Taking the "You" out of User Experience

Post on 12-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Taking the "You" out of User Experience

  • @lnorman16

    Taking theout of UX

    Lindsey Norman



  • @lnorman16

    Taking the out of UX

    1) Why is empathy important?2) What is empathy?3) Can we learn to be more empathetic?

  • @lnorman16

    empathyWhy is important?

  • @lnorman16Source: https://twitter.com/BrianKSullivan


  • @lnorman16Source: https://twitter.com/BrianKSullivan/status/581951617471123457


  • @lnorman16

    Graduated from the Rochester Institute of Technology in 1974

    Industrial & Environmental Design

    Patricia Moore

    Source: rit.edu


  • @lnorman16

    Raymond LoewyMoore began working with Raymond Loewy International in New York City in 1974.

    Source: wikipedia.org


  • @lnorman16

    350 Architects, Designers, and Engineers

    Source: Video - 2012 RIT Innovation Hall of Fame


  • @lnorman16

    350 Architects, Designers, and Engineers

    (Patricia Moore the only woman)

    Source: Video - 2012 RIT Innovation Hall of Fame


  • @lnorman16Source: Image


  • @lnorman16Source: stocksy.com


  • @lnorman16

    Pattie: What about people with arthritis? What about people who use a cane?

    What about people have lost strength?

    What about people with impaired vision?

    What about people who use hearing aids?

  • @lnorman16

    Pattie, we dont design for those people.

    Source: Wired to Care (p.19)


  • @lnorman16

    Patricia Moores Experiment (1979-1982)

    116 cities in the US and Canada

    Source: Video


  • @lnorman16

    (The worst, ever)

  • @lnorman16

  • @lnorman16

  • @lnorman16

  • @lnorman16

  • @lnorman16

  • @lnorman16

  • @lnorman16

    Moore began working with Sam and Betsey Farber, founders of OXO.

    Sam came up with the idea for OXO after watching his wife using an apple peeler with her arthritic hands.

    Source: New York Times


  • @lnorman16Source: oxo.com


  • @lnorman16

    OXO Good Grips tools were an instant success

    The company grew rapidly, expanding its line to more than 500 products

    Source: Wired to Care (p.184)


  • @lnorman16Source: Wired to Care (p.185)

    Universal Design philosophy


  • @lnorman16Source: wikipedia.org


  • @lnorman16


  • @lnorman16

    Who is this person standing in front of me? And why does she care so much about empathy?

  • @lnorman16

    UX Designer

    (P.S. were hiring :)



  • @lnorman16

    (not me)

    Studied Business (didnt think you could do art for a living)

    Favorite class was Marketing Research

  • @lnorman16

    First job: Marketing Research Analyst

  • @lnorman16

    First job: Marketing Research Analyst

  • @lnorman16

    Went back to school so I could learn how to make stuff.

  • @lnorman16

    Worked as an Apple Creative while in school(AKA two years of usability testing)

  • @lnorman16

    Best customer ever

  • @lnorman16

    Try filling these out when you have arthritis

  • @lnorman16

    Out of school, I worked at a small agency as a jack-of-all-trades

  • @lnorman16

    I get to work with crazy talented people that are committed to putting the people that use our products first.

  • @lnorman16

    And we get free snacks.

  • @lnorman16

    empathy?What is

  • @lnorman16

  • @lnorman16

    Difference between sympathy and empathy

    EmpathySympathyIdentifying with the feelings of another, but not necessarily sharing in those emotions. Has an element of feeling bad or sorry for someone else.

    Feeling for someone.

    The ability to understand the emotions that someone else is feeling and being able to identify with them.

    Feeling with someone.

