Streptococcus -Biochemical Reactions

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Streptococcus -Biochemical Reactions

Transcript of Streptococcus -Biochemical Reactions

Streptococci Biochemical reactions

StreptococciBiochemical reactionsByDr. Nabil El AilaAssistant Professor of Molecular MicrobiologyMedical Technology DepartmentAl -Aqsa University

Dr. Nabil El AilaDiagnostic Microbiology1StreptococciCharacters of StreptococciGram positive cocci1m in diameterChains or pairsUsually capsulatedNon motile

Non spore formingFacultative anaerobesFastidiousCatalase negative (Staphylococci are catalase positive)

Dr. Nabil El Aila Diagnostic MicrobiologyHemolysis on Blood agar

-hemolysis-hemolysis-hemolysis Dr. Nabil El AilaDiagnostic Microbiology18.05.094ClassificationBased on O2AerobesAnaerobesPeptostreptococciGrowth on BA hemolysis hemolysis hemolysisIncomplete hemolysis (green color)Complete hemolysis / / no hemolysis Strep. viridans Strep. pneumoniaeEnterococcus fecalisLancefield grouping specific C carbohydrate Ag on cell wall Group A U (21 groups)Group AS. pyogenesGroup BS. agalactiaeGroup CS. equisimitisGroup DEnterococcusOther groups (E-U)Differentiation between -hemolytic streptococciThe following tests can be used to differentiate between -hemolytic streptococciLanciefield ClassificationBacitracin susceptibility TestSpecific for S. pyogenes (Group A)CAMP testSpecific for S. agalactiae (Group B)

Dr. Nabil El Aila Diagnostic MicrobiologyLaboratory Diagnosis: Group A StreptococcusColony morphologyTransparent, smooth, and well-defined zone of complete or b- hemolysis

Dr. Nabil El Aila Diagnostic MicrobiologyLaboratory Diagnosis: Group A StreptococcusIdentificationCatalase-negativeBacitracin-susceptiblePYR-positiveBile-esculinnegative6.5% NaCl-negative

Group A streptococci is susceptible to Bacitracin disk (left); The right shows resistance Dr. Nabil El Aila Diagnostic MicrobiologyBacitracin sensitivityPrinciple:Bacitracin test is used for presumptive identification of group ATo distinguish between S. pyogenes (susceptible to B) & non group A such as S. agalactiae (Resistant to B)Bacitracin will inhibit the growth of gp A Strep. pyogenes giving zone of inhibition around the diskProcedure:Inoculate BAP with heavy suspension of tested organismBacitracin disk (0.04 U) is applied to inoculated BAPAfter incubation, any zone of inhibition around the disk is considered as susceptible

8Pyrrolidonyl arylamidase Test (PYR) I.Principle Some bacteria like group A streptococci and Enterococcu s species produce pyrrolidonyl arylamidase which hydrolyzes the substrate L- pyrrolidonyl --naphthylamide to form -naphthylamine. A pink to red color forms when p-dimethylaminocinnam-aldehyde (PYR reagent) is added to -naphthylamine. II. Inoculum Strains are grown on blood agar plates overnight at 35C in CO2 . More than 1 day of incubation may be necessary for more fastidious genera such as the gemellae, alloiococci, and helcococci. The strains to be tested are grown on a blood agar plate until sufficient growth is seen to heavily inoculate the disks. III. Reagents and Materials PYR disk (Remel) - PYR reagent Loops - Deionized Sterile water Dr. Nabil El Aila Diagnostic MicrobiologyIV. Procedure The procedure that is used in the Streptococcus laboratory is modified from the package insert. The LAP test is usually done simultaneously. 1. Place the disks on blood agar plate in an area of little or no growth or on a slide. The moisture from the plate is usually sufficient to rehydrate the disk. If the disk is placed on a slide, then a tiny drop of sterile deionized water is added. (DO NOT OVERSATURATE THE DISK). 2. Using a loop or wooden stick, inoculate the disks heavily. Using two or more loop-fulls of culture is necessary for satisfactory results. 3. Leave the plates with the disks on the bench at room temperature for 10 minutes. 4. Add the detection reagent and read after 3 minutes. V. Reading and Interpretation The development of a red color within 3 minutes is positive. No change in color or a yellow color is negative. The color develops immediately. Discard the test after 10 minutes. VI. Limitations False negative reactions may result if too little inoculum is used.

PYR positivePYR Negative Dr. Nabil El Aila Diagnostic Microbiology

Laboratory Diagnosis: Group B b-Hemolytic Streptococcus Colony morphologyGrayish-white, mucoid, creamy, narrow zone of b-hemolysisPresumptive Identification testsCatalase-negativeBacitracin-resistant Dr. Nabil El Aila Diagnostic MicrobiologyLaboratory Diagnosis: Group B b-Hemolytic StreptococcusPresumptive identification testsBile-esculin-hydrolysisnegativeDoes not grow in 6.5% NaClCAMP-testpositiveHipppurate Hydrolysis

