Story Sequence

Post on 13-Sep-2015

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Transcript of Story Sequence

Story Sequence Complete the passage by using the answers given below.Once, there was a little girl with curly golden hair. Her name was _________. One day, Goldilocks went for a walk in the forest. Soon, she became ________ and hungry. She saw a big _______ and she _________ on the door. No one answered, so she opened the door and _____ in. Goldilocks saw ______ bowls of porridge. She tried them. The _____ bowl was too hot. The small bowl was too ______. But the little bowl was just right, so she ate all the __________. Then, Goldilocks saw three ________. She tried them. Two were too _____. The little chair was just right. But just as she settled down into the chair to rest, it ______ into pieces. Goldilocks went __________. She found three _______. The big one was too _____ and the small one was too ______. The little bed was just right and she soon fell _________. The three bears that lived in the house came home. Someone has been eating my porridge! said the Daddy Bear. Someone has been eating my porridge! said the _______ Bear. Someone has been eating my porridge and it is all gone! cried the Baby Bear. Someone has been sitting in my chair! said the _______ Bear. Someone has been sitting in my chair! said the Mummy Bear. Someone has been sitting in my chair and it is broken! sobbed the Baby Bear. They decided to look ________ the house and they went upstairs to the _________. Someone has been sleeping in my bed! said the Daddy Bear. Someone has been sleeping in my bed! said the Mummy Bear. Someone has been sleeping in my bed and she is still there! cried the _____ Bear. Goldilocks ______ up. She saw the three bears and _____ away as fast as she could. She never _________ to the home of the three bears.

Goldilocks / knocked / porridgetired / went / three / big / cold / chairs / big / broke / upstairshouse / beds / hard / soft / asleep / Mummy / Daddy / around / bedroom / Baby / wake / ran / returned