_Student reviews

Post on 11-Aug-2015

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Transcript of _Student reviews

MATTHEW S. ROBINSON 62 Brookline Street, Needham, MA 02492

617 877 6264 / matthewsrobinson@mac.com

What my students are saying…

Mr. Robinson was the one that was helping me the most.- ELL student

Best English teacher I had.- 11th grade student

The academic success that I had in this class this year was…because Mr. Robinson told us that we could write.

- ELL student

All my improvements in English was thanks to…Mr. Robinson. He is a nice, friendly and understandable teacher. I think that having him as the teacher also helped me a lot because he is the kind of teacher that helps everybody whenever it’s needed.

- ELL student

Mr. Robinson has a very good personality and he loves teaching the class…. While I’m doing class work, he explains very well….[He] is my favorite English teacher.

- ELL student

I was not confident and said “I can't” but my teacher Mr. Robinson helped me gain confident and read in front of everyone in class. Mr. Robinson help me gain confidence because he told me “You can do it”….After that day in class I learned to stay positive.

- ELL student

Due to my learning disability I had to prep differently then the rest of class. From the start when I became a student of Mr. Robinson’s to the time of the AP Exam, he gave me individually assistance…. When the exam was only a day or two away he even worked with me during his prep period….Thanks to his extra help I scored higher then anyone expected on the exam. Mr. Robinson would be a great addition to any school.

- SPED student

Matt Robinson, has helped me very much. He has inspired me to stay focused, get my thoughts all on to the paper and show everyone what I can do. He is very devoted to us. He lets us have our little fun but at the same time we have to work hard. He makes sure we get every step done by its deadline. He is very persistent on keeping us on track with our work.

- Critical Writing Program student

When you take a class is very important that you feel satisfied because you like the class and you want to learn new things. Is good to have excellent teachers that provide the help needed in order for you to be successful and that’s why I like the way my teacher Mr. Robinson teaches the class. He is a very excellent teacher.

- ELL student

Mr. Robinson, thank you to for helping. I really respect you. Your class was really hard for me…but to be honest you really teach me a lot this year. Your inspiration was good to me

- ELL student

What my Regis College students said…

This class helped me in so many ways I find it difficult to decide what to talk about…. This class is exactly what I needed or my writing…. I can't express how much this class has helped me…. Reading papers from he beginning of the semester versus ones at the end is light night and day…. I am now proud of my writing and that is all thanks to you.

This has been the most transformative year of my life in terms of my writing development…. I am so thankful to have had my professor as my writing teacher for the past semester. I have learned so much.

By taking this particular course I have bettered my writing ski8lls and found myself enjoying writing papers.

In this class, I learned beyond what I expected to…. This semester…I was challenged and pushed to write my best. Although Mr. Robinson was a hard professor, I could not be more thankful to have taken EN-106 with him because I learned so much.

I learned more than I thought I would be capable to learn…. I have greatly sharpened my critical analysis skills.

Professor Robinson made sure…I would progress…and made sure he was there to witness my growth.

My professor…gave me feedback and offered me help…. I can see the progress I made from the first paper to the last…. I can now develop my ideas without being afraid.

My professor’s comments were most helpful in developing my writing process. His comments made me feel more confident that I did before I started.

I’ve grown tremendously throughout this semester.

Tis course really helped m become a better writer and showed me what I still need to work on…. [It] helped me with my struggles and has pushed me to become the writer I am today.

This class pushed me to my limit by making me write and think…. I appreciate the efforts professor Robinson made to make us more effective students.

I have a he improvement in my papers from the start of the semester until now. I have also learned how to express myself more, find evidence, and also find the answers to the questions I did not know.

Being challenged throughout the semester worked as a motivator for me…. The course encouraged deep critical thinking and sophisticated skills to be a successful writer…. I believe this course has improved my skills in writing, allowing me to be a proficient writer.

After this semester in English class, I feel like I have leaned so much about the English language that I did not know before…. Your grading was much more intense that I have experience din the past, but I believe it made me stronger…. I have become a better writer because I knew you demanded excellence…. I have truly learned a lot, and I hope to never stop learning,

I have learned many useful tools that I can carry with me throughout my years here at Regis and beyond.

I feel more confident in my writing than I did before and writing papers is not such a hassle for me like it was before. I learned lessons about writing this semester that I will be able to carry with me over to other subjects….. There is no such ting as a perfect paper, but that dos not mean I should not keep trying to reach that goal.

I learned a lot and can honestly say that my writing has taken a significant turn for better. I have slowly overcome my fears related to writing…. I am very thankful for Mr. Robinson or helping me improve my writing skills and hope that I will be able to reach out for future references and help on the courses that I will be taking thoughout the next semesters.

I can honestly say I learned a lot this semester.

As time goes on, I will find it extremely helpful to look back at the knowledge I took from this class and be able to write a good, professional paper.

Since taking English 106 at Regis College, the quality of my writing has been greatly improved, along with the use of a more refined vocabulary, This course has enabled me to fox many of the faults that I possessed coming in, including the inability to structure my thoughts into organized paragraphs and vocabulary. English 106 has allowed me to develop a strategy to [organize] my ideas in a sequential manner that can be used for any assignment.... The class has exposed me to a higher level of thinking, analyzing, and writing…. This curse has helped me to prepare for the future by providing me with key writing skills and knowledge that I can apply to any topic or class.

What my Bunker Hill Community College students said…

Not every professor who knows their work is a great teacher. You really know the subject but more importantly you know how to teach. Sadly that is rare today.

The passion that came across in your class was something that I looked forward to going into every class

It takes more than regurgitating the textbook to be a teacher and you have an amazing formula to your teaching format in which the information being conveyed to the audience is easy to understand.

