Supporting Planning Statement - Caulmert · 2020. 8. 28. · Supporting Planning Statement Caulmert...

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Transcript of Supporting Planning Statement - Caulmert · 2020. 8. 28. · Supporting Planning Statement Caulmert...

Caulmert Limited Engineering, Environmental & Planning Consultancy Services







Prepared by:

Caulmert Limited Intec, Parc Menai, Bangor, Gwynedd, LL57 4FG Email: Web: Doc ref: 3573.CAU.XX.XX.RP.T.09100.S4.C1 July 2019


Site: Former Canolfan Frondeg, Ala Uchaf, Pwllheli, Gwynedd

Client: Cartrefi Cymunedol Gwynedd

Project Title: Demolition of existing building and erection of a 3 storey residential building comprising of no. 28 extra care flats (no. 16 2 bedroom flats , no. 12 1 bedroom flats, ancillary ground floor uses including communal facilities, office, plant room, bin store and buddy store) and associated car parking and landscaping

Document Title: Supporting Planning Statement

Document Ref: 3573.CAU.XX.XX.RP.T.09100.S4.C1

Report Status: FINAL

Project Director: Howard Jones

Project Manager: Neil Foxall

Caulmert Limited: Intec, Parc Menai, Bangor, Gwynedd, LL57 4FG

Telephone: 01745 530890


This report has been prepared by Caulmert Limited with reasonable skill, care and diligence, in accordance with the instruction of the above named client and within the terms and conditions of the Contract with the Client.

The report is for the sole use of the above named Client and Caulmert Limited shall not be held responsible for any use of the report or its content for any purpose other than that for which it was prepared and provided to the Client.

Caulmert Limited accepts no responsibility of whatever nature to any third parties who may have been made aware of or have acted in the knowledge of the report or its contents.

No part of this document may be copied or reproduced without the prior written approval of Caulmert Limited.

Author Neil Foxall Date 17th July 2019

Reviewer Howard Jones Date

Approved Howard Jones Date



1.0 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................ 1

1.1 The Application................................................................................................................. 1

1.2 The Applicant .................................................................................................................... 2

2.0 THE APPLICATION SITE ..................................................................................................... 3

2.1 Location ............................................................................................................................ 3

2.2 Site Access ........................................................................................................................ 3

2.3 Topography ...................................................................................................................... 4

2.4 Vegetation ........................................................................................................................ 4

2.5 Flood Risk ......................................................................................................................... 4

2.6 The Surrounding Area ...................................................................................................... 4

2.7 Landscape Designations ................................................................................................... 4

2.8 Environmental Designations ............................................................................................ 4

2.9 Heritage Designations ...................................................................................................... 4

2.10 Planning History ............................................................................................................... 4

3.0 THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT ........................................................................................ 5

4.0 PLANNING BACKGROUND................................................................................................. 7

5.0 PLANNING POLICY ............................................................................................................ 8

5.1 National Planning Policy ................................................................................................... 8

5.2 Local Planning Policy ...................................................................................................... 13

6.0 PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS ......................................................................................... 20

6.1 The Principle of Development ........................................................................................ 20

6.2 Housing Need ................................................................................................................. 20

6.3 Traffic and Access ........................................................................................................... 21

6.4 Ecological Implications ................................................................................................... 22

6.5 Drainage ......................................................................................................................... 23

6.6 Design, Safety and Residential Amenity ......................................................................... 23

6.7 Affordable Housing ......................................................................................................... 24

6.8 Pre Application Consultation……………………………………………………………………………………..24

7.0 CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................................................ 25


Figure 1 – Site Location

Cartrefi Cymunedol Gwynedd Former Canolfan Frondeg, Ala Uchaf, Pwllheli Supporting Planning Statement

Caulmert Ltd 3573.CAU.XX.XX.RP.T.09100.S4.C1 1 July 2019


1.1 The Application

1.1.1 Caulmert Ltd has been appointed by Cartrefi Cymunedol Gwynedd (“the applicant”) to submit an Application for full planning permission to Gwynedd Council for the demolition of existing building and erection of a 3 storey residential building comprising of no. 28 extra care flats (no. 16 2 bedroom flats , no. 12 1 bedroom flats, ancillary ground floor uses including communal facilities, office, plant room, bin store and buddy store) and associated car parking and landscaping

1.1.2 This planning application is accompanied by and should be read in conjunction with the following documentation: Completed Planning Application Forms and Certificates

Planning Application Fee;

Supporting Planning Statement – Caulmert Ltd

Design and Access Statement – Caulmert Ltd

Affordable Housing Statement – Cartrefi Cymunedol Gwynedd

Community and Linguistic Statement – Cartrefi Cymunedol Gwynedd

Transport Statement – Cadarn Consulting Engineers

Pre-Application Consultation Report – Caulmert Ltd (to follow)


Location Plan - C928.001B – Ainsley Gommon Architects

.Existing Site Plan - C928.002 - Ainsley Gommon Architects

Proposed Site Plan - C928.003A- Ainsley Gommon Architects

Proposed Boundary Plan - C928.005 - Ainsley Gommon Architects

Proposed Ground Floor Plan - C928.004B - Ainsley Gommon Architects

Proposed First Floor Plan - C928.005B - Ainsley Gommon Architects

Proposed Second Floor Plan - C928.006B - Ainsley Gommon Architects

Proposed Elevations - C928.10 - Ainsley Gommon Architects

3D Street Views - C928.011 - Ainsley Gommon Architects

3D Street Views - C928.012 - Ainsley Gommon Architects

Proposed Site Layout (Drainage) - 013418-CCE-V1-XX-404034-C-80-0001-S0-P01.1

– Cadarn Consulting Engineers

Topographic Survey - 013418-CCE-V1-XX-404001-C-0001-S0-P01.1 - Cadarn

Consulting Engineers

Cartrefi Cymunedol Gwynedd Former Canolfan Frondeg, Ala Uchaf, Pwllheli Supporting Planning Statement

