Strategic Management Module

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Transcript of Strategic Management Module



What is Strategic Management?

According to Wheelen and Hunger (1988), Strategic Management is that

set of managerial decisions and actions that determines the long-run

performance of a corporation. David (1999) defined Strategic

Management as “the art and science of formulating, implementing, and

evaluating cross functional decisions that enable an organization to

achieve its objectives. Harvey (1982) also defines Strategic

Management as the process of formulating, implementing and evaluating

business strategies to achieve future goals.

Specifically Harvey says strategic management is about

the following

1. Strategic systems approach which is about seeing the

organisation as one whole that has interdependent parts.

2. Long-range planning that involves a longer time frame

3. Competitive analysis that addresses such questions as

What business are we in?

Who are our customers?

Who are our competitors?

4. It is about developing a comprehensive vision of the

future that provides a sense of purpose and direction for

the organisation.

5. It is about developing a corporate culture that identifies

and develops a sense of belonging, motivation and shared

values to accomplish the future goals.


Thompson and Strickland (1988) say strategic management

is about managerial decisions and skills that impact directly

upon the organisation’s capacity

To survive

To adapt to market and environmental changes

To grow profitably

To move in new directions

To fundamentally alter its mix of business interests.

The Strategic Management Process therefore consists of three major

activities which are (1) Strategy formulation, (2) Strategy

Implementation and (3) Strategy evaluation.

Summary of the Strategic Management Process

1 Strategy formulation that includes

Developing a vision and mission

Identifying an organisation’s external opportunities and


Determining internal strengths and weaknesses

Establishing long-term objectives

Generating alternative strategies

Choosing particular strategies to pursue

Deciding what new businesses to enter and what to

abandon based on strategy analysis

2. Strategy Implementation involves

Establishment of annual objectives, devise policies,

motivate employees

Allocate resources

Developing a supportive culture


Creating an effective organizational structure, preparing


Developing and utilizing information systems

Linking employee compensation to organizational


3. Strategy evaluation entails

Reviewing external and internal factors that influence the

current strategies

Measuring performance

Taking corrective actions

Benefits of Strategic Management

1. It allows an organisation to be more proactive than reactive

in shaping its own future.

2. It allows an organisation to initiate and influence activities

3. A great benefit of strategic management is the opportunity

that the process provides to empower individuals (David

2001). He further defines empowerment as the act of

strengthening employees’ sense of effectiveness by

encouraging and rewarding them to participate in decision

making and exercise initiative and imagination.

In other words strategic management is used in organizations


1. It provide long-term direction in planning

2. It helps the organisation in adapting to an increasing rate of

change and

3.In gaining competitive advantage in a high-risk environment


4. achieving a more effective organisation


The strategic management process provides the organisation

members with clear direction as seen through the vision,

mission statement and objectives.

Characteristics of Best Run Companies according to

Harvey (1982). He describes the characteristics as the

Sources of Excellence as the companies are put into two

groups of winners and losers.

Winners are: Losers are:

Anticipative and future oriented Reactive and stay

with one strategy.

Have Strategic Plan Fail to plan

Their culture fits well with Have an inappropriate

Strategic plan culture

Strategy flexibility Slow to meet

changing conditions

The strategists in an organisation include

The board of directors

Top management

Functional heads

Corporate planning staff


The word/term strategy is derived from the Greek world “strategos”, which means

general or the art of the army general. In a military sense, strategy involves the planning

and directing of battles or campaigns. In the business sense, it refers to actions by a

manager to offset actual or potential moves of competitors. By definition therefore:

“A strategy is a unified, comprehensive, and integrated plan that relates the

strategic advantages of the firm to the challenges of the environment. It is designed


to ensure that the basic objectives of the enterprise are achieved through proper

execution by the organisation”.

A strategy, therefore, is an action plan for achieving future objectives and competitive

advantage relative to rival firms. In other words it is a game plan that outlines how

things are to be done. It addresses the issues of precisely how the desired results are to be

achieved. It is the blue print of getting the organisation where it wants to go.


If a firm’s strategy is to be effective there must be:

1. Clear, decisive objectives, which if achieved, ensure the continued viability and

vitality of the entire organisation vis-à-vis its opponents.

2. High encouragement of workers’ initiative: - i.e. it must preserve freedom of

action which subsequently leads to enhanced commitment on the part of the

implementing organisational members.

3. Concentration on strategically vantage points i.e. strategy must define what

will make the enterprise superior or “best” in competitive advantage.

4. Flexible i.e. strategy must build in resource buffers and dimensions for flexibility

and maneuver. These reserved extra resources and flexibility and repositioning

allow continued viability of the firm keeping opponents at a relative disadvantage.

5. Coordinated and Committed direction leadership: i.e. specifically ensuring

that each divisional or departmental head is aware of the strategy and the guiding

policies and procedures.

The leaders’ own interests and values must match the needs of their roles in the strategy.

For the strategy to be successful there is need for commitment and not just acceptance by


6. Surprise: Very much like in the military sense. A good strategy makes use of

speed, secrecy, and intelligence to attack exposed or unprepared opponents at


unexpected times. If the surprise attack is correctly timed, it can decisively

change the opponents’ strategic positions.

7. Security: The strategy should secure resource bases and all vital operating points

and links for the enterprise. The strategy must be supported by an effective

intelligence/research system.

Tests of a Winning Strategy

1. The Goodness of fit Test: which means a good strategy is well matched to the

company’s situation both externally and internally.

2. The Competitive Advantage Test: which means that a good strategy leads to

sustainable competitive advantage.

3. The Performance Test: which means that a good strategy boosts a company

performance as seen through profitability.


Strategy Formulation

Strategy Formulation is the problem-solving process (often called “strategic planning”) of

setting the firm’s vision and mission, analysing the environment: establishing long-

term objectives, choosing the tools for achieving the objectives (strategies) and action

plans to achieve those objectives and implementing them. In the process of Strategy

formulation, top management has to develop a concept of what business the organization

is in and thereby establishing the purpose of their existence.

What is a Vision?

A vision is a statement of hopes, aspirations, and/or wishes of the organisation’s future

i.e. where the leadership would like the organisation to be in the future. It is a clear and

challenging statement that serves as a beacon and control of the organisation. It prepares


for the future while honouring the past. It empowers organizational members first, and

then the clients as they can all see where the organization is going.

