenancy for a final term which shall not exceed three (3) years) to be agreed

between the Parties.

4. Tenant’s Covenants

The Tenant hereby covenants with the Landlord as follows:

4.1 Rent

4.1.1 The Tenant shall pay the Rent promptly as and when due, without any demand, deduction,

set-off or counterclaim through the Inter-bank Giro Scheme or by any other mode of

payment agreed in writing by the Landlord, at the times and in the manner as set out in

Schedule 1. The said sum is exclusive of any Goods and Services Tax chargeable


4.1.2 The Tenant shall not be required to pay Rent during the Rent-Free Period set out in

paragraph 6 of Schedule 1. Upon the expiry of the Rent-Free Period, the Tenant shall

pay Rent at the times and in the manner set out in Schedule 1. In the event that this

Agreement is terminated earlier for any reason whatsoever, then in addition to and

without prejudice to any other rights or remedies of the Landlord, the Tenant shall

forthwith upon termination of the tenancy pay to the Landlord on demand an amount

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up to the total rent which would (if not for this Clause 4.1.2) have been payable by the

Tenant for the entire duration of the Rent-Free Period.

4.2 Goods and Services Tax

4.2.1 In addition to the Rent and other monies payable under this Agreement, the Tenant

shall pay to the Landlord immediately on demand:

(a) the amount of any Goods and Services Tax (hereinafter referred to as “GST”)

chargeable under the Goods and Services Tax Act (Cap. 117A) and payable

by the Landlord in respect of any sum payable under this Agreement, and for

the grant of the tenancy under this Agreement; and

(b) all interest and penalties whatsoever suffered or incurred by the Landlord

resulting from the failure or delay on the part of the Tenant in the payment and

discharge of such GST.

4.3 Interest

4.3.1 If the Rent or any part thereof, or any other monies (including the amount of GST

payable under Clause 4.2.1), due to the Landlord under this Agreement shall remain

unpaid by the Tenant after the same is due (whether any formal demand thereof is

made or not), the Tenant shall pay interest based on the prevailing Late Payment

Interest Rate(s) (as defined in Clause 4.3.2) applicable to such outstanding monies at

any time, from the date such monies fall due for payment until the date of actual

payment (both before and after judgment) subject always to a minimum interest

charge of $3.00, and such interest shall be recoverable from the Tenant as if the same

were rent in arrears.

4.3.2 The “Late Payment Interest Rate(s)” shall mean the interest rate(s) which shall not

exceed 12% per annum in any event, as determined by the Landlord from time to time

to be applicable and chargeable on any overdue payment, and published on the

Singapore Land Authority’s website at http://www.sla.gov.sg/htm/ser/ser02.htm.

The Tenant shall access the said website from time to time to find out the applicable

and chargeable rate(s) and shall be deemed to have notice of such rate(s).

4.4 Utilities and Other Services

4.4.1 The Tenant shall arrange, at its own cost and expense, for the installation, connection

and supply of all utilities and any other services required by it at or in relation to the


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4.4.2 The Tenant shall pay to the suppliers, and indemnify the Landlord against, all charges

for the installation, connection and supply of all utilities and any other services

consumed or used at or in relation to the Premises, and the Tenant shall comply with

the requirements and regulations of the respective suppliers.

4.4.3 The Tenant shall not, without giving the Landlord thirty (30) days prior written notice,

take any step to reduce, suspend, stop or in any way affect the continuous,

uninterrupted and adequate supply of all utilities and any other services consumed or

used at the Premises, before the expiry or earlier termination of the tenancy granted

under this Agreement.

4.4.4 For the purposes of this Clause 4.4, the term “utilities” shall include water, electricity,

telecommunications network, gas and any water-borne sewerage systems.

4.5 Insurance

4.5.1 The Tenant shall take out and maintain at all times during the Term, the insurance

policies set out in Schedule 2, and shall observe, perform and comply with all the

requirements set out in that Schedule.

4.6 Security Deposit

4.6.1 On or before the signing of this Agreement, the Tenant shall provide the Landlord with the

following (hereinafter referred to as the “Security Deposit”):

(a) a cash deposit for the Sum specified in paragraph 7 of Schedule 1;, or

(b) in lieu of the cash deposit, an “on-demand” banker’s guarantee, or an insurance

performance bond issued by an insurance company approved by the Monetary

Authority of Singapore, for the same Sum,

as security for the due observance and performance by the Tenant of all the terms and

conditions of this Agreement. Any banker’s guarantee or insurance performance bond

provided as security under this Clause 4.6 shall be in a form approved by the Landlord.

4.6.2 The Landlord shall be entitled, without prejudice to any other right or remedy it may have

under this Agreement, to deduct and/or to set off from the Security Deposit so provided

by the Tenant under this Clause 4.6 (whether it be in the form of a cash deposit or by

way of a banker’s guarantee or insurance performance bond), the amount of any Rent

in arrears or interest thereon or any sum payable to the Landlord remaining unpaid or

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any loss or damage sustained by the Landlord as the result of any breach, non-

observance or non-performance by the Tenant of any of the terms and conditions of

this Agreement. The Security Deposit shall not be deemed to be payment of the Rent

or any of the payments hereby reserved or any part thereof unless the Landlord

exercises the Landlord’s right herein.

4.6.3 If any part of the Security Deposit provided by the Tenant under this Clause 4.6 shall

be applied by the Landlord as provided in Clause 4.6.2, the Tenant shall on written

demand by the Landlord forthwith further deposit with the Landlord a cash sum

equivalent to the amount so applied by the Landlord, or furnish a banker’s guarantee

or insurance performance bond for that amount, so that the Security Deposit shall at

all times be equivalent to the Sum.

4.6.4 If, in addition to the Security Deposit referred to in Clause 4.6.1, the Tenant is required

to provide the Landlord with any other security deposits (hereinafter referred to as the

“additional security deposits”) under any other provision of this Agreement or as a

condition for the Landlord’s grant of consent or approval under any provision of this

Agreement, the Tenant shall forthwith provide the Landlord with such additional

security deposits in the amounts and forms as agreed or stipulated by the Landlord.

4.6.5 Subject to the Landlord’s rights as set out in the provisions of this Clause 4.6 and this

Agreement, the Landlord shall refund without interest and / or return (as the case may

be), the cash deposits, banker’s guarantees and / or insurance performance bonds

provided as the Security Deposit and the additional security deposits, after the expiry

or earlier termination of the tenancy granted under this Agreement.

4.7 Approved use of the Premises

4.7.1 The Tenant shall use the Premises for the Approved Use only subject to and in accordance

with the approval of the competent authority under the Planning Act (Cap. 232) and the

provisions of this Agreement including all the attached Schedules, and shall not use the

Premises for any other purposes.

4.8 Planning Permissions and Licensing Requirements

4.8.1 Where use and planning permissions are required for the Approved Use of the Premises,

the Tenant shall at his own cost and expense, obtain all the requisite permissions and

approvals from the relevant authorities, and comply with all their conditions and


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4.8.2 Where licences are required for the operation of the Premises for the Approved Use of

the Premises, the Tenant shall at his own cost and expense, obtain all the requisite

licences and approvals from the relevant authorities, and comply with all their

requirements and conditions.

4.9 Obligations and Restrictions on the use of the Premises The Tenant shall observe, perform and comply with the requirements of this Clause 4.9:

4.9.1 Nuisance

The Tenant shall not do anything on any part of the Premises which in the opinion of

the Landlord is or may become, or cause a nuisance or annoyance to or in any way

interfere with the quiet enjoyment or comfort of the owners or occupiers of the

Premises or the adjoining or neighbouring properties.

4.9.2 Illegal and immoral acts and unauthorised use

The Tenant shall not use any part of the Premises:

(a) for any dangerous, noxious, noisy or offensive activity, or any illegal or immoral act

or purpose; or

(b) for sleeping accommodation or residential purposes, unless such use is permitted

under the Approved Use or is otherwise permitted by the Landlord in writing.

4.9.3 Combustible material

The Tenant shall not keep on any part of the Premises any materials of a combustible,

inflammable, dangerous or explosive nature, or the keeping of which may contravene

any laws, regulations or bylaws, or any requirements imposed by the Landlord.

4.9.4 Not to void insurance

The Tenant shall not do anything which may result in the insurers refusing to pay the

insured sums (entirely or partly) under any fire and other insurance policies taken out

by the Tenant and / or the Landlord, or make any such insurance policies invalid or

capable of being cancelled, or which may increase the premium payable by the

Landlord on such policies.

4.9.5 Not to remove from or dump onto the Premises earth and other materials

The Tenant shall not:

(a) remove or dispose of in any way, any earth, sand, clay gravel or any other fill

material from the land forming part of the Premises, or

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(b) dump or deposit any hardcore, waste, refuse, filth, debris or any other similar

material on any part of the Premises or on the Landlord’s adjoining property.

4.9.6 Not to alter name of the Premises

The Tenant shall not, without the prior written approval of the Landlord and the relevant

authorities, alter the name of the Premises.

4.9.7 Not to display signs and advertisements

The Tenant shall not display, affix, paint or otherwise exhibit on any part of the

Premises including any structure or building (whether interior or exterior) any name,

sign, notice, advertisement, placard, banner, flag, covering or any other thing

whatsoever, which can be seen from outside of the Premises, without the prior written

approval from the Landlord and the relevant authorities, and in accordance with all their

terms and conditions.

