Suffolk Chapter Newletter December 2015

Post on 05-Mar-2016

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Listing of newsworthy events occurring in and around the Suffolk Chapter Knights of Columbus.

Transcript of Suffolk Chapter Newletter December 2015

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Knights of Columbus

Vol. 15 No. 6    December 20SUFFOLK CHAPTER NEWS 

From the Chapter Chairman’s Desk … 

My Dear Brother Knights, I would like to congratulate all of the Officers of the Suffolk Chapter and the Suffolk

Chapter Columbiettes who were installed at the Bishop’s mass on November 8, 2015. A sincere thanks to Bob Elliott for chairing this event and Tom Romano for running theInstallation. Special thanks to Patchogue Council for hosting. As usual the dinner wasdelicious and they did a wonderful job.


Our December 11th meeting will be our annual Chapter Christmas Party hostedby Rogan/ Halpin Council in Central Islip. This meeting is open to all and the Columbiettesand members’ wives are encouraged to attend. As always we will be honored by aperformance of the Central Islip High School Choir. If you have not seen them performbefore you are in for a real treat. A light repast will be served at 7:00pm, followed by the


Our January 8th meeting at Bishop McGann Council in Bay Shore is also an openmeeting. Like our December meeting there will be a light repast at 7:00 pm, followed by themeeting. Grand Knights please remember to invite your Columbiette Presidents to thismeeting, as it is the Charity Drive Kick Off  and we need all involved for it to be a success.Please make every effort to attend.


Please see Joe Tumminello for your 300 Club ticket. They make great Christmasgifts. The 300 Club is designed to consistently replenish the funds to sustain the FACprogram so please purchase a number so that we can get this program off the ground.The tickets are $50.00 each, but if you can’t afford one on your own, chip in with some ofyour friends. We need to have funds available to assist our brother Knights and sisterColumbiettes in financial despair.


Remember, ALL Chapter meetings are on the 2nd Friday of each month. Any

changes will be prominently posted. I would greatly appreciate any suggestions for making our meetings more interest-

ing or entertaining. I will look forward to hearing from you.

Dates to Remember: 

12/11/15 Chapter Meeting Rogan/ Halpin Council, Central Islip 

1/9/16 Charity Drive Kick Off Meeting, Bishop McGann Council, Bay Shore 

12/25/15 Merry Christmas 

1/1/16 Happy New Year  

Let us remember all in need of our prayers:Our Knights and Columbiettes who are having serious health issues


The victims of the recent outbursts of violence in our country 

Our brave soldiers who protect our freedoms 


 Along with the Officers of the Suffolk Chapter, I hope you all hada wonderful Thanksgiving. Have a very blessed Christmas and aHappy and Healthy New Year.


Vivat Jesus, 




Most Rev.William F. Murphy, D.D.

(516) 678-5800 



Rev. Augustine Fernando



Rev. Paul J. Dahm(631) 287-3413




George Lundin PGK, FDD(631) 589-2255




Greg Warnokowski , PGK, FPFN, FCOB , Master(516) 293-3429


Thomas Fawcett, Sr., PGK(631) 648 - 0017


Bill Billups, PGK, FDD(631) 374 - 2321


 ADVOCATERobert Elliott PGK FDD(631) 588 - 2919

WARDEN William Murphy, PGK, FDD



Joe Tuminello, PGK



Michael D’feo 

Suffolk Chapter Light 


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Minutes of the Suffolk Chapter Meeting October 9, 2015, Shrine of St. Anne #4757  

Call to order 8 :00 p.m. by cc George Lundin 

Commander Shea Honor Guard presented colors Pledge of Allegiance led by Master Greg Warnokowski Opening prayer by Fr. Fernando 

Roll call of officers (5 excused) 

Past Chapter Chairman Thomas Romano present Introduce dais 44 delegates in attendance 

Roll call of DD by Chairman John Mastrosimone 

Roll call of conference officers by Chairman Frank Casillo GK in attendance. Beattie5817,725 Fontaine, St. Jude 5814, St. Regis 4651, Rosary 4428, Lady Pines 11950,Lady of Grove 11968, St. Joseph Carpenter, Kavanaugh 5292, Queen of Hearts 4128 

 No communications Treasurers Report September to October  Fraternal weekend – Woodloch Pines, $390 all inclusive, March 4-6, 2016 

Reports of Committees: Jim Lane, Chairman 

Bill Murphy and Tom Hupel - Meditation Day of Reflection @ Our Lady ofGrace, 10/17 