Vision Formulation

This entails asking and answering such questions as

What do we want to be in five, ten or twenty years’ time?

What do our capabilities lead us to be?

What does our market want us to be?

The Corporate Vision

A positive vision of the future is essential for providing meaning and direction to the

present. Meaningful vision empowers organizations to solve problems and accomplish

goals. Vision is a compelling image of the future that is offered by corporate leaders, and

then shared with the corporate community who should agree to support it.

For an organisation’s vision to be sound it should have the following components:

- Leader Initiated

- Shared and Supported

- Comprehensive and Detailed

- Positive and Inspiring

“Vision without action is merely a dream.

Action without vision just passes the time.

Vision with action can change the world”


A mission statement is an enduring statement of purpose that distinguishes an

organisation from other similar organizations in the same industry. A mission statement

identifies the scope of an organisation’s operations in product/service and market terms.


In coming up with the mission statement, the strategists have to answer the following


What is our business?

What will it be?

What should it be?

If these questions are answered the organisation will have been given its identity,

character and make-up. During that exercise of coming up with the mission statement,

top management should bear in mind the fact that the mission statement should depict the

organisation’s character, image and scope of activities in ways that are detailed enough to

distinguish the organisation from other types of organizations.

The purpose of business is to create a customer whose needs need to be satisfied through

the provision of goods and services whose availability are made possible through the use

of technology.

The shaping of an organisation’s future begins with clarity of the organisation’s purpose

of existence. According to Peter Drucker, a business is defined by the want the customer

satisfies when he buys a product or service. So to satisfy a customer should be the

starting point of the mission statement of every business. Derek Abel expanded on Peter

Drucker’s idea and said business should be defined in terms of:

Customer needs or what is being satisfied

Customer groups or who is being satisfied

Technologies or how customer needs are being satisfied

Answering what will our business be question is the most important and necessary step

in setting the direction for the organisation. This requires the strategist to look ahead and

try to anticipate the impact of:

Changing customer needs

Changing technology

Changing customer uses


Changing customer markets

The impact of all these changes on the business

Answering what will our business be will help the organisation to identify the customer’s

unsatisfied wants and hence be on the guard to modify, extend and develop its existing

business concepts.

What should our business be is an equally important question to ask. By taking that

dimension the organisation is addressing such issues as:

How can innovations be converted into new businesses

What technologies are opening up or can be created to the advantage of

the customer (ATMS)

Should diversification be pursued and if so what kind

Which things should the organization continue doing and which should it

plan to discontinue?

What will a Mission Statement Accomplish? / Benefits of Mission Statement

a) Promotes and encourages unanimity within the organization

b) Provides a basis, or standard, for allocating organizational resources

c) Establishes a general tone or organizational climate/culture

d) Serves as a focal point for individuals to identify with the organisation’s purpose

and direction; and deters those who cannot, from participating further in the

organisation’s activities.

e) Facilitates the translation of objectives into a work structure involving the

assignment of tasks to responsible elements within the organisation

f) Specifies organisation purposes and translation of these purposes into objectives

in such a way that cost, time and performance parameters can be assessed and


g) Provides the general framework for the establishment of organizational policies.

h) Provides perspective on economic and/or organizational growth.


Components of the Mission Statement

The major components include the following:

a) Products/Services – What are the organisation’s major products/services?

b) Markets – Where does the organisation operate/compete?

c) Technology – Is technology a primary concern of the organisation?

d) Concern for survival, growth, and fiscal viability – Is the organisation

committed to economic objectives?

e) Self-concept – What are the distinctive competencies of the company or

company’s major competitive advantage?

f) Concern for public image – To what extent is the public image a major concern

of the organisation?

g) Concern for people – What is the organisation’s attitude toward management

and staff?


In coming up with a mission statement the strategist should establish specific objectives

that will help the organisation to keep focused. The objectives that need to be specific,

measurable, achievable, time-bound and challenging play a very important role in the

strategic management process.

Importance of Objectives

1. Objectives provide direction for organisation efforts

2. Strategic objectives perform an intergrating function. They provide a means for

setting priorities and resolving conflicts between organizational elements

3. Objectives provide a motivating force.

4. Objectives provide measures for organizational performance

Corporate Culture

Culture is about people’s shared beliefs, values and norms and in coming up with the

mission statement the corporate culture has to be factored in.


Importance of Culture in an Organisation

1. Culture conveys a sense of identity for employees

2. Culture helps generate employee’s commitment to something greater than


3. Culture adds to the stability of the organisation as a social system

4. Culture serves as a frame of reference for employees to use to make sense out of

organizational activities and to use as a guide for appropriate behaviour (Wheelen

and Hunger, 1989,p 137)


Having articulated its vision and mission, a firm needs to scan and analyse

the environment in which it is operating. The environment comprises of

the firm’s internal environment, its industry environment and the

general/remote environment, the macro-environment in which it operates.

The analysis exercise entails looking at the organization’s strengths,

weaknesses, opportunities and threats. This is referred to as the SWOT



External Environment

Industry environment that the company competes in:

1. Industry Environment consists of the competitors, customers and suppliers

2. Macro-economic consists of broader economic, social, political, legal,

technological and demographic environments

A good fit is needed between strategy and the environment.

An Industry is a group of companies offering products or services that are close

substitutes for each other. Porter’s Five Forces Model is used in analyzing competition

within an industry


Porter’s Five Forces Model

1. Potential Competitors

Established companies try to discourage potential competitors from entering the industry

through some barriers to new entry such as:

Brand Loyalty refers to the preference of buyers for the products of established

companies. Brand Loyalty can be created through continuous advertising of

brand and company names. Patents protection of products, product innovation

through R& D, emphasis on high product quality and good after sales service.

Absolute Cost Advantage

Can arise from superior production techniques

Control of particular inputs such as labour, materials

Discounts on bulk purchases

Economies of Scale – associated with large company size hence mass production

Scale economies in advertising

2. Rivalry Among Established Companies


Risk of Entry by Potential Competitors

Bargaining Power of Suppliers

Rivalry Among Established Firms

Bargaining Power of Buyers

Threat of Substitute Products

If this competitive force is weak companies have the opportunity to raise

prices and earn greater profits.

Price wars may also result

Extent of rivalry among established companies is a function of:

(a) Industry competitive structure – the number and size of the

distribution of companies. Structure can either be fragmented or


(b) Demand conditions (i) in situations where there is demand, a company

can increase revenue without taking market share away from other

companies (ii)where demand is declining companies fight to maintain

revenue and market share.