Caulmert Ltd 3573.CAU.XX.XX.RP.T.09100.S4.C1 2 July 2019

Existing Areas - 013418-CCE-V1-XX-404001-C-5030-0005-S0-P01.1 - Cadarn

Consulting Engineers

Proposed Areas - 013418-CCE-V1-XX-404001-C-5030-0006-S0-P01.1 - Cadarn

Consulting Engineers

Proposed Drainage Layout - 013418-CCE-V1-XX-404001-C-5030-0004-S0-P01.1 -

Cadarn Consulting Engineers

Existing SW Flood Routing - 013418-CCE-V1-XX-404001-C-5030-0002-S0-P01.1 -

Cadarn Consulting Engineers

Proposed SW Flood Routing - 013418-CCE-V1-XX-404001-C-5030-0003-S0-P01.1 -

Cadarn Consulting Engineers

Drainage Construction Details 1-3 - 013418-CCE-V1-XX-404001-C-5030-XXXX-S0-

P01.1 Drainage Construction Details 1-3 - Cadarn Consulting Engineers

Drainage Construction Details 2-3 - 013418-CCE-V1-XX-404001-C-5030-0007-S0-

P01.1 - Cadarn Consulting Engineers

Drainage Construction Details 3-3 013418-CCE-V1-XX-404001-C-5030-0008-S0-

P01.1 - Cadarn Consulting Engineers

Highway Improvements - 013418 - CCE-V1-XX-404001-C-3060-0001-AS0-P01.1 -

Cadarn Consulting Engineers

1.2 The Applicant

1.2.1 Cartrefi Cymunedol Gwynedd is a Housing Association set up in 2010 following a ‘yes’ vote

from Gwynedd Council tenants. They provide quality, affordable homes and services to

tenants and strive to protect and develop the culture and heritage of the communities.

1.2.2 As a registered social landlord their primary purpose is to provide affordable rented homes to

those in housing need. They are an independent not-for-profit organisation registered and

regulated by the Welsh Government. Being not-for-profit means any surplus income is put

back into the business so that they are able to continue providing homes and services and

achieve their objectives.

Cartrefi Cymunedol Gwynedd Former Canolfan Frondeg, Ala Uchaf, Pwllheli Supporting Planning Statement

Caulmert Ltd 3573.CAU.XX.XX.RP.T.09100.S4.C1 3 July 2019


2.1 Location

2.1.1 The application site (referred to hereinafter as ‘the site’) is generally rectangular in shape and

measures 0.33ha. The site is located off Ala Uchaf a one way street within the town centre of


2.1.2 The site is the site of the former Canolfan Frondeg, which closed in 2017. Prior to its closure it

was operating as a social services office as part of Gwynedd Council. The site comprises of a

two storey 1930’s building and tarmacadam car parking areas. The site is bounded by walls on

the north, east and western boundaries of the site.

2.1.3 The location of the site is shown on Figure 1 below and on submitted plan ref C928-001-B.

Figure 1 – Site Location (Google Maps)

2.1.4 The site is well related to the existing urban area in terms of its proximity to employment,

shopping, education and community facilities, and accessibility to both Pwllheli Railway

Station and bus links.

2.2 Site Access

Cartrefi Cymunedol Gwynedd Former Canolfan Frondeg, Ala Uchaf, Pwllheli Supporting Planning Statement

Caulmert Ltd 3573.CAU.XX.XX.RP.T.09100.S4.C1 4 July 2019

2.2.1 Vehicular access to the site is gained from Ala Uchaf Road utilising the existing access. Onsite

parking for 23 cars is provided of which no.2 are for disabled car users. Additional on street

parking on Ala Uchaf is also proposed to the west of the existing on street provision.

2.3 Topography

2.3.1 A Topographic Survey for the site was carried out and accompanies the application (plan ref

C928.002). The site slopes down from north to south by approximately 3m, towards Ala Uchaf.

2.4 Vegetation

2.4.1 The site comprises a large complex building, bare ground (roads, pavements and Tarmacadam

car park), amenity grassland with scattered ornamental shrubs and is bounded by stone walls

and fences.

2.5 Flood Risk

2.5.1 The site is located in Development Advice Map (DAM) zone A with none of the maps on the

Natural Resources Wales (NRW) online flood risk maps show any risk of flooding. The NRW

mapping also shows that there is no risk of surface water flooding.

2.6 The Surrounding Area

2.6.1 The site lies within an area of mixed uses, but is surrounded by residential properties to the

north, south and east. To the east lies the rear of retail premises located on Stryd Moch

including R. Gwynedd Evans & Sons Ironmongers and the Whitehall Public House. The majority

of premises in the immediate vicinity are two storey, with some exceptions, constructed from

a traditional palette of materials, including brick, stone and render.

2.7 Landscape Designations

2.7.1 There are no landscape designations on the application site or within its immediate vicinity.

2.8 Environmental Designations

2.8.1 The site does not fall within any environmental designations.

2.9 Heritage Designations

2.9.1 There are no designated heritage assets on the application site itself. The site lies within the

Pwllheli Conservation Area.

2.10 Planning History

2.10.1 There is no relevant planning history.

Cartrefi Cymunedol Gwynedd Former Canolfan Frondeg, Ala Uchaf, Pwllheli Supporting Planning Statement

Caulmert Ltd 3573.CAU.XX.XX.RP.T.09100.S4.C1 5 July 2019


3.0.1 This application seeks full planning permission for the demolition of existing building and

erection of a 3 storey residential building comprising of no. 28 extra care flats (no. 16 2

bedroom flats , no. 12 1 bedroom flats, ancillary ground floor uses including communal

facilities, office, plant room, bin store and buddy store) and associated car parking and


3.0.2 The proposed scheme includes provision for improved footway access into the town centre

by upgrading the footpath on the northern side of Ala Uchaf. Further information is available

on plan ref 013418-CCE-V1-XX-404001-C-3060-0001-S0-P01.1.

3.0.3 The proposed development includes the provision of no. 23 car parking spaces, no. 2 of which

are for occupiers/visitors with disabilities. The development also includes for the provision of

communal gardens to the south of the site, together with hard and soft landscaping within

the public areas. Further details are available on plan ref C928-003-A.

3.0.4 The existing access off Ala Uchaf will remain and be utilised for vehicles. The existing steps at

the front of the existing building will be removed and a wheelchair friending ramp will be built.