Mike Hearney –Woodward School children’s gifts 

Bob Elliott – Bishop Mass installed 11/8 

Joe Dinero – Blood Drive 

FAC Greg Warnokowski $100 check from Bill Ratzsch 

FAC Club 300 selling tickets - $50 each 

John Leonardo – Stony Brook Vets Home 

George Lundin – Communion breakfast April 17 @ St. Sylvester’s Bill Billups – Collecting eyeglasses 

Walter Kedjierski – Vocations, Right to Life Rich Weber – Traveling Madonna, see me 

Mike Defao – Special fundraisers, shirts, pins, patches 

Bill Ratzsch – Chapter directory 

George Lundin – Officers meeting first Monday 

Bob Murray – Chapter dues Frank Cassilo – 11/17 conf. meeting at St. Sylvester’s Bob Fontaine – appointment to chairman track meet 

October meeting: we honored the Fourth Degree Assy. Faithful Navigator Rich Distefanoof Shea and Jerry Willelm from Fattima and the Master George Warnokowski for sup- porting the Chapter – each were presented with a certificate 

Rich Distefano, Navigator from Shea Assy. #729 spoke about the Fourth Degree Old business – none 

 New business -– none 

GK received check from cc George Lundin 

Motion to close 

Closing prayer by Fr. Fernando 

Meeting adjourned at 9:03 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Thomas F. Fawcett, PGK, Chapter Secretary 

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Minutes of the Chapter Meeting November 13, 2015, St. Martin #2489  

Call to order 8:00 p.m. by cc George Lundin 

Commander Shea Honor Guard presented colors Pledge of Allegiance led by Master Greg Warnokowski Opening prayer by William Ratzsch 

Roll call of officers (3 excused) 

Past Chapter Chairman in attendance 

Roll call of DD by J. Mastrosimone Dist 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9,10,; Ex.5, 11  

Roll call of conference officers by Chairman Frank Casillo, GK in attendance, #5817, #4428, #5292, #12993,#725, #5814, #4651, #7195, 11968, #14771, #4128, #11416, #1992, #2458, #12993 

Secretary read minutes for meeting Oct. 9, 2015 St. Anne #4757 

Minutes of Oct. 9, 2015 given first and second motion to accept as corrected 

50 delegates in attendance 

 No communications Bob Murphy gave report on balance for FAC $8,550.01  

Reports of Committees: Jim Lane 

Bill Murphy – New Men’s Day of Reflection set for Saturday, Feb. 16, 2016 at Our Lady of theRosary 

Mike Hearney –Woodward Children’s charity 

Joe Tumminello – 300 club tickets on sale, 75 sold Tom Romano – Fraternal Weekend, $390 all inclusive, March 4-6, 2016 

Gene Johann – Chapter Golf Outing, April 11, 2016 

Bob Elliott – Gave report on Bishop Memorial Mass 

John Leonardo - Vets Home installation Nov. 14, 2015 

FAC Greg Warnokowski – letter thanking for help that he received 

George Lundin – Communion breakfast April 17 @ St. Sylvester’s 

Mike Defao – Special fundraisers plus Christmas items  

Robert Slingo – Missed Hudson Valley Chapter meeting on 10/30 due to conference and chapter meeting 

Third degree Nov. 22 Sunday at Highland NY 

Bus to St. Patrick’s leaving from Bishop McGann at 8:15 a.m. on Jan. 17, 2016 - $15 

Five Sunday Rosarys Jan 31 to May 29, 2016 – see Bill Murphy 

Frank Casillo vote for state deputy 18 months away 

 Nov. 30, Islanders game-

 $35/ticket with $10 toward Special Olympics 

Lost tie 

C&B books to be turned in to DDs and reps before Dec. 5 – day of drawing 

Help for a person in Lindenhurst for their house from special fundraiser  Kickoff for charity drive in January 

Sunday, Nov. 22 championship soccer challenge – 12 p.m. West Point  Nov. 24 charity meeting at St. Jude in Rocky Point  New Business: meeting and Christmas party at Rogan Halpin #1816 on Dec. 18 

Charity Ball, Jan. 8, 2017 at Watermill Inn in Smithtown  

State Walter Kedjierski NYS Knights of Columbus forms at, all forms  

50/50: Bill Murphy $55 1st; 2nd Bill Christen $30; 3rd place Jim Lane $15 

GK received check from chapter chairman 

Motion to close 

Payer to Fr. McGivney 

Honor Guard retired colors 

Meeting adjourned at 9:07 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Thomas F. Fawcett, PGK  Chapter Secretary 

