Ten Ways To Make Your Audience Listen

Post on 07-Nov-2014

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Learn how to make your audience listen every time and all the time.

Transcript of Ten Ways To Make Your Audience Listen

Ten ways to make your Audience Listen

Olusola Amusan




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Olusola Amusan is an Author, personal effectiveness trainer, coach and youth empowerment advocate. Being GEMSTONE 2025 Ambassador, a model United Nations Ambassador to sub-Saharan Africa for the MDGs, Olusola is a keen young man in his early twenties, an award winner who carries a burden to pass across the message of Securing Africa at every fora possible… more at http://olusolabooks.com


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The first thing to do when given the opportunity to speak anywhere is to carefully and critically analyze your audience.

Find out the kind of people that dominate your audience, use measure such as age group, culture , gender, level of education, religion beliefs and so on. This must inform the context of your speech every time so you can communicate effectively every time. Analyzing your audience ensures that you bond well with them and remain within the context that will benefit them

#1 – Analyze your Audience

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The law of story telling is very key in public speaking. Starting your speech or training with a story, a joke or illustration will keep your audience in suspense, waiting eagerly to know what you are driving at. Humans tend to learn better in pictures so paint more vivid scenarios as you explain your concepts and Ideas.

Meanwhile, great caution should be taken to ensure that the story is not boring, it is one you are familiar with or one you have very well rehearsed, and of course it must be in line with the subject you are trying to pass across. Starting with the perfect story makes your audience Calm and quiet.

#2– Start with a Story, joke or Illustration

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Starting with a phrase like: “For the past 30 years I’ve been teaching on this subject…”, “I was Speaking to CEOs and leaders some days ago…”, ”I was at a conference outside the country…” and so on to establish credibility before an audience you are just meeting for the first time. There is something you have, or have done that will interest your audience, search for it locate it and talk about it.

This is not equal to boasting. The simple thing you are trying to do is show that you can be trusted on the subject you are about to speak on.

Establish credibility in a very polite and humble way and you will always get your audience to listen to you.

You can also establish credibility by having someone read your profile, or sharing your testimonies before you set out to speak at all.

#3– Establish Credibility in a Polite and humble way

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One of my mentors and Life coach, GEMSTONE Apostle Fela Durotoye, CEO Visible Impact, Nigeria is fond of saying this in professional gatherings: “ Let your Content be Rock Solid and Let your Packaging be Wow!”

Your packaging is as important as your content. It is what guarantees that you will be listened to at all.

Let you packaging fit the location, timing and season, else you’ll be taking for a fool. Dress like a professional when you need to and don’t wear a dinner gown to a board room.

#4– Let your packaging be excellent

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To establish content credibility, you must learn to speak with authority, assertiveness and a sense of confidence. What this communicates to you audience is that you are vast and strong with regard to the subject.

When you are sure , let it be seen that you are sure, not guessing, not playing around rumours and untested facts.

When you are not sure however, it is imperative to politely make it known to your audience instead of communicating dishonesty and lack of professionalism.

Be Assertive, be firm, show strength; this way you will always get your audience to listen to you.

#5– Be Assertive and Firm

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As you get along, do well by asking you audience questions, sometimes rhetorical questions will keep them awake.

Engage your audience in questions. Look into their eyes, so you can communicate. Communication is not a monologue. Effective communication is a Dialogue. Get your audience to nod their heads, raise hands or at least respond (or react ) in anyway.

This always ensures that the people you are speaking to are still on the same page with you.

“The single common mistake people make about communication is the illusion that it has taken place”

Always get a feed back

#6– Get feed backs, engage your audience

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Whatever subject you find yourself presenting/discussing, link it with current issue. Tell them about a newspaper you picked up ‘this morning’, the movie you just watched, a plane crash that just happened, the new ‘wonder of the world’ that had just found and so on.

Each time you link you current subject with current issues your audience can relate with, you always get them interested in your speech and they wont find you boring…

If you talk about a popular movie or musical album in a gathering of youths, a new fashion attire for high class folks in a women elite meeting, or a new golf course you just discovered in a meeting of millionaire executives, or even international soccer before young men… You would most likely be able to communicate and bond better with your Audience.

#7– Connect your subject with Current Issues

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No matter how great you are, if you are not a tyrant leader or bully, you audience must feel comfortable listening to you. Respect them and let them know you do. Don’t grovel , treat them specially, and take them from the realm of the known to the unknown. You are very important, we agree, but your audience is more important than you are, since your importance or value depends on whether they get value out of their time by deciding to listening to you.

Use very polite words, don’t humiliate people by making them negative examples. When it comes to effective public speaking and getting your audience to listen, your audience is king, please Crown them

#8– Always make your audience feel special and respected

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Practice is very important in public speaking. Practice to use a very Unique, persuasive and appropriate voice texture. Do voice training. Learn to shout when it is necessary. Don’t depend on the technology in place to boost you, or you may be stranded when technology fails.

Be persuasive in you speaking, this ensures that the essence of you speech is eventually achieved.

A critical aspect of public speaking is getting the audience convinced and motivated towards action.

A sweet soft tone will be wonderful when taking in a gathering where there are children. It will be inappropriate when you are to ,motivate a group of soldiers who must be in battle the next minute. Find out the appropriate speech tone for your supposed engagement and apply it.

#9– Use a unique, Persuasive Voice with an appropriate tone

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Finally, each time I have the opportunity to speak to people about this I do with great vehemence and passion.

Your audience must be able to experience of perceive you confidence fibre. It is certainly the most important tool you need to make you audience listen to you.

Everyone in the audience must see that you drive in all your points in with a strong fibre of confidence. Confidence, not pride. (There is a thin line between both). The assurance that your concepts and ideas are valid is needed to convince your audience, not just to listen but also to take action

#10– Drive every of your point home confidently

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