The existing access from the site onto Lleyn Street towards the north will be de-commissioned

and fenced.

3.0.5 All no. 28 flats will be high quality homes to residents over the age of 55 or/and those with

disabilities in the heart of Pwllheli town centre. All the units will be affordable and will be

available to those who meet the criteria. Every flat will conform to Welsh Government

Development Quality Requirement Standards along with Life Times Homes. One Bedroom

flats will be a minimum of 52m2 and the two-bedroom flats will be measuring 65m2 at a

minimum. Every flat could be accessed by a lift and will be wheelchair friendly where possible

including a fully fitted wet room to all the flats. In house Occupational Therapy will be able to

assist in the design process and in identifying additional support to the future tenants.

3.0.6 The proposed layout plans submitted with the application demonstrate that the proposed

development scheme can adequately be accommodated within the site, whilst respecting

required residential amenity standards, together with associated infrastructure and

landscaping. Further details of the design and layout of the site can be found in the

accompanying Design and Access Statement prepared by Caulmert.

3.0.7 The size and scale of the proposed building is to be in-keeping with the scale and massing of

the former school building and will respect the street scape in Ala Uchaf. Pitched gables are

proposed on the front elevation to replicate the existing form, with a central “wing” appearing

subservient to the gables, in a similar treatment to the existing elevations. Further details on

elevations are available on plan ref Proposed Elevations - C928.10.

3.0.8 Where the apartments reach 2.5 storeys on the West elevation, rectangular bay windows will

be used to gain additional head height within the apartments, and to break up the long

Cartrefi Cymunedol Gwynedd Former Canolfan Frondeg, Ala Uchaf, Pwllheli Supporting Planning Statement

Caulmert Ltd 3573.CAU.XX.XX.RP.T.09100.S4.C1 6 July 2019

elevation. These bays are to replicate the treatment of the square dormers already present

on the existing building. The ridge height of the front gables will not exceed the height of the

existing building, to ensure there is no additional impact to the neighbouring houses.

3.0.9 Materials have been carefully considered to compliment the surrounding area. Stone and

render will be used as the main elevational treatments, with coloured metal cladding used to

add a touch of modernity and break up the massing. Natural slate will be used on pitched

roofs to tie in with the roof treatments of the adjacent houses.

Cartrefi Cymunedol Gwynedd Former Canolfan Frondeg, Ala Uchaf, Pwllheli Supporting Planning Statement

Caulmert Ltd 3573.CAU.XX.XX.RP.T.09100.S4.C1 7 July 2019


4.0.1 The site falls within the settlement boundary for Pwllheli. The site does not fall within any

designations of the adopted Joint Local Development Plan. The site is within the Pwllheli

Conservation Area.

4.0.2 Section 17 of the Planning (Wales) Act 2015 and the Town and Country Planning (Development

Management Procedure) (Wales) Order 2012 (DMPWO) as amended by the 2016 Order

requires applicants to carry out pre-application consultation for major development. This

includes the erection of 10 or more dwellings and therefore, the proposal, falls under this

requirement. This Supporting Planning Statement has been published for pre-application

consultation purposes in accordance with the relevant regulations.

Cartrefi Cymunedol Gwynedd Former Canolfan Frondeg, Ala Uchaf, Pwllheli Supporting Planning Statement

Caulmert Ltd 3573.CAU.XX.XX.RP.T.09100.S4.C1 8 July 2019


5.1 National Planning Policy

5.1.1 Planning Policy Wales (Edition 10, December 2018) provides the overarching policy context

and guidance for planning within Wales. It states that “PPW will help to ensure that the

planning decisions taken in Wales, no matter how big, or how small, are going to improve the

lives of both current and future generations. It will support changing the way we live and work,

and the buildings and environment of Wales, today, building a better environment to

accommodate current and future needs”.

5.1.2 Chapter 1 ‘Introduction’ sets out seven well-being goals for a sustainable Wales;

A globally responsible Wales

A prosperous Wales

A resilient Wales

A healthier Wales

A more equal Wales

A Wales of cohesive communities

A Wales of vibrant culture and thriving Welsh Language

5.1.3 The Well-being of Future Generation Act (Wales) places a duty on public bodies to carry out

sustainable development. The Act provides the following definition of sustainable

development in Wales;

“Sustainable development” means the process of improving the economic,

social, environmental and cultural well-being of Wales by taking action, in

accordance with the sustainable development principle, aimed at achieving

the well-being goals.

Acting in accordance with the sustainable development principles means

that a body must act in a manner which seeks to ensure that the needs of

the present are met without compromising the ability of future generations

to meet their own needs”.

5.1.4 Chapter 2 ‘People and Places: Achieving Well-being Through Placemaking’, at paragraph 2.13,

‘Key Planning Principles’ states:

“The plan led system underpins the delivery of sustainable places. To ensure all

development plans and decisions taken by the planning system work together to

deliver sustainable places. The 5 key Principles (see Figure 3) represent the guiding

vision for all development plans, including the NDF.” “These principles will enable the

goals and five ways of working set out in the Well-being of Future Generations Act to

be realised through land use planning.

Cartrefi Cymunedol Gwynedd Former Canolfan Frondeg, Ala Uchaf, Pwllheli Supporting Planning Statement

Caulmert Ltd 3573.CAU.XX.XX.RP.T.09100.S4.C1 9 July 2019

5.1.5 Chapter 2 ‘People and Places: Achieving Well-being Through Placemaking’,at paragraph 2.15


“National Sustainable placemaking outcomes should be used to inform the preparation of

development plans and the assessment of development proposals”

5.1.6 National Sustainable placemaking outcomes are identified as:

Creating and Sustaining Communities;

Making best use of resources;

Growing our economy in a sustainable manner;

Maximising Environmental Protection and Limiting Environmental Impact;

Facilitating Accessible and Healthy Environments.

5.1.7 Chapter 3, ‘Strategic and Spatial Choices’, at paragraph 3.3 states:

“Good design is fundamental to creating sustainable places where people want to

live, work and socialise. Design is not just about the architecture of a building, but

the relationship between all elements of the natural and built environment and

between people and places”.

