StrategyShare tour presentation 2017

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Transcript of StrategyShare tour presentation 2017

© 2017 Strategy Focused Business Solutions Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


is your go-to, “all-in-one” technology platform and system

for getting from strategy to resultsquickly, effectively, and efficiently.

© 2017 Strategy Focused Business Solutions Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

The formula for business success* is simple….

*Published by Professor Andrew Kakabadseof the Henley Business School

(University of Reading)

© 2017 Strategy Focused Business Solutions Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Implementingthe formula for business success shouldn’t be

hard but….

it is for many organizations.

© 2017 Strategy Focused Business Solutions Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


makes implementingthe formula for business success

easy and seamless

by automating strategy management

- freeing you and your team to

focus on putting your

strategy into action.

© 2017 Strategy Focused Business Solutions Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

StrategyShare gives you the ability to create and capture

your organization’s strategy in a single screen.

StrategyShare makes organizational alignment easy to

achieve by building it into the way you cascade strategy,

create your strategy implementation roadmaps, and

capture strategic projects, initiatives, and goal plans.

StrategyShare is an interactive digital workspace for

strategy-focused employee collaboration, idea exchange,

learning, and breakthrough


© 2017 Strategy Focused Business Solutions Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Performance results give you instant feedback on the

effectiveness of your strategy and projects, alert you

before issues become critical problems, and point you in

the right direction when it comes to turnaround actions

and performance improvement.

Embedding results analysis, collaborative problem solving,

and a searchable library of strategy-critical knowledge,

information, and documents with performance results

provides rich context and gives performance information

greater meaning.

© 2017 Strategy Focused Business Solutions Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


makes it easier for you and your team to

maximize your business results(and do what you do - better, smarter, AND faster).

Here’s how it does it.

© 2017 Strategy Focused Business Solutions Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

StrategyShare helps you create a strategy

that everyone understands AND uses. Strategy maps help you translate your strategy into action, get everyone on the

same page, and help your people make the aligned decisions and take the actions

that truly move your organization forward.

Strategy Map

Cascaded/Aligned Strategy Maps

© 2016 Strategy Focused Business Solutions Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Strategy maps are quick to build and they make it easy for everyone to see the key elements

of your strategy, and important strategy information,

in a single view - anytime, anywhere.

MissionDedicated to improving the health

of the communities we serve VisionVision 2018: A leading community hospital

delivering exceptional healthcare.

Our Promise Providing you and your family with excellent

healthcare as close to home as possible.

Optimize and Promote Patient

and Community Health Outcomes

Optimize Patient Flow

Deliver Optimal Care at the Right Time

& Place Seamlessly across the

Continuum of Care

Balance Patient Care and

Financial Results


Ensure Efficient and

Effective Operations

Utilize & Share Best PracticesPut Quality & Safety First

Every Day





Strategic Objective XSelect Object Type



Strategic Map Perspective

Strategic Objective Owner

Set Priority

Strategic Objective

Utilize & Share Best Practices

Internal Process

John M


We will adopt and standardize best practice pathways and

protocols across all programs and the hospital. We will

generate and share new ideas and embed evidence based

on knowledge into the care we provide at the bedside.

© 2017 Strategy Focused Business Solutions Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Cascading your strategy

through connected strategy maps

helps maximize alignment across

your organization while making

strategy more meaningful

(and actionable)

for departments, teams, and

individual employees.

Vision Vision 2025: We are the

Southern Coast’s Port of Choice.

Partnering for Sustainable Port


Making your company’s success our business.Our Promise

Build the Port’s Profile


Enable a Positive Stakeholder


Deliver High-Value,

Customer-Focused Service

Optimize Financial


Lead on the Safety, Security,

& Regulatory Compliance

Attract and Develop Strategic

Business Opportunities

Build and Optimize Strong

Partnerships and Relationships

Build a High Performance Team Be THE Employer of Choice

Optimize Revenue Mix

Optimize Cost Structures

Enable Innovative and

Competitive Solutions

Optimize our Use of Advanced

Tools and Technologies

Understand the Needs of our

Stakeholders and Customers

VisionVision 2025: We are one of the

Southern Coast’s top 10


Providing HR leadership and partnering

with our stakeholders to achieve

sustainable Port Success.Mission

Your career and personal success is our business.Our Promise





Enhance Employee Experience,

Engagement, and Work


Be THE Employer of Choice

Build a High Performance Team

Work with Our Stakeholders to

Build a Capable and Skilled


Develop and manage a Strategy-

Enhance Company Financial


Demonstrate High Corporate HR


Enhance Employee Productivity

Deliver Timely, Reliable, and Quality HR

Services and Advice

Implement Efficient and Effective HR

© 2017 Strategy Focused Business Solutions Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Projects/Initiatives/Goal Plans

StrategyShare helps you create and

pro-actively manage aligned projects and goal

plans. Making it easy to monitor, manage, adjust, and complete the strategy-critical initiatives that accelerate strategy implementation success and results achievement.

