Tarea 1

Post on 28-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Tarea 1

My Biography

My name is Dayver Daza Salgado, I am from Bogotá (Colombia), I am 20 years old, and I’m born in Patio Bonito II in 1992.

I began to walk when have 1 year old, 4 years later I began to study in the school patio bonito II, I study all primary, when I was studying in a travel to Zipacon, and was playing in the game, when an I knocked in the face which caused, I put several points, and give me several days of disability.

I was 12 years old, begin to study in the Isabel II school this school is located in the locality of Kennedy, more or less side by Transmilenio station banderas in the super manzana neighborhood XII. In sixth grade, in the first period received a mention for excellence, for being one of the best students, and over time my academic level was declining. I studied in the afternoon and I liked that day, since he could sleep more in the morning and even then toward obligations.

When I finished my high school, I started a technical course in civil constructions in the foundation Insutec, but I dislike so than decide study leave. When I had finished leave the studies in insutec take the option work in the plaza de abastos market, since they gave me the work and had no more to do.

Working at abastos lasts for more than two months, at the same time between to do an English course in the ilud (Institute of languages of the University Distrital Francisco José de Caldas), but the truth I am not given much English so I remove.

Did not want to continue working in abastos, so I decided to enroll to the Distrital University, because one of my dreams was one day belong to this prestigious faculty of knowledge; one of my greatest loves always been physics, waoo is amazing the love I feel for this science, I am filled with both, it is difficult to remember as I fall in love with this science, but I think it was in the school, because I was going very well in this area, I made it easy and he understood it to perfection.

And so it was, I enrolled in the university district, but in the same way at the National Pedagogical University, had you not said the fact to transmit a knowledge, be able to perform this action is very very rewarding for me because I know that I am contributing to the growth of this science, and science in general; And because well, that is a small autobiography, which is not perfect nor complete but it tells a little story of my life, today I am in fourth semester of bachelor's degree in physics and I am very happy with this.

My future plans are: I graduated, do post-graduate studies, and begin to work to begin to get my stuff, what everyone wants, I hope my dreams, thank you.

Dayver Daza Salgado