5.1.8 Paragraph 3.4 states;

“Design is an inclusive process, which can raise public aspirations, reinforce civic

pride and create a sense of place and help shape its future.”

5.1.9 Paragraph 3.51 focuses on the preference for the re-use of previously developed land and


Previously developed (also referred to as brownfield) land (see definition overleaf)

should, wherever possible, be used in preference to greenfield sites where it is

suitable for development.

5.1.10 Furthermore, paragraph 3.51 states;

In settlements, such land should generally be considered suitable for appropriate

development where its re-use will promote sustainability principles and any

constraints can be overcome.

5.1.11 Chapter 4, Active and Social Places, at paragraph 4.1 Transport states that:

“The planning system should enable people to access jobs and services through

shorter, more efficient and sustainable journeys, by walking, cycling and public

transport. By influencing the location, scale, density, mix of uses and design of new

Cartrefi Cymunedol Gwynedd Former Canolfan Frondeg, Ala Uchaf, Pwllheli Supporting Planning Statement

Caulmert Ltd 3573.CAU.XX.XX.RP.T.09100.S4.C1 10 July 2019

development, increases physical activity, improves health and helps to tackle the

causes of climate change and airborne pollution by…..”:

Enabling More Sustainable Travel;

Network Management; and

Demand Management.

5.1.12 Paragraph 4.1.4 states that “Land use and transport planning must be integrated. The planning

system must ensure it enables integration:

Within and between different types of transport;

Between transport measures and land use planning;

Between transport measures and policies to protect and improve the environment;


Between transport measures and policies for education, health, social inclusion and

wealth creation”.

5.1.13 Paragraph 4.1.8 – ‘Sustainable Transport’ confirms that “The Welsh Government is committed

to reducing reliance on the private car and supporting a modal shift to walking, cycling and

public transport. It further states at 4.1.9 that “The planning system has a key role to play in

reducing the need to travel and supporting sustainable transport, by facilitating developments


Are sited in the right locations, where they can be easily accessed by sustainable modes

of travel and without the need for a car;

Are designed in a way which integrates them with existing uses and neigbourhoods;


Make it possible for all short journeys within and beyond the development to be easily

made by walking and cycling.”

5.1.14 Paragraph 4.2 – ‘Housing’, at paragraph 4.2.1 states that:

“Planning authorities must understand all aspects of the housing market in their areas,

which will include the requirement, supply and delivery of housing”.

5.1.15 Paragraph 4.2.16 states that:

“Planning authorities, land owners and house builders must work together

constructively to identify deliverable housing land in sustainable locations for

development. When identifying sites to be allocated for housing in development plans,

planning authorities must follow the search sequence set out in paragraphs 3.37-3.38

starting with the re-use of previously developed and/or underutilized land within


Cartrefi Cymunedol Gwynedd Former Canolfan Frondeg, Ala Uchaf, Pwllheli Supporting Planning Statement

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5.1.16 Paragraph 4.2.17 recognises that “maximising the use of suitable previously developed and/or

underutilised land for housing development can assist regeneration and at the same time

relieve pressure for development on greenfield sites”.

5.1.17 Paragraph 4.2.25 – ‘Affordable Housing’ states that:

“A community’s need for affordable housing is a material planning consideration

which must be taken into account in formulating development plan policies and

determining relevant planning applications”.

5.1.18 Chapter 5, ‘Productive and Enterprising Places’, at paragraph 5.7.8 states;

“The benefits of renewable and low carbon energy, as part of the overall

commitment to tackle climate change and increase energy security, is of paramount

importance”. The continued extraction of fossil fuels will hinder progress towards

achieving overall commitments to talking climate change. The planning system


……..facilitate the integration of sustainable building design principles in

new development;

Optimize the location of new developments to allow for efficient use of


5.1.19 Chapter 5, paragraph 5.8, ‘Reduce Energy Demand and Use of Energy Efficiency’, at paragraph

5.8.1 states that:

“The Planning system should support new development that has very high energy

performance, supports decarbonisation, tackles the causes of climate change, and

adapts to the current and future effects of climate change through the incorporation

of effective mitigation and adaption measures”.

5.1.20 Chapter 6 ‘Distinctive and Natural Places’, at paragraph 6.6.17, in relation to Sustainable

Drainage systems and Development, states that:

“New developments of more than one dwelling or where the area covered by

construction work equals or exceeds 100 square metres also require approval from the

SuDS Approval Body (SAB) before construction can commence”.

At paragraph 6.6.18, it also states that:

“The provision of SuDS must be considered as an integral part of the design of new

development and considered at the earliest possible stage when formulating

proposals for new development”.

5.1.21 With regards to car parking, paragraph 4.1.50 states;

Cartrefi Cymunedol Gwynedd Former Canolfan Frondeg, Ala Uchaf, Pwllheli Supporting Planning Statement

Caulmert Ltd 3573.CAU.XX.XX.RP.T.09100.S4.C1 12 July 2019

Car parking provision is a major influence on how people choose to travel and the

pattern of development. Where and how cars are parked can in turn be a major

factor in the quality of a place. …..Planning authorities must support schemes which

keep parking levels down, especially off street parking when well designed.

5.1.22 Technical Advice Note (TAN) 2: Planning and Affordable Housing (2006) provides practical

guidance on the role of the planning system in delivering affordable housing.

5.1.23 Section 6 Working together – the roles of local authorities, RSLs and private developers,

discusses and collaborative approach between local planning authorities, RSLs and private

developers. Paragraph 6.4 states:

The key areas where local planning authorities, housing authorities, RSLs and

private developers should work together are:

• establishing housing requirements within the local housing market(s);

• setting targets for the provision of affordable housing through the planning

system (both authority-wide and site specific);

• monitoring changing housing requirements;

• updating planning and housing policies and affordable housing targets;

• identifying potential sites for affordable housing (including windfall sites and

rural exception sites);

• using planning conditions and planning obligations to secure affordable


• establishing an appropriate mix of housing types and tenures which will

contribute to the identified need for affordable housing and to the objective of

achieving mixed and sustainable communities;

• constructing and managing affordable housing;

• controlling occupancy to ensure that the affordable housing provided is

occupied by people falling within particular categories of need.