4.9.8 To give notice of defects

The Tenant shall notify the Landlord or its agents immediately of any defect in the

Premises which may give rise to any duty on the part of the Landlord, and the Tenant

shall at all times display and maintain any notices that the Landlord may from time to

time require the Tenant to display at the Premises.

4.9.9 To give notice of, and compliance with statutory notices

The Tenant shall notify and produce immediately to the Landlord or its agents a copy

of any notice, direction, or order that affects the Premises that is issued to or served

on the Tenant (or on the occupiers of the Premises) by any Government department

or agency, or any relevant authority, and the Tenant shall without delay take all

necessary steps to comply with such notice, direction or order.

4.9.10 To provide evidence of compliance

The Tenant shall produce to the Landlord or its agents all such evidence including

documentary and real evidence as the Landlord may require to satisfy itself that the

provisions of this Agreement have been complied with.

4.9.11 To comply with all laws and regulations

The Tenant shall ascertain and comply fully and promptly, at his own cost and expense,

with all laws and regulations of the Republic of Singapore, and with all conditions and

requirements of the Government departments and agencies, the relevant authorities

(constituted under any written law for the time being in force) and the public utility

licensees relating to:

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(a) the Premises;

(b) the use or occupation of the Premises;

(c) anything done in the Premises by the Tenant; and

(d) anything in the Premises.

4.10 Repairs and General Maintenance

4.10.1 The Tenant shall, at all times, at his own cost and expense,

(a) keep the Premises clean, tidy and clear of all rubbish; and

(b) keep all planted or grassed areas properly maintained including the regular

pruning and (if required) cutting of trees on the Premises except that the

Tenant shall not cut down any such tree without the prior written approval of

the Landlord and the relevant authorities.

4.10.2 The Tenant shall, at all times, at his own cost and expense, keep the Premises free

from termite infestation, vermin and other pests, and for this purpose, the Tenant shall

engage a competent pest control contractor to carry out regular fumigation and

chemical spraying, soil treatment and such other services as may be required.

4.10.3 The Tenant shall at his own cost and expense, keep in a good state of repair and

condition, and properly maintained, all of the following:

(a) the interior of all buildings and structures forming part of the Premises including

the doors, window frames and glass in windows, skylights and the Landlord’s

fixtures and fittings installed therein;

(b) the exterior of all buildings and structures forming part of the Premises only to

the extent that the Tenant is to make good all non-structural cracks (including

plaster cracks) to the exterior walls and to keep them free of mould;

(c) the pipes, sewers, drains, mains, ducts, conduits, gutters, wires, cables,

channels, lightning conductors, and all other conducting media that are in, on,

over, under or through the Premises that serve the buildings and structures

thereon ;

(d) the gates and the boundary walls or fences forming part of the Premises;

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(e) the driveways, roads, footpaths and any other hard surfaced areas within the

Premises, and

take all precautions and measures to ensure that any damage, defect or dilapidation

which has been or at any time shall be occasioned by fair wear and tear shall not give

rise to or cause or contribute to any substantial damage to the Premises. For the

avoidance of doubt, the Tenant’s obligation to keep in good repair and condition shall

include putting in good repair and condition at the start of the Term if there is an existing

lack of repair or condition.

4.10.4 The Tenant shall, at his own cost and expense, immediately make good to the

satisfaction of the Landlord, any damage caused to the Premises (including any

building and structure and any Landlord’s fixtures and fittings installed therein) by the

Tenant, his employees, agents, independent contractors or any permitted occupier.

4.11 Approval for Works

4.11.1 The Tenant shall not, at any time without the prior written approval of the Landlord and

the relevant authorities, carry out any works (hereinafter referred to collectively as the

"Works") on or to or affecting the Premises including the following:

(a) construct, erect or place:

(i) any new building or

(ii) any new structure or erection of whatever kind or nature ( whether

permanent or temporary) including any containers;

(b) make any structural changes;

(c) undertake any partitioning, addition or alteration works;

(d) carry out any renovation works; and

(e) carry out any Earthworks.

4.11.2 The Tenant shall, at his own cost and expense, engage competent professionals to

prepare and submit, the requisite plans, drawings and specifications for the Works, to

the Landlord and the relevant authorities for their written approval. All such Works as

approved by the Landlord and the relevant authorities shall be referred to in this

Agreement as the “Approved Works”.

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4.11.3 The Tenant shall, at his own cost and expense, carry out and complete the Approved


(a) in conformity in every respect with the plans, drawings and specifications as

approved by the Landlord and the relevant authorities and in accordance with

all their terms and conditions; and

(b) with good and suitable materials, and in a good and workmanlike manner in

accordance with good building practice.

4.11.4 For the avoidance of doubt, no compensation shall be given to the Tenant upon earlier

termination or expiry of the tenancy granted under this Agreement notwithstanding any

improvements made to the Premises by the Tenant during the tenancy.

4.12 Rights of entry

4.12.1 The Tenant shall allow the Landlord and its agents, with any necessary contractors

and workmen, to enter any part of the Premises, without restriction, at all reasonable

times between 9am and 6pm on a working day on prior notice (or in the event of an

emergency, on any day whether or not a working day and at any time without notice)

for any purpose whatsoever including the following:

(a) to ascertain if the provisions of this Agreement have been observed and


(b) to inspect the state of repair and condition of the Premises;

(c) to monitor the progress of, and to inspect the Approved Works made on or to

the Premises;

(d) to carry out any work to adjoining property owned by the Landlord (including

without limitation the property at Lot 5747K (PT) Mk 28) that cannot reasonably

be carried out without access to the Premises, and any jointly used facility;

(e) to carry out any work which the Landlord considers necessary or desirable to

any part of the Premises;

(f) to take inventories and soil samples;

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(g) to carry out land survey, structural survey, GFA survey and any other survey

in respect of the Premises; and

(h) to exercise any right granted or reserved to the Landlord by this Agreement.

4.13 Compliance with the Landlord’s notices

4.13.1 Where the Tenant has breached any of his obligations under this Agreement, the Landlord

shall be entitled to give to the Tenant a written notice specifying the action or works

required of the Tenant to remedy the breach.

4.13.2 Upon receipt of such a notice from the Landlord, the Tenant shall carry out the action

or works specified therein immediately, and complete the same to the Landlord’s

satisfaction within the time period stipulated by the Landlord. If the Tenant refuses to

carry out the action or works, or fails to complete them within the stipulated time period

or fails to complete them to the Landlord’s satisfaction, the Tenant shall allow the

Landlord, its agents, contractors and workmen with all necessary appliances and tools

to enter the Premises to execute the action or works, or whatever is outstanding.

4.13.3 The Tenant shall pay to the Landlord on demand, all costs and expenses incurred by

the Landlord for carrying out and / or completing the aforesaid action or works. A

statement from the Landlord setting out all such costs and expenses incurred by it shall

be final and binding on the Tenant.

4.14 At the expiry or earlier termination of the Term

4.14.1 At the expiration or earlier termination of the tenancy granted under this Agreement,

subject to Clause 4.14.2 and unless otherwise required by the Landlord in writing, the

Tenant shall, at his own cost and expense, deliver to the Landlord vacant possession of

the Premises, clean, tidy, and in a tenantable condition, together with all of the following:

(a) all locks, keys and fastenings complete;

(b) all Approved Works carried out by the Tenant to the Premises; and

(c) all Landlord’s fixtures and fittings (if any) installed at the Premises.

If the Tenant continues to occupy the Premises or fails to deliver vacant possession of

the Premises after the expiration or earlier termination of the tenancy granted under

this Agreement, the Tenant shall be liable for double the amount of Rent until he

delivers to the Landlord vacant possession of the Premises.

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4.14.2 Immediately prior to the expiration or earlier termination of the tenancy granted under

this Agreement, the Tenant shall, at his own cost and expense, upon receipt of the

Landlord’s written notice, demolish and remove in accordance with the Landlord’s

written notice, all such items of Approved Works, fixtures and fittings and any other

works as may be specified by the Landlord therein, and the Tenant shall make good

all damage caused by such demolition and removal. All such aforesaid works shall be

carried out and completed by the Tenant by the expiration or earlier termination of the

tenancy granted under this Agreement, and to the satisfaction of the Landlord.

4.14.3 If the Tenant fails to comply with Clause 4.14.2, the Landlord may proceed to carry out

the necessary works (hereinafter referred to in this Clause 4.14.3 as the

“Reinstatement Works”) and recover from the Tenant, on demand, the cost and

expenses of the Reinstatement Works. For the purposes of this Clause 4.14.3, a

statement from the Landlord of the costs and expenses incurred for the Reinstatement

Works shall be final and binding on the Tenant.

4.14.4 The provisions of this Clause 4.14 shall survive the expiry or earlier termination of the

tenancy granted under this Agreement (howsoever caused).

4.15 Rights of entry for proposed sale or re-letting

4.15.1 During the nine (9) months before the expiration or earlier termination of the tenancy

granted under this Agreement, the Tenant shall:

(a) permit the Landlord and its agents to put up and retain in a reasonable position on

the Premises, notices for the proposed sale or re-letting of the Premises, and

(b) permit the Landlord, its agents and interested parties with a view to such sale or

re-letting, to enter and inspect any part of the Premises, without restriction, at all

reasonable times between 9 am and 6 pm on a working day, upon prior notice.

