Taking the Pulse on Contraceptive Security: Monitoring to Inform Advocacy and Decisionmaking in Your...

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Transcript of Taking the Pulse on Contraceptive Security: Monitoring to Inform Advocacy and Decisionmaking in Your...

Taking the Pulse on Contraceptive Security: Monitoring to Inform Advocacy and Decisionmaking

in Your Country

Suzy Sacher, John Snow, Inc. (JSI)International Conference on Family Planning

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia14 November 2013

Objectives of this Presentation

• Introduce a tool for measuring contraceptive security (CS)

• Explain the types of data available that can help advocates identify issues

• Note various CS indicators resources and where to find them

Contraceptive security exists when

every person is able to

choose, obtain, and use quality, affordable

contraceptives whenever she/he needs them.

Overview of CS Indicators

finance (capital)

policies (commitment)


coordination & leadership

supply chain (capacity)

5 key areas: • Key informant survey of ~45 countries – USAID missions– USAID | DELIVER PROJECT offices– UNFPA – USAID cooperating partners– Ministries of Health

• 5th annual round of data collection completed

How Are CS Indicators Used?

• Build local capacity to monitor progress toward CS.

• Compare regions, countries, and trends over time.

• Help set advocacy priorities and highlight focal areas for interventions.

• Emphasize importance of CS for better family planning program outcomes.

Global Data Dashboard

Country Data Dashboard – Ethiopia Example

Ethiopia Findings – Financing

Ethiopia 2013 survey*

* FY 2011–2012 finance information

Finance information is from the most recent complete fiscal year.

Ethiopia Findings – Public Sector Commodities

NEMLOfferedIn stock

Ethiopia Findings – Policies (Commitment)

CS Strategy National Reproductive Health Strategy

Implemented? Yes


Family planning commodities are subject to duties, import taxes, or other fees.

There are no charges to the client in the public sector for family planning services or commodities.

Private SectorThere are no policies that hinder the ability of the private sector to provide contraceptive methods.

AccessThere are no laws, regulations, or policies that make it difficult for young people or unmarried people to access effective family planning services.

Task-ShiftingHealth extension workers are able to provide pills, implants, injectables, male & female condoms, and emergency contraceptive pills.

CS Indicators Resources


Country & Global Dashboards

Data-Rich Maps



Available at http://deliver.jsi.com/dhome/whatwedo/commsecurity/csmeasuring/csindicators

Partners’ Role with CS Indicators

• Adapt the indicators to fit your monitoring needs.• Use findings for evidence-based advocacy priorities & messages.• Share this resource with other partners.• Provide us feedback:

– How can you use CS Indicators information?– How can we encourage its use?

Thank you! For more information visit http://deliver.jsi.com or e-mail ssacher@jsi.com.