© 2017 Strategy Focused Business Solutions Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Jackson Wright

Janet Brown, Viola Smith, Joe Green, Sam Brinkman

Strategy Map:

Strategic Objective Alignment:

Project/Initiative Purpose:

Expected Outcomes/Impact:

Project/Initiative Owner/Manager:

Project/Initiative Team Members:

Project/Initiative Start Date:

Project/Initiative End Date:

Current % Completion:

Budget Allocation:

Project/Initiative Summary:

Align projects

and goal

plans with

your strategy

and manage

them from a



Ensure that

everyone is

focused on the

things that move your business


Make sure that


completion is

staying on track.

© 2017 Strategy Focused Business Solutions Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

StrategyShare helps you align your metrics

with your strategy effortlessly. Its unique approach to building your KPI’s allows everyone to get the most accurate view

of the success of your strategy execution efforts and the impact of your strategy on your

customers and stakeholders.

Strategy Scorecard

© 2017 Strategy Focused Business Solutions Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Building your KPI’s from the strategic objective down prevents the usual mistakes that get

in the way of accurate performance calculations and results roll ups.

Strategy Scorecard


Scorecard – Strategy Scorecard – Hospital Critical Care Dept

Business Year: February - January

Strategy Map: Hospital Critical Care Dept

Top View: Hospital CCD Overall

Strategic Objective: Optimize the Learning and Professional Experience

Indicator: Learning and Professional Experience Index

Sub-Indicator: Total Experiences Offered

The average number of academic learning opportunities offered to

individual learners

Academic Opportunities

Indicator Name

Indicator Definition

View Strategic Objective Hierarchy XOptimize the Learning and Professional


Learning and Professional Experience






On the Job


Total Experiences


© 2017 Strategy Focused Business Solutions Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

StrategySharehelps make your organization’s

performance results more powerful and useful.Integrating results data, analysis, commentary, insights, and next step options together

in one view means that everyone has a more actionable picture of true performance and

critical issues.

Performance Views

© 2017 Strategy Focused Business Solutions Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Performance Views starts users off with a quick overview of strategic objective and indicator

performance displayed in one integrated, clickable view.

Ensure Financial Sustainability

Performance for Nov 2015 - 2016

Results Graph Data Table

Actual (%)

Target (%)

Performance Index (%)

102.2 105.396.1

100 100 100

102.2 96.1 105.3




Is having actual performance results that are above target good or bad?

Performance Range for This Strategic Objective

Strategic Objective Performance – Current Top View

CCD Overall

Group Aug







100100100100 100100100 100100

Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May JulJun YTD

Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Current Period

View SO Hierarchy


Ensure Financial Sustainability

Capital Investment Risk Rating Budget Performance

View Strategic Objective Hierarchy X

>94 >= 83

© 2017 Strategy Focused Business Solutions Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Users can access results data in their preferred viewing mode….

Performance for Nov 2015 - 2016

Results Graph Data Table

Budget Performance

Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul YTD

Performance for Nov 2015 - 2016

Results Graph

Budget Performance

Actual (%)

Target (%)

Performance Index


Aug Sep Oct Dec JanNov



86 11097

97 97 97

88.7 100.0 113.4





© 2017 Strategy Focused Business Solutions Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

and see performance analysis, action plans, and other important information….


Results Comments/Analysis:After a few months with good budget performance we have experienced two consecutive months with budget overruns. Primary sources of over

expenditures have been staffing costs and equipment maintenance investments. Our ICU experienced increased patient numbers over the previous two

months and we had to utilize higher than usual agency resources to fill staffing gaps.

Corrective Action Plan (Overview):Define and implement a plan that will help us manage our costs more pro-actively.