4.16 Indemnities by the Tenant

4.16.1 The Tenant shall indemnify and keep the Landlord and its agent, the Singapore Land

Authority, indemnified against all actions, demands, proceedings, claims, liabilities,

damages, losses, costs, charges and expenses of any nature whatsoever, made

against or suffered or incurred by the Landlord or the Singapore Land Authority or both

(including those relating to death or injury to persons or loss or damage to property)

arising directly or indirectly out of or in connection with:

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(a) any act, default, omission or negligence of the Tenant or by any of his

employees, agents, independent contractors or permitted occupiers at the


(b) any breach, non-performance or non-observance by the Tenant of the

covenants or other terms of this Agreement;

(c) any Works made on, to or affecting the Premises; and

(d) any occurrences in, upon or at the Premises or the use or occupation of the

Premises by the Tenant or by any of his employees, agents, independent

contractors or permitted occupiers.

4.17 No assignment or transfer of rights or obligations

4.17.1 The Tenant shall not assign or transfer any of the Tenant’s rights, benefits and / or

obligations (whether in whole or in part) arising under this Agreement including the

Tenant’s right to the refund of any cash that has been furnished as security for the due

observance and performance by the Tenant of any of the terms and conditions of this


4.18 No assignment or subletting of the Premises

4.18.1 The Tenant shall not assign, transfer, mortgage, charge, sublet, license or part with or

share possession of, or otherwise dispose of, the whole or any part of the Premises,

except with the prior written approval of the Landlord.

4.18.2 Intentionally Left Blank

4.18.3 Where there is a change only of the Tenant’s name, the Tenant shall notify the Landlord

of the change within fourteen (14) days after the date of such change.

[Note: Clause 4.18.4 is to be amended to suit the requirements of the particular agreement]

4.18.4 Where the Tenant is a company (except for a public listed company), any change in

the management control or majority shareholders of the Tenant made without the prior

written consent of the Landlord will be treated as an assignment in breach of Clause

4.18 [(including without limitation if there is any change in the majority shareholding of

[to identify the successful tenderer eg. XXXX (NRIC No. )] in the Tenant at any time

during the Term such that he no longer holds a controlling interest of more than fifty

percent (50%) of the shares in the Tenant)].

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4.19 No illegal foreign workers or foreigners on the Premises

4.19.1 The Tenant shall not permit any foreign workers or foreigners to stay in the Premises

without ensuring that the said foreign workers or foreigners have obtained the requisite

permits from the relevant authorities to stay in Singapore.

5. Landlord’s Covenants

The Landlord hereby covenants with the Tenant as follows:

5.1 Tenant’s quiet enjoyment

Upon the Tenant paying the Rent and all other monies payable under this Agreement, and

observing and performing the Tenant’s covenants and obligations under this Agreement, the

Tenant shall peaceably hold and enjoy the possession of the Premises during the Term without

disturbance by the Landlord or any person rightfully claiming under or in trust for the Landlord.

PROVIDED ALWAYS and it is hereby agreed as follows:

6. Other Terms

6.1 Approved Works Belong to Landlord

6.1.1 All Approved Works and all changes and improvements resulting from such Approved

Works carried out on or to the Premises by the Tenant shall belong to the Landlord and

remain the property of the Landlord and shall not be removed or demolished by the

Tenant upon the expiry or earlier termination of the tenancy granted under this

Agreement unless otherwise required by the Landlord in writing, and the Landlord shall

not be required to compensate the Tenant in any manner whatsoever for any of these

Approved Works, changes or improvements.

6.2 Re-Entry and Termination

6.2.1 If and whenever during the Term:

(a) the Rent or any part thereof or any other monies payable under this Agreement shall

remain unpaid for fourteen (14) days after becoming due (whether formally

demanded or not); or

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(b) the Tenant breaches any covenant or other term in this Agreement (other than a

breach referred to in Clause 6.2.1 (a) which cannot be remedied, or (where the breach

is capable of remedy) the Tenant fails to remedy the breach within the time period

stipulated in the written notice given by the Landlord to the Tenant to remedy the

breach; or

(c) the Tenant, being an individual, becomes bankrupt; or

(d) the Tenant, being a company, enters into liquidation whether voluntary or compulsory

(save for the purpose of amalgamation or reconstruction), or has a receiver appointed;

or proceedings are taken for its winding up; or

(e) the Tenant enters into an arrangement for the benefit of his creditors; or

(f) the Tenant has any distress or execution levied on his goods; or

then and in any of the above events, the Landlord may at any time thereafter, re-enter the Premises

or any part thereof in the name of the whole, and thereupon the tenancy hereby granted shall

absolutely determine but without prejudice to any rights or remedies that may have accrued to the

Landlord in respect of any antecedent breach of any covenant or other term of this Agreement by

the Tenant including the breach in respect of which the re-entry is made.

6.3 Landlord’s right over Tenant’s property left on the Premises

6.3.1 If any property of the Tenant should remain in or upon the Premises after the Tenant

has vacated the Premises at the expiry or earlier termination of the tenancy granted

under this Agreement, and the Tenant shall fail to remove the same within fourteen (14)

days after being requested by the Landlord in writing to do so, then the property shall

be deemed abandoned by the Tenant, and may be forfeited to the Landlord. The

Landlord or its agent, the Singapore Land Authority may sell or otherwise dispose of

such property in any manner as it deems fit without being liable for any loss or damage

occasioned thereby to the Tenant.

6.3.2 The Tenant shall fully indemnify the Landlord and the Singapore Land Authority against

any liability incurred by the Landlord or the Singapore Land Authority to any third party

whose property shall have been sold or otherwise disposed of by the Landlord in the

mistaken belief held in good faith (which shall be presumed unless the contrary is

proved) that such property belonged to the Tenant and was liable to be dealt with as

such pursuant to Clause 6.3.1.

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6.4 Landlord not liable

6.4.1 The Landlord and its agent, the Singapore Land Authority, are not liable to the Tenant

and the Tenant shall not claim against the Landlord or the Singapore Land Authority

for any cost, expenses, losses or damages suffered or incurred by the Tenant directly

or indirectly caused by, resulting from or in connection with:

(a) any accident happening on the Premises; or

(b) any death or injury sustained on the Premises; or

(c) any damage or loss to any chattel sustained on the Premises; or

(d) any act, default, omission or neglect of the Landlord or the Singapore Land

Authority or any employee, agent or independent contractor of the Landlord or

the Singapore Land Authority; or

(e) any damage, disturbance, annoyance, nuisance and/or inconvenience

howsoever caused (including without limitation, by noise, dust, vibration,

emission of smoke or fumes, or disruption of traffic) that may be suffered by

the Tenant and/or any sub-tenant or occupier of the Premises, whether in

connection with the exercise of the rights set out in paragraph 5.1(c) of

Schedule 3 of this Agreement or otherwise.

6.5 Fitness for Occupation

6.5.1 In case the Premises or any part thereof shall at any time during the continuance of this

Agreement be destroyed or damaged by fire, lightning, riot, explosion or any other

inevitable cause beyond the Tenant’s control so as to be unfit for occupation and use,

then and in every such case the Rent hereby reserved or a just and fair proportion thereof

as the Landlord may determine according to the nature and extent of the damage

sustained shall be suspended and shall cease to be payable in respect of any period while

the Premises continue to be unfit for occupation and use by reason of such damage.

6.5.2 In case the Premises be destroyed or damaged as stated in Clause 6.5.1, the Landlord,

if it so thinks fit, shall be at liberty by giving notice in writing to determine the tenancy

hereby granted and upon such notice being given the tenancy hereby granted shall

absolutely cease and determine but without prejudice to any accrued right of action of

the Landlord in respect of any antecedent breach of this Agreement by the Tenant.

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6.5.3 For the removal of doubt, the Tenant will not be entitled to any reduction or suspension

of the Rent under this Clause 6.5 if:

(a) the damage or destruction is caused by; or

(b) the insurance policies in relation to the Premises are affected by; or

(c) the payment of the policy monies under the insurance policies referred to in

subsection (b) above are refused (entirely or partly) as a result of,

any act, omission, default or negligence of the Tenant or his employees, agents,

independent contractors or any permitted occupier.

6.6 Disclosure of Information

6.6.1 The Landlord and its agent, the Singapore Land Authority, shall be entitled, at any time,

and from time to time, and without reference to the Tenant, to disclose (whether in

writing or otherwise) to any third party (including without limitation any subtenants or

occupiers at the Premises) all such information as the Landlord or the Singapore Land

Authority deems fit, relating to the tenancy granted under this Agreement including the

terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Tenant’s breach or purported breach of

any of the provisions of this Agreement and the actions or proposed actions to be taken

by the Landlord against the Tenant.

6.7 Administrative fees, stamp duty and legal costs and expenses

6.7.1 The Tenant shall bear and pay immediately to the Landlord on demand, all of the following:

(a) the administrative fees for, and the Landlord’s legal cost and expenses and all

other costs and expenses incurred in, the preparation and completion of this

Agreement and any other related documents; and

(b) the fees and expenses for stamping this Agreement (in duplicate) and any other

related documents.

6.7.2 The Tenant shall pay immediately to the Landlord on demand all legal costs and

expenses (on a full indemnity basis) incurred by the Landlord in connection with the

enforcement of any of the provisions of this Agreement.

