Sunday 17 December 2017 3rd Sunday of...

Post on 18-May-2018

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Transcript of Sunday 17 December 2017 3rd Sunday of...




Please join us for refreshments after the 10.30am service, including Fairtrade stall.




8.00 Said Holy Communion Revd Ian Stonehouse

10.30 Parish Communion Revd Graham Osborne Revd Ian Stonehouse

Readings: Grant Clifford & Noula Scott Intercessions: Sheila Ford

6.30 Nine Lessons & Carols followed by mulled wine and mince pies Gail Partridge Revd Graham Osborne

Churchwarden: Anne Thomson

Sunday 17 December 2017 3rd Sunday of Advent


Psalm 126 page 623

Old Testament Isaiah 61: 1-4, 8-end

page 749

New Testament 1 Thessalonians 5: 16-24

page 1188

Gospel John 1: 6-8, 19-28

page 1063

We hope you feel at home with us as we worship together!




The Collect for the 3rd Sunday of Advent O Lord Jesus Christ, who at your first coming sent your messenger to prepare your way before you: grant that the ministers and stewards of your mysteries may likewise so prepare and make ready your way by turning the hearts of the disobedient to the wisdom of the just, that at your second coming to judge the world we may be found an acceptable people in your sight; for you are alive and reign with the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.


Thank you to everyone who supported last Sunday's Christingle Service either by helping or by coming along. You raised just under £200 for the Children's Society which is a good result - so thank you! CHRISTMAS ANGELS Labels for knitted or crocheted angels are now available in the Parish Office. Please let Sally know how many labels you will need as we may need to order more. Please keep knitting - every angel will bless someone this Christmas. Thank you. DONATIONS FOR CHRISTMAS CANDLES Donations towards the candles for the Christmas services can be given to the churchwardens, Parish Office or put in the blue box in church (please mark envelope “for Christmas candles”). Thank you. PARISH OFFICE CHRISTMAS CLOSURE The Parish Office will be closed week commencing 25 December. It will re-open on Wednesday 3 January.

THANK YOU! Nicky and Roger would like to thank everyone in the congregation last Sunday for the birthday cards, greetings and warm fellowship expressed to us and our families as we both celebrated milestone birthdays! CHRISTMAS BY CANDLELIGHT Tuesday 19 December 7.30pm Parish Church The Arts Society invites you to join them to celebrate Christmas by Candlelight. The concert will feature music by the Brandenburg singers and brass ensemble as well as readings. Following the concert, please join us in the Parish Church Hall for wine, soft drinks and mince pies. The ticket price (£15) also includes a programme & donation to the Friends of Leatherhead Parish Church. For tickets, please contact Jackie Hampton 376640. CHRISTMAS CANDLES This is your last opportunity to help put up the Christmas candles in church! If you can help, please come along on Thursday 21 December at 10am). If you can help, please contact the Parish Office.


VOLUNTEER DISTRIBUTORS OF MAKING HISTORY LEAFLETS ��� We are making good progress on delivering Making History leaflets, but if you could help to do any of the remaining roads, your assistance would be much appreciated. Please speak to Beverley (01372 377551) to select roads and collect leaflets. CHURCH PEWS If anyone is interested in buying a pew, please contact John Andrews, our Making History project manager, as soon as possible on 373083. LOOKING AHEAD … A DATE FOR YOUR DIARY

Burns Night Supper Friday 26 January 7pm Parish Church Hall Further details to follow in the New Year.


This evening 6.30pm

Service of Nine Lessons & Carols followed by mulled wine & mince pies

Christmas Eve 4pm

Crib all-age service

Christmas Eve 11.30pm

Midnight Mass

Christmas Day 8am

Said Eucharist

Christmas Day 10am

Family Celebration followed by communion

Do join us as we once more celebrate Jesus, the King of kings, born as a baby

in a Bethlehem stable! JANUARY MAGAZINES Please note that the magazines will be in church on the first weekend of January. MAKING HISTORY CALENDAR 2018 AVAILABLE NOW! Featuring photographs of our beautiful medieval church, these calendars make perfect Christmas presents! Priced at £9.99 each, please email to place your order or drop payment with your name, telephone number and address into the Parish Church Office.

Sunday 24 December 4th Sunday of Advent

Churchwarden: Sheila Sutherland 8.00 Said Holy Communion 10.30 Parish Communion 4.00 Crib Service 11.30 Midnight Mass

Readings: 2 Samuel 7: 1-11, 16 Romans 16: 25-27 Luke 1: 26-38


For your Prayer Diary this week

Monday 18 December

Interment of Tom Cottrell’s ashes

Tuesday 19 December

Trinity School KS1 end of term service (Christ Church URC)

Arts Society Carol service

Wednesday 20 December

West Hill carol service (Parish Church)

Trinity School KS2 end of term service (Parish Church)

PCC meeting (Parish Church)

Thursday 21 December

Funeral of Edward Riedel (Randalls Park)

Messy Church /leatherheadparish @lheadparish Tel: 01372 362544