5.1.24 Technical Advice Note (TAN) 15: Development and Flood Risk (2004) provides guidance

regarding flood risk and proposed development. A general approach of PPW, supported by

the TAN, is to advise caution in respect of new development in areas at high risk of flooding

by setting out a precautionary framework to guide planning decisions.

The overarching aim of the precautionary framework is, in order of preference, to;

• Direct new development away from those areas which are at high risk of


Where development has to be considered in high risk areas (zone C) only those

developments which can be justified on the basis of the tests outlined in section

6 and section 7 are located within such areas.

Cartrefi Cymunedol Gwynedd Former Canolfan Frondeg, Ala Uchaf, Pwllheli Supporting Planning Statement

Caulmert Ltd 3573.CAU.XX.XX.RP.T.09100.S4.C1 13 July 2019

5.2 Local Planning Policy

5.2.1 The Statutory Development Plan for area within which the application site is located

comprises of the Joint Local Development Plan Anglesey and Gwynedd (2011 – 2026) which

was adopted on 31st July 2017.

Joint Local Development Plan Anglesey and Gwynedd (2011 – 2026)

5.2.2 On the 28 July 2017 Gwynedd Council decided to adopt the Anglesey and Gwynedd Joint Local

Development Plan. The Isle of Anglesey County Council decided to adopt the Plan on 31 July

2017. Therefore the Anglesey and Gwynedd Joint Local Development Plan (Joint LDP) was

adopted on the 31st July 2017.

5.2.3 The application site lies within the development boundary for Pwllheli as defined by the Joint

LDP. The Settlement Hierarchy identifies Pwllheli as a ‘Urban service centre’ with the Vision

for Pwllheli in paragraph 4.7 states;

Pwllheli will have developed its role as the main centre for housing, commerce and

employment in western Gwynedd. It will have made full use of its location on the coast and

proximity to Llŷn AONB. It will be an international destination for sailing and water activities

and people will have used the opportunities to develop outdoor activity skills. The town will be

more resilient to threats from climate change due to provision of appropriate infrastructure.

5.2.4 The Vision and Strategic Objectives within Section 5 contains a number of ‘Themes’ as

Strategic Objectives, and those of relevance to the proposal are set out below.

Theme 3 states:

To support growth and regeneration that will transform the local economy under the

umbrella of Anglesey Energy Island Programme and other strategies and plans, building on

those elements of its unique economic profile that are identified as being of regional and

national significance

SO13 Promote vital and vibrant town centres in Amlwch, Bangor, Blaenau Ffestiniog,

Holyhead, Caernarfon, Llangefni, Porthmadog and Pwllheli, that have either maintained or

rediscovered their purpose as centres for work and services, and that are vibrant and

attractive places for residents and visitors.

Theme 4 states;

To give everyone access to a home appropriate to their needs

SO15 To ensure that a sufficient and appropriate range of housing sites are

available in sustainable locations in accordance with the settlement hierarchy to

support economic growth.

Cartrefi Cymunedol Gwynedd Former Canolfan Frondeg, Ala Uchaf, Pwllheli Supporting Planning Statement

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SO16 To provide a mixture of good quality and affordable housing units, of a range

of types and tenures to meet the housing requirements of all sections of the


Key outputs:

there will be a consistent minimum 5 year supply of land for housing;

housing growth will be distributed across the Plan area in accordance with the spatial


the supply of affordable housing units will have increased;

the demand for sites for Gypsies and Travellers will have been addressed.

5.2.5 Section 6.4 Managing Growth and Development – Supply and Quality of Housing, strategic

policy ‘PS 16: Housing Provision’ states;

Based on the level of anticipated housing need, balanced against deliverability, environmental

and landscape constraints, economic and demographic prospects, and potential demographic

profile, the Councils will make provision for a requirement for 7,184 housing units between

2011 and 2026. This requirement will be met by identifying opportunities for around 7,902

housing units to enable a 10% slippage allowance.

A constant minimum 5 year supply of housing land will be maintained by allocating land and

facilitating development on windfall sites and by using existing buildings.

This level of growth is distributed in accordance with Strategic Policy PS 17 and Policies TAI 1

to TAI 6 and will be monitored on an annual basis via the Joint Housing Land Availability Studies

and the Annual Monitoring Reports.

5.2.7 ‘Policy TAI 1: Housing in Sub-Regional Centre & Urban Service Centres’ makes clear that in

the Urban Service Centres, housing to meet the Plans’ strategy will be delivered through a

combination of housing allocations and suitable windfall sites within the development

boundary. The policy goes onto identify that windfall sites in Pwllheli could deliver a total of

110 units.

5.2.8 With regards to housing mix, ‘Policy TAI 8: Appropriate Housing Mix’ states;

Proposals should contribute to creating sustainable mixed communities by:

1. Maximising the delivery of affordable housing (including for local need) across the

Plan area in accordance with Strategic Policy PS 18;

2. Contributing to redress an identified imbalance in a local housing market;

3. Ensuring the sustainable use of housing land, ensuring an efficient density of

development compatible with local amenity in line with Policy PCYFF 3;

4. Ensuring the correct mix of housing unit types and tenures to meet the needs of the

Plan area’s current and future communities;

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5. Making provision, as appropriate, for specific housing needs such as student

accommodation, homes for the elderly, Gypsy & Travellers, supported

accommodation, nursing, residential and extra care homes, needs of people with


6. Improving the quality and suitability of the existing housing stock;

7. Ensuring high standards of design that create sustainable and inclusive communities

in line with Policy PCYFF 3.

5.2.9 With regards to affordable housing, strategic policy ‘PS 18: Affordable Housing’ states that

development opportunities have been identified to provide a minimum target of 1,572 new

affordable homes. This strategic policy is then supported by Policy TAI 15.

5.2.10 Policy ‘TAI 15: Affordable Housing Threshold & Distribution’ states that the Council will seek

to secure an appropriate level of affordable housing across the Plan area by working in

partnership with Registered Providers, developers and local communities to meet the

minimum target presented in Strategic Policy PS 18.