6.8 Landlord’s right to apportion and appropriate Tenant’s payments

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6.8.1 The Landlord shall be entitled to apportion and appropriate any payment made by the

Tenant towards satisfaction of any arrears or monies due by the Tenant to the Landlord

on the date of payment as the Landlord deems fit, notwithstanding any instructions by

the Tenant to the contrary.

6.9 Landlord’s right of set-off

6.9.1 Whenever under this Agreement any sum of money (including liquidated damages and

any other damages) shall be recoverable from or payable by the Tenant, the same may

be deducted from any sum then due or which at any time thereafter may become due

to the Tenant under this Agreement or any other agreement with the Landlord.

6.10 Payment

6.10.1 There shall be no refund or reduction of, or postponement in the payment of, the Rent

and any other monies reserved under this Agreement, notwithstanding any refusal or

delays on the part of the relevant authorities in granting any permissions, approvals

and / or licences applied for by the Tenant in respect of the Premises or any

subsequent revocation thereof.

6.11 Additional Conditions of Tenancy

6.11.1 The Parties hereby agree to observe, perform and comply with all the additional

conditions of tenancy set out in the attached Schedules and Appendices which shall

form an integral part of this Agreement.

7. General Terms

7.1 Notices

7.1.1 Any notice, correspondence or other document served under or otherwise in

connection with this Agreement shall be sufficiently served on:

(a) the Tenant, if delivered by hand or sent by registered post to the Tenant at the

Premises or at the Tenant’s registered office; and

(b) the Landlord, if delivered by hand or sent by registered post to the Collector

of Land Revenue at the address set out below (or such other address as may

from time to time be notified to the Tenant):

c/o The Singapore Land Authority

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55 Newton Road, #12-01, Revenue House, Singapore 307987

7.1.2 Any notice sent by registered post shall be deemed to be received two (2) days after

the date of posting, and in proving it, it shall be adequate to show that the envelope

containing the notice was addressed, stamped and posted.

7.2 Waiver

7.2.1 In no event shall any delay, failure or omission on the part of either of the Parties in

enforcing or exercising any right, power, privilege, claim or remedy which is conferred

by this Agreement, at law or in equity, or arises from any breach of this Agreement by

the other Party, be deemed to be or be construed as (i) a waiver thereof or of any other

such right, power, privilege, claim or remedy, in respect of the particular circumstances

in question, or (ii) operate so as to bar the enforcement or exercise thereof, or of any

other such right, power, privilege, claim or remedy, in any other instance at any time or

times thereafter;

7.2.2 Any waiver (whether effected by a positive waiver or by a delay or failure in

enforcement) by any Party hereto of its right, in any instance, to require compliance

with any of the provision of this Agreement by the other Party shall not prevent that

Party (subject to reasonable notice where a positive waiver has been granted)

subsequently requiring such compliance in respect of that instance by the other Party.

7.3 Consent / Approval required of the Landlord

7.3.1 In the event that any consent or approval is required of the Landlord under any provision

of this Agreement, such consent or approval may be given or withheld by the Landlord at

its absolute discretion. If given, the consent or approval shall be in writing and on such

terms and conditions as the Landlord shall at its absolute discretion deem fit to impose

(including the payment of additional rent, fees and charges and the provision of additional

security deposits).

7.4 Exclusion of Warranty as to Use

7.4.1 Nothing in this Agreement or in any consent granted by the Landlord or its agent, the

Singapore Land Authority under this Agreement is to imply or warrant that the Premises

may lawfully be used under the Planning Act (Cap. 232) for the Approved Use or for

any use or purpose subsequently authorised by the Landlord.

7.5 Unenforceability and Severability

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7.5.1 In the event that any or any part of the terms, conditions, covenants or provisions

contained in this Agreement is held to be invalid, unlawful or unenforceable for any

reason, such term, condition, covenant or provision shall to that extent be severed from

this Agreement, and the remaining terms, conditions, covenants and provisions shall

continue to be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law.

7.6 Landlord may transfer its Rights and Obligations

7.6.1 The Landlord is entitled to transfer (whether by an assignment or novation) its rights and

obligations under this Agreement.

7.6.2 Upon such transfer, the Tenant shall be deemed to have consented to any such transfer,

and shall accept the transferee as his new landlord and release the Landlord from all its

obligations under this Agreement, particularly the Landlord’s obligation to refund the

Security Deposit and any other sums under this Agreement. If required by the Landlord,

the Tenant shall become a party to, and execute any agreement with the Landlord and

its transferee relating to the transfer, and the agreement will be prepared by, and at the

cost and expense of, the Landlord.

7.7 Intentionally Left Blank

7.8 Intentionally Left Blank

7.9 Variation

7.9.1 Any amendment to this Agreement shall not be valid unless mutually agreed to in

writing by the Parties.

7.10 Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

7.10.1 This Agreement is subject to, governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws

of the Republic of Singapore for every purpose.

7.10.2 The Parties hereby agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the

Republic of Singapore.

7.11 Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act

7.11.1 This Agreement does not create any right under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties)

Act (Cap. 53B), which is enforceable by any person who is not a party to it except and

to the extent which Clause 7.11.2 expressly provides for the aforesaid Act to apply to

the terms of Clause 4.16, Clause 6.3, Clause 6.4, and Clause 6.6.

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7.11.2 The Singapore Land Authority may enjoy the benefit of or enforce the terms of Clause

4.16, Clause 6.3, Clause 6.4, and Clause 6.6 in accordance with the provisions of the

Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act (Cap. 53B).

7.12 Cumulative Remedies

7.12.1 The rights and remedies of the Parties under this Agreement are cumulative and are

in addition and without prejudice to any rights or remedies a Party may have at law or

in equity. Further, no exercise by a Party of any one right or remedy under this

Agreement shall operate so as to hinder or prevent the exercise by it of any other right

or remedy under this Agreement or any other right existing at law or in equity.

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IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Parties have entered into this Agreement on the date and year first above written.


Name of Authorised Signatory/ Signatories : Company Stamp

Designation and NRIC:

For and on behalf of [TO INSERT NAME OF THE TENANT


In the presence of:




Collector of Land Revenue

For and on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Singapore

In the presence of:



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1. Premises

1.1 The “Premises” means all that land comprised in State land lot 5747K (PT) of MK 28 at No. 2

Tampines Street 92 Singapore 528889 in the Republic of Singapore with an approximate land

area of 291,996.9 sqft (i.e. 27,127.4 sqm), shown edged in red on the attached plan marked

Attachment 2 (the “Plan”) together with the Buildings (as defined in paragraph 1.2 below) now

erected thereon.

1.2 In this Agreement, the “Buildings” mean all the buildings now erected on the Premises and

forming part of it as shown on the GFA survey plans marked Attachments 3-1 to 3-2 with a

total GFA of 154,208.30 sqft (i.e. 14,326.42 sqm).

2. Approved Use of Premises

2.1 The “Approved Use” of the Premises means the use of the Premises by the Tenant as

Commercial School1, Medical Clinic only.

3. Term

3.1 The “Term” is the period of three (3) years commencing on [Start Date] and ending on [End


4. Rent

4.1 The “Rent” is a sum of Singapore dollars _______ (S$_____) per month. This sum is exclusive

of any Goods and Services Tax chargeable thereon.

4.2 Subject to Clause 4.1.2, the Rent shall be payable in advance, on a monthly basis, on the 1st

day of each month during the Term.

1 Excludes Foreign System School and Chidcare Centre/Kindergarten.

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5. Payments

5.1 Any payment of Rent for less than a month is to be apportioned on a daily basis.

6. Rent – Free Period

6.1 The Rent-Free Period referred to in Clause 4.1.2 shall commence on [Start Date] and end

on [End Date].

6.2 No extension of the Rent-Free Period shall be granted or permitted under any circumstances


7. Security Deposit

7.1 The Sum to be furnished as Security Deposit under Clause 4.6.1 shall be a sum of

Singapore dollars [ ] (S$ ).

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1. Fire Insurance 1.1 The Tenant shall insure and keep insured, at all times during the Term, the Premises (which

shall include any Approved Works carried out by the Tenant to the Premises during the Term,

and the changes and improvements made to the Premises resulting therefrom) against loss or

damage by fire, lightning, riot, explosion or any inevitable cause, for a sum of Singapore Dollars

Twenty-Three Million and One Hundred and Eleven Thousand And Eight Hundred

(S$23,111,800/-) (or such higher amount as may be stipulated by the Landlord). The policy

shall be taken out in the joint names of the Tenant, the “Government of the Republic of

Singapore” and the “Commissioner of Lands”, with a registered insurer as defined under

the Insurance Act (Cap. 142) carrying on the business of general insurance in Singapore, and

the Tenant shall pay all premiums and sums of money necessary for the policy.

1.2 On or before the signing of this Agreement,or within such later period as may be agreed in

writing by the Landlord, the Tenant shall provide the Landlord and its agents with a copy of the

policy, for their retention.

1.3 Whenever required by the Landlord, the Tenant shall produce to the Landlord and its agents,

the policy and the receipts for every payment made by him under the policy.

1.4 In the event of any loss or damage referred to in paragraph 1.1 above, the Tenant shall as

soon as possible and without delay notify the Landlord and the insurer of the same and submit

claims to the insurer for the loss or damage, in accordance with the terms of the policy.

