
Post on 11-May-2015

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Transcript of Telephony

It is a science of translating and transmitting sound signals Voicemail

Internet telephony is transport of calls over the internetCool talk and netmeeting

Voice over IP technology enables real time transmission of voice signals as pocket sized data that employ the transmission protocal,real time protocal,user diagram protocal & internet protocal

VoIP to voIP calls-freeVoIP to PSTN(public switched network)-less

than regular telephone

Software productsHardware products

Speak freely:

for sending voice msg over your network enter the host name/IP addr of machineNet speak web phone:

It includes most of normal telephone,plus text chat,video & call transforing


It suppotrs PC-PC & PC-phone calls


To make a call,enter aplio Id of the person’s is like our telephone no.

Multi voIP:

To send&receive calls b/w different office,one needs to install the multi voIP box at each office


Internet acess is readily availableOpposed to using an ordinary phony

The user will be forced to disconnect from the network

In this technology you would not need multiple devices(telephones , fax machine ,PCs) to receive message. You would not even need multiple software . VoIP is an emerging area .developments will happening at a fast phone).