You are a gift to others. Your teaching kindness is a blessing from above.

You really want to help the kids in your class and I find that to be inspiring.

It was an honor for me to be part of this class.

This semester in your classroom was the perfect environment for me to learn.

I felt like I learned about two solid years of English in one semester.

I would just like to thank you for making the time I spent in your class one of the more enjoyable experiences I have had in my return to school.

Staying after every class to answer questions is something I have never seen a teacher do, never mind all the extra materials you provide to assist us with our work and always responding to emails is only done by few of your colleagues.

Professor Robinson was also a great help with lots of patience towards his students.

I feel like you took the time to answer the questions I have and that you really tried your best to help us all become better writers.

In your class I had to step up my game. I feel like you truly challenged us to put forward our best work.

I had a five-page paper for my nutritional science class and got an A+ on it and the teacher said it was outstanding.

This semester has allowed me to conquer many of my fears when it comes to writing.

This class has increased my confidence as a writer.

I feel that I have regained my confidence in writing.

I feel much more confident that I ever have.

Now, because I had the motivation to do better, I feel confident in writing a paper no matter how long it has to be.

Overall, I found this course incredibly helpful and incredibly improving not only in my writing but also in my confidence towards writing in general.

I feel that I have grown as a writer.

I had a huge improvement in this semester.

In your class I had to step my game up. I feel like you truly challenged us to put forward our best work.

I honestly am positive that it aided me in becoming a better writer.

I felt like I developed as a writer and I enjoyed the class and your style of teaching.

The book of sources you made for us really helped me.

Our professor made us exercise each day…. That helped us a lot.

By taking this course I have also learned that it is not only the fact on putting something down on paper, but also to understand what you have written.

Overall I enjoyed the course and the way you taught.

We all came out as better and more confident writers. This class was a great experience.

This class was really entertaining and I believe that coming out of this class, I’m a way better writer then when I began. So thank you professor.

Thank you Mr. Robinson for the opportunity to learn from you. This experience has taught me a lot about college level expectations and I will certainly better prepare for my next experience.

I have found that this semester has allowed me to conquer many of my fears when it comes to writing.

I feel that I have grown as a writer.

After finishing, I realized I had the capability to do better than I expected. I started to feel more confidence in my writing and developed more abilities.

Overall, I found this course incredibly helpful and incredibly improving not only in my writing but also in my confidence towards writing in general.

I learned a lot from your class that will benefit me and my life tomorrow and into the future.

This class was really entertaining and I believe that coming out of this class I’m a way better writer than when I began.

I learned a lot and at the same time I had a lot of fun.

I had a huge improvement in this semester.

I learned how to express myself and how to think critically.

After taking this class I am no longer afraid to write. Instead I use tools that can help me write better.  Thank you, thank you, thank you!

What my Boston Latin School students said…

You were prepared and got through the whole class smoothly.

He clearly did a lot of research on each book.

Mr. Robinson demonstrated extraordinary knowledge on the subject. ¡Muy bueno!

You knew everything and made things interesting.

He had a planned lesson everyday and did research on the topic.

All assignments were helpful and reinforced what was supposed to be learned.

All handouts demonstrated clear organization and were useful in preparation for tests.

The homework was really helpful when studying.

He engages the class with discussions which are more enjoyable than lectures.

I didn’t dread this class which was good.

He tries to be engaged with all of the students.

Your positive and energetic attitude made class interesting.

Everyday was fun.

I had a great time in this class.

The class encouraged me to learn.

I was challenged and that was good.

I felt like I learned a lot.

I enjoyed coming every day.

I love learning because of you.

One of the better teachers.

Just the kind of teacher I would like to have in every class.

One of the best student teachers I’ve ever had!

Mr. Robinson has done, career-wise, what I aspire to accomplish in life.

I know you’re going to be an awesome teacher. Your students will love you.

I’ll miss you!

MATTHEW S. ROBINSON 62 Brookline Street, Needham, MA 02492

617 877 6264 / matthewsrobinson@mac.com

What my boxing students say…

Having never boxed before, I went to Matt's boxing class a little nervous, but it didn't take long before I was a "regular."  He has a great way of breaking down technique for beginners and ensuring other students are engaged and working hard.  His motivation and cheerful spirit made boxing fun and created a safe environment for all.  I always looked forward to the class and meeting up with my "boxing friends."  

Matt does a great job teaching detailed fundamental mechanics while making it fun at the same time. He has a variety of drills that focus on endurance and technique. His classes are a terrific workout.

It was an absolute pleasure to take boxing lesson from Matt Robinson. I pride myself on being one of the original students (December 2008-2013) with the exception of a year-off for my pregnancy.Matt is an engaging and knowledgeable coach, who really takes the time to prepare his students. There were several other coaches that taught boxing at the same gym, but inevitably, those student would gravitate to Matt's class, because he knew the basics and he would stress(and overstress) how integral it was to have those fundamentals down pat before we could progress further.I have never regretted taking his class. In that time, not only did I learn to appreciate boxing and the endurance and athleticism of the professionals, but we learned commitment, camaraderie and built relationships with each other. Towards the end, we had a core group that showed up every Wednesday and with Matt's guidance, we welcomed all newcomers and integrated them into our group.Matt Robinson is a great boxing coach and he would be an asset to your organization. Matt teaches you the fundamentals of boxing and he pushes you to improve.  He changes the class often and often brings new ideas to keep attendees engaged.  With Matt, you're going to learn how to box and you will always get a good workout.

No boxing teacher combines experience, motivational skills, uncomfortable pauses, the same beat-up red sweatshirt and a weird sense of humor into a one hour boxing class like Matt.  The man is truly the Pauly Shore of boxing teachers.