1.5 Unless otherwise directed in writing by the Landlord, the Tenant shall cause all monies received

from such policy to be immediately and first laid out in rebuilding and re-instating the Premises

(in priority to repairing, replacing and/or making good any loss or damage to any fixtures or

items belonging to the Tenant), and the Tenant shall make up any deficiency out of his own


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1. Additional Rent and Approval for intensification of land use

1.1 The Tenant shall obtain the Landlord’s prior written approval for any intensification of land use of

the Premises. For the purposes of this Agreement, “intensification of land use” means any use

of the Premises which, in the opinion of the Collector of Land Revenue, would entitle the Landlord

to increase the Rent, including but not limited to the following:

(a) Any development or use of the Premises which increases its total GFA beyond that specified

in paragraph 1.2 of Schedule 1 of this Agreement (e.g. placement of containers); and

(b) Change of the Approved Use.

1.2 The Tenant shall pay additional rent chargeable by the Landlord for any approved intensification

of land use of the Premises, such additional rent to be determined by and payable with effect from

the date specified by the Landlord at its absolute discretion, and with effect from such date, the

Rent payable under this Agreement shall be increased by an amount equivalent to such additional

rent and all references to the “Rent” in this Agreement shall refer to the increased Rent.

1.3 For the avoidance of any doubt, if any of the Approved Works results in any intensification of

land use of the Premises, the Landlord shall be entitled at any time to require the Tenant to pay

additional rent in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph 1.

2. Adjustment of Rent

2.1 Any error or mis-statement as to the description of the land area and the gross floor area of the

Premises in Schedule 1 of this Agreement shall not invalidate this Agreement or entitle the

Tenant to be discharged from it. The Parties shall have the right to an adjustment of the Rent

payable under this Agreement in the manner as provided in this paragraph 2.

2.2 If upon a survey of the Premises agreed between the Parties to be undertaken and completed

no later than 4 weeks from the commencement of the Term, or such extended period as may

be allowed by the Landlord it is discovered that there is a difference between the gross floor

area of any Building as ascertained by such survey (hereinafter referred to as its “surveyed

gross floor area”) and the gross floor area of that particular Building as stated in Schedule 1

of this Agreement (hereinafter referred to as its “estimated gross floor area”), and the result

of such survey is accepted bv the Landlord, the following shall apply:

(a) If the surveyed gross floor area of any Building is within 5% variance of its estimated gross

floor area, neither Party shall have the right to any adjustment of the Rent; and

Non-Residential Use

SLA TA Version 2.2 | 30

(b) If the surveyed gross floor area of any Building is either more than or less than its estimated

gross floor area by more than 5% of its estimated gross floor area, then there shall be a

corresponding adjustment in the Rent which adjustment shall be determined by the

Collector of Land Revenue and he shall, when doing so, take into account the merits and

all the circumstances of the case, including without limitation, the actual increase or

shortfall in the surveyed gross floor area of that Building as compared with its estimated

gross floor area.

3. Surrender of Part(s) of Premises

3.1 The Tenant shall surrender to the relevant authorities without compensation any part(s) of the

Premises as may be required by them from time to time for roads and/ or drainage or any other

redevelopment as may be declared or notified to the Tenant in a written notice by the relevant

authorities and the Tenant shall accept as conclusive evidence that such part(s) of the

Premises are required for the purpose declared or notified in the said notice. For the purposes

of this paragraph 3.1, the phrase “any other redevelopment” means works that are for public

benefit, public use or for public purpose.

3.2 Upon receipt of the aforesaid written notice, the Tenant shall have the option of:

(a) terminating the tenancy by giving to the Landlord two (2) month’s notice in

writing provided that:

(i) more than 50% of the the surveyed gross floor area of the Premises

referred to in paragraph 2 of this Schedule 3 as accepted by the

Landlord has to be surrendered by the Tenant to the relevant

authorities; or

(ii) as a result of the surrender, the Tenant is no longer able to use the

Premises for the Approved Use; or

(b) continuing with the tenancy whereupon the Landlord shall adjust the Rent

payable by the Tenant under Clause 2.1 of this Agreement for the remaining

tenancy, if the Landlord determines that the circumstances merit an

adjustment, taking into account the assessment by the Collector of Land

Revenue and any other relevant factors.

4. Amendment of Boundaries

4.1 Notwithstanding anything set out in this Agreement, the Landlord reserves the right to re-define

in any way it deems fit any boundary of the Premises as may be indicated on the Plan marked

Attachment 2 at any time without prior notice Provided Always that where the right under this

paragraph 4 is exercised by the Landlord and the boundary of the Premises is re-defined by the

Non-Residential Use

SLA TA Version 2.2 | 31

Landlord, the Landlord may adjust the Rent payable by the Tenant under Clause 2.1 of this

Agreement if the Landlord determines that the circumstances merit an adjustment, taking into

account the assessment of the Collector of Land Revenue and any other relevant factors.

5. Additional Conditions relating to the Approved Use , Safety and Proper Use of the


5.1 The Tenant shall also observe, perform and comply with all the conditions set out in this

paragraph and any additional rules which the Landlord may stipulate during the Term relating

to the safety and proper use of the Premises under this Agreement:

(a) Working Area

(i) The Tenant shall confine all his activities within the boundaries of the Premises as

shown edged in red on the Plan marked Attachment 2. The Tenant shall take

reasonable care towards all persons who may be on or using the Premises and he

must not cause obstruction to any other person who may be working in the vicinity of

the Premises at the same time.

(ii) When carrying out any Works on or to or affecting any part of the Premises, the

Tenant shall put up hoardings to ensure the safety and well-being of pedestrians.

These hoardings shall be maintained in good condition throughout the site

preparation stage and at all times during the execution of the Works.

(b) Marketing and Promotion

(i) The Tenant is allowed to market or promote the Premises in any form of marketing

or promotion campaign (whether through newspapers, advertisements, radio,

television commercials, internet, banners, brochures and/or any other medium)

provided that the Tenant states in writing and makes clear to the public the term of

his tenancy of the Premises and the Approved Use(s) of the Premises.

(ii) If such marketing or promotion campaign involves the installation or erection of any

signboards or advertisements on any part of the Premises, the Tenant shall not

proceed with it unless he has obtained the Landlord’s prior written approval and all

other necessary approvals and licences from the relevant authorities.

Non-Residential Use

SLA TA Version 2.2 | 32

(c) Infrastructure Services

(i) The Tenant shall permit the the occupier (hereinafter referred to as the “occupier

of the adjoining land”) of the adjoining land at Lot 5747K (PT) Mk 28 (the “adjoining

land”) (which for the purposes of identification only is edged red on the plan

marked Attachment 2), its employees, agents, independent contractors,

consultants, surveyors, workmen and any person authorised by it, to enter upon

the Premises without any charge, payment, hindrance or restriction, by giving the

Tenant reasonable notice of such intended entry, to access:

(aa) the fire alarm panel (which for the purposes of identification only is shaded

orange on the plan marked Attachment 4A and shall hereinafter be

referred to as the “said fire alarm panel”); and

(cc) the sewerage and sanitary drainage system (which for the purposes of

identification only is shaded green on the plan marked Attachment 4A and

shall hereinafter be referred to as the “said sewerage and sanitary

drainage system”),

both of which are within the Premises, for the purposes of inspection of, and the

carrying out of any connection, diversion, installation, maintenance, repair,

improvement and any other works or activities relating or incidental to the said fire

alarm panel and the said sewerage and sanitary drainage system or the use

thereof, whether with or without vehicles, and with or without equipment necessary

or expedient to carry out any of the said works or activities. For the avoidance of

doubt, this paragraph does not impose any obligation on the Landlord to carry out

any works or activities in relation to the said fire alarm panel and the said sewerage

and sanitary drainage system.

(ii) The Tenant shall, at his own cost and expense, liaise directly with and make all

necessary arrangements with the occupier of the adjoining land for entry upon the

adjoining land to access:

(aa) the water service main (which for the purposes of identification only is

shaded blue on the plan marked Attachment 4A, and shall hereinafter be

referred to as the “said water service main”);

(bb) the master electrical substation (which for the purposes of identification

only is shaded pink on the plan marked Attachment 4A and shall

hereinafter be referred to as the “said master electrical substation”),


Non-Residential Use

SLA TA Version 2.2 | 33

(bb) the neighbouring sewerage and sanitary drainage system (which for the

purposes of identification only is shaded yellow on the plan marked

Attachment 4A and shall hereinafter be referred to as the “said

neighbouring sewerage and sanitary drainage system”),

all of which are within the adjoining land, if such access is required for the

purposes of inspection of, or the carrying out of any connection, diversion,

installation, maintenance, repair, improvement or any other works or activities

relating or incidental to the said water service main, the said electrical switch room

and the said neighbouring sewerage and sanitary drainage system or the use


Non-Residential Use

SLA TA Version 2.2 | 34


1. Additional Conditions relating to the Proposal

1.1 The Tenant hereby confirms and agrees that:

(a) the Proposal submitted as part of his tender dated < date >2 in the Invitation to Tender

(Tender No. SLA000/RT17-25/3-2/1696/1/1) and accepted by the Government of the

Republic of Singapore in the letter of acceptance dated < date >, shall be attached to this

Agreement as Attachment X, and form an integral part of this Agreement; and

(b) the Tenant shall, at his own cost and expense, observe, perform, comply with and

implement all the plans and proposals set out in the attached Proposal.

2 Landlord’s additional rights of early termination

2.1 Notwithstanding anything contained in this Agreement, the Landlord may at any time, forthwith by

notice in writing, terminate the tenancy granted under this Agreement, if the Tenant has breached

any of the additional conditions set out in paragraph 1 of this Schedule 4.

2.2 The termination of this Agreement under this provision shall be without prejudice to any rights or

remedies that may have accrued to the Landlord in respect of any antecedent breach of any other

covenant or term of this Agreement by the Tenant.

2 Paragraph 1.1 will have to be amended accordingly if the successful tenderer is not the Tenant, but a New Company (defined in Condition 11 of the Conditions of Tender) formed or used by the successful tenderer to execute this Tenancy Agreement.


Appendix A-2


The Guarantee/ Performance Bond* for the Security Deposit shall be in the following prescribed

form (no variation is allowed):

Tender No.: SLA000/RT17-25/3-2/1696/1/1

To: The Commissioner of Lands and his successors in office for and on behalf of the Government

of the Republic of Singapore (hereinafter called the “Government”)

WHEREAS on the __________ day of __________________ it was agreed between

_______________________________________________________________(name of Tenant) of

_____________________________________________ (address) (hereinafter called the “Tenant”) of

the one part and the Government of the other part whereby the Tenant agreed to enter into a tenancy

agreement (hereinafter called the “Tenancy Agreement”) with the Government in respect of State Land

lot 05747K (PT) MK 28 along Tampines Street 92 .

AND WHEREAS the Tenant is required under the Tenancy Agreement to pay a cash sum of

Singapore Dollars _________________________________ (S$___________) as security for the due

performance and observance of all stipulations, terms, conditions and obligations on its part to be

performed and observed under the Tenancy Agreement.

NOW in consideration of the Government not insisting on the Tenant paying the cash sum of

Singapore Dollars _________________ (S$__________) as a security deposit for the Tenancy


1. In the event of the Tenant failing to fulfill any of the terms and conditions of the Tenancy

Agreement, we shall indemnify the Government against all losses, damages, costs, expenses, dues or

otherwise including without limitation legal costs and expenses, sustained by the Government thereby

up to the sum of Singapore Dollars ___________________________________ (S$__________) (the

“Guaranteed Sum”) upon receiving the Government’s written notice of claim for payment made

pursuant to Clause 4 hereof.

2. We shall not be discharged or released from this Guarantee/Performance Bond* by any

arrangement between the Government and the Tenant with or without our consent or by any alteration

in the obligations undertaken by the Tenant or by any forbearance or concession whether as to payment,

time, performance or otherwise or by the death, bankruptcy or winding up of the Tenant.

3. Our liability under this Guarantee/Performance Bond* shall continue and this

Guarantee/Performance Bond* shall remain in full force and effect from [insert effective date] until

[insert initial expiry date] (both dates inclusive).


4. This Guarantee/Performance Bond* is conditional upon a claim as specified herein being made

by the Government by way of a notice in writing addressed to us and the same being received by us at

[insert address of Bank’s/Insurance Company’s notification office] within 90 days from the date of

expiry of this Guarantee/Performance Bond*. Thereafter, this Guarantee/Performance Bond* shall

become null and void notwithstanding that this Guarantee/Performance Bond* is not returned to us for

cancellation except for any claims(s) submitted to us in writing not later than 90 days from the date of

expiry of this Guarantee/Performance Bond*.

5. We shall be obliged to effect the payment required under such a claim within 30 days of our

receipt thereof. We shall be under no duty to inquire into the reasons, circumstances or authenticity of

the grounds for such claim and shall be entitled to rely upon and shall accept any written notice thereof

received by us (within the period specified in Clause 4 hereof) as final and conclusive.

6. The Government may make more than one claim on this Guarantee/Performance Bond* so long

as the claims are made pursuant to Clause 4 hereof and within the period specified therein and the

aggregate amount specified in all such claims does not exceed the Guaranteed Sum.

7. This Guarantee/Performance Bond* is issued subject to the laws of the Republic of Singapore

and the exclusive jurisdiction of the Singapore courts.

Dated this _________ day of _________________ 20 _______.

AS WITNESS our hand

Signed by: ___________________________________________________

(Name and Designation of Officer)

for and on behalf of the

_________________________ ____________________

(Name of Bank/Insurance Company) (Signature)

in the presence of

Name of Witness : ______________________________

Designation of Witness : ______________________________

Signature of Witness : ______________________________

* Delete accordingly


Appendix A-3


Tender submissions that are compliant with all the submission requirements and conditions contained

in the Conditions of Tender in Part 1 of this Invitation to Tender shall be evaluated based on the tendered

rent submitted, and other non-price criteria. Price and quality factors are assigned weightages and

translated into quantitative scores (P-score and Q-score). Both the P-score and Q-score will be

normalised such that the Tenderer with the highest points obtained will be given the maximum score.

The P-score and Q-score of other Tenderers will be calculated proportionally to the highest total point

obtained (i.e. P-score and Q-score normalisation). The P-score (normalised) and Q-score (normalised)

are then summed up into a combined score (maximum of 100 points) during tender evaluation as shown


(1) Price Criteria (50%)

Lump sum tendered rent of tenderer Lump sum CAPEX of tenderer

P-score = --------------------------------------------------------------------- X 30 pts + ---------------------------------------------------- X 20 pts

Highest tendered rent of all tendered rent evaluated Highest CAPEX of all CAPEX received

(*maximum P-score is 50 pts)


Tenderer A B C D E F

Tendered rent submitted $12,000 $20,000 $24,000 $28,000 $32,000 $40,000

Highest tendered rent of all

tendered rent evaluated


Points (max 30 pts) 9 15 18 21 24 30

CAPEX submitted $6 mil $4 mil $2 mil $4 mil $1.4 mil $1 mil

Highest CAPEX $6 mil

Points (max 20 pts) 20 13.33 6.67 13.33 4.67 3.33

P-score 29.00 28.33 24.67 34.33 28.67 33.33

Normalisation of P-score is illustrated as follows:-

Individual tenderer’s P-score

P-score (normalised) = --------------------------------------------------------------- X 50 pts

Highest P-score obtained

(*maximum P-score and P-score (normalised) is 50 pts)


Tenderer A B C D E F

P-score for individual tenderer 29.00 28.33 24.67 34.33 28.67 33.33

Highest P-score obtained 34.33

P-score (normalised) 42.24 41.26 35.93 50 41.76 48.54


(2) Other Criteria – Quality (non-price) Criteria (50%)

Quality (non-price) Criteria Maximum Score

Requirements and Scoring Method

1 Business Proposal (32 pts)


A sustainable business model that is supported by financial projections. Note: Tenderers are required to score a minimum of 6 points under section 1a to be eligible for tender award.

12 pts

The tenderer’s business proposal should enhance and rejuvenate the said premises while remaining financially viable. The following should be provided for assessment: (i) Key concepts and how this brands the said

premises and contributes to its rejuvenation

(ii) Target revenue and projected annual expenditure with respect to:

a) Capital b) Operating c) Marketing d) Others (i.e. value-added services)

(iii) Proposed number of key personnel for each area

of property management (i.e. operations, leasing,

marketing, etc) and their relevant qualification.

(iv) Property management services which would

outsourced (if any)


A comprehensive and targeted marketing and branding plan that is aligned with the proposed objectives to create an Education Hub.

8 pts

The branding plan should be comprehensive, sustainable and targeted. Quantifiable efforts to market the proposed concept(s). The marketing efforts and services offered should tailor to the target audience. The following should be provided for assessment: (i) Target Market (ii) Detailed strategy to reach out to target audience

including marketing efforts, advertising and marketing agents (if any)

(iii) Targets including but not limited to occupancy rate

at different milestones (eg no. of planned events/activities), targeted footfall)

(iv) Use of innovative and/or unique technology to

market and/or value-add to the proposed concept



There is a plan to provide routine, cyclical maintenance and preserve the asset value of the said premises throughout the tenancy.

4 pts

The maintenance plan should include a clear plan to

preserve the long-term asset value of the said

premises. The maintenance programme should also

be well documented.

The following should be provided for assessment:

(i) Plans for routine and cyclical maintenance

(ii) Proposed expenditure for routine and cyclical maintenance on a per year and/or per term basis

(iii) Proposal on how to preserve the long-term value of the said premises

(iv) Plans to monitor and ensure the said premises are properly managed throughout the term and how such records are documented.

