SUSTAINABILITY GOVERNANCE AND REPORTING STRUCTURE · The sustainability governance and reporting...

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Transcript of SUSTAINABILITY GOVERNANCE AND REPORTING STRUCTURE · The sustainability governance and reporting...

Version 25



Version 25


The University’s Environmental Management System (EcoCampus) establishes and manages the

most significant aspects and impacts of its operations, which are both positive and negative. Each

aspect has associated objectives and targets. The sustainability governance structure outlined above

is established and reviewed annually, to manage these objectives and targets, and to ensure

adherence to the three commitments of an EMS:

Prevention of pollution

Compliance with environmental legislation and other requirements

Continual environmental improvement

The Environmental Policy outlines these commitments in a policy statement.

The sustainability governance and reporting structure is based around internal and external reporting

and engagement requirements. In addition to the development of progress against specific targets it

is expected that each group will contribute to the sustainability annual report. These groups will link

directly into the reporting requirements of the People & Planet University League, HESA EMR, LiFE

index, CRC, etc.

All reporting will be based on academic year cycle such, that July 31st is ‘end of year’ and the annual

report can be produced for the beginning of the academic year in September for submission to SMT

and the Finance and Resources Committee of the Governing Body. Update reports are provided to

SMT at 6 months.

The Finance and Resources Committee and the Academic Board both include Students and Students’

Union representation.

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Develop the biodiversity policy, strategy and implementation plans in line with the LiFE index ‘Biodiversity Framework’

Review and monitor the Biodiversity policy and targets

Ensure biodiversity action plans are created and monitored for all university locations

Lead the Bioversity project

Ensure that Bioversity is publicised and established as a core part of the grounds and gardens management plan

Report on progress against the Biodiversity Policy and targets to SSMG through annual and 6 monthly reports

Carbon Management Oversight Group (CMOG)

Develop policy, strategy and implementation plans in line with the LiFE index ‘Utilities’ and ‘Sustainable construction and renovation’ frameworks

Receive update reports from the CMPR working group on progress with respect to carbon reduction focused spend to save investment

Receive updates from the Operation and Optimisation meetings on building management and operational savings for electricity, gas and water use

Review funding availability, identify funding opportunities and ensure an on-going list of prepared projects for submission

Ensure on-going engagement with building wardens, Green Impact teams and other key stakeholder groups

Receive update reports from the Sustainable ICT working Group

Report on progress against CMP targets to SSMG through Annual and 6 monthly reports

Report on relevant top level KPIs to SSMG

Report all relevant Scope 1 & 2 EMS statistics at year end

Education for Sustainable Futures Working Group (ESFWG)

Monitor the University’s Education for Sustainable Development policy, Aim, Objectives and Actions to ensure achievement of the 2020 target for ESD

Use the LiFE index ‘Learning and Teaching’ framework to support the assessment of ESD maturity across the academic portfolio

Coordinate and review effective institution-wide Mapping of Education for Sustainable Futures (ESF) embedding and enrichment activities

Proposes University wide developments to support the embedding of ESD in curriculum

Propose staff development to support ESD

Ensure students are represented, consulted and involved in ESF developments

Ensure that evaluations of ESD in the curriculum are developed in line with sector guidance and appropriately reflect the underlying learning achieved

Report on progress against ESD policy and targets to Education and Student Experience Cttee and SSMG through annual and 6 monthly reports

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To ensure the continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of the Environmental Management System (EMS)

To review and revise the policy, objectives and targets and other elements of the EMS

To identify opportunities for environmental improvement

Reports annually to the Sustainability Strategic Management Group

EMS Working Group Manage the Environmental Management System based on the EcoCampus methodology and to ISO14001 standard

Propose solutions to resourcing issues as they arise

Ensure a robust and auditable EMS is put in place to support ISO14001 accreditation

Report on progress against targets

Report on all relevant top level KPIs to SSMG

Fairtrade and Sustainable Food Working Group (FSFWG)