    Source: langelett.com | medium.com


  • @lnorman16Source: Video


  • @lnorman16


    Origin of the word empathy

    From the German word

    Source: oxforddictionaries.com


  • @lnorman16


    Origin of the word empathy

    From the German word

    (Peter Eckert: projekt202 German founder not happy with my pronunciation)

    Source: oxforddictionaries.com


  • @lnorman16


    Origin of the word empathy

    From the German word

    Into Feeling

    Source: oxforddictionaries.com


  • @lnorman16

    Origin of the word empathy

    The psychologist Edward Titchener introduced the term empathy in 1909 into the English language as the translation of the German term Einfhlung

    Source: http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/empathy/


  • @lnorman16

    Types of Empathy

    CognitiveEmotionalSharing in the emotional experiences of another, feeling what the other person feels(Affective empathy)

    Purposely discovering the underlying thoughts and emotions that guides someone elses decisions and behaviors(Perspective taking)

    Source: Practical Empathy Indi Young, (p.24-25)


  • @lnorman16

    When do we develop empathy?

    Some scientific debate on when this happens

    It appears that children must first be able to identify themselves as separate individuals before they can truly feel empathy for others

    Source: earlychildhoodnews.com (Eisenberg, 1995)


  • @lnorman16

    When do we develop empathy?

    Some research indicates that it is not until the child is approximately six or seven years old that she becomes cognitively capable of "walking in someone else's shoes"

    Source: earlychildhoodnews.com


  • @lnorman16


  • @lnorman16Source: Video PDF


  • @lnorman16Source: Video

    Goldfish winning on so many levels


  • @lnorman16

    Can we measure empathy?

    Empathy has been studied in a variety of ways, including self-reporting tests.

    EQSQ Test: Empathizing Quotient (EQ) and Systemizing Quotient (SQ)

    Empathizing Systemizing


    Source: http://personality-testing.info/tests/EQSQ.php


  • @lnorman16

    Can we measure empathy?

    EQSQ Test developed by autism researcher Simon Baron-Cohen in 2003

    Test consists of 120 statements that you must rate on the scale of (1) strongly disagree (2) slightly disagree (3) slightly agree (4) strongly agree



  • @lnorman16

    Empathy/Autism researcher Simon Baron-Cohen

    Actor, Crazy Person

    Sacha Baron Cohen

    Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simon_Baron-Cohen


  • @lnorman16Source: http://personality-testing.info/tests/EQSQ.php


  • @lnorman16

    Are there gender differences in empathy?

    The EQSQ test appears to show sex differences in the general population, with women scoring higher in empathy but lower in systemizing compared to men

    Source: https://en.wikipedia.org


  • @lnorman16

    Are there gender differences in empathy?

    Lise Eliot, Associate Professor of Neuroscience at the Chicago Medical School, would argue the differences are small

    Source: http://www.liseeliot.com/bio


  • @lnorman16

    Are there gender differences in empathy?

    Pink Brain, Blue Brain: How Small Differences Grow Into Troublesome Gaps -- And What We Can Do About It

    Source: Pink Brain, Blue Brain


  • @lnorman16

    In subjective tests women tend to score much higher than men, on average

    Source: Video Lise Eliot- Debunking Gender Stereotypes


  • @lnorman16

    However, objective tests show little difference between men and women in their ability to empathize

    Source: Video Lise Eliot- Debunking Gender Stereotypes


  • @lnorman16Source: huffingtonpost.com whitneyhess.com


  • @lnorman16

    Empathy should be the work of everyone at your organization

    (not just women)

  • @lnorman16

    It does a disservice to both sexes (and the user) to relegate empathy

    roles to women

  • @lnorman16

    Can empathy be biased?

    Cognitive bias is powerful and we have to be aware of it

    Source: news.harvard.edu bostonreview.net hbr.org


  • @lnorman16

    Can empathy be biased?

    Studies show that we are more likely to be empathetic with people who remind us of ourselves, who share our cultural/ethnic background, or people we find attractive

    Source: news.harvard.edu bostonreview.net hbr.org


  • @lnorman16

    Can empathy be biased?

    A Harvard Business Review study showed that marketers who saw themselves as empathetic were more likely to be biased

    Source: news.harvard.edu bostonreview.net hbr.org


  • @lnorman16

    Ways to avoid bias

    In a follow-up Harvard Business Review study, marketers who were instructed to be aware of their bias were able to check it

    Source: hbr.org


  • @lnorman16

    Ways to avoid bias

    Working with a diverse group of decision-makers may also help With a group you would get different, perhaps

    opposing opinions and realize that you were predisposed to think about yourself just from hearing others talk about experiences that are different from yours.