S. agalactiae shows the arrow-shaped hemolysis near the staphylococcus streak, showing a positive test for CAMP factor Dr. Nabil El Aila Diagnostic MicrobiologyCAMP Test I. Principle Some bacteria produce CAMP factor (a diffusible extracelluar protein) that synergistically acts with the beta-lysin of Staphylococcus aureus and enhances the lysis of red blood cells. The purpose of the CAMP test is to aid in the identification of nonhemolytic group B streptococci and other -hemolytic streptococci. II. Specimen Growth from a blood agar plate or any solid media. III. Reagents and Materials TSA-sheep blood agar Dr. Nabil El Aila Diagnostic MicrobiologyIV. Procedure 1. The CAMP test is performed on TSA-sheep blood agar. A single streak of -lysin producing S. aureus made across the center of the plate. Strain SS-695 (Strep. Lab number is a -lysin producing strain of S. aureus. 2. A single colony of the unknown strain (beta hemolytic streptococci) is picked up with an inoculating loop and used to make a single streak perpendicular but not touching the S. aureus streak. A 2-3 mm space should remain between the streaks. 3. Incubate the inoculated plate normal atmosphere overnight at 35C. Group B streptococci and a few other beta-streptococci produce an enhancement of the -lysin activity of the S. aureus strain. V. Reading and Interpretation This enhanced activity is in the shape of an arrowhead at the juncture of the two streaks, with the widest portion of the arrowhead on the group B side. VI. Limitations Do not incubate in an anaerobic environment or under CO2. Some S. pyogenes strains will give a positive reaction when incubated in CO2. CAMP test

Dr. Nabil El Aila Diagnostic Microbiology

Hipppurate Hydrolysis Test

I. Principle Some bacteria like group B streptococci produce the enzyme hippurate hydrolase which hydrolyzes sodium hippurate to form benzoic acid and glycine. The addition of ferric chloride to benzoic acid forms an insoluble brown ferric benzoate precipitate. II. Inoculum An overnight culture in Todd Hewitt broth incubated at 35 C or a fresh bacterial suspension in Todd Hewitt broth may be used as the inoculum. An inoculating loopful of culture from a blood agar plate may also be used. III. Reagents and Materials 1. Hippurate broth commercial suppliers. 2. Ferric choride (FeCl3) commercial supplies. Labeled as TDA if purchased for bioMereiuxIV. Procedure 1. The hippurate broth is inoculated with one drop of a fresh (16-20 h) Todd-Hewitt broth culture. 2. The broth is incubated for up to 7 days or until turbid growth is seen at 35C. 3. The tube of broth is then centrifuged to sediment the bacteria. 4. Pipette 0.8 ml the clear supernatant to a small clear tube (13 x 100). 5. Add 0.2 ml of ferric chloride reagent to the supernatant. Mix well. V. Results and Interpretation A heavy precipitate that does not clear within 10 minutes indicates a positive test. A clear golden-brown liquid indicates a negative test. VI. Limitations Growth should be turbid before testing. Some fastidious organisms may show poor growth Dr. Nabil El Aila Diagnostic MicrobiologyLaboratory Diagnosis: Streptococcus Group D and Enterococcus SpeciesIdentification testsCatalase: may produce a weak catalase reactionHydrolyze bile esculinDifferentiate Group D from Enterococcus sp. with 6.5% NaCl or PYR test Dr. Nabil El Aila Diagnostic MicrobiologyLaboratory Diagnosis: Streptococcus Group D and Enterococcus SpeciesMicroscopic morphologyCells tend to elongate Colony morphologyMost are non-hemolytic, although some may show a- or, rarely, b-hemolysisPossess Group D antigen

Dr. Nabil El Aila Diagnostic Microbiology

Bile Esculin Test

I.Principle A selective and differential medium used in the identification of catalase-negative bacteria. The selective agent bile, inhibits most gram positive bacteria. The enterococci and Streptococcus bovis will grow. Esculin in the medium is hydrolyzed to esculetin and dextrose. The esculetin reacts with ferric chloride in the media to form a black-brown color. II. Inoculum An overnight culture in Todd Hewitt broth incubated over night at 35 C or a fresh bacterial suspension in Todd Hewitt broth may be used as the inoculum. An inoculating loopful of culture may also be used. III. Reagents and Materials 1. Bile esculin slant (Remel) Dr. Nabil El Aila Diagnostic MicrobiologyIV. Procedure 1. Inoculate tube with 1 drop of inoculum allowing drop to run down slant. Alternatively, the slant may be inoculated with a loopful of growth from a blood agar plate. 2. The slant is then incubated at 35C for 2 days in ambient air. Fastidious organisms may be held up to 14d. V. Reading and Interpretation The bile esculin test is positive when a black color forms over one-half or more of the slant. If no blackening occurs the test is negative. VI. Limitations Do not incubate medium in a carbon dioxide atmosphere. The increase in C02 will cause the viridans streptococci to grow better and increase the likelihood of a positive BE reaction. Streptococcus bovis and enterococci do not require C02 for good growth.

Dr. Nabil El Aila Diagnostic MicrobiologyIdentification Schema Schema to differentiate Group A and B from other b-hemolytic streptococci

Identification SchemaSchema to differentiate Enterococcus and Group D streptococci from other nonhemolytic streptococci

Laboratory Diagnosis:Streptococcus pneumoniaeColony morphologySmooth, glistening, wet-looking, mucoida-HemolyticCO2enhances growth

Dr. Nabil El Aila Diagnostic MicrobiologyLaboratory Diagnosis: Streptococcus pneumoniaeIdentificationCatalase negativeOptochin-susceptibility-testsusceptibleBile-solubility-testpositive

Dr. Nabil El Aila Diagnostic MicrobiologyDifferentiation between -hemolytic streptococciThe following definitive tests used to differentiate between S. pneumoniae & viridans streptococci

Optochin TestBile Solubility TestInulin Fermentation Dr. Nabil El Aila Diagnostic MicrobiologyOptochin Susceptibility TestPrinciple:Optochin (OP) test is presumptive test that is used to identify S. pneumoniaeS. pneumoniae is inhibited by Optochin reagent (