Uphold the University’s Fairtrade policy

Ensure that enhancement of Fairtrade principles result in continuous improvement and on-going Fairtrade Status

Endeavour to expand procurement of Fairtrade products beyond existing categories (eg. Garments and raw materials)

Review and monitor the sustainable food policy and targets

Ensure the principles of Sustainable Food Procurement are embedded within the Campus Catering’s procurement policies, procedures and staff development activities

Report on progress against the Sustainable Food Policy and targets to SSMG through annual and 6 monthly reports

Report on ethical procurement activities that relate to wider Sustainable Procurement activities and reporting

Student Green Office (SGO)

To empower students, staff and local communities to engage with sustainability and enjoy embarking on a journey to a more sustainable future

Contribute to the annual and interim reports

Sustainability Student Engagement Working Group (SSEWG)

Plan the timetable for student communication and engagement activities and deliver this with the assistance of others as necessary

Receive reports from all working groups and formulate the annual and 6 monthly reports to SSMG

Gather keys topics for communication and engagement from all other working groups and plan how to disseminate and include this information to the student community.

Consider the need for surveys and evaluations, coordinating these as appropriate.

Report on progress and plans for the Student Green Office

Develop engagement policy, strategy and implementation plans in line with the LiFE index ‘Student engagement framework’

Ensure a working interface exists between all working groups and the staff and student communities

Report on progress and take up of engagement activities

Provide update reports to the staff, student and local community on progress, distilled from the annual report

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Ensure the University implements of the Framework for Sustainability (2015-20) that drives the cross-cutting theme of the University Strategic Framework (2015-20)

Develop policy, strategy and implementation plans for sustainability leadership in line with the LiFE index ‘Leadership’ framework

Monitor all relevant university milestones and KPIs

Secure resources required to maintain the EMS through the Senior Management Team and existing management structures

Ensure the EMS is established, implemented, maintained and monitored.

Review and monitor the Environmental and Sustainability Policy and targets

Consider the University’s response to external CSR league tables and benchmarking activities, and any implications that the survey and the University’s ranking may have on future priorities

Review and approve the Sustainability Annual Report

Review the risks and barriers associated with delivery of the Carbon Management Plan

Support increased levels of engagement with sustainability through communication and leadership

Annual report presented to SMT and Estates Committee in Sept/Oct.

6 month progress report presented in Jan/Feb

Sustainable IT Steering Group (SITSG)

Recommend improvements to, and investments in, sustainable IT.

Propose and monitor objectives, targets and actions to support these improvements

Make proposals to support the University’s Environmental Sustainability Policy and the

IT Strategic Framework, in line with the LiFE Index Sustainable ICT framework.

Develop and gain agreement to an IT Sustainability Policy.

Make recommendations for raising awareness to the users of IT of their overall


Have operational oversight of investments and projects to improve sustainable IT,

ensuring benefits are realised, and acting as project board if required.

Work to put procedures and governance in place to ensure Sustainable IT is considered

in all IT projects and investments

Report on progress against actions to both the SSMG and ITSPG

Report on progress against actions to the Carbon Management Oversight Group

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Review and monitor the sustainable procurement policy and targets

Establish Best Practice Procurement principles in line with the Flexible Framework, which is mirrored by the LiFE index ‘Procurement and supplier engagement framework’

Ensure the principles of Sustainable Procurement are embedded within the University’s procurement policies, procedures and staff development activities

Propose methodologies for evaluating the environmental impact of the procurement lifecycle

Review the impact of all major procurement activities and propose a timescales for periodic review

Propose monitoring procedures to ensure all procurement activities are carried out in line with Sustainable Procurement principles

Report on progress against the Sustainable Procurement Policy and Targets to SSMG through annual and 6 monthly reports

Report all relevant Scope 3 EMS statistics at year end

Travel and Sustainable Business Working Group (TSBWG)