Exit barriers – are economic, strategic and emotional factors that keep companies

competing in an industry even when returns are low. Examples are

(a) Investments in plant and equipment that have no alternative uses and cannot be sold

off. (e.g NRZ). If the company wishes to leave the industry, it has to write off the book

value of these assets

(b) High fixed costs of exit, such as severance pay to workers who are being made


© Emotional attachments to an industry, such as when a company is unwilling to exit

from its original industry for sentimental reasons.

(d) Strategic relationships between business units

(e) Economic dependence on the industry, as when a company is not diversified and

so relies on the industry for its income.

3. The Bargaining Power of Buyers

Buyers can be viewed as a competitive threat when they

Force down prices

Demand higher quality and better service


When the supply industry is composed of many small companies, and the

buyers are few in number and large

When they purchase in large quantities

When they can switch orders between supply companies at a low cost

When it is economically feasible for them to purchase the input from several

companies at once

When they can use the threat to supply their own needs through vertical

integration as a device for forcing down prices.

4 The Bargaining Power of Supplies, Suppliers are most powerful

When the product that they sell has few substitutes and is important to the


When the company’s industry is not an important customer to the suppliers

When their respective products are differentiated such an extent it is costly for

a company to switch from one supplier to another. In this case the company is

dependent on its suppliers and unable to play them off against each other.

When they can use the threat of vertically integrating forward into the industry

and competing directly with the company as a device for raising prices

When buying companies are unable to use the threat of vertically integrated

backward and supplying their own needs as a device for reducing input prices.

5. Substitute Products

These are products serving similar consumer needs

Macro environment

Economic Growth – rate of growth in the economy has a direct impact on the level

of opportunities and threats that companies face – Business Cycles

1. Interest rates – level of interest rates can determine the levels of demand for a

company’s product, if money is borrowed. They influence the demand for funds

and they determine the cost of capital.


2. Currency exchange rates – the value of the dollar relative to the currencies of

other countries.

3. Inflation rates – results into slower economic growth, higher interest rates and

volatile currency movements. It affects investment negatively. It makes the

future less predictable.

Technological Environment

-Technological change can make established products obsolete overnight.

-It can also create a host of new possibilities.

Social Environment – can create opportunities and threats. For

example the trend-toward greater health consciousness. Mineral

waters diet drinks and fruit drinks. Threat to the tobacco industry.

The Demographic Environment refers to the changing composition

of the population and can create both opportunities and threats. The

AIDS pandemic is a threat to human beings and an opportunity to the


The Political and Legal Environment

- Deregulation opened up a number of industries to intense


- Privitisation as well is a government tool for empowering the

indigeneous people.

The Global Environment

- Globalisation can create both opportunities and threats.



Strengths which emanate from a company’s distinctive competencies that competitors

cannot easily match.


It includes the following:- STRUCTURE, CULTURE & RESOURCES


- Often defined in terms of communication authority and work- flow.

- Corporation’s pattern of relationships, i.e.“its anatomy”,

- A formal arrangement of roles and relationships of people, so as to facilitate the

achievement of goals and the accomplishing of the mission of the corporation

- Also referred to as the chain of command


- the collection of beliefs expectations, and values shared by the corporation’s members

and passed on from one generation of employees to another.

- these create norms (rules of conduct) that define acceptable behavior of people from

top management to the low level employees.

- Corporate culture shapes the behavior of people in the organization.

Culture has a powerful influence on the behavior of leadership and can strongly affect a

corporation’s ability to shift its strategic direction.


1. Culture conveys a sense of identity for employees.

2. Culture helps generate employees` commitment to something greater than


3. Culture adds to the stability of the organization as a social system.

4. Culture serves as a frame of reference for employees to use to make sense out of

organizational activities and to use as a guide for appropriate behavior.

[Wheeler and Hunger 1989 p.137]


Corporate culture generally is embedded in the mission statement of the organization. It

gives a corporation a sense of identity

- who we are

- what we do

- what we stand for


Besides the structure and the culture, a corporation also does an internal analysis of its

resources so as to identify its strengths and weaknesses and examine functional level

strategies that it can build and exploit the strengths and correct the weaknesses.

From its strengths a company can end up having a distinctive competence. This refers

to a company’s strengths that competitors cannot easily match or imitate [Hill and Jones

1989 p.91]. Distinctive competences represent the unique strengths of a company and

from distinctive competences a company can build a sustainable competitive advantage,

which form the bedrock of a company’s strategy.

In a company distinctive competences are found within individual functions such as:



Research and Development

Operations (Manufacture/Services)

Human Resources

Information Systems

The Value Chain & Distinctive Competences

Distinctive competencies can help a company maximize value created through its value

chain. The value a company creates is measured by the amount that buyers are willing to

pay for a product or service (Michael E. Porter). To gain competitive advantage, a

company must have a distinctive competence in one or more of its value creation




The marketing manager’s major tasks are to regulate the level, timing and character of

demand in a way that will help the corporation achieve its objectives.

The Managers’ Concerns

a. Market Position – which deals with the question.

“Who are our customers?”

That involves the selection of target market segments that determine where the company

will compete. A market segment is a group of buyers with similar purchasing


b) The design of the Marketing Mix (Price, Promotion, Product, Place)

These are the key variables that can be used to affect demand and to gain

competitive advantage or differential advantage: Within each of the four variables

are several sub-variables.


Quality Channels Advertising List Price

Features Coverage Personal Selling Discounts

Options Locations Sales Promotion Allowances

Style Inventory Publicity Payment Period

Packaging Transport Credit Terms

Brand Name





Source: Philip Kotler Marketing Management (1982)


A company alters its marketing mix to discriminate among different segments.

The marketing mix goes hand in hand with the product Life Cycle.

c. Positioning Strategy

Positioning according to Hill and Jones (1989) refers to the choice of target

market segments that a company decides to focus on and the design of the

marketing mix to create a competitive advantage that defines how the company

will compete with rivals in each segment.


Types of Research and Development Strategies:

1. Strategies of product innovation aimed at developing entirely new products ahead

of competitors.

2. Strategies of product development aimed at improving the quality or features of

existing products.

3. Strategies of Process Innovation aimed at improving manufacturing processes to

reduce costs and/or increase quality.

