Supervising Instruction Week 8 Informal Supervision & Inquiry Based Supervision.

Post on 14-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Supervising Instruction Week 8 Informal Supervision & Inquiry Based Supervision.

Supervising Instruction

Week 8Informal Supervision

&Inquiry Based Supervision

Informal Supervision

What is informal supervision?

Informal supervision is a casual meetings between the supervisor and

teacher characterized by informal visits that are frequent. This involves meeting in the classroom or where

observations can be made regarding the performance.

Informal Supervision

The informal supervision also uses casual conversations about the work being done or performance and other

informal encounters between the supervisor and teacher/worker.

Informal Supervision

This is not an opportunity to make appointments to meet. These

meetings are informal and typically not announced or clear moments for


Informal Supervision

Successful Informal Supervision

Successful informal supervision requires thinking “what would I want the supervisor to see in two minutes?”

Successful informal supervision requires particular expectations are received and respected by the teachers/workers.

Inquiry Based Supervision

What is it?

Inquiry-based supervision is action research supervision.

Inquiry based supervision can represent individual or collaborative efforts or teams working together solving issues or problems.

Inquiry Based Supervision

What is Action Research?

1. Action research is an emphasis on problem solving of the supervision experience.

2. The teachers work to define the problem and develop a strategy and share in resolution, sharing findings, and conclusions.

Inquiry-Based Supervision

Five Basic Steps:

1. Ascertain a problem, a specific problem.

2. Create a hypotheses with causes and solutions.

3. Test your hypothesis or hypotheses.

4. Amass data.

5. Assess and draw conclusions.

Quick Quiz

1. Explain what informal supervision is.

2. Explain what inquiry-based supervision.

3. How can a teacher/worker be successful with informal supervision?

4. Explain action research. Really take your time to understand this. This is a great test question. Please review this information carefully.

Assignments for Week 8

Read PowerPoint notes.Read Master’s students: read 30-40 additional pages and use Reading Report FormContinue preparing for Test 3.Write up: Explain the differences in informal and inquiry-based supervision. Which would you prefer? (This is Journal 8 for online students.)Begin working on writing assignment (see Week 9).