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Columbiette News

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Columbiette Chapter Officers 2015 - 2016  President   Anne Marie Callahan 631 - 732 - 0497Vice President  Elaine Addie 631 - 475 - 5722 

Secretary Colleen Wyman  631 - 399 - 2680 

Financial Secretary  Jerry Berlenbach  631 - 669 - 8322 

Treasurer  Pat Tariol 631 - 772 - 8081 

Sentinel  Lisa Liguori 631 - 846 - 3495 

Past President   Amelia Joseph  631 - 902 -  4366

Suffolk Chapter Columbiettes

Dear Sister Columbiees and Brother Knights, 

 We wish you a Mer Christas 

 We wish you a Mer Christas 

 We wish you a Mer Christas 

and a

Happy New Year!! 

Sufolk Chapter Columbiees

 Anne Marie, Elaine, Amelia, Colleen,

 Jer, Pat and Lisa  

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 Suffolk Chapter Charity Drive Team 2016  

We look forward to seeing each of you at the January 8th Charity

 Drive Kick Off Meeting which is being held at Bishop McGann in Bay Shore. Columbiettes are encouraged to join us!

*Chapter Chairman  George Lundin 631-589-2255*Charity Drive Chairman Paul R. Basileo 631-375-7088*Charity Ball Chairman  Thomas Romano  631-561-7052*Reservations Joseph DiNero 631-648-0575*Award Book Chairman  Paul DiOrio  631-592-8151

Central Coordinator  

Thomas Faucett 



0017Eastern Coordinator   James Drew  631-728-6144*Financial  Robert Murray  631-666-3245

William Billups  631-374-2321*Secretary  Marie Basileo  631-821-6071*Columbiettes  Anne M. Callahan  631-732-0497

Elaine Addie  631-475-5722*Direct Donations  Joseph DiNero  631-648-0575*Journal Editor   John G. Joseph  631-813-5470*Journal Ad Chairman  Paul R. Basileo  631-375-7088 

Eastern Coordinator  

James Drew 



Western Coordinator   Henry Tomlinson  631-789-0745*Sponsor Card Chairman John G. Sommers  631-513-2626Western Coordinator   Richard Weber  516-356-8590Eastern Coordinator   James Drew  631-728-6144*Statistician  Ed Freudenberg  631-457-9159*Publicity  Joseph DiNero  631-648-0575Eastern Coordinator James Drew  631- 728-6144Central Coordinator   John Praino  631-774-2605 

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See you at the kick off! Friday, January 8, 2016 

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The Suffolk Chapter

Columbiettes  Day of Recollection

Save the date!Saturday, February 27, 2016

Fr. Donnelly will once again

be hosting this special daywhich will include a celebration

of the Holy Eucharistand casual conversation.

Further details to soon follow. 

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Suffolk Chapter Columbiettes CelebrateChristmas at their November Meeting which wasgraciously hosted by J.V. Kavanaugh Columbiettes!We were thrilled to share this evening with our  Worthy Supreme Treasurer, Ronny Pliszak, ourWorthy State President, Dee Wych, and ourWorthy State Sentinel, Kathleen Anderson!

 Merry Christmas to all!

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St. Sylvester #6844,

“The Little Council

With the Big Heart”

helps 16 families

enjoy a wonderfulThanksgiving Dinner.

Andy, Dave, Richie, Odell,Rich, GK, and John doingthe work of our Order.

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 As we express our gratitude, we must never

 forget that the highest appreciation is not toutter words, but to live by them.

~John Fitzgerald Kennedy

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Our Lady of


#9267 Copiague

Brothers of Council

#9267 hosted a food

drive collecting over

1,000 pounds of food.

Many families will

benefit from this great


 Submitted by John Mastrosimone, Chairman of the Board, Suffolk County

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MAKE______________ MODEL________YEAR____ Vin _________  

 NAME__________________ ADDRESS________________________  


ALL DONATIONS ARE TAX DEDUCTIBLEContact George Lundin PGK, FDD for additional

information at (631) 589-2255 


For additional information contact: Bill Billups, PGK, FDD at 631 - 374 - 2321. 

Eye Glasses and Hearing Aids are needed.

Please bring them to the Chapter Meeting. 







