Studyingppl h bnb9815

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Transcript of Studyingppl h bnb9815

Issues and Life Science

Unit A: Studying People Scientifically

Mr. FordeScofield Magnet MS

2015 - 2015

How Do Scientists Work?Sept. 8, 2015

To Do: Write 2 - 3 sentences describing how scientists do their work?

Key Words: Hypothesis, Scientific Method

Activity 2: The Pellagra StorySeptember 9, 2015

Getting Started: List 2 things that scientists could do to learn more about a disease and its cause or causes?

Challenge: What are the common elements of all scientific problem-solving methods?

Key Words: ethics, evidence, inference, observation

Results: See Worksheets Fill in “Notes on the Pellagra Story” sheet Complete “Observation and Inference” sheet Compare “Dr. Goldberger and the Traditional Scientific Method’

Analysis: Answer Analysis Questions 1a, 1b, 2a, (homework)

Hypothesis: An educated guess

Scientific Method: Steps that scientists use to complete their work.

Ethics: Looking at what is right and wrong

Evidence: Info that is collected to see if something is true.

Inference: A conclusion based on evidence

Observation: Looking at something carefully.

Key Words:

Should a prisoner who participated in Dr. Goldberger’s experiment on Pallegra be allowed to be released

from prison?

Activity 12: What’s Happening Inside?September 14 - 16, 2014

Getting Started: List as many human organs as you can.

Introduction: Read and summarize pg. B-10 in 2 sentences.

Challenge: What do you know about organs and organ systems of the human body?

Key Words:

System- A group of related parts that work together

Organ- a structure made of tissues that perform an important body function (job).

Organ System- a group of organs that work together to perform an important body function (job).


Is the Human Body an amazing machine?

Procedure: Have you read and do you understand the procedure for part A pg. B11-B12 together? Write two sentences that describes what you will be doing.

Results: Part A: Copy questions from part A “laying it out” Part B: Write your grouped organs in your notebook Complete student sheet 12.1 sheet Part D: student sheet 12.2a and 12.2b

Analysis: Answer Analysis Questions 1,2, 5 and 6.

Reflection: What new things have you learned about the human body in this activity?

cardiovascular system, cell, digestive system, excretory system, function, muscular system, nervous system, organ, reproductive system, respiratory system, skeletal system, structure, system (body system)

Activity 5: Can you feel the difference?September

Getting Started: Discuss designing an experiment. (Watch PBS Video-

Introduction: Read and summarize pg. A-20 in one/two sentences.

Challenge: What is the smallest distance apart at which you can still feel two points?

Key Words: variables, control variables, sample size, sensitivity

Procedure: We will read the procedures on pg. A21 - A23 together.

Results: See sheet

Analysis: Answer Analysis Questions 1, 3, 4a, 4b and 6.

Reflection: How would you create an experiment to test a person’s sensitivity to sound?

Activity 5: Paper Shots

Getting Started: Discussion “How would you set-up a basketball shooting experiment?” (Watch PBS Video-

Challenge: What are the variables of a well designed experiment?

Key Words: Control Variable, Dependent Variable, Independent Variable

Procedure: Each student shoots a paper ball 10x at 12 tiles to collect data.

Data Table:

Names # of shots made

Control Variable- Those things you keep the same in an experiment.

Dependent Variable- D = data, Data you are collecting in your experiment.

Independent Variable- The change you are making (studying) in an experiment.


Control Variables-

Dependent Variables

Independent Variables

Sample size:


Key Words:

Activity 6: Finding the NerveSeptember 16, 2013

Getting Started: What and where are your 5 senses?

Challenge: Why do different parts of the body have different sensitivities to touch?

Key Words: Homeostasis, Nerves, Nervous System, Neuron,

Procedure: Let’s read together. You will complete the stopping to think questions at each section in your binder.

Analysis: Answer Analysis Questions 1 - 4

Nerves – a bundle of nerve cells

Neuron- a nerve cell Nervous System- Your brain, spinal cord and nerves.

Homeostasis- the ability to maintain a steady environment.

Key Words: