Survey Results

Post on 24-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Survey Results


So I started of with a general question to find out how often my target audience watch horror movies, and from these results it shows that they don’t frequently watch horrors as only 22% watch it weekly, 44% of them watch it on a monthly basis so the majority make time to watch this movie genre every month. So this feedback shows that my target audience are still interested in that genre. horror films are still very relevant in modern society and that people do still watch them.

The horror genre contains sub-genres which represent a particular type of horror. So I chose to ask my target group what sub-genre do they watch or enjoy the most.77% chose paranormal and 22% chose psychological no one chose the other 4. So these two particular sub-genres were the most popular, reason why I think y target group chose those two are because that type of horror film creates paranoia because of how tense and thought provoking it is as it triggers fear of the unknown and begin to overthink and become paranoid after viewing that type of film. Paranormal films play around with your mind as the main source of fear from those films would be demons or spirits which we have a lack of understanding about and that frightens the audience due to not knowing what existence is the cause of events happening. So because those two sub-genres are currently a trend in contemporary horror films I will most likely base my horror trailer on this subgenre.

So this question I wanted to find out what features in a horror trailer entices the audience to go see the film. (Actors, special effects, plot twists etc.) So for this question I gave them the ability to choose out of 6 choices. The results were 11% special effects and gore 33% for plot twists and 44% for jump scares.From the results I found out that “Jump scares” was the popular vote and this lets me know the main feature in horror trailers that people look forward to seeing are the shots that scare them and this is what makes my target group want to see the film. Also plot twists was highly voted for, so this lets me know that they don’t want a predictable trailer, they want to be surprised by a twist in the brief storyline that the trailer shows them.So using this information I’ll focus on the most popular components to create a terrifying successful horror trailer to entice my audience as well as scare them.

So in my survey I included an open question so that I could see different responses which would enable me to gain a better idea of the type of horror that people like. A range of different horror films came up, with the main scariest horror film that kept coming up was Evil Dead and The Exorcist both these films are based on demonic possession so it fits into the “paranormal” sub genre.

Saw also came up, and this fil as produced many sequels with a significant outcome, so this shows that my target group enjoys certain slashers but from my previous question “what sub-genres do you enjoy” no one picked “slasher” so this lets me know that my target audience rarely watch slashers so I should still focus on the paranormal sub-genre. So the Fact that my target group like films about demonic possession suggests that the audience enjoy watching people in pain and their body becoming distorted so then in my trailer I should include elements like that.

I asked this question because I wanted to get an idea of what gender role they preferred to play the villain, so that this information could give me an insight to the certain character traits that make a villain more scary.Popular villains were Freddy Krueger, Mike Myers, Chuckie, Dracula, Frankenstein, Nosferatu, Norman Bates (Psycho) but all these villains were from older horror films.Now in contemporary horror films there has been a change, now we have seen more females taking on the role as the villain e.g. The grudge, Samara (The ring), the grandma from the film “devil”, Mia (Evil Dead), Carrie, Old woman in “drag me to hell” etc. So the information I received was a surprise when The feedback I got was 44% of people voted male and 22% voted female.I think less people chose female because its unexpected for a woman to be a villain, as women stereotypically are seen as calm and innocent human beings. So this could be the plot twist in my horror trailer, because people don’t expect the female to be the villain, I’ll use a female for the villain role in my trailer.

What's your worst fear?

From the feedback I got I found out there is hardly any correlation between what sub-genres these people tend to watch the most compared to their real-life fears, so I should base my trailer around their fears as this wouldn’t attract them to watch the film after seeing a trailer on what they fear.

From this question I was interested to find out which location does my target group find the scariest. The majority of my audience are more interested in seeing a horror movie set in a domestic setting which is a home, the other options that all were 22% were forests, Isolated areas and other. No one chose a haunted house I think why no one would find hat scary is because it’s a dated setting because you'd commonly see haunted houses in films such as Nosferatu or Dracula which I very old gothic films and that doesn’t interest my target group. Now because those 3 results were the highest voted, I think it'll be interesting to do a combination of shots in each of those locations and put it all together in my horror trailer.


With this question I was finding out if the use of gore effects my target audience and finds the horror film more thrilling and frightening if it contained graphic scenes of gore (blood, torture, attack etc.)

11% said yes 22% said no and the majority with 66% said to an extent. This gives me an implication that my audience wouldn’t be effected more or less if they saw a lot of gore in the , but there was still a little amount of people that would be interested if there was gore so I could possibly add in blood to various scenes within the trailer but to a certain degree.

So I asked my target group if they prefer it when a trailer leaves a lot to the imagination because it doesn’t reveal much of the storyline or do they prefer when the trailer reveals a lot to them and they have a clear understanding of what the horror film is about.From my results it shows 100% of people would rather be left with a lot to the imagination after watching the trailer. I believe that people want to be surprised when they go and watch the film that’s why they don’t want much being revealed when they see the trailer because if the whole storyline is revealed and most of the main parts from the film is shown in the trailer it would make it less exciting for the viewer to go watch the film.