Analyse practices of staff and student business travel, and commuting to identify opportunities for reductions in associated scope 3 emissions

Review the existing and developing infrastructure to support sustainable travel

Report on the opportunities for impacting positively on existing business practices that will reduce scope 1, 2 & 3 carbon emissions and increase operational efficiency

Review and monitor the travel plan and the transport and travel policy

Propose updates to the policy, strategy and implementation plans in line with the LiFE index ‘Travel and transport framework’

Calculate the carbon footprint for travel from the available data

Advise on the methodologies for improving and refining data collection

Report on progress against the travel plan action plan to SSMG through annual and 6 monthly reports

Report all relevant Scope 3 EMS statistics at year end

Waste Management and Recycling Working Group (WMRWG)

Implement the University Waste and Recycling Management Policy and strategy in line with the LiFE index ‘Resource efficiency and waste framework’

Ensure that waste is managed according to the Waste Hierarchy

Develop and implement a programme of student and staff engagement in the waste management and recycling process

Establish, monitor and report upon recycling and waste prevention targets

Review, monitor and report upon the work of the contracted Waste Management Company to ensure optimum performance

To achieve 40% recycling target by August 2012 and 50% within Strategic Plan period

Report on progress against

Waste Management and

Recycling Policy and Targets to

SSMG through annual and 6

monthly reports

Report all relevant Scope 3

EMS statistics at year end

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The SSMG will meet 3 times per year: to review the annual report, 6 monthly report / newsletter and to conduct the annual management review of the

environmental management system.

All sub-groups will meet as appropriate to meet the requirements of their terms of reference.

Twice per year there will be a joint meeting of all members of the subgroups to review the annual and update reports and for specific workshop activities.

Meeting and reporting cycles are summarised in the following table.

June July August September October November December January February March April May

Finance & General Purposes Ctt.


EMS annual Review SSMG

Annual Report

Year-end data reporting for all groups

Finalise SSMG & SMT

Finance & General Purposes Ctt.

HESA Stats Data verification Student HESA data

Staff HESA data

Submit last year’s data

Annual workshop

Six month report

Prepare report


Report to Estates Ctt.

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Also EMS MANAGEMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE (meets annually in January)

Callum Firth - CHAIR * Dean of Social & Applied Sciences

Peter Rands EMS Manager and Director of Sustainability Development Lead of the EMS Working Group

John Moss* Dean (Education) Chair of Education for Sustainable Futures Working Group

Marco Keir* Director of Marketing

Alison Sear University Solicitor and Clerk to the Governing Body

To be advised Project Director - Estate Master Plan

Eamon Malone* Director of Estates and Facilities Chair of Carbon Management Oversight Group

Geoff Marsh Assistant Facilities Director (Operational Services) Chair of Waste Management and Recycling Working Group Chair of the Transport and Sustainable Business Working Group

David Leah* Director of Finance

Robin Higgins

Head of Procurement Chair of the Sustainable Procurement Working Group

Juliet Flynn Staff Development Advisor (Organisational & Staff Development)

Peter Vujakovic

Professor of Geography Chair of the Biodiversity Working Group

To be advised Catering and Operational Services Manager Chair of the Fairtrade and Sustainable Food Working Group

Fran Stuart IT Procurement Officer Chair of the Sustainable IT Steering Group

To be advised Estates and Facilities Health Safety & Environment Impl. Officer

Hannah Scott EMS Coordinator (Temporary)

To be advised University and College Union Representative

Daniel Salter Unite Union Representative (Interim)

Nick Beard Students’ Union President (Student Activities)

Ellie Martin Students’ Union Advice and Campaigns Coordinator

Claire Nicholson Student Green Office Coordinator

* = member of the Senior Management Team (SMT)


Peter Rands - CHAIR EMS Manager and Director of Sustainability Development

Alex Metcalfe EMS Coordinator and Auditor

Hannah Scott EMS Internal Auditor

To be advised Estates & Facilities Health, Safety & Environment Implementation Officer