Skills Necessary to Support the Research and Development Strategies:

1. Skills in basic scientific and technological research

2. Skills in exploiting new scientific and technological knowledge

3. Skills in project management (selection and evaluation)

4. Skills in prototype design and development

5. Skills in integrating Research and Development with manufacturing.

6. Skills in integrating Research and Development with Marketing.



The financial manager must ascertain the best sources of funds; best uses of funds and

control of funds. The critical considerations are cash flow, credit position and liquidity

Cash flow – a positive cash flow enables a company to finance new investments

without having to borrow money from bankers or investors. A company’s cash

flow position depends on the Industry life cycle.


d) Liquidity Ratios measure the company’s ability to meet unexpected

contingencies such as price war or a prolonged strike.

1) Current Ratio Current Assets

Current Liabilities

2) Quick Ratio or Acid test Ratio CA – Inventory


e) Debit Ratios / Leverage Ratios Total Debt

Total Assets

f) Activity Ratios: Demonstrates how effectively a firm is using its resources

Asset turnover = Sales = times inventory is turned over

Total Assets

g) Profitability Ratios:

h) Break even Analysis shows relationships among fixed costs, variable costs

and profits. Break even point in units = Fixed Cost

Selling Price-Variable cost/unit



The primary task of the manufacturing or service manager is to develop and operate a

system that will produce the required number of products or services with a certain

quality at a given cost within an allotted time.

With operations or manufacturing there is the concept of experience Curve or learning

curve which simply says that after a company has been around for sometime it tends to

produce at low costs that come from learning by doing. Labour for example and

management efficiency. There is also economies of scale which a company achieve

through mass production.

It is said that the operations manager in charge of either manufacturing or services must

be very knowledgeable of forecasting, scheduling, purchasing, quality assurance, process

design, job design, work measurement, just-in-time production systems maintenance and

reliability in order to develop an appropriate functional strategy.


The primary task of the manager of human resources is to improve the match between

individuals and jobs since this influences job performance, employee satisfaction and

employee turnover. There is need for good HRM that entails Human Resources

Planning, Job Analysis, Good selection and Orientation, proper appraisal and effective

employee training and development.

A good Human Resources Manager should be able to work closely with the unions if the

company is unionized. They should work towards the improvement of:

Quality of Work Life and employee empowerment by

1. introducing participative problem-solving

2. restructuring work

3. introducing innovative reward systems

4. improving the work environment



The primary task of the manager of information systems is to design and manage the

information flow of the corporation in ways that improve productivity and decision -


Major Purposes of Information

1. Provide a basis for the analysis of early warning signals that can originate

both externally and internally.

2. Automate routine clerical operations, i.e. payroll, inventory reports and other

records can be generated from the database and thus the need for file clerks is


3. Assist managers in making routine (programmed) decisions. i.e. scheduling

orders, assigning orders to machines and reordering supplies.

4. Provide the information necessary for management to make strategic (non

programmed) decisions.

Stages of Development of the Firm’s Information Systems (Wheeler and Hunger 1989


There are four basic stages of development

1. Initiation – generally involves accounting applications i.e. accounts payable,

accounts receivable, payroll, billing.

2. Growth – expansion of application in many functional areas i.e. cash flow,

budgeting, forecasting, personnel inventory, sales inventory control.

3. Moratorium – a consolidated phase and emphasis is on control purchasing

control, production scheduling

4. Integration – integrates existing systems into the organization and decision

support systems.

Requirements of a well –designed Information Systems include:

1. The systems must focus managers’ attention on the critical success factors in

their jobs.


2. The system must present information that is accurate and of high quality.

3. The system must provide the necessary information when it is needed to those

who most need it.

4. The system must process raw data so that it can be presented in a manner

useful to the manager.


The Research and Development manager’s responsibility is to suggest and

implement a company’s technological strategy in light of its corporate objectives

and policies. The job involves:

1) choosing among alternatives new technologies to use within the company.

2)developing methods of embodying the new technology in new products and


3)deploying resources so that the new technology can be successfully implemented.

Besides the money invested in Research and Development there is also the time

factor. For meaningful profits to result from the inception of a specific R&D

program time needed is 7-11 years.


After doing a SWOT analysis different strategies have to be put in place.

There are basically three levels of strategies:

1.Corporate strategy is used by diversified organizations whose activities

cut across several lines of business. The strategy aims at giving direction

to the total mix of organizational activities addressing such issues as:

What set of businesses should we be in?

What should we continue to do?

What existing businesses should we get into?


2. Business level strategy relates to how a Strategic Business Unity

(SBU) intends to do its business focusing on a:

Particular product

Product line or

Group of related products

Business level strategy focuses on how to compete effectively and profitably in a distinct,

identifiable and strategically relevant line of business.

3.The Functional level Strategy is designed for the functional areas of the SBU; such

areas as the production, marketing. The primary focus of the functional strategy is on

maximizing the achievement of target objectives.


The corporate strategies are grouped in three categories which are growth, retrenchment

and turnaround and exit strategies.

Growth Strategies

1. Concentration strategy focusing on:

A single product

A single market

A single technology


It is more manageable

More focused on doing one thing well and resulting in building distinctive


There is simplicity which brings which brings clarity and unity of purpose

The organisation zeros in on specific markets and market segments hence

getting greater market visibility and even a leadership position

The organisation can detect changes and trends in customer purchasing

behaviour and market position at an early stage and quickly respond to



It enables an organisation to create a differential strategic advantage

through market reputation and the competitive strength that come from

having a distinctive competence


It is equated to putting ones’ eggs in one basket.

There is the possibility of becoming blind to other opportunities which a

result of changes in people’s tastes.

Use of a single technology is myopic

2. Vertical integration is embarked upon as a result of

Diminishing profits prospects associated with further expansion of the

main product line.

Being the wrong size to realize economies of scale

There can be backward integration and forward integration for the

company to enjoy economies of scale, to be in control of the situation and

to manage the supply chain.

Backward integration as a strategy focuses on gaining ownership of

suppliers. It allows a firm to avert market uncertainties associated with

suppliers of raw materials; such as bad weather, strikes, production

breakdowns or delays in scheduled deliveries, inflation, etc.

Forward Integration entails owning of outlets on the part of the

manufacturer. It is motivated by the desire to realize more profits which profit

could have been enjoyed by the middlemen.