Action Plan 1 Created: 30 Dec, 2015

2 Discussions

Relevant Links:

Quality Management Systems for Medical Devices

Discussion Forum

Owner: John Brown

Owner: Mary Smith

Owner: Alex Anders

Action Plan 1 Created: 30 Dec, 2015

View Updates

View Updates

Action Step 1 Owner: John Brown Target Date: 7 Jan, 2016

Review all agency contract provisions and SLA’s.

Action Step 2 Owner: Mary Smith Target Date: 14 Jan, 2016

Review CVICU staffing numbers versus historical patient volumes.

Action Step 3 Owner: Alex Anders Target Date: 28 Jan, 2016

Review staff scheduling and allocation practices.

Action Step 4 Owner: Jack Knight Target Date: 4 Feb, 016.

© 2017 Strategy Focused Business Solutions Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

and access comments and interactive discussions about performance –all from just one page.

Budget Performance

Ensure Financial Sustainability

Jack Jones

Smithville Regional Hospital Critical Care Department Strategy Map

Discussion Forum 1 Discussion

Business Year: August - July

Strategy Map: Smithville Regional Hospital Critical Care Dept Strategy Map

Strategic Objective: Ensure Financial Sustainability

SO Owner’s Name: Jack Jones

Indicator: Budget Performance

Performance Views Discussions Back to Performance Views Page

Filter by:


CVICU Dec 2015 - 2016

Alternate Solution Suggestions

Strategic Objective/Indicator Name

Budget Performance


Help with Pro-Active Budget Management Strategies

Can those in other departments/other ICU’s provide us with insights into how they are managing their budget performance pro-actively? We have developed a comprehensive

plan to review possible drivers relating to our current performance challenges but we’d like to be better prepared to handle common issues before they occur. Thanks!

© 2017 Strategy Focused Business Solutions Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

StrategySharemakes engaging your

employees with your strategy, and each other,

easier than most other communication platforms.Harness the knowledge and creative potential of your employees to help identify and

solve strategy-critical customer and business problems, and create the innovations that

will help your company achieve its business growth objectives.

Strategy Innovation Exchange

© 2017 Strategy Focused Business Solutions Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

The Strategy Innovation Exchange provides discussion forums to

engage your employees in…

Sharing observations about changing business conditions and changing

customer and stakeholder needs and expectations.

Resolving critical strategic issues through collaborative problem solving and

solution creation.

The kind of breakthrough thinking that moves your strategy

and organization forward.

Strategy Innovation Exchange

© 2017 Strategy Focused Business Solutions Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED






Category Invite Innovation Contributors

All Users ○ Invited Innovation Contributors ○ Select Users

Type Your Title Here

What’s on your mind?

Search Question

Improving the Customer Experience (Category: Improvements & Innovations)

What are some strategies we should adopt to improve and enhance the experience we deliver to our customers? What do

they need and expect that we could excel and/or do better at?

Sort by:

Set Visibility



© 2017 Strategy Focused Business Solutions Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

StrategySharehelps make smart, fact-based

business decisions

fast and easy for everyone.360º visibility on your strategy through personalized dashboards means that everyone

has the information they need to connect their day to day work with strategy

and have the confidence to take action.

© 2016 Strategy Focused Business Solutions Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

The User Dashboard is personalized and easy to customize, giving individual members

of your team instant access to the elements of your strategy that have

the most meaning and importance to them.


Add Data


Add Commentary


My Indicators


My Strategic Objectives


Strategy Scorecards

Critical Care Department Strategy

Emergency Treatment Delays


Critical Care Department Strategy

Medication Errors


Critical Care Department Strategy

Risk Rating


Critical Care Department Strategy

Patients on Ventilators


View Performance Details View Performance DetailsView Performance DetailsView Performance Details

My Quick View EDIT VIEW



My Action Steps


Performance Views


Strategy Maps

© 2017 Strategy Focused Business Solutions Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Put everything you need for business success in

one place with StrategyShare.

© 2017 Strategy Focused Business Solutions Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

With StrategyShare, you and your employees go….

from this to this

Our strategy

Our strategy

Our strategy

Our strategy

Our strategy

Our strategy

Our strategy

© 2017 Strategy Focused Business Solutions Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

and your company’s results go….

from this to this

© 2017 Strategy Focused Business Solutions Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

so your customers, clients, stakeholders, and

employees experience more of this.

© 2017 Strategy Focused Business Solutions Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Achieve your vision for

exceptional performance results, better outcomes,

and greater customer and stakeholder impact

with StrategyShare.