Richard McManus Senior Lecturer, CCCU Business School

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Peter Vujakovic -CHAIR* Professor of Geography

Alex Metcalfe* Sustainability Projects Officer

Peter Rands * Director of Sustainability Development

To be advised* Project Director - Estate Master Plan

Paul Sims* Grounds & Gardens Manager

Geoff Marsh* Assistant Facilities Director – Operational Services

Alec Forsyth* Senior Lecturer, School of Human and Life Sciences

Mat Baldwin* Grounds Supervisor

Emma Grafton-Williams* Media Relations Officer, Corporate Communications Adriana Consorte-McCrea Education for Sustainable Futures Lead, Sustainability team

Alan Bainbridge Senior Lecturer, School of Childhood and Education Studies

Chris Harvey Senior Lecturer, School of Human and Life Sciences

Andy Seaman Senior Lecturer, School of Arts and Humanities

Rodrigo Vega Senior Lecturer, School of Human and Life Sciences

--------------- Student Green Office Edible Campus Coordinator

*= member of the Biodiversity Steering Group


Eamon Malone - CHAIR Director of Estates & Facilities

Peter Rands Director of Sustainability Development

Karen Pilgrim Assistant Director of Finance - Accounting and Regulatory Systems

Marion Brewer Assistant Management Accountant

Fran Stuart Chair of Sustainable IT Working Group

Sue Rumbelow Facilities Manager (Campus Network)

Ian Watts Assistant Estates Manager (Energy)

To be advised Estates and Facilities Health Safety & Environment Impl. Officer

Ellie Martin Students’ Union Advice and Campaigns Coordinator

Nick Beard Students’ Union President (Student Activities)

-------------- Student Green Office Representative


To be advised - CHAIR To be advised

Peter Rands Director of Sustainability Development

Cathi Fredricks Director of the General Modular Scheme

Cecile Hatier Assistant Director of Learning and Teaching

Kath Abiker Faculty Director of Learning and Teaching, Arts & Humanities

Susan Kenyon Faculty Director of Learning and Teaching, Social & Applied Sciences

Gemma Van-Vuuren-Cassar

Faculty Director of Learning and Teaching, Education

Rayya Ghul Principal Lecturer, Learning & Teaching

Chloe Griggs Senior Lecturer, Centre for Work Based Learning and Continuing Development, and Faculty Representative for Health & Wellbeing

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Peter Vujakovic Professor of Geography, Faculty Representative for Social and Applied Sciences

Clara Barnes Equality and Diversity Manager Adriana Consorte-McCrea ESF Lead, Sustainability team

Nicola Kemp ESF Lead, Sustainability team

Nick Beard Students’ Union President (Student Activities)

Jordan Howard Students’ Union President (Education & Wellbeing)

Ellie Martin Students’ Union Advice and Campaigns Coordinator

---------------- Student Green Office Representative


To be advised - CHAIR *

Catering and Operational Services Manager

To be advised* Sustainability Projects Officer

Peter Rands* Director of Sustainability Development

To be advised Food and Beverage Manager

Rob Eyles* Kitchen Manager

Su Keogh* Security and Facilities Manager

Sue Rumbelow* Facilities Manager (Campus Network)

Kim McDermott* Chef/Manager. Dwell, Broadstairs

Gavin Neaves* Manager, Augustine House Café

Lee Scott* Elior General Manager

Maz Hamilton* Sustainability Coordinator

Andrew Munro Head Chef, Canterbury Food Court

Louise Mallon SCR and Hospitality Supervisor

Martin Ewan Medway Touchdown Team Leader

Gill Williams Housekeeping Manager

Julie Brown Housekeeping Team Leader

Craig Dadds Book Shop Manager

Nick Beard Students’ Union student representative

--------------- Student Green Office representative

* = Core FSFWG team members


Peter Rands – CHAIR Director of Sustainability Development

Felicity Brambling-Wells Sustainability Engagement Officer

Maz Hamilton Sustainability & Futures Initiative Co-Ordinator

To be advised Sustainability Projects Officer

Nicola Kemp EFS Lead

Ruth Wood Student Communications Manager

Gareth Ward Student Communications Officer

To be advised Media Relations Officer, Corporate Communications

Katie Latchford Community Liaison Manager

Laura Ackerley Health and Wellbeing Coordinator

Phil Mooney Student Engagement Officer

Lucy Dearden Student Volunteering & Opportunities Manager

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Laura Spencer International Recruitment Officer

Sian Waghorn Deputy Accommodation Manager

Chris Heathfield Senior Residences Officer

Suzanne Perry I-Zone

Ana Fernandez Academic Staff – Psychology

Kellie Hogben Arts & Culture

Adam Roche Student Union Activities Coordinator

Ellie Martin Student Union Advice and Campaigns Coordinator

Nick Beard SU President (Student Activities)

Jordan Howard SU President (Education & Wellbeing)

Claire Nicholson Student Green Office Coordinator (Student)

Ellie Vasey Student Green Office Communications Officer (student)


Fran Stuart – CHAIR IT Procurement Officer

Peter Rands Director of Sustainability Development

Iain McCracken IT User Support Operations Manager

Gareth Stears IT Business Services Manager


Robin Higgins - CHAIR Head of Procurement

Peter Rands Director of Sustainability Development

To be advised Project Director (Estates Master Plan)

Geoff Marsh Assistant Facilities Director (Operational Services)

Fran Stuart IT Procurement Officer


Geoff Marsh - CHAIR Assistant Facilities Director (Operational Services)

Peter Rands Director of Sustainability Development

To be advised Project Director - Estate Master Plan

Natalie Phillips Administration & Travel Manager

Laura Ackerley Health & Wellbeing Coordinator, Sports Centre

Simon Wright Human Resources Business Partner

Melissa Cleary Assistant Director of Marketing Communications and Head of Corporate Communications

Simon Wright Human Resources Advisor

Ellie Martin Student Union Advice and Campaigns Coordinator

Nick Beard Students’ Union student representative

Lewis Gray President of the CCSU Commuters Society

Maz Hamilton Sustainability & Futures Initiative Coordinator


Geoff Marsh - CHAIR Assistant Facilities Director (Operational Services)

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Peter Rands Director of Sustainability Development

To be advised Sustainability Projects Officer

Felicity Brambling-Wells

Sustainability Engagement Officer

To be advised Project Director - Estate Master Plan

Gill Williams Housekeeping Manager

To be advised Catering and Operational Services Manager

Hugh Roberts Building Projects Manager

Sian Waghorn Deputy Accommodation Manager

Paul Sims Grounds & Gardens Manager

Ursula Harris Accommodation Manager

Martin Card Maintenance Manager (Contracts)

Rob Eyles Kitchen Manager

To be advised Food and Beverage Manager

Su Keogh Security and Facilities Manager

Sue Rumbelow Facilities Manager, Campus Network

Suzanne Collins Senior Quality Officer, Quality and Standards

Paul Sloan Income, Costing & Pricing Accountant

Dennis Nigbur Senior Lecturer, School of Psychology, Politics and Sociology

Simon Harvey Director of Life Sciences

Pamela Lithgow Laboratories and Professional Services Manager

Shelagh Mason Health & Safety Officer, School of Human and Life Sciences

David Lisgarten Technician (School of Human and Life Sciences)

Katie Latchford Community Liaison Officer

Ruth Wood Student Communications Manager

Gareth Ward Business Change Co-ordinator

Fran Stuart IT Procurement Officer

Jordan Howard Students’ Union President (Education & Wellbeing)

----------------- Student Green Office representative

----------------- Students’ Union Environmental Officer