5.2.11 Policy ‘TAI 11: Residential Care Homes, Extra Care Housing or Specialist Care

Accommodation for the Elderly’ stated that proposals for residential care homes, extra care

homes or specialist care accommodation will be permitted where:

1. Residential care homes, extra care homes or specialist care accommodation are located

within the development boundaries of either a Sub-regional Centre or Urban or Local

Service Centre; or

2. Specialist care accommodation, in exceptional circumstances, involves the re-use of

suitable brownfield sites or buildings close to development boundaries and clear

justification for its location is provided, taking account of the nature of the care required,

transport impact, and it can be demonstrated that alternative sites are unsuitable and/ or

unavailable; and

3. In the case of residential care homes and extra care housing, the site must be within

reasonable walking distance to services and facilities within the Centre or a high frequency

public transport route to the services and facilities; and

4. The proposal will not result in an over provision of care accommodation compared to the

needs of the locality.

5.2.12 Strategic ‘Policy PS 1: Welsh Language and Culture’ aims to promote the Welsh Language and


The Council will promote and support the use of the Welsh Language in the Plan area.

This will be achieved by:

1. Using appropriate mechanisms to ensure that suitable measures that mitigate

negative impacts are provided or a contribution is made towards them;

2. Refusing proposals that due to its size, scale or its location, would cause

significant harm to the character and language balance of a community

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3. Encouraging all signage by public bodies and by commercial and business

companies to be bilingual ;

4. Encouraging the use of Welsh place names for new developments, house and

street names.

5.2.13 Strategic Policy ‘PS 4: Sustainable Transport, Development and Accessibility’ states;

Development will be located so as to minimise the need to travel. The Councils will

support transport improvements that maximize accessibility for all modes of

transport, but particularly by foot, cycle and public transport. This will be achieved

by securing convenient access via footways, cycle infrastructure and public

transport where appropriate, thereby encouraging the use of these modes of travel

for local journeys and reducing the need to travel by private car.

5.2.14 Furthermore, policy ‘TRA 4: Managing Transport Impacts’, states;

Where necessary, safe and convenient provision will be sought in conjunction with

proposals for:

1. Pedestrians, including people with prams and/or young children;

2. Disabled people with mobility impairments and particular access needs;

3. Cyclists;

4. Powered two-­‐wheelers;

5. Public transport;

6. Vehicular access and traffic management within the site and its vicinity;

7. Car parking and servicing;

8. Coach parking; and

9. Horse-­‐riders.

Proposals that would cause unacceptable harm to the safe and efficient operation

of the highway, public transport and other movement networks including

pedestrian and cycle routes, public rights of way and bridle routes, will be refused.

5.2.15 With regards to sustainable development and sustainable living. Strategic policy ‘PS 5:

Sustainable Development’ states;

Proposals will only be permitted where it is demonstrated that they are consistent

with the principles of sustainable development. All proposals are required to:

1. Accord with national planning policy and guidance in accordance with Policy


2. Alleviate the causes of climate change and adapting to those impacts that are

unavoidable in accordance with Strategic Policy PS6;

3. Give priority to effective use of land and infrastructure, prioritizing wherever

possible the reuse of previously developed land and buildings within the

development boundaries of Sub Regional Centre, Urban and Local Service

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Centres, Villages or in the most appropriate places outside them in accordance

with Strategic Policy PS15;

4. Promote greater self-­‐containment of Centres and Villages by contributing to

balanced communities that are supported by sufficient services; cultural, arts,

sporting and entertainment activities; a varied range of employment

opportunities; physical and social infrastructure; and a choice of modes of


5. Protect, support and promote the use of the Welsh language in accordance

with Strategic Policy PS1;

6. Preserve and enhance the quality of the built and historic environment assets

(including their setting), improving the understanding, appreciation of their

social and economic contribution and sustainable use of them in accordance

with Strategic Policy PS17;

7. Protect and improve the quality of the natural environment, its landscapes and

biodiversity assets, including understanding, and appreciating them for the

social and economic contribution they make in accordance with Strategic Policy


8. Reduce the effect on local resources, avoiding pollution and incorporating

sustainable building principles in order to contribute to energy conservation

and efficiency; using renewable energy; reducing / recycling waste; using

materials from sustainable sources; and protecting soil quality;

5.2.16 Furthermore, Strategic Policy ‘PS 6: Alleviating and Adapting to the Effects of Climate

Change’ states;

In order to alleviate the effects of climate change proposals will only be permitted

where it is demonstrated that they have fully taken account of and responded to

the following:

1. The energy hierarchy:

i. Reducing energy demand;

ii. Energy efficiency;

iii. Using low and zero carbon energy technologies energy wherever

practical and viable and consistent with the need to engage and involve

communities, protect visual amenities, the natural, built and historic

environment and the landscape.

2. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions, help to reduce waste and encourage

travel other than by car.

5.2.17 With regards to the ‘Development Criteria’, policy PCYFF 2 states:

A proposal:

1. Must comply with all relevant policies in the Plan;

2. Must comply with national planning policy and guidance.

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3. Will be approved within defined development boundaries or the built form of

identified clusters listed in the settlement framework set out in Strategic Policy PS15,

subject to detailed material planning considerations;

4. Should make the most efficient use of land, including achieving densities of a

minimum of 30 housing units per hectare for residential development (unless there

are local circumstances that dictate a lower density);

5. Must provide appropriate amenity space to serve existing and future occupants;

6. Should have regard to the generation, treatment and disposal of waste;

7. Includes, where applicable, provision for the appropriate management and

eradication of invasive species;

5.1.17 Policy PCYFF 3: relates to ‘Design and Place Shaping’ and states:

All proposals will be expected to demonstrate high quality design which fully takes into

account the natural, historic and built environmental context and contributes to the

creation of attractive, sustainable places. Innovative and energy efficient design will

be particularly encouraged.

Proposal, including extensions and alterations to existing buildings and structures will

only be permitted provided they conform to all of the following criteria, where


1. It complements and enhances the character and appearance of the site, building or

area in terms of siting, appearance, scale, height, massing and elevation treatment;

2. It respects the context of the site and its place within the local landscape, including

its impact on important principal gateways into Gwynedd or into Anglesey, its effects

on townscape and the local historic and cultural heritage and it takes account of the

site topography and prominent skylines or ridges;

3. It 18inimiza materials appropriate to its surroundings and incorporates hard and

soft landscaping and screening where appropriate, in line with Policy PCYFF 4;

4. It achieves and creates attractive, safe places and public spaces, taking account of

‘Secured by Design’ principles (including where appropriate natural surveillance,

visibility, well lit environments and areas of public movement);

5. It plays a full role in achieving and enhancing a safe and integrated transport and

communications network promoting the interests of pedestrians, cyclists and public

transport and ensures linkages with the existing surrounding community;

6. Its drainage systems are designed to limit surface water run-off and flood risk and

prevent pollution;

7. The layout and design of the development achieves inclusive design by ensuring

barrier free environments, allowing access by all and making full provision for people

with disabilities;

8. Where practical, include infrastructure for modern telecommunications and


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9. Encourage active frontages at ground level where development is non-residential;

10. It helps create healthy and active environments, and considers the health and well-

being of future users.

5.1.18 With regards to Water Conservation, Policy PCYFF 6 states;

Proposals should incorporate water conservation measures where practicable,

including Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS). All proposals should

implement flood minimization or mitigation measures where possible, to reduce

surface water run-­‐off and minimise its contribution to flood risk elsewhere.

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6.1 The Principle of Development

6.1.1 The site is an appropriate location for new housing development, as it lies within the

settlement boundary of Pwllheli, and there is existing residential development surrounding

the site. The site forms a natural windfall plot on a brownfield site and relates well to the

existing urban form which surrounds the site.

6.1.2 The site is sustainably located and within appropriate walking distances of local shops,

services, employment opportunities and community and leisure facilities. The site has

excellent access to public transport with both Pwllheli railway and bus stations lying a short

distance away.

6.1.3 Sustainable development is defined in Planning Policy Wales as having three dimensions;

economic, social and environmental. The proposal would clearly have economic benefits,

through the provision of jobs during the construction phase and new housing close to existing

employment opportunities. In social terms, the scheme would provide affordable housing

provision in an area where there is clearly an identified shortfall. In environmental terms, the

scheme would not give rise to any adverse impacts on the natural, built and historic

environment. As such, the development of the site for housing constitutes sustainable

development under PPW.

6.2 Housing Need

6.2.1 This application is supported by an Affordable Housing Statement undertaken by the

applicant. This includes an assessment of the current housing waiting list obtained from

Gywnedd Housing Options Team, which shows that as of May 2019, the number of

applications received in Pwllheli and other areas within the region of Dwyfor is as follows:


1-Bedroom units – 100 applicants

2-Bedroom units – 144 applicants

3-Bedroom units – 81 applicants

4-Bedroom units – 22 applicants

Dwyfor Region (w/o Pwllheli);

1-Bedroom units – 296 applicants

2-Bedroom units – 427 applicants

3-Bedroom units – 241 applicants

4-Bedroom units – 62 applicants

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6.2.2 As can be seen from the above, there is a deficiency in the number of 1 and 2 bed units within

both Pwllheli and the wider Dwyfor region which this scheme will go some way to address.

The proposal would provide 16 no. 2 bed apartments and 12 no. 1 bed apartments. The site

will therefore enable the applicant to offer a total number of 28 affordable units, which will

would go a significant way in addressing the current shortfall for affordable housing in the


6.2.3 At present the applicant owns and manages 1,094 units located through Dywfor. Of these, a

total of no. 100 units are designed to applicants over 55 and/or disabled. Out of the above

100 designated units, CCG have only 4 flats and 13 bungalows in Pwllheli, making it difficult

for those who wish to be close to the convenience and amenities of the town. Below are

figures for applicants over the age of 55 looking for accommodation in Pwllheli, as

supplied by Gwynedd Housing Option Team in May 2019;

6.2.4 Providing homes for people over the age of 55 or disabled within the town of Pwllheli will

allow tenants to be within walking distance of a number of local amenities. This includes ease

of access the public transport network, therefore reducing car dependence.

6.2.5 By providing adaptable units it gives opportunity to those currently residing in unsuitable

accommodation to obtain a one floor flat that would be an appropriate and safe environment

for them. 34 households effected by mobility issues are residing in CCG owned designated

houses that compromise of 2 floors or more.

6.2.6 The proposed development would facilitate socialising and communication between tenants

that are currently struggling with mobility issues and loneliness. As can be seen on the map

above, the designated units are currently scattered throughout the Dwyfor region.

6.2.7 Following recent changes to the benefits system, several tenants that are eligible for residency

have suffered due to the bedroom tax because of under occupancy and wish to move to a

smaller home. Two-bedroom properties would assist CCG to better manage its current stock

and enable those applicants who wish to move to a smaller home and leaving their current

home and release it to other applicants. This would also help families on the housing register

who require 3 or 4-bedroom homes.

6.2.8 The scheme has the potential to provide 100% affordable homes which is far in excess of the

requirement identified under Policy TAI 15 of the Anglesey and Gwynedd Joint Local

Development Plan.

6.3 Traffic and Access

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6.3.1 The application is supported by a Transport Statement prepared by Cadarn Consulting

Engineers. The report concludes that the levels of daily and hourly traffic by the development

is unlikely to have any material impact upon the operation of the Highway network in the

vicinity of the site.

6.3.2 The location of the site makes it accessible by a range of travel modes and promotes

sustainable modes of travelling. It is within walking distance to all facilities and amenities

located within the centre of Pwllheli, and is within minimal distances to public transport

services that provide regular services to the North-West Wales region and further beyond.

Given the purpose and the average age of the residents likely to reside at the proposed

development, there is no intention to improve the cycling network in the vicinity of the site.

6.3.3 The Highway designs for the site has also considered the health and safety implications

associated with the proposed development. Suitable signage and road surface markings will

be provided on the site to ensure that traffic exiting the site will be aware that a one-way

system is in place along Ala Uchaf Road, whilst the northern footway leading from the site to

Gaol Street / Stryd Moch along this Highway will be widened to improve pedestrian use.

