Post on 07-Jun-2018

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JAMB Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME)



(Network Test)

2018 JAMB UTME CUSTOM BROWSER (V 0.2 – beta) MANUAL pg. 1


a. Install java version jre-8u 151.

b. Extract the content of the rapidtestlite-networktest zip folder and copy its content

on the C: drive.

A. Candidate Systems Custom Browser v 0.2-beta (network test mode)

1. Copy the custombrowser_v2 folder on the hard drive of candidate systems.

2. Create a shortcut of the custombrowser_v2 jar file on the desktop.

3. Launch (double click) the custom browser shortcut on the desktop. A green window as

shown below should appear.

4. Click on network test. After some seconds, a window showing the system details and IP

address as seen below would appear.

Note: candidate systems to be used as backup mustn’t be used for network test.

2018 JAMB UTME CUSTOM BROWSER (V 0.2 – beta) MANUAL pg. 2

B. Candidate Systems Custom Browser v 0.2-beta (Register Backup)

To register a backup system:

a. launch custom browser on backup systems,

b. enter the IP address of the server,

c. click register backup.

2018 JAMB UTME CUSTOM BROWSER (V 0.2 – beta) MANUAL pg. 3

C. Server (network test installation)

1. Install java version jre-1.8u 151 on the server.

2. Launch command prompt, make the folder containing the network test app

(rapidtest_lite_networktest-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT) the parent directory in this case

(C:\rapidtestlite-networktest>). Then use the command line below: java -jar

rapidtest_lite_networktest-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar. See the picture below for


3. Press enter to execute the command. A window similar to the one below should appear


2018 JAMB UTME CUSTOM BROWSER (V 0.2 – beta) MANUAL pg. 4

4. Alternatively, you can double click on the network test app, wait for some minutes before

carrying out network test. Please note, its advised to use the command prompt method.

D. Procedure to carry out network test

1. Ensure steps 1 to 4 for candidate system custom browser network test has been carried

out on all candidate systems to be used for the exam.

2. Once installation of the network test app is complete on the server, open google chrome

browser. Enter http://localhost:8080 in the URL bar as seen below.

5. On pressing enter key, RAPIDTEST-LITE network test page loads. Click enter.

2018 JAMB UTME CUSTOM BROWSER (V 0.2 – beta) MANUAL pg. 5

6. On getting to the dashboard, click on the start test button to begin network test. A pop

up appears, confirming network test has begun.

2018 JAMB UTME CUSTOM BROWSER (V 0.2 – beta) MANUAL pg. 6

7. All candidate systems should start performing 10 iterations immediately network test

begins. The picture below shows an iteration of 5 of 10.

8. Once all candidate systems have completed iterations as indicated on the dashboard,

click stop test.

2018 JAMB UTME CUSTOM BROWSER (V 0.2 – beta) MANUAL pg. 7

9. After clicking stop test, a new page showing the network test results appears.

2018 JAMB UTME CUSTOM BROWSER (V 0.2 – beta) MANUAL pg. 8

10. To upload your results and computer systems, go to Register Centre, fill out the centre

registration form, and submit by clicking add centre. A notification will appear to

confirm centre registration was successful.

11. To upload computer systems, go to Computer Systems, click push. A notification will

appear to indicate successful push.

Note: push button appears only after you have successfully registered your centre.

2018 JAMB UTME CUSTOM BROWSER (V 0.2 – beta) MANUAL pg. 9

12. To upload network test results, go to Test Result. A list of tests carried out will appear

as shown below.

13. View the test result you want to upload, then click push. A notification will appear to

indicate successful push.

Note: push button appears only after you have successfully registered your centre.

2018 JAMB UTME CUSTOM BROWSER (V 0.2 – beta) MANUAL pg. 10

14. Once done with the network test, logout, close the running application in command

prompt by pressing Ctrl C, then type exit. Press enter to successfully close the window.

NOTE: Alternatively, you can double click on the network test app to launch it and proceed with

step 4. However, it is strongly advised to use the command prompt method.

Server (candidate app installation)

1. To start exam, repeat step 1-3 of network test. However, the command line should

execute the candidate app (rapidtestlite-candidate-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar).

2. Or double click on the rapidtestlite-candidate-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar file. Note: the

command prompt method is advised.

CUSTOM BROWSER (exam mode)

1. Launch (double click) the custom browser on the candidate systems. Enter the IP

address of the server in the custom browser as seen below and click on exam.

2018 JAMB UTME CUSTOM BROWSER (V 0.2 – beta) MANUAL pg. 11

2. Enter 1234 as registration number then click candidate login button.

2018 JAMB UTME CUSTOM BROWSER (V 0.2 – beta) MANUAL pg. 12

3. Click start exam.

2018 JAMB UTME CUSTOM BROWSER (V 0.2 – beta) MANUAL pg. 13

4. Attempt the questions. When done, click end exam button.

5. Click back to go back to candidate login page. To exit the app, press Ctrl + Alt + J.

2018 JAMB UTME CUSTOM BROWSER (V 0.2 – beta) MANUAL pg. 14

6. Once done with the exam, repeat same process used for network test to exit the

command prompt on the server.

2018 JAMB UTME CUSTOM BROWSER (V 0.2 – beta) MANUAL pg. 15


Minimum requirements for candidate system are:

1. Windows 7 Operating system or Linux.

2. 2 gb RAM.

3. Oracle Java jre-8u 151

Installation Procedures

Custom Browser (v 0.2 - beta) Installation

1. Install Oracle Java jre-8u 151 on all the candidate systems.

2. Extract the downloaded zip file from the JAMB website using any suitable application

(e.g. winzip, 7-zip, Winrar etc).

