Decisionmaking in groups

Decision Making Our Style Our Groups Jim Marteney


A look at our style of decision making and how we make group decisions.

Transcript of Decisionmaking in groups

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Decision Making

Our Style

Our Groups

Jim Marteney

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Top 10 Ways to Make a Bad Decision

Make a decision based on money and time you've already spent.

Play up information that confirms your current point of view.

Ignore information that doesn't confirm your current point of view.

Pay too much attention to the first thing you hear, or the first data you receive.

Frame a decision only on the benefits OR risks, but not both.

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Believe that your "gut" is the smartest person in the room. 

Wear rose-colored glasses when you are estimating the results.

Wear doom-colored glasses when you are estimating the results.

Don't use data at all.

Use nothing but data.

Top 10 Ways to Make a Bad Decision

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Everyone Has Their Own Style


That leads to a style of

Decision Making

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Workstyle Communication





Patient Fast




Better Safe Than Sorry

Notice my efficiency


Notice My Accomplishments

I want it done now


Is Everyone Comfortable?

People and feelings important


Don’t Confuse Me With Facts

Ain’t we got fun

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Decision Making Style





Observing Knowing



Analytical Direct

Amiable Expressive

We need more data to be sure.

Strike while the iron is hot.

This idea sounds like fun.

Will decision make us comfortable?

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Develop Alternatives

Two important steps



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Goal is Quantity

No Criticism

Build on Ideas

Develop Alternatives

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“If you only have a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail.”

Abraham Maslow

Develop Alternatives

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Traditional “hammer” what punishment would get them to not litter?

Problem: How Do You get people in a park to throw away their trash?

Reframe problem: How do you make throwing trash away fun?

Develop Alternatives

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The World’s Deepest Trashcan

Develop Alternatives

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Analyze Alternatives

Appraise Strengths

Appraise Weaknesses

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Analyze Alternatives

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Select Alternative

Continuum of Certainty

0% 100%



Preponderanceof Evidence

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Inference Test

The number one skill of the human mind

Recognizing Patterns

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Every group has a unique personality


Leading a Supportive Group

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Leading a Supportive Group

Group strength from effective merging of participants individual energy


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Two Challenges Managing Group Tension


Abilene Paradox

Leading a Supportive Group

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Irving Janis

Mismanagement of Disagreement


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Groupthink occurs when a homogenous highly cohesive group is so concerned with maintaining unanimity that they fail to evaluate all their alternatives and options.


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Irving Janis

“The psychological drive for consensus

at any cost that suppresses dissent

and appraisal of alternatives in

cohesive decision-making groups”

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Pearl Harbor


Bay of Pigs


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Bay of Pigs

RFK was quoted as approaching Schlesinger and saying: “You may be right or wrong, but the President has made up his mind. Don’t push it any further. Now is the time to help him all we can.”


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Bay of Pigs

Schlesinger stopped his usual role as devil’s advocate and critic and began to sanction his own challenges.


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Challenger Shuttle

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Iraq Decision

“While the intention of this book is not to evaluate the Decision to Invade Iraq, the cumulative evidence to date strongly suggests that it is a classic case of groupthink.”

Author: Ph.D, Deborah L. MacKenzie


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According to a scathing report released by the Senate Intelligence Committee, the United States went to war with Iraq on the basis of flawed intelligence assessments.


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The CIA analysts suffered a case of Groupthink that rendered them incapable of consideringthat Iraq might have dismantled its weapons programs. Senate Intelligence Committee July 10



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“I cannot imagine any condition which would cause a ship to founder”

Edward J. Smith, Captain of the Titanic

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“I cannot imagine any condition which would cause a ship to founder”

Edward J. Smith, Captain of the Titanic

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Members avoid being too harsh in their judgments of their leader’s or their colleagues’ ideas.

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They adopt a soft line of criticism, even in their own thinking.

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At their meetings, all the members are amiable and seek complete concurrence on every important issue, with no bickering or conflict to spoil the cozy, “we-feeling” atmosphere.

----Psychology Today

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Pressure for Conformity


Illusion of Unanimity


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Negative Outcomes

Examining few alternatives

Not being critical of each other's ideas

Not examining early alternatives

Not seeking expert opinion Being highly selective in gathering

information Not having contingency plans

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Refrain from stating preference

Assign a Devil’s Advocate

Seek expert input


Call a “Second Chance Meeting”

Split into Sub-groups

Encourage member’s objections


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The Key: Someone with the courage to disagree.

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Abilene Paradox

Occurs when a group takes action contrary to the desires of the


The Mismanagement of Agreement

and thus, defeats the purpose of the group.

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Abilene ParadoxThe Mismanagement of Agreement

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Abilene Paradox

“Taking the trip to Abilene”

Jerry Harvey

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Group Climate



Two Basic Group Climates

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Build a Consensus

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Build a Consensus

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at least partially agree

are committed to the decision

Where all Group Members

Build a Consensus

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Build a Consensus

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Avoid Arguing for Just your Opinion

Avoid Win/Lose Situations

Seek Differences of Opinion

Use Group Pronouns

Orient Towards Group Goal

Build a Consensus

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Implement Alternative

There will always be resistance

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Change has considerable impact on the human mind.

To the fearful, it is threatening because it means things may get worse.

To the hopeful, it is encouraging because things may get better.

To the confident, it is inspiring because the challenge exists to make things better.

Implement Alternative

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Obviously then, one's character and frame of mind determine how one relates to change.

Implement Alternative

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“When you assemble a number of (people) to have advantage of their joint wisdom, you assemble with those (people), all their

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Prejudices, their passions, their errors of opinion, their local interest, and their selfish views.

From such an assembly can a perfect production be expected?” Ben Franklin Constitutional Convention September 15, 1787

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