team mindfulness...CULTURE EATS MINDFULNESS FOR BREAKFAST It’s no use being able to regulate your...

Post on 17-Oct-2020

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Transcript of team mindfulness...CULTURE EATS MINDFULNESS FOR BREAKFAST It’s no use being able to regulate your...

team mindfulness

michael chaskalson

The awareness that comes from...

Paying Attention On Purpose

In the Present Moment Non-judgementally

what is mindfulness?

follow the breath





learning to AIM

the mindful leader

all withjust

10 minutes


It’s no use being able to regulate your emotions if you’re being bullied or frequently over-worked


team mindfulness

what is team mindfulness?

A quality of team experience that comes about whenteams collectively pay attention to

team objectives, tasks, roles, dynamics and structures,

regularly, openly and non-judgmentally

Rupprecht, Koole, Chaskalson, Tamdiji & West (2018)

team mindfulness

Reduces relationship conflicts within teams.

“When team mindfulness is low, there is a stronger relation between task conflict and relationship conflict,and there is a stronger relation between relationship conflict and social undermining.”

Yu and Zellmer-Bruhn (2018)

research into google’s highest performing teams

what matters is less about who is on a team, more about how the team works together

key components of high performing teams at google

1. Psychological Safety2. Dependability3. Structure and Clarity4. Meaning 5. Impact

Of these, far and away the most important was psychological safety

psychological safety

An individual’s perception of the consequences of taking an interpersonal risk.

They feel confident that no one on the team will embarrass or punish anyone else for:

• admitting a mistake

• asking a question

• or offering a new idea.

individuals on teams with higher psychological safety…

• were less likely to leave Google

• were more likely to harness the power of diverse ideas from their teammates

• brought in more revenue per head

• were rated as effective twice as often by Google executives.

team mindfulness interventions

• use mindfulness training to build AIM(allowing, inquiry and meta-awareness)

• use AIM in coaching team conversations

• draw attention to process as well as content in meetings

• educate leaders in the importance of psychological safety

For Michael’s guided meditations