AdvantagesThe company may end up being a monopoly hence no competition

Disadvantages It increases business risk Administration costs rise Capital requirements may hinder integration Skills may be thinly spread


3. Diversification can be either concentric or conglomerate.

Reasons for Diversification

To spread the risk

Having too much money lying around

When there is market saturation of the product currently produced

Product line absolescence

General decline in demand

Because you expect to make more money

Need for instant profit

It is a survival strategy

Concentric diversification is when a company expands its business

operations by Adding new but related products to its existing business

lines. Specific types of concentric diversification include:

Moving into closely related products

Building upon company technology or knowhow to come up with

different products

Seeking to increase plant utilization

Utilizing available sources of raw material

Making fuller use of the firm’s sales force

Building upon the organisation’s brand name and goodwill e.g

Tanganda Tea

Conglomerate Diversification is when the firm adds unrelated lines of

business to its existing business operations. It may be embarked upon as way

of Establishing a match between a cash- rich, opportunity poor company

and an opportunity rich, cash poor company.

Diversifying into areas with a counter cyclical sales pattern so as to

smooth out sales and profit fluctuations

Seeking out a marriage of a highly leveraged firm and a debt free firm.



Increase in profits

Risk is spread


Loss of control The strategic fit between the businesses may not be realized


A major is about combing two or more firms into one; while an acquisition is when one

firm (the parent) acquires another and absorbs it into its own operations, often as a


Acquisition Strategies

1.Horizontal acquisition that involves the merging of firms in the same industry

2. Vertical acquisition that is aimed at creating a more vertically integrated enterprise and

it is embarked upon sometimes to raise barriers to entry; and to produce unfair control

over sources of critical inputs.

3.A market extension acquisition that happens when firm A adds a product related to its

existing product line by acquiring firm B and that is some kind of concentric


Financial Strategies for Accomplishing Mergers and Acquisitions

Purchase of stock on the open market

Tender offers

An exchange of stock

A purchase of assets

Mergers and acquisitions may occur amicably or with conflict and tension resulting in

bidding wars or complex legal maneuvering.

Retrenchment and Turnaround Strategies

These are embarked upon as a result of corporate decline caused by

Poor management


Over expansion

Inadequate financial controls which lead to high costs

New competition

Unforeseen demand shifts

Retrenchment Strategy

It is a short-run strategy for organizations during periods of uncertainty about the

economic future, periods of financial strain or general poor corporate performance.

Retrenchment can take two forms:

1.Strigent internal economies aimed at squeezing out organizational slack

and improving efficiency. That is achieved through the following:

Reducing hiring of personnel

Trimming the size of corporate staff

Postponing capital expenditure projects

Stretching out the use of equipment and delaying replacement

purchases so as to economize on cash requirements

Dropping marginally profitable products

Closing older and less efficient plants

Internal reorganization of workflows

Inventory reductions

Revised purchasing procedures

2. A reduction in the corporation’s scope of business activities that

entails the reappraisal of the desirability of continuing in each one of

the present lines of business. This is done because of poor corporate


Turnaround Strategies

(a) A replacement of top management and other key personnel

(b) Revenue-increasing strategies focusing on how to increase sales



(c) Cost-reduction strategies

(d) Asset reduction/retrenchment through sale of some of the firm’s

assets when cash flow is limited.

Exit Strategies

These include divestiture, liquidation and harvest strategies.

Divestment involves selling of an SBU to another company or to the

management of the business because of :

Of misfits or partial fits due to acquisitions

Market potential change with the times

Poorly performing divisions

A particular line of business loses its appeal

Guiding question to determine if and when to divest

“If we were not in this business today, would we want to get into it now?”

Harvest Strategy involves disinvestments in a business unit to optimize cash flow as the

company exits from that industry. To increase cash flow management may do the


Eliminates or severely cut down on new investment

Cuts down on maintenance of facilities

Reduce advertising and Research and Development

Kotler has suggested seven indicators of when a business should become a candidate for


1. When the business is in a saturated or declining market.

2. When the business has gained only a small market share, and building

it up would be too costly or not profitable enough; or when it has a

respectable market share that is becoming increasingly costly to

maintain or defend.

3. When profits are not especially attractive


4. When reduced levels of resource support will not entail sharp declines

in sales and market position.

5. When the organization can redeploy the freed-up resources in higher

opportunity areas.

6. When the business is not a major component of the organization’s

overall business portfolio

7. When the business does not contribute other desired features (sales

stability, prestige, a well-rounded product line) to the total business


Liquidation Strategy involves closing down of an operation. It is the most unpleasant

and painful strategy especially if it means terminating the organisation’s existence. It

entails layoffs and plant closure


Identifying Strategic Alternatives that fit s Firm’s Market Circumstances

Rapid Market Growth

Quadrant 11 strategies Quadrant 1 strategies(in probable order of attractiveness) (in probable order of attractiveness)1. Reformulation of concentric strategy 1. Concentration2. Horizontal integration or merger 2. Vertical integration3. Divestiture 3. Concentric Diversification4.Liquidation

Weak competitive position Strong competitive position

Quadrant 111 strategies Quadrant 1V strategies(in probable order of attractiveness) (in probable order of attractiveness)

1. Retrenchment 1. Concentric diversification

2. Diversification 2. Conglomerate diversification

3. Divestiture 3. Joint Venture

4. LiquidationSlow market growth



Strategic Gap Analysis or Performance Gap Analysis

That is done by looking at the aggregate performance of the businesses in the portfolio

and see if corporate objectives are being achieved, if not, then search for the changes that

need to be done in order to close the gap. In the case of a gap top management can do the


1. Alter the business-level strategies of some or all of its businesses in

order to build distinctive competencies.

2. Add new business units to the corporate portfolio

3. Delete one or more businesses from the corporate portfolio- those

businesses that are in a weak competitive position

4. Use political action to alter conditions that responsible for sub par

performance potential e.g. joining hands with government in certain

business areas

5. Bring corporate objectives in line with reality.

There are several models that can be used to evaluate strategy alternatives at

corporate level. They include The Boston Business Consulting Group

(BCG), The GE Nine –Cell Matrix or McKinsey Matrix

The Boston Consulting Group Business Technique

The main objective of the BCG technique is to help strategic managers identify the cash

flow requirements of the different businesses in their portfolio. It involves three main


1. dividing a company into Strategic Business Units (SBUs) and assessing the

long-term prospects of each

2. comparing SBUs by means of a matrix that indicates the relative prospects of


3. developing strategic objectives with respect to each SBU.


