t RADIO; CLUB,. INCORPORATED, QT.~ ONT. ~a~ · e:lubmember:maYEm'terth~ transmitter hunt upon...

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Transcript of t RADIO; CLUB,. INCORPORATED, QT.~ ONT. ~a~ · e:lubmember:maYEm'terth~ transmitter hunt upon...



EDITOR: Ed Mqrggn V,E.JGX,.777 Iramlat Ra:ad~ ottawa. ~a~Ontario


O:r:rieia.l <:!u'b: Net •. Meets every saat. _~.SUn. O'n 1760 K~ at 10 a.IO'cal time.

MONiTORING FEILI ITVEJCGO mO'nitors: 3.760 Kc:S'"dEdI-yo from. a:;pprox: a .AM: to .6l?M for Ioea:J:. mobile, or autof: town traffl e:-.


PLACE.: ERa 5Ufrsex: Street, Roam 3039, ott~w¥#, Ont •.

DAtE/TIMK: THURSDAY 10 SEPT 1964 at 8.00 PM.



TECHNICAL DEMONSTRATION: Tentative--Badar Speed Trap Detector-




nre ~aat meeting- was; an informal one in the f"orIil o:f' a. corn hoil and weiner roastThe. weather waa a ait ~hilly 50 it was held indoor-a in. Bill 3B.TOand Idas· Ree.RcrClrit.. We had a: very gQt!ld:.tUrnout af·tha·old re~iables:. 807a abounded alongwith the odd bIus!i:ing 813<> We.bad the mofFt unusual we.iners .1 have ever seen:They were wavy, I think Ida:-must have spent 'the: en'tire: day putting them in

. pin m.rrlers an!f eertain'ly- mrrs:-tba crongratulated: :ror her originality. 1. thinkthe: curI.s. or wavea added to. their f"1avour since: they wer-edelicious:! The c-ornwas: ir:rdfied excelLent alga and: waf$:the :f'irlit of" the fleas-an for .most of' ua.. Ieeerta;in1 y gorged ouraelves: on the good:iea. Many a; BB.was bulging at the end: ofthe enj oya-bIe eveni:ngt . The hos:tes:s was: cromplimen ted many times: by the ga ther-fng.. At first it looked as: if we would never be a.ale to neutralize the C"opiousquantity of" grub. but ~hortly after it 1iIlm put out it laoked as if" one of' the.underpriV'el.ege.d CQun"tries- of' EUrope had paid a devas-tating visi"fl 'Be-st ofBi'lI. it was: f're.e: )limy tlla.nIca to BilI. anet Ida :Cor~l the work they put inCO~G A7TRACTIONIi. transmitter hunt plus' a pic:ni~ wiTl be- held SUnday 13th 5eptember. Kemptvi11eProvine-ial Park is: the freene of: both a.c:tivitief$ in the pia-nie- ground to yourlef't aa you enter the park. Thoae intend;ing 'to enter the hunt, as well as those

.. ", ,', -2.- " ' ,ju~:t; coming :fo-r-t:hceouting with the entiXef"amiTyare urged to: be there at

·lea;s;!- by noon. fire tnmsmi tter hunt will a.entre- aroWid the Kemptvf1.1.e. areaana will aommence apprax a.t 1.90 PM anct enclarl approx .3 PM•• The.,gSJ.):les·,:';

"ba~e~ .ata: fbr the..Jnddj,.esapI:; the oldsters wiIl.;c:ommenc-e at 'a:pprox 3. PMunt11 picnic- suPper.' nera will of' e-aursebe priz:esetc f"or the¥Siriou~ eveiltseulminating wi..th~a picnicrsuppe-r. 'Bring enuf'f" grub f"o-r.ynUt' lunch and 'supper~

",aa·wellas;your };ates:t tap~ess- bathing sui tG :for awimming. The Otta.wa Amateur.'.,·Badia C,lub-bav-eagain been invited to-participate i.n the- picnic-and any non

e:lubmember:maYEm'terth~ transmitter hunt upon payment of" asma1.l entry ~ee •.It-S!f"ree toClultmem:bers. ' nepicnie parti'c-ipatian, wil-1Qfc-ou"ebegratia~The hunt- will "he heleI an 3760 KC:S:.flO get: that I.oop or-divining rod limberedup ,and be ready 'to win a priz:e: ! Bemenbar it is: not necesfmry to have rutr "mobile. equipment in the ear, jus:t a. receiver portable or installed is. :fine.Wehar(la-le-to-f" run a:e theSea-wayla,s"t yearao break the glad news to the-kidaand come a1ongeyeii:ff,:;yanu~~:tlQt-1 ti1j;-er~tedtin.:.the. hiint.' . ' t.OR J:mW&