6.3.4 It is therefore concluded that, subject to providing the Highway and transport features

detailed in this Statement, there are no reasons relating to the Highway design why the

proposed development should not be granted planning consent..

6.4 Ecological Implications

6.4.1 The application is supported by a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal Report prepared by AES Ltd.

The survey area is situated between the residential street of Lleyn Street to the north, Gaol

Street to the east and residential properties and a funeral directors to the west. The survey

area comprised amenity grassland, pavements and Tarmacadam car park surrounded by

fences and stone walls.

6.4.2 The survey area covers approximately 0.31ha (0.76acres) and is located at OS grid reference

SH 37296 35117 (approximate central point) and it is situated north of Ala Uchaf.

6.4.3 There are four statutory designated sites of nature conservation interest within the 2km

search area, the nearest are Pen Llyn a'r Sarnau / Lleyn Peninsula and the Sarnau SAC which

is of international nature conservation interest for its coastal habitats, marine mammals and

otter and Mynydd Tir y Cwmwd A'r Glannau At Garreg yr Imbill SSSI which is designated for its

geological, botanical and marine biological features, both of these sites are 0.19km to the

south south east.

6.4.4 There were 21 sites of non-statutory nature conservation interest (Wildlife Sites) within the

2km search area, the nearest of which is Yr Ala, Pwllheli which lies 0.19km to the south west.

The Wildlife Site is noted for its swamp, wet woodland, coastal and floodplain grazing marsh

and river corridor habitats. Other non-statutory sites of nature conservation interest include

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the 16 ancient woodland sites within the 2km search area. This includes four ancient

seminatural woodlands and twelve restored ancient woodland sites.

6.4.5 No significant negative impact on the surrounding statutory and non-statutory sites of nature

conservation interest is anticipated due to the proposed development. There is no feasible

mechanism by which the demolition of the existing building to build an apartment block of 27

units could impact on the surrounding sites of nature conservation interest or the ecological

interest features within them.

6.4.6 There are no protected or priority plants or invasive non-native species recorded within the

survey area.

6.5 Drainage

6.5.1 The application is supported by a Drainage design by Cadarn Consulting Engineers. Full details

of the proposed drainage system for both surface and foul flows are available within the

drainage drawings.

6.6 Design, Safety and Residential Amenity

6.6.1 Joint LDP Policy PCYFF2 relates to building design and covers amongst other criteria;

character, form and design.

6.6.2 The site layout has been developed following a detailed analysis of the site, previous approvals

and the local context whilst taking into consideration the national and local requirements for

residential developments.

6.6.3 The proposed apartment block fronts onto Ala Uchaf with associated pedestrian access being

provided. The buildings has a clearly defined front and back which provides better security

and privacy, animate the public realm and help people orientate themselves. The entrance to

the building is therefore designed to be from the street and easily recognised as such by


6.6.4 The 3D Visualization drawings which accompany this application demonstrates how the

proposed street view will appear and provides a better understanding of the relationship

between the proposed development and the existing. Further information is available within

plan ref’s C928-011 and C928-012.

6.6.5 Joint LDP Policy PCYFF 3 quotes that all proposals will be expected to demonstrate high quality

design and in terms of materials, supports developments that utilise materials that are

appropriate to its surroundings. In response to this policy the scheme has been carefully

crafted to create a high quality contemporary development whilst retaining the character of

the local area. The materials chosen to achieve this are stated in paragraph 3.0.9 of this


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6.6.6 As such the proposed development would full comply with the development plan policies of

the Joint LDP.

6.7 Affordable Housing

6.7.1 The application is accompanied by an Affordable Housing Statement prepared by the

applicant. The proposed development has the potential to deliver 100% affordable units on

the site in the form of no. 28 apartments. These are broken down in the following table;

6.7.2 It is considered that the proposal exceeds the development plan policies, which require 20%

affordable units.

6.7.3 Affordable housing in the context of the development proposed means subsidised housing

that would be made available to persons who cannot afford to rent or buy housing generally

available on the open market. The affordable housing provision would comprise a mixture

intermediate and social rented housing.

6.7.4 The apartments have been designed, in their scale and function to comply with the guidelines

contained within the Supplementary Planning Guidance: Affordable Housing (November


6.7.5 It is proposed that the affordable housing units would be managed by the applicant, a

registered housing provider, in accordance with their usual terms and conditions. A formal

agreement will be required to tie the properties to a general local need for affordable

dwellings, which the applicants and their agents are keen to discuss.

6.8 Pre Application Consultation

6.8.1 Section to be completed once pre-application consultation has been undertaken.

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7.0.1 This application seeks full planning permission for the demolition of existing building and

erection of a 3 storey residential building comprising of no. 28 extra care flats (no. 16 2

bedroom flats , no. 12 1 bedroom flats, ancillary ground floor uses including communal

facilities, office, plant room, bin store and buddy store) and associated car parking and


7.0.2 The proposed site plan submitted with the application (plan ref C928-003-A) demonstrates

the proposed apartment block can be adequately provided within the site, whilst respecting

required standards including residential amenity, together with the required infrastructure

and landscaping.

7.0.3 The development plan within which the site is located is the Joint Gwynedd and Anglesey Local

Development Plan for the period 2011 – 2021 which was adopted 31st July 2017. The

application site falls within the development boundary of Pwllheli, which is defined as an

Urban-Service Centre by the Joint LDP where there is a general presumption in favour of


7.0.4 As discussed in the sections above it is considered that the proposal represents a positive

contribution towards sustainable development within Gwynedd and an opportunity to make

a contribution to the housing needs of the area, including the delivery of affordable housing

in an area of significant need.

7.0.5 The proposed development accords with the key principles of Planning Policy Wales as well

as local policies in the adopted Joint Local Development Plan.

7.0.6 The planning balance therefore falls firmly in favour of the proposed development and as such

it is considered that there are no overriding reasons why planning permission for the proposed

development should be withheld.

Registered Office: Intec, Parc Menai, Bangor, Gwynedd, LL57 4FG Tel: 01248 672666 Fax: 01248 672601 Email: Web: