Ten Things I Wish We'd Known (a wholly incomplete guide to running a cloud business)

Post on 18-Dec-2014

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Transcript of Ten Things I Wish We'd Known (a wholly incomplete guide to running a cloud business)

Andy McLoughlin, Co-founderFollow me @bandrew

Serve 100,000+ organizations

Content collaboration for government & enterprise

London, San Francisco, NYC, Washington DC

Founded 2006 in London. 175 staff across four offices in two countries.

Raised $40M in venture capital. Investors include Eden Ventures, Matrix Partners,

Jafco Ventures, DAG Capital, In-Q-Tel and Webex founder Subrah Iyar.

Ten Things I Wish We’d Known

(a wholly incomplete guide to running a cloud business)

Get the basics right1

Launch early, monetize later


If you’re not embarrassed by the first version of your product, you’ve launched too late. - Reid Hoffman“Stealth mode is for planes,

not companies. - RRW Commenter, circa 2009“

Get smart on pricing3

• If you can, pick a bad guy

Pick a villain4


You’re building an ‘unsexy’ business

6(So deal with it)

(In almost all cases)

Hire smart(and avoid the loyalty trap)


Stay SaaSy8

Head West9

Perception = reality


Things are never as good as they seem. But they’re never as bad, either.

– Alastair Mitchell, co-founder“

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