The company uses two criteria.

1. the SBU’s relative market share

2. the growth rate of the SBU’s Industry.

Relative Market Share

High Low





1. Starts They are the leading SBUs in the Company’s portfolio. They have both

competitive strengths and opportunities for expansion. They require large cash

investments for expansion of production facilities especially the young stars.

2. Question marks – they are relatively weak in competitive terms. They have low

relative market share and high growth industries. If nurtured they can become stars.

3. Cash cows - they are in low growth industries but have a high market share and

strong competitive position in mature industries. Weak cash cows may be harvested.

4. Dogs – They are in low-growth industries, but have a weak competitive position in

unattractive industries. Dogs should be maintained only if they can contribute positive


cash flow without being financed by the cash cows. Otherwise a weak dog should be


Strategic Implications of the BCG

The objective of the BCG’s portfolio is to identify how corporate cash resources can best

be used to maximize a Company’s future growth and profitability.


1. Use the cash surplus from any cash cows to support the development of selected

question marks and nurture the emerging stars.

2. The long-term objective is to consolidate the position of stars and to turn favoured

question marks into stars.

3. Question marks with the weakest position are divested as a way of reducing cash


4. The company should exit from any industry where the SBU is a dog.

If a company lacks sufficient cash cows, stars, and question marks, it should

consider acquisition and divestments to build a more balanced portfolio.

Strengths and Weaknesses of The BCG Matrix

Strengths: The major strength is that it focuses a company’s attention on the cash

flows of different types of business and from there the company can decide where to

invest or divest in order to optimize the value of the corporate portfolio.


The matrix just looks at the attractiveness of an SBU from the relative market share

and industry growth rate perspectives only. There are other relevant factors such as

product differentiation. Besides, it does not cater for businesses which are average,

but just the high and low type. At the same time some businesses do not neatly fall

under the four categories of stars, cash cows, dogs and question marks.

“Disaster Sequences in the BCG scheme of things

1. When a star becomes a problem child and then falls to become a dog


2. When a cash cow loses the market and falls to become a dog

3. Over investing in a safe cash cow

4. Under investing in a question mark such that it tumbles into a dog

5. Spreading resources thinly over many question marks rather than on a

few selected ones.

Due to the shortfalls of the BCG matrix General Electric with the help of McKinsey

& Co. developed a nine- cell matrix based on business strength/competitive position

and industry/market attractiveness.

The McKinsey Matrix or The GE Nine-Cell Business Portfolio Matrix

Competitive Position


Industry HIGH Winner Winner

Question Mark


MEDIUM Winner Average Loser

LOW Profit Loser Loser


The technique has two dimensions (1) the attractiveness of the industry in which an

SBU is based and (2) an SBU’s competitive position within that industry. The

difference with the BCG is that there are more factors considered under each

dimension. For example factors considered under industry attractiveness include

industry size, industry growth, industry profitability, capital intensity, technological


stability, competitive intensity and cyclicality. Under competitive position key

success factors include market share, technological know-how, product quality, after-

sales service/maintenance, low operating costs and productivity. The GE Nine- Cell

Matrix allows for intermediate rankings between high and low and between strong

and weak and it also incorporates explicit consideration of a much wider variety of

strategically relevant variables.

The aim of the GE matrix is to achieve the balanced portfolio from the SBUS. A

balanced portfolio is one that contains mostly winners and developing winners

with a few profit producers to generate the cash flow necessary to support the

developing winners and a few small question marks with the potential to become

future winners.

Four basic types of unbalanced portfolios

Problem action Typical symptoms Typical correction

1. Too many losers Inadequate cash flow Divest/liquidate/harvest loserInadequate profits Acquire profit producersInadequate growth Acquire winners

2. Too many question Inadequate cash flow Divest/harvest/liquidateMarks Inadequate profits selected question marks

3. Too many profit Inadequate growth Acquire winnersProducers Excessive cash flow Nurture/develop selected

Question marks

4. Too many developing Excessive cash demands Divest selected developingWinners Excessive demands on winners if necessary

ManagementUnstable growth and profits Acquire profit producers


Product/Market or Industry Evolution Matrix Strong Average Weak

Development Market/







The matrix has 15 cells based on Competitive position and Industry evolution

Assessing Industry Attractiveness by Hofer and Schendel

At corporate level, management can also look at such things as

1.Whether the industry has enough of the positive attributes that management is

looking for such as (growth, profitability or export opportunities)

2.The extend to which the industry is characterized by traits management wants to

avoid such (history of labour strikes, highly cyclical or seasonal demand or major

pollution control problems)

3. The risk that industry conditions and trends will not be favourable enough to

allow the firm’s business to contribute its “fair share” toward the achievement of

overall corporate objectives.

Specific factors considered in assessing Industry Attractiveness


(a) Evaluation of competitive position- it involves a determination of where the firm’s

business stands in relation to that of its rivals with regards to market share, price, breadth

and quality of product line, technology.

(b) Identification of the key factors underlying success in the industry. They include (i)

an ability to manufacture a superior quality product in a market where customers are

quality conscious (ii) using low cost manufacturing methods as a basis for out-competing

rival firms on price where customers are very price sensitive (iii) having a more complete

product line in a market where customers place a high value on broad product selection

(iv) having proficiency in R&D in a high technology business.

© Identifying opportunities and threats in the industry through (i) resource/skills analysis that could materially alter the firm’s competitive standing. (ii) comparing the attractiveness of different business units

STEPS IN STRATEGY ANALYSIS PROCESS (Thompson and Strickland, 1981)

1. Identify the present corporate strategy

2. Construct business portfolio matrixes to examine the overall

composition of the present portfolio

3. Profile the industry and competitive environment of each business unit

and draw conclusion about how attractive each industry in the

portfolio is.

4. Probe the competitive strength of the individual business and how well

situated each is in its respective industry.

5. Rank the different business units on the basis of their past performance

record and future performance prospects.

6. Determine how well each business unit fits in with corporate direction

and strategy and other businesses on the portfolio.

Rank the business units from highest to lowest in investment priority, drawing

conclusions about where the firm should be putting its money and what the general

strategic direction of each business unit (invest-and-expand, fortify-and defend, overhaul

and reposition, harvest/divest



Focus of strategy at the Business Level consists of

a. assessing opportunities and threats in particular markets and for particular


b. determining the keys to success in that particular business

c. evaluating the competitive strategies of rival organizations

d. searching for an effective competitive advantage

e. identifying organizational strengths and weaknesses

f. trying to match specific product-market opportunities with internal skills,

distinctive competences and financial resources

The different business level strategies include the following:

1 Strategies for underdog and low market share businesses that include the following

(a) Vacant niche strategy in areas where larger firms are not catering or

ignoring or are not as well equipped to serve.

(b) Specialist or concentration strategy only in a few carefully chosen

market segments rather than the entire industry.

(c) “Ours is better than theirs” strategy capitalizing on opportunities to

improve upon the products of dominant firms and develop an appeal to

quality-conscious or performance-oriented buyers. Work closely with

major customers

(d) Channel innovation strategy finding ways to distribute goods that

offer substantial savings

(e) Distinctive image strategy: develop a differentiated competitive

advantage via some distinctive, visible and unique appeal

2.Strategies for Dominant Firms


(a) Keep-the offensive strategy where the firm refuses to be

content with just being a leader. It becomes the source of

new product ideas, cost-cutting discoveries, innovative

customer services, etc.

(b) Fortification strategy: surround the chief products with

patents; introduce own brands to compete with already-

successful company brands.

(c) Confrontation Strategy: through promotional wars.

(d) Maintenance strategy: maintain production capacity,

operating efficiency, product quality etc through

reinvestment in the business.

3.Strategies for Firms in Growth Markets focusing on how to acquire the resources

needed to grow with the market; and how to develop the sort of distinctive competencies.

That can be achieved by following guidelines; -

(e) Manage the business in an entrepreneurial mode with the aim of

building the business for its future potential.

(f) Be alert for product development opportunities geared at product

quality, performance features, sizes and improved design.

(g) Search out new market segments and new geographical areas to


(h) Shift the focus of advertising and promotion from building

product awareness to increasing frequency use and to create

brand loyalty.

(i) Seek out new distribution channels to gain additional product


4.Strategies for Weak Businesses


There are essentially four options of dealing with a weak business at division, product

line or product level. The strategies to embark upon include building strategy,

maintenance strategy, divestment strategy or liquidation strategy, or harvest strategy.

5. Strategies for firms in Mature or Declining Industries

The firms that prosper under such conditions do the following

(a) They identify, create and exploit the growth segments within their industries.

(b) They emphasize quality improvements and product innovation

©They work diligently and persistently to improve production and distribution efficiency

through (i) automation and increased specialization, (ii) consolidating underutilized

production facilities, (ii) adding more distribution channels and (iv) shifting sales away

from low-volume, high-cost distribution outlets to high-volume, low-cost outlets.

6.Strategies to be Leery of

(a)“Me too or copy-cat strategy trying to play catch-up by beating the leaders at their own


(b) Take-away strategy by attacking other firms head on by luring away their customers

via lower prices, more advertising. This however invites retaliation

©. Glamour strategy

(d). Test-the water strategy due to environmental changes and the need to venture into


7.Strategies to avoid

(a) Drift strategy

(b)Hope-for-a-better-day strategy

©Sitting on your laurels strategy

(d)Popgun strategy head-on-competition with proven leaders



The generic business strategies include Cost Leadership, Differentiation and


They are called generic because they can be applied to all businesses or industries

regardless of the nature of the business.

Cost Leadership or low cost Strategy is when a firm sets out to become the low

cost producer in its industry. The sources of cost advantage include:

Economies of scale

Proprietary technology

Preferential access to raw material

Differentiation Strategy is where a firm seeks to be unique in its industry by

highlighting some dimensions that are widely valued by customers such things

as product attributes that many buyers in an industry perceive as important or

as unique. Uniqueness or differentiation can be seen through:

The product itself

High quality

Brand image

The delivery system

The after sales service including access to spare parts

Differentiation allows the company to charge premium prices

Advantages of differentiation

1 It safeguards a company against competitors to the degree that

customers develop brand loyalty for its products.

2. Customers are prepared to pay the premium prices

1. 3.Differentiation and brand loyalty also create any entry barrier for other

companies seeking to enter the industry.


Competitors move in to imitate and copy successful differentiators and

customers can easily switch to competition.

Focus Strategy or Specialized Strategy


It is based on the choice of a narrow competitive scope within an industry and

can take the form of cost focus or differentiation focus. In other words it is

directed at serving the needs of a limited customer group or segment which

maybe defined geographically or by the type of customer or by segment of the

product line.


1 The company is protected from competitors in the short run and has power

over its buyers because they cannot get the same thing from anyone else.

2 The development of customer loyalty reduces the threat from substitutes


The company may not be in a position to move easily to new niches.


Implementation is the means by which a strategy is carried out into successful goal

achievement. According to (Strickland and Thompson, 1981) it is largely intellectual and

emphasizes the abilities to conceptualize, analyze and evaluate. The implementation stage

is the acid test of Strategy Formulation since it tests management’s ability to convert the

strategic plan into effective performance and results. The implementation stage takes

more managerial time and energy than formulation. It raises all kinds of administrative

and policy issues concerning the specific details of what it will take to put the chosen

strategy in place and make it work. Implementation is the execution of the strategic plan

to achieve objectives.

The phase is accomplished through adjustments in three major systems (Harvey, 2nd

edition) which are as follows

1. The technical system – allocating resources and organization structure

2. The managerial system – providing leadership and responsibility

3. The cultural system, - determining the behavioural processes and

member values.


Strategy implementation might be defined as actually executing the strategic plan to

achieve objective. The procedure includes

setting annual objectives

coming up with policies

allocating resources

designing the organizational structure to suit the strategy

developing corporate culture to enable the attainment of the objectives.

the carrying out or accomplishing of certain plans or goals

concerned with design and management of systems to achieve the best integration

of people, structure and processes and resources in reaching organizational goals.

(Steiner and Miner)

directing the use of the resources within and outside the organization

Contrasting strategy Formulation and Implementation

Successful strategy formulation does not guarantee successful implementation. It is easier

to say I am going to do something (strategy formulation) than to actually do it (strategy


Formulation Implementation

Positioning forces before action Managing forces during action

Focuses on effectiveness Focuses on efficiency

Primarily an intellectual process Primarily an operational process

Requires good intuitive and analytic skills Requires special motivation &

leadership skills

Requires coordination among few individuals Requires coordination among many


Strategy formulation concepts and tools are universally applicable to the companies while

strategy implementation varies substantially by type and size of organization and culture

of implementers. Implementation hinges on 3 major systems

1. the technical system – the alignment of structure to strategy


2. the political managerial system - power, rewards and leadership


3. the cultural system, - the development and integration of a corporate

culture to fit the strategy.

The Central Tasks of Strategy Implementation and Administration


























Key Issues

1. How to match organization structure to the needs of strategy.2. How to build and nurture a distinctive competence and to staff positions with the right talent and technical expertise.

Key Issues

1.What budgets and programs are needed by each organizational unit to carry out its part of the strategic plan?2.How to focus the performance of tasks on achieving organizational objectives rather than on just carrying out the assigned duties.

Key Issues

1. How to motivate organizational units and individuals to accomplish strategy.2. How to measure the contribution of individuals and subunits to strategic performance.3. How to link the reward structure to strategic performance.4.What kinds of strategy-facilitating policies and procedures to establish.

Key Issues

1. How to get the right strategic information on a timely basis.2. What “controls” are needed to keep the organization on its strategic course.

Key Issues

1. How to create a climate and culture that energizes the organization to accomplish strategy and perform at a high level.2.How to deal with the politics of strategy, play the power game, and build consensus.3. When and how to initiate corrective actions to improve strategy execution


The Administrative Components of Strategy Implementation

1. Building an Organization Capable of Executing the Strategy focusing


Creating a strategy-supportive organization structure

Developing the skills and core competencies needed to excute

the strategy successfully.

Selecting people for key positions

2. Establishing a Strategy –Supportive Budget by

Seeing that each organizational unit has a big enough budget to carry

out its part of the strategic plan

Ensuring that resources are used efficiently to get “the biggest bang for

the buck”

3. Installing Internal Administrative Support Systems by

Establishing and administering strategy-facilitating policies and


Developing administrative and operating systems to give the

organization strategy-critical capabilities.

Generating the right strategic information on a timely basis.

4. Exercising Strategic Leadership

Leading the process of shaping values, molding culture and energizing

strategy accomplishment.

Keeping the organization innovative, responsive and opportunistic.

Enforcing ethical standards and behaviour.

Initiating corrective actions to improve strategy execution

5. Shaping the Corporate Culture to fit the Strategy by

Establishing shared values

Setting ethical standards

Creating a strategy-supportive work environment

Building a spirit of high performance into the culture.


6. Devising Rewards and Incentives that are highly linked to objectives

and strategy by

Motivating organizational units and individuals to do their best to make the

strategy work.

Designing rewards and incentives that induce employees to do the very things

needed for successful strategy execution.

Promoting a results orientation.

The Mckinsey 7-S Framework

Strategy implementation is more likely to succeed when the organization’s elements are

in alignment. The elements of strategic fit include, structure, strategy, style, staff, skills,

systems, and the linkage results in shared values.

Structure Strategy

Systems Shared Values Style

Skills Staff

Summary of the 7-S Elements

4. Strategy A coherent set of actions aimed at gaining advantage over

competition, improving position vis-avis customers or allocating



5. Structure The organization chart and accompanying baggage that

show who reports to whom and how tasks are both divided up and


6. Systems The processes and flows that show how an organization get

things done from day to day (information systems, capital budgeting

systems, manufacturing processes, quality control systems and

performance measurement systems.

7. Style Tangible evidence of what management considers important by

the way it collectively spends time and attention and uses symbolic

behavior. It is not what management says is important; it is the way

management behaves.

8. Staff The people in the organization. Here it is very useful to think not

about individual personalities, but about corporate demographics.

9. Shared Values (or superordinate goals) The values that go beyond,

but might well include, simple goal statements in determining

corporate destiny. To fit the concept, these values must be shared by

most people in the organization.

10. Skills. A derivative of the rest. Skills are those capabilities that are

possessed by an organization as a whole as opposed to the people in it.

Fitting Structure to Strategy following a five-step procedure

1. Pinpoint the key functions and tasks necessary for successful strategy


2. Reflect on how strategy-critical functions and organizational units relate to

those that are routine and to those that provide staff support. This is about

understanding the strategic relationships among activities. Activities can

be related by (a) the flow of material through the production process

(b) the type of customer served

© the distribution channels used and (d) the technical skills used.



The last part of the strategic management model is the evaluation of performance and the

control of work activities. Control follows planning and it ensures that the corporation is

achieving what it is set out to accomplish. Just as planning involves the setting of

objectives along with the strategies and programs necessary to accomplish them, the

control process compares performance with desired results and provides the feedback

necessary for management to evaluate results and take corrective action

Decision -making

Set goals/ standards

Measure actual


Strategic Strategic Strategic Strategic

objectives planning Implementation evaluation

Compare actual Take With planned corrective

Results actions

Feedback Feedback


The Strategic Control Process (Harvey)

According to Wheelen and Hunger (1989) the evaluation and control process can be viewed as a five-step feedback model

1 2 3 4 5NO

Determine Establish Measure Does Take correctiveWhat to predetermined performance Performance actionMeasure standards match std?



Setting StandardsStandards are the units of measurement or criteria against which actual performance can be compared. Peter Drucker suggested five criteria to evaluate performance

1. Marketing standing relative to competitors2. Innovative performance (R&D) as a percentage of sales in the

industry3. Productivity value added or sales per employee4. Liquidity and cash flow 5. Profitability

Importance of Strategic Control7. Change in market and economic conditions8. Complexity in today’s organizations require a more forma and accurate

approach to planning and control9. Decentralization

Characteristics of Strategic control systems3. Accurate performance information4. Timely – information must be evaluated on a timely basis if action is to be

taken in time to correct deviations5. Focus on strategic control points where deviations from the plan are likely

to take place.6. Flexible due to the dynamic environment7. Acceptance for it to be accepted it must be related to meaningful goals.

Some of the control centers in organizations


1. Standard Cost centers – Primarily used in manufacturing facilities and standard costs are computed for each operation on the basis of historical data.

2. Revenue centers – which consider the sales in a particular year as compared to the previous year’s sales.

3. Expenses centers – according to departments or divisions and budgets are allocated to the centers.

4. Profit centers – which determine the difference between revenue and expenditure.

5. Investment centers – which measure the return on investment.