 John G. Joseph PGK, FDD, FST  

 Secretary to the State Deputy

31 Hawkton Place 

 Lake Grove, NY 11755 

(631) 981-8724 

(631) 813-5470 

(631) 648-3067 




Register your e-mail at our

chapter website to be sure to

receive “up to the minute”

information on meetings,

events, and activities! Visit our

website to review photos of the many eventsheld throughout Suffolk County.  

Meeting Reminder 

December MeetingOpen to all!

December 11, 2015 

Rogan / Halpin Council 

7:00 p.m. repast

with meeting

following at 8:00 p.m.


DIRECTIONS and for many

activities taking place at the

many councils and auxiliaries

throughout our county. 

You’ll like what you see!  

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Suffolk County Third Degree Ceremonial Team 

 Norman A. Wagner PGK, FDD, FCOBTeam Captain 

490 Irving Street, Central Islip, NY 11722631-234-1922 

2015-2016 Scheduled Third Degrees 

Friday, November 20, 2015 - Immaculate Conception, Riverhead 

Friday, April 1, 2016 - St. Jude Council, Rocky Point

June 24, 2016 - St. Martin Council # 2489, Amityville. 

Sunday, July 31, 2016 - 1:00 p.m. Patchogue Council #725 

"Third Degree brothers interested in learning and beingcertified for the position of Third Degree Conferring Officer  

are asked to contact the Team Captain, Norman Wagner."

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Fr Nuss




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In 1954, lobbying by the Order of the Knights of Columbushelped convince the U.S. Congress to add the phrase "under

God" to the Pledge of Allegiance.  President Dwight

Eisenhower wrote to Supreme Knight Luke E. Hart thankingthe Knights for their "part in the

movement to have the words 'under God'

added to our Pledge of Allegiance." 

“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for

which it stands, one nation under God,indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. ”  

 Have you had a chance to visit the new web site? Go ahead!

You will like what you see! Be sure to send our Web Master,

Orlando Jimenez, GK, , articles and

 photos of the great things happening in your Council or Auxiliary!

"One Member, per Council,

 per Month" 

and "One First Degree,

 per District,

 per Month"resulting in 

"One Star Council,

 per District”  

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Help us helpyou!

Put your adhere!

We know there are greatthings happening in

Suffolk County! Shareyour articles and photos

with us and we willshare with all. 

We wish youeach a

Merry Christmasand a Blessedand Healthy New Year!

Don’t you knowof a business who

would like toadvertise with us?

Let them know

they canadvertise here!

Any business card

would fit right in this

spot! Any interest? 

Friends of Suffolk Chapter  

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sent via




2188 Nesconset Highway #110 

Stony Brook, NY 11790 


Makes the




 Prayer for the Canonization of Father Michael J. McGivney 

God, our Father, protector of the poor and defender of the widow and orphan, you called your priest, Father Michael J. McGivney, to be anapostle of Christian family life and to lead the young to the generous service of their neighbor. Through the example of hislife and virtue may we follow your Son, Jesus Christ, more closely, fulfilling his commandment of charity and building uphis Body which is the Church. Let the inspiration of your servant prompt us to greater confidence in your love so that wemay continue his work of caring for the needy and the outcast. We humbly ask that you glorify your servantFather Michael J McGivney on earth according to the design of your holy will Through his intercession grant the favor

Mary’s Dream ~~ Author UnknownI had a dream Joseph. I do not understand it, not really, but I think it was about a

birthday celebration for our Son. I think that was what it was all about.

The people had been preparing for it for about six weeks. They had decorated thehouse and bought new gifts. It was peculiar, though, because the presents weren’t for ourSon. They wrapped them in beautiful paper and tied them with lovely bows and stackedthem under a tree. Yes, a tree, Joseph, right in their house.

They decorated the tree, also. The branches were full of glowing balls and sparkliornaments. There was a figure on the top of the tree. It looked like an angel might look. Oit was beautiful. Everyone was laughing and happy. They were all excited about the gifts.

They gave the gifts to each other, Joseph, not to our Son. I don’t think they evenknew Him. They never mentioned His name. Doesn’t it seem odd for people to go to all thtrouble to celebrate someone’s birthday if they don’t know Him? I had the strangest feelingthat if our Son had gone to this celebration, He would have been intruding.

Everything was so beautiful, Joseph, and everyone so full of cheer, but it made mewant to cry. How sad for Jesus . . . not to be wanted at His own birthday celebration.

I’m glad it was only a dream. How terrible, Joseph, if it had been real.