    Source: hbr.org


  • @lnorman16

    empathetic?Can we learn to be more

  • @lnorman16

    Not everyone is going to be your ideal user

  • @lnorman16

    Not everyone is going to be your ideal user

    In order to be empathetic with the people that use our products we have to accommodate those that are not in ideal situations

  • @lnorman16

    Not everyone is going to be your ideal user

    The people that use what you make: May not have the latest fancy

    device Might not have access to

    lightning fast internet May have a vision impairment May be dyslexic May not speak the same

    language as you May have never been to your

    site before

  • @lnorman16

    Not everyone is going to be your ideal user

    We also have to consider the possible emotional states that our users could be in. They might not be in a perfectly happy and wonderful state of mind.

  • @lnorman16

  • @lnorman16Source: http://movies.disney.com/inside-out


  • @lnorman16Source: http://juliahwest.com/prompts/emotion_intensity.html


  • @lnorman16

    We tend to focus on users being in the utmost state of happiness, not very realistic

    Source: http://juliahwest.com/prompts/emotion_intensity.html


  • @lnorman16

    Not everyone is going to be your ideal user

    Theres a danger in assuming your users are happy

  • @lnorman16

    The problem with this is maybe not everyone had an awesome year.

  • @lnorman16Source: http://meyerweb.com/


  • @lnorman16Source: http://meyerweb.com/eric/thoughts/2014/12/24/inadvertent-algorithmic-cruelty/


  • @lnorman16Source: theguardian.com


  • @lnorman16

    Not everyone is going to be your ideal user

    What Facebook couldve done: Offer people a way to opt-out Dont pre-populate the image assuming that it will be ideal

    Source: http://5by5.tv/webahead/91 Podcast episode with Eric Meyer


  • @lnorman16

    Possible tools to increase empathy

  • @lnorman16

    Personas (should be based on real people)

    Source: http://fakecrow.com/free-persona-template/


  • @lnorman16

    Empathy Mapping

    Source: http://uxmag.com/articles/how-to-use-persona-empathy-mapping


  • @lnorman16

    Immersive Empathy

    Source: Wired to Care Nike experiential empathy, p.138


  • @lnorman16

    Immersive Empathy

    Source: http://awards.designforexperience.com/gallery/2013/promoting-empathy-for-users/intuit


  • @lnorman16

    Biometrics: Measuring emotions(AKA the future!)

    Source: http://uxpamagazine.org/the-future-of-ux-research/


  • @lnorman16


    Source: http://bigdesigndallas.com/sessions/biometrics-in-ux-research-the-next-big-step/


  • @lnorman16

    Virtual reality empathy

    Source: ted.com - How virtual reality can create the ultimate empathy machine


  • @lnorman16

    None of these beat good ol fashioned listening and observing

  • @lnorman16

    None of these beat good ol fashioned listening and observing

  • @lnorman16

    Accept no substitute for listening to and observing real people who need to do the things youre designing a thing to help them do.

    -Erika Hall, co-founder of Mule DesignJust Enough Research

    Source: Just Enough Research (p.92)


  • @lnorman16

    Ethnography: What do people do and why do they do it?

    Must see!

    Source: bigdesigndallas.com | Just Enough Research Ethnography definition (p.82)


  • @lnorman16

    Good ol fashioned listening and observing

    Doesnt have to be expensive You dont need a fancy usability lab You dont need a scientist on your team You just need to be willing to seek out other people and

    listen to and observe them

  • @lnorman16

    Wrap Up

  • @lnorman16

    Empathy should be the work of everyone at your organization

    (not just women)

  • @lnorman16

    Cognitive bias is powerful and we have to be aware of it

    Source: news.harvard.edu bostonreview.net hbr.org


  • @lnorman16

    The people that use your products are human, and have a wide range of emotions

    (beyond just happiness)

  • @lnorman16

    Be willing to step outside yourself and discover the needs of people who arent like you.

    Thats where the real innovation happens.

  • @lnorman16

    Lets care about the people that use the things we make

  • @lnorman16

    Connect with meLindsey Norman




  • @lnorman16

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