(v) Use of innovative and/or unique technology to monitor and ensure the said premises are properly maintained throughout the term and such records are documented (if any)


The proposed space allocation is innovative and/or creative. Note: It is mandatory to set aside 300 sqm of GFA for social/community uses (eg. programmes that address social needs, revenue generated contributes back to society, community involvement)

5 pts

The proposed space allocation should be comprehensive and include annotations on the GFA plans. The following should be provided for assessment: a) Estimated GFA allocated for each proposed use

b) Innovative or creative elements used in designing

the respective spaces

c) Details of the proposed social/community uses

d) Any interesting or unique technologies and/or strategies proposed

3 pts

Urban Farming use with social/community elements is proposed within the 300 sqm of GFA that is set aside for social/community uses Urban Farming use with social/community elements is not proposed within the 300 sqm of GFA that is set aside for social/community uses

3 pts

0 pts


2 Background and Company/Consortium’s Track record (12 pts)


Track Record of Company/ Consortium as an operator and/or master tenant in relevant field/industry of the proposed use(s) (i.e. commercial school, medical clinic) in the last 5 years

8 pts

Tenderer has at least 5 years’ continuous experience as an operator or master tenant in relevant field/industry of the proposed use(s) Tenderer has 2 to 4 years’ continuous experience as an operator or master tenant in relevant field/industry of the proposed use(s) Tenderer has <2 years’ continuous experience as an operator or master tenant in relevant field/industry of the proposed use(s)

8 pts

5 pts

2 pts


Track Record of Company/ Consortium in managing a property of GFA > 100,000 sqft

4 pts

Tenderer owns/has managed a property of GFA > 100,000 sqft for ≥3 years Tenderer owns/has managed a property of GFA > 100,000 sqft for <3 years Tenderer does not own or manage a property of GFA > 100,000 sqft

4 pts

2 pts

0 pts

3 Financial Standing (6 pts)


Sufficient working capital (current assets – current liabilities) as reported in tenderer’s financial statements for the latest financial year Note: Tenderers are required to score a minimum of 1 point under section 3a to be eligible for tender award.

3 pts

Tenderer with working capital ≥ annual rental, based on tenderer’s tendered monthly rental Tenderer with working capital of at least ½ the annual rental, based on tenderer’s tendered monthly rental Tenderer with working capital of ≤ ½ the annual rental, based on tenderer’s tendered monthly rental

3 pts

1 pts

0 pts


Sufficient financial ability to meet short-term liabilities with short-term assets in the last 3 years (as reported in tenderer’s financial statements for FY2014-2016 Note: Tenderers are required to score a minimum of 1 point under section 3b to be eligible for tender award.

3 pts

Tenderer with quick ratio (cash + marketable securities + receivables / current liabilities) ≥ 1 for all 3 years Tenderer with quick ratio (cash + marketable securities + receivables / current liabilities) ≥ 1 for at least 2 years Tenderer with quick ratio (cash + marketable securities + receivables / current liabilities) ≥ 1 for at least 1 year Tenderer with quick ratio (cash + marketable securities + receivables / current liabilities) < 1 for all 3 years

3 pts

2 pts

1 pts

0 pts

Total Maximum (Q-score) 50 pts


Normalisation of Q-score is illustrated as follows:-

Individual tenderer’s Q-score

Q-score (normalised) = --------------------------------------------------------------- X 50 pts

Highest Q-score obtained

(*maximum Q-score and Q-score (normalised) is 50 pts)


Tenderer A B C D E F

Q-score for individual tenderer 10 20 30 48 45 25

Highest Q-score obtained 48

Q-score (normalised) 10.42 20.83 31.25 50 46.88 26.04












Appendix B



State Property State Property along Tampines Street 92 (collectively, the “said premises”)

Tendered Monthly

Rent (exclusive of





Proposed Use(s) Commercial School, Medical Clinic* * to delete use(s) which are not proposed

I/We* …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. (NAME OF TENDERER IN BLOCK LETTERS)

of …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………... (REGISTERED ADDRESS OF TENDERER)

(hereinafter referred to as the “Tenderer”) having examined the said premises, hereby offer to rent from the

Government of the Republic of Singapore (hereinafter referred to as the “Government”) the said premises for the

use as stipulated in the Proposed Use(s) indicated above at the above-mentioned tendered monthly rent, for an

initial tenancy term of three (3) years (hereinafter referred to as the “Initial Term”) on the terms and conditions

contained in this Invitation to Tender (Tender No.: SLA000/RT17-25/3-2/1696/1/1), and I/we hereby submit together

as part of my/our aforesaid offer, my/our* Tender Brief with my/our* Proposal set out and attached thereto (in the

prescribed form1) all duly completed and signed.

2. Attached hereto is a Cashier’s Order/Money Order No.2.....................………………………….…………. from …………………………………………………………………………. (NAME OF BANK) made in favour of the “Commissioner of Lands” for the sum of Singapore

Dollars ……………………………………………………………………………………………(S$……………) being the tender deposit equivalent to the amount of the above-mentioned tendered monthly rental (rounded to the nearest

dollar). 3. If my / our* aforesaid offer is accepted by the Government, I/we * understand and agree:

a. any renewal of the tenancy (if any) on the expiry of the Initial Term shall be at the sole and absolute discretion of the Government; and on the expiry of the Initial Term or the renewed term (if any), the Government is entitled at its sole and absolute discretion, to re-let the said premises by way of a fresh tender or reserve the said premises for any use or purpose deemed fit by the Government; and

b. I / we * must observe, perform, comply with and implement all the plans and proposals set out in my

/ our* attached Proposal, and my / our* obligation to do so shall be incorporated into, and form an integral part of, the tenancy agreement3 to be executed by me / us* with the Government in this Invitation to Tender.

4. I/We* undertake to give you any further information which you may require.

5. I/We have read and fully understood the Singapore Land Authority Personal Data Notice available at

http://www.sla.gov.sg/Services.aspx, and by submitting this form to SLA, I/We hereby agree and consent to all the

terms and conditions stipulated in the said Notice.

Dated this ______________ day of _________________, 20_____

1 The form of the Tender Brief is attached at Appendix C (in Part 3 of this Invitation to Tender). See Section B of the Tender Brief for the requirements on the submission of the Tenderer’s Proposal. 2 Please note that cash will not be accepted. 3 The form of tenancy agreement to be executed by the tenant is attached at Appendix A (in Part 1 of this Invitation to Tender).


Note: Please complete only either Part I or Part II


Signature of Tenderer :

Name of Tenderer in Block Letters :

NRIC No. :

Address :

E-mail Address :

Tel No. :

Handphone No. :

Fax No. :



Signature of Authorised Person signing

for and on behalf of Tendering Company/

Corporation/ Limited Liability Partnership/



Name of Signatory in Block Letters :

Position of Signatory in Tendering

Company/ Corporation/ Limited Liability

Partnership/ Firm*


NRIC No. of Signatory :

Name of Tendering Company/

Corporation/ Limited Liability Partnership/



Registration No of Tendering Company/

Corporation/ Limited Liability Partnership/



Registered Address of Tendering

Company/ Corporation/ Limited Liability

Partnership/ Firm*


E-mail Address :

Tel No. :

Handphone No. :

Fax No. :

*Delete if not Applicable

NOTICE: This Form duly completed MUST accompany every tender submission. Any change or addition

to its wordings may render the tender liable to DISQUALIFICATION


Appendix C


Pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Invitation to Tender (Tender No: SLA000/RT17-25/3-2/1696/1/1) and at the request of the Singapore Land Authority (“SLA”), I/we* (the “Tenderer”) hereby submit the following information and proposals as part of my/our* Tender for the rental of the said premises described therein.



1.1 Have you rented any State Properties from the Government of Singapore through SLA? Yes/No*

If your answer is “Yes”, please provide the information requested for below:

Address Use(s) Period of Rental






Please provide the relevant and other experiences of the Tenderer as well as that of any other entity (including any individual) who may be involved with the Tenderer in operating the proposed use(s) for the State property along Tampines Street 92 (the “said premises”).

Condition 5.1 of Conditions of Tender

Relevant Experience

2.1 Past/ Current Projects similar to the Proposed Use(s) for the said premises

Location Use(s) Period of


Level of






Other Experience

2.2 Location Use(s) Period of


Level of









In EXCEL format for the first 3 years, including but not limited to the following assumptions

supported by realistic financial projects


- Projected revenue

- Proposed rental to the State

- Projected operating cost

- Projected investments

- Sources of revenue

- Break-even point

- Projected occupancy rate

- Target market

- Operating hours

Year 2018 Year 2019 Year 2020


(i) (where Tenderer is an individual) a copy of the Tenderer’s Notice of Income Tax Assessment for

Year 2015 and 2016; or

(ii) (where Tenderer is a company, corporation, limited liability partnership or firm but is required by

law to audit its financial statements) the Tenderer’s Audited Financial statements for Year 2015

and 2016; or

(iii) (where Tenderer is a company, corporation, limited liability partnership or firm but is not required

by law to audit its financial statements) the Tenderer’s Financial Statements for Year 2015 and


Year 2015 Year 2016

4.1 Where Tenderer is

an Individual

Notice of Income Tax Assessment

4.2 Where Tenderer is

a Company/


Limited Liability

Partnership/ Firm

Current Issued & Paid-Up Capital

Working Capital as indicated in the

Audited Accounts

(i.e. Current Assets less Current


Revenue/Turnover as indicated in

the Audited Accounts

Accumulated Profit/Loss* as

indicated in the Audited Accounts

Net Profit/Loss* after tax as

indicated in Audited Accounts

Cash Balance

Net Tangible Assets / Shareholder

Funds /

Total Equity

(i.e. Total Assets less Total


Total Liabilities



Based on information provided in the Structural Inspection Report, Report for Fire

Safety Requirements, General Guidelines for Alterations and Additions to Buildings (if



Estimated CAPEX Amount, $

Year 2018 Year 2019 Year 2020

Proposed CAPEX scope including

but not limited to the following:

Structural & Building Works

[e.g. A&A works, roof repair, removal

costs for asbestos roof, construction

of substation]

M & E Services

[e.g. connection fee for building

services- sewerage/ drainage/ water,

compliance to FSSD’s requirements

such as fire sprinkler system & fire

hydrant, electrical works such as

rewiring and upgrading of electrical

load, provision of air-con, water and

sanitary infrastructure]


[e.g. Design & Finishes]

Equipment, Fittings & Fixtures

5.2 Building Maintenance Plan

Yearly regime

Quarterly regime

Monthly regime

5.3 Source of Funds of estimated


5.4 Work Schedule Please submit the projected work schedule and

corresponding CAPEX to be incurred.