3. Copy the custom browser folder on the hard drive of the candidate systems.

4. Create a shortcut of the custom browser executable file (.exe) and paste on the desktop.

5. Double click the custom browser icon on the desktop to launch the browser.

6. If a green window with network test and exam button appears, then custom browser has

been successfully installed.

Custom Browser (v 0.2 - beta) Network Testing Mode

To carry out network test,

a. launch custom browser on all the candidate systems,

b. click on network test.

A new window showing the system details will appear. Beneath the window, you will see

Waiting for server an indication that the candidate system is ready for network test.

Note: candidate systems to be used as backup mustn’t be used for network test.

2018 JAMB UTME CUSTOM BROWSER (V 0.2 – beta) MANUAL pg. 16

Custom Browser (v 0.2 - beta) Register Backup

To register a backup system:

a. launch custom browser on backup systems,

b. enter the IP address of the server,

c. click register backup.

Custom Browser (v 0.2 - beta) Exam Mode

To write an examination,

a. launch custom browser on all the candidate systems,

b. Type in the IP address of the server, Click Exam (only when then server is ready)

c. The candidate login page should appear.

d. Enter 1234 as registration number, click candidate login

Server Installations

Two applications are to be installed on the server in every examination centre. These are:

a. The network test app: this is launched when a network test is to be carried out.

b. The candidate app: this is launched when a test is to be written on candidate systems.

Both applications can be launched using the conventional method (double click). However, it is

highly advised that the app is ran via command prompt. To run the application from command

prompt, do the following:

1. Install Oracle Java jre-8u 151 on the server.

2. Copy the two applications on the hard drive of the server.

3. Open command prompt.

2018 JAMB UTME CUSTOM BROWSER (V 0.2 – beta) MANUAL pg. 17

4. Type in cd / (to clear directories), press enter

5. Type cd (name of the folder the application is located), press enter

6. Then type java -jar (name of the application you want to run), press enter

Network Test (Server)

To carry out network test, all candidate systems must be switched on and placed in the network

testing mode. Ensure that port 8080 is unused on the server. Afterwards, repeat step 1 to 5 of

server installation, then continue with the following steps:

a. Type java -jar rapidtest_lite_network-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT, press enter,

b. Once its done running, the last line should indicate: Started RapidtestLiteApplication in

….seconds(JVM running for ….secs). This confirms that the application is running.

c. Once the application is running, open your desktop browser (Chrome or Mozilla),

d. Type localhost:8080 in the URL bar of the browser, press enter,

e. A RapidTestLite Network Test page should appear, click on network test,

f. To begin network test, click on start test button,

g. Number of iterations begin to appear on candidate systems, an indication that network

test is going on.

h. Once iteration is completed, click stop test. A page showing network test result


i. To upload your results and computer systems, go to Register Centre, fill the centre

registration form that appears and submit by clicking add centre.

j. To upload computer systems, got to Computer Systems, click push

k. To upload network test results, go to Test Result,

l. View the test result you want to upload, then click push

m. To terminate the network test application on the server, click on logout from the


2018 JAMB UTME CUSTOM BROWSER (V 0.2 – beta) MANUAL pg. 18

n. Go to the running command prompt, press Ctrl + C, type exit, then press enter.

Candidate Test (Server)

Launch custom browser on all the candidate systems. Afterwards, repeat step 1 to 5 of server

installation, then continue with the following steps:

a. Type java -jar rapidtest_lite_candidate-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT, press enter,

b. Once it’s done running, the last line should indicate: Started

RapidtestLiteCandidateApplication in ….seconds(JVM running for ….secs). This

confirms that the application is running.

c. Enter server IP address in the input box of candidate systems and click exam.

d. To terminate application after candidate examination, go to the running command

prompt, press Ctrl + C, type exit, then press enter.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

a. Where can I find Oracle Java Jre-8u 151?


b. How to install Oracle Java jre-8u 151 on Windows?

i. Double click on the file, follow the instructions till installation is completed

c. How to install Oracle Java jre-8u 151 on Linux?

i. Open terminal (Ctrl + Alt + T) and run the command: webupd8team/java

ii. Enter your password if prompted, and hit enter

iii. Type in: install oracle-java8-installer, hit enter

iv. Check Java version with: java -version

2018 JAMB UTME CUSTOM BROWSER (V 0.2 – beta) MANUAL pg. 19

d. Oracle Java Jre-8u 151 failed to install.

i. Free up more space on the hard disk

ii. Ensure the installation file isn’t corrupted

e. Custom browser failed to launch or isn’t working.

i. Ensure your Operating System is windows 7 and above.

ii. Install required version of custom browser and launch the browser again.

iii. If the required version of java is installed on the system. Check the hard disk

space of the system and free some memory if full.

iv. If situation persist, restart the system and re-install

f. How to view the java version currently running on your system (Windows or Linux)?

i. Open command prompt or terminal, type java -version, then press enter.

g. What to do when application truncates abruptly while running on the server?

i. Restart the server

ii. If situation persist, change the server.

h. Network test started first iteration and stopped.

i. The ethernet capacity for the server is very low.

i. Candidate system can not write exam or a white screen is showing.

i. Close the application, launch it again and enter the appropriate server IP address.

ii. If IP address is right, ping the server to ensure the system in on same network

then make corrections.

j. I couldn’t open the folder I downloaded from the JAMB website.

i. Download winzip, 7-zip or winrar to extract the files in the zipped folder.

k. The files in the downloaded folder is in kb.

i. Download the folder again