'!'he'Sept issue .of71 .magazine: gives: detai~ff on the ,crac:raclarowziDyt~e-.FCCin. t:bU.$. It- treemS" that the FCC takes: a poor view of' ehe: hobby tYiJe opera1tianemp-Iayedin the U~S&am f'inally re-c-ogni~s: thati: the band ia npt befng used asper the orlgittal<:onc-ep't& Thera are re.pcrr,ted1.y&ome: 700StOaOl.ic-enc:ed, CR stationein the U.s. am:- when thEf.new hand nOire regulatians are- enf'a-rced this numbervrl11 be· cIras"tical1.yredl1c.ed~, nuswfII meam- Tats of" C..R.equipment on the- U.S.marke<t (Used) going pretty clleep- ~ the author of" the artic:.le-SUggeats that:J f"re-qs: c:aI.1.edi i::-nannelS'~R~&C bpera.-ting in the- tenmeter-'bandon,Z8.6oo, 28,6t~am 28, roa be used" .'by hams WI c-alling Ikndanmmring freqUencies us:ing the "emrplttS' c::Requipment. The e-ryg-tal .c::ompanieS' -ar.e.! even advertizing txta;lsc.ove·~ing theae ~reqa f"ar wre- wi1:h any o-r t:-he makea of'" CB equipment in uae aildat ra<i,uc-e<irat-e3: even! Sounds: ~:fke:a :f'h ide-a... An artiale.intheT"oronto G-lobeand Madl. df£ted 14 Aug- ~tcrles: that the: nOT has a beady eye an the Canad ianc:aunterp-iirt-ean<l :Lt'wtJUI.dapp'ear- that DIa;Yb-e we 'ma:y-h.ave lots ():f"good used CBeqttipmen.t:for sa1.e h~e al.s-ao The: 'BarticI.e fIta±e.S' tha:t. it- is quite easy toup the power twic-e as well. as- to convert them to ham band operation. What anfc-e: way to pi)pula te 10 mErtens during the !.aw ebb of' the sunspo-t c-ya~e:ClOlUNG ATTRACTION

me Exeeut:ive are planning L.s:oh:ia1.'~evening tentatively f'or JOOet. It maytake- the form of" s, mas-quera:de due: t.o the proximity of' Hal!.oween.. The detailsare ati!.!. in the mill and no doubt we-will hear more- abou:t:it' iI'J. the next iS3:'Ueof the Ramb~er.-SP'LATTER . , ,

3Al(had,aFB. ~c-ati.onout m,~the:;'wilcLand wooI.Y:T~f£t-w-~_id:l-:hail.a:rf"ectecl a.."aiight bovto-his::tegs; upanhiS':'r-eturn -~ •.•;"'3cmz. Lyl.e isof"f"to YellowstoneNai:tiottal Park am po-ssib~yBCQn hiE vaeation-;.. •..he- has: hiflnew,home brewSSB-trtp1saeiver ·inatalled.;,;.& ••.•~ .JBEBHarry· is On vac.a.tiariin. mi.Crwea1;.em~l1';$",

, ';;;"j;:.~~$ta.n4-~:Pqi$:J:returningf"romT:eI.~A.viv I~l in si~weeka time. and will,beMgt;tiD:g his 0'1d:eall mgKc:N~~lrenic'e-;ta see you and tl,:Le-XYL.a:gaiIi.·Stan ...•.., •.hap.e'yauhaventfargottenEnglish 8:tan,my Rebrel!r,~is:ab1.t,:rln:rty~o.o~<nen.·lBPThas;rErtarned frcm an~i.('f2. vaaatian .;;,.••• - 3CGPGIenoff on a :Maritime.vaaaii:6nat the em:o:f ~e.-p't~•••.=3ABLm.ckhas.nmvedJ to ~elQeii 1''1 ,am,' "is:now<2B:Jq ~oq. o-]eM Da-tIg' hlm been ttsing: him hat an<.J:traiI.er as- aaampip;gdevice: at Pravincia.-IParks: am iftthe cause o:f'aamerais-ed. eyebrows- ••• ,;..3EPRHal. ia off: to U. an a, eombiited bus:in-esS' andplet¥mretrip':':". e.~ anm, .SCott had:f'tm with his mobiIe on his Maritima vaca·t~Qn~ ••.• ';" Gessthat about: 'vnn<ia-it up :for thi~ issue. •..;..-nll no doubt be hearing about other membera 'by m-h:at~tPl!"g~ tilzIe·b .•.•.O••••.~