Please submit the information and proposals requested in this Section B. Please attach additional

sheet(s) as attachments to this section if the space provided is insufficient.

1 Do you currently operate and/or manage any Commercial Schools and/or Medical Clinics under the same Directorship/Management?

Yes / No (Please choose one)

If yes, how many are there? ____________________________________________

If no, please proceed to section 3.

2 Please state the brand name, property type (e.g. Office Buildings, Shop Houses) and how long you have been managing your existing properties:

Brand name: _______________ Property type: __________________ (__________ years)

Brand name: _______________ Property type: __________________ (__________ years)

Brand name: _______________ Property type: __________________ (__________ years)

Brand name: _______________ Property type: __________________ (__________ years)

3 Please state your experience in managing properties of Gross Floor Area (GFA) > 100,000 sqft in the last 5 years.

Property of GFA > 100,000 sqft (please include address and type of property)

Date started managing


4 Please submit your company’s audited financial statement for FY2014-2016 for assessment of your company’s credit rating.

5 Please submit your company’s audited working capital (current assets – current liabilities) and relevant audited supporting documents for FY2014-2016.

6 Please submit your company’s audited quick ratio (cash + marketable securities + receivables / current liabilities) and relevant audited supporting documents for FY2014-2016.

7 Please provide details of your proposed business plan.

(Please attach additional sheets if space is insufficient.)

Your business proposal should enhance and rejuvenate the State property while

remaining financially viable.

The following should be provided for assessment:

(i) Key concepts of your business plan and how this brands the State property and

contributes to its rejuvenation

(ii) Projected revenue and the manner in which such projected revenue shall be achieved

for the entire tenure.

(iii) Projected annual expenditure with respect to

a) Capital

b) Operating

c) Marketing

d) Others (i.e. value-added services)

(iii) Proposed number of key personnel for each area of property management (i.e.

operations, leasing, marketing, etc) and their relevant qualification.

(iv) Property management services which would outsourced (if any)


8 Please provide details of your proposed branding plan

(Please attach additional sheets if space is insufficient.)

Your branding plan should be comprehensive, sustainable and targeted. Quantifiable

efforts should be made to market the proposed concept(s). The marketing efforts and

services offered should tailor to the target audience.

The following should be provided for assessment:

(i) Target Market

(ii) Detailed and innovative strategies to reach out to target audience including marketing efforts (e.g. advertising and events planned, if any)

(iii) Targets including but not limited to occupancy rate at different milestones (eg no. of planned events/activities), targeted footfall)

(iv) Use of innovative and/or unique technology to market and/or value-add to the proposed concept


9 Please provide details of your proposed maintenance plan

(Please attach additional sheets if space is insufficient.)

Your maintenance proposal should include a clear plan to preserve the long-term asset value of the said premises. The maintenance programme should also be well documented with the actual routine and cyclical maintenance expenditure submitted to SLA on at the end of each 12-month period. Documentary certification of efforts to preserve the said premises as heritage properties should also be submitted to SLA during the tenancy.

The following should be provided for assessment:

(i) Plans for routine and cyclical maintenance

(ii) Proposed expenditure for routine and cyclical maintenance on a per year and/or per term basis

(iii) Proposal on how to preserve the long-term value of the said premises

(iv) Plans to monitor and ensure the said premises are properly managed throughout the term and how such records are documented.

(v) Use of innovative and/or unique technology to monitor and ensure the said premises are properly maintained throughout the term and such records are documented (if any)


10 Please provide details on your proposed space allocation

(Please attach the annotated GFA plans to accompany your proposal.) The proposed space allocation should be comprehensive and include annotations on the GFA plans. Note: It is mandatory to set aside 300 sqm of GFA for social/community uses (eg. programmes that address social needs, revenue generated contributes back to society, community involvement) The following should be provided for assessment:

(i) Estimated GFA allocation for each proposed use (ii) Innovative or creative elements used in designing the respective spaces (iii) Details of the proposed social/community uses (iv) Any interesting or unique technologies and/or strategies proposed

10.1 Are you proposing Urban Farming use with social/community elements within the 300 sqm of GFA that is set aside for social/community uses?

Yes / No (Please choose one)

If yes, please provide details of the proposed Urban Farming use below.


The undersigned hereby certifies that to the best of his knowledge, all the information and particulars contained in this Tender Brief and all the attachments to this Tender Brief, are true, accurate and complete. The Singapore Land Authority (“SLA”), as agent of the Government of the Republic of Singapore, is entitled to and is hereby authorised to make direct enquiries with, and request for information and obtain references from, any person, firm, public official or organisation to verify the information contained herein.

The undersigned hereby undertakes to give to SLA any further information which SLA may require and forward all original documents for the purpose of verification when called upon to do so. The undersigned agrees that if permission in writing is granted by SLA to effect any amendment to any information or particulars contained in or attached to Section A and/or Section B of this Tender Brief, such amendment(s) shall not in any way affect or alter any other parts of the Tenderer’s offer as contained in the Form of Tender which shall remain valid for acceptance by the Government of the Republic of Singapore.

Date: ………………………………………….

Where Tenderer is an individual*:

Signature of Tenderer : _____________________

Name of Tenderer : _____________________

Where Tenderer is a company/corporation//limited liability partnership/firm*:

Signature of Tenderer’s authorised signatories : _______________________

Name of Tenderer’s authorised signatories : _______________________

Designation of Tenderer’s authorised signatories : _______________________

* Delete if not applicable

# If any part of this Tender Brief is not applicable, the Tenderer shall insert “NIL” or “N.A.”. All supporting plans and documents referred to in this Tender Brief must also be submitted together with the Tender Brief. If the space provided is insufficient, please use additional sheets which must bear the Tenderer’s name and be signed by the Tenderer (or its authorised signatory where the Tenderer is a company/limited liability partnership/firm).

NOTICE: This Tender Brief, duly completed, MUST accompany every tender submission.


Please refer to the following checklist to ensure that all necessary items have been included.

Each tenderer must submit all items 1 to 7 as part of his tender submission. This checklist is for

your own reference and need not be submitted.

for action taken

1 A tender deposit equivalent to the tendered monthly rent (rounded to the next nearest dollar),

by way of a cashier’s order/money order made in favour of the “Commissioner of Lands”.

2 The prescribed Form of Tender (Appendix B) duly completed and signed by the tenderer.

3 The prescribed Tender Brief (Appendix C) duly completed and signed by the tenderer (see Section B of the Tender Brief for the tenderer’s Proposal to be submitted).

4 If the tenderer is a company, corporation, limited liability partnership or firm, please

include: (a) the latest print-out on the tenderer from the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority

(ACRA); and

(b) (i) (where the tenderer is required by law to audit its financial statements) the tenderer’s

audited financial statements for the last two (2) years; or

(ii) (where the tenderer is not required by law to audit its financial statements) the tenderer’s financial statements for the last two (2) years.

(See Section A, Part 4 of the Tender Brief).

5 If the tenderer is an individual, please include:

(a) a photocopy of the tenderer’s identity card; and

(b) a copy of his Notice of Income Tax Assessment for the last two (2) years.

(See Section A, Part 4 of the Tender Brief)

6 The tender submission comprising all the above items must be placed in an envelope. The

envelope label cover (see next page), with the particulars of the tenderer duly completed,

must be pasted on the envelope.

7 Please note that the tenderer has given the following acknowledgment:-

“If my / our* aforesaid offer is accepted by the Government, I/we * understand and agree that

notwithstanding any investment of capital in and improvements made to the said premises:

a) any renewal of the tenancy (if any) on the expiry of the Initial Term shall be at the sole

and absolute discretion of the Government; and on the expiry of the Initial Term or the

renewed term (if any), the Government is entitled at its sole and absolute discretion, to

re-let the said premises by way of a fresh tender or reserve the said premises for any

use or purpose deemed fit by the Government; and

b) I / we * must observe, perform, comply with and implement all the plans and proposals

set out in my / our* attached Proposal, and my / our* obligation to do so shall be

incorporated into, and form an integral part of, the tenancy agreement4 to be executed

by me / us* with the Government in this Invitation to Tender.”

4 The form of tenancy agreement to be executed by the tenant is attached at Appendix A (in Part 1 of this Invitation to Tender).




This slip is to be detached and pasted on the envelope containing the tender submission.

TENDER NO: SLA000/RT17-25/3-2/1696/1/1


To: Singapore Land Authority 55 Newton Road #12-01 Revenue House Singapore 307987

Tender Box: 1

(Customer Service Centre on the 12th storey of Revenue House, 55 Newton Road)

Closing Date: 21 November 2017 at 11.00 am (Singapore time)

Submitted by: Name of Tenderer


Address of Tenderer


Name of Tenderer’s contact person


Tel No. of Tenderer’s contact person


For enquiries, please call Ms Jocelyn Ng at 6478 3272