Stepping Outside the Box in Building Business Relationships and Internships

Post on 14-Jan-2015

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Participants will learn how AXA and two academies in Florida built a school business partner into an Academy of Finance partnership to provide classroom interaction and an internship program. How can businesses benefit from giving their time and resources to academies to create the WIN-WIN-WIN? Our business is now working with NAF to replicate this program across the country. Participants will learn how to implement a similar program in their own academy.

Transcript of Stepping Outside the Box in Building Business Relationships and Internships

  • 1. Stepping Outside the Box in Building Business Relationships and Internships
    Think Globally,
    Act Locally
  • 2. Introductions
  • 3. What keeps us awake at night?
  • 4. Creativity: Using the box
  • 5. WWW.
  • 6. Out of the Box - Activity
  • 7. What makes a good business partnership?
  • 8. What about from our partners perspective?
    What makes it a
  • 9. What makes it a wIN for our Academy partnerships?
    Relationship building Faculty & Students
    Access Welcomed by Administrators
    Trusted partner
    Part of the school environment
  • 10. Building support in your community
    • Making civic partnerships a wINwINwIN