Staying Positive - · Top 10 tips to staying positive Accept you can't stay...

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Transcript of Staying Positive - · Top 10 tips to staying positive Accept you can't stay...

Staying Positive

Will Polston

Ten Simple Tips to Staying Positive

Will Polston, Make It Happen © 2017.

All rights reserved. Under no circumstances should this document be sold, copied, or reproduced in any

way except when you have received written permission. The information contained with the document

is given in good faith and is believed to be accurate, appropriate and reliable at the time it is given, but

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information, assistance or service, to the extent available by law.

If you want to discontinue negative thinking and feelings

of unhappiness, overwhelm and frustration then please do

me one favour and that is not only read this ebook but put

what you learn in into action.


The sad thing is the majority of people that read

this won’t bother to take action by implementing

any of these tips that I have learnt or discovered

over the last 10 years of being involved with

personal development.

But not you, you are an action taker!

The truth is the reason why I do what I do is

because I want you, your friends, your family

and your loved ones to benefit as a result of the

actions you take.


Well, quite simply I don’t want you to have

to suffer mentally, emotionally, physically or

spiritually like I have at certain points in my life.

I will let you into one secret though…

There is no magic bullet and it is a journey of

continued development so the sooner you start

the better.

Why you should listen to meI am no Tony Robbins nor Eric Thomas but I do

have an innate ability to see the positives in

situations, bring inspiration to others and motivate

them too.

I have experienced some pretty big highs and

some very low lows early on in life which has

taught me to push myself physically, mentally,

emotionally and spiritually.

I was told recently that ‘I am the most competent

person they had ever met’.

As easy it would have been to let that go to my

head I stayed humble because the truth is I am

one of the least talented people I know.

What I do have however is a relentless belief that

I can do anything I put my mind to.

And that is where the competence comes in.

That’s the key though putting my mind to it!

This is what has enabled me to raise tens of

millions of pounds in my early 20s working in

financial sales, to learning to fly an aeroplane

to learning to ride a unicycle not to mention

overcoming the emotional struggles like

depression and suicidal thoughts.

It doesn’t matter what the task is at hand, it

doesn’t matter how tough the situation might

seem at the time I will be able to find a way, albeit

not always easily to push through!

With a huge passion, for empowering people, I

not only wanted to use my experience but studied

personal development academically too.

I am a neuro-linguistic programming practitioner,

member of The International Coaching Federation

and certified master coach.

But enough of all that give me the next 10 minutes

of your time, read and implement some of these

tips and thank me later : )!

Top 10 tips to staying positive

Accept you can't stay positiveYeah, I know what you’re thinking, Will I only

downloaded this because I wanted to know how

to stay positive all the time.

Well, I have spent tens of thousands of pounds

on personal development training, read or

listened to endless books and the fact is, you


Anyone who tells you they can stay positive all the

time is lying!

What you can do though is control how long you

are feeling negative for and that’s what I am going

to share with you over the next 10 tips

Begin with the end in mindOne of my worst nightmares is living the same

year of my life over and over again for 50 or more

years and calling it a life.

That’s just me, though.

So many people feel negative on a daily basis

because they quite simply are living a life that

they do not want.

I have found this, combined with not taking action

towards it, to be one of the biggest reasons for

frustration and negativity with the majority of the

people I have had the pleasure of serving.

So do you know what you ultimately want, like

really want, if there were no limits?

If you do, great.

If not get a clear understanding of what it is that

you want your ultimate life to be.

Think about each of these areas and write it







Social life



Once you know this then it’s important to not

place your feeling of happiness on achieving the

result but on taking the action along the way.

It is impossible to go from an empty glass to a full

glass without it being filled up along the way and

you should be doing the same each and every


If you do this you can go to bed knowing that you

have been the best version of yourself and you

will start to live a happier life!

So many people feel negative on a daily basis because they quite simply are living a life that they do not want.


E + R = OAhhh, The formula to life.

Event + Response = Outcome

The fact is ‘life happens’.

Often events will take place that we have literally

no control over, or so you might think. As a result,

if people are not liking the outcome most will

choose to blame the event for the way there are


The fact is we do have control over them.


Well because you have the ability to control how

you choose to react to them.

This is your response.

The response that you have to any given event

will be what determines the outcome.

But how do you change your response I hear you


Well, don’t worry I have your back in the next step,

with gratitude!


GratitudeWhen I first ever heard about the theory of

practicing gratitude I was like yeah, whatever.

It’s for hippies!

I think this has probably been one of the most

important factors in enabling me to stay as

positive as possible on a regular basis.

So what do you do?

Quite simply every day, I recommend in the

morning you write out 10 things you are grateful


This could be things like.. your health, your home,

the clothes you wear, the lessons you are learning

from the tough time you are going through, the

fact you spend so much more time with you

children etc

A really good way of adding leverage to this is to

then put the word because on the end and give

yourself a reason why too you are grateful too.

To give you an idea of the strength of this I got

my nose pretty badly broken playing ice hockey

a few years ago. The next day wrote out 150

reasons why I was grateful for it and never felt

a bad feeling toward the guy that did it or the

inconvenience it caused since!


Get around positive people‘You are the average of the 5 people you spend

the most time with”

I am not going to put a name to this quote and

I am certainly not going to put my name to it

because I’ve heard many people claim it.

What I will say though is it’s true.

The people you are around on a regular basis has

a massive impact on how you feel.

Not only the people that you are physically

around but the people you interact with too.

On social media for example. Take Facebook.

Got people that are always on your news feed

moaning about how crap life is?

Unfriend them!

But lets say you don’t want to ‘unfriend’ someone

because you are nervous of the repercussions

you can now unfollow them so you are still friends

but don’t need to see their ‘stuff’ that isn’t the sort

of positive stuff you want to see!

I believe so much in this one I actually set up a

personal development networking event called

The Elite Network.

To find out more out more about the events that

happen across the country click the link below:

You can join The Elite Network Community

Facebook group by clicking the link below too.

The Elite Network Community

Yeah that’s a shameless plug ; )


the elite life at level TEN.

Start your day rightThere are so many different people’s views on

this. You have the 5 am clubbers and the wake up

when you want to’ers.

I can only speak from my experience here and

say I prefer the 5am starts.

You will know what is right for you.

What I would say though is regardless of whether

you are up at the crack of dawn or getting up at

midday the next first things you choose to do can

have a profound impact on your day.

Personally, I like to wake up early because I have

more energy in the morning.

Now I am not suggesting in any way you copy me

but what I would suggest is you look at how you

currently start your day.

Do you own your morning or does your morning

own you?

Do you find yourself snoozing the alarm rushing to

the bathroom, running out the house without food

only to get to work to realise you have forgotten

to put your clothes on?

I hope not!

But if you don’t feel you own your morning then

I would recommend getting up earlier than you

have to and choosing to have some ‘you’ time

before the day have even kicked off.

Let’s face it every professional athlete warms up

before they exercise so why shouldn’t you warm

up for your day?


I have my own morning routine which consists of:

Reading my personal declaration

Reading the Og Mandino scrolls

Read 10 pages of a book

Posting on social media

Rebounding for 60 seconds while reading my monthly goals

10 minutes meditation using the app Headspace.

Writing out my daily must do list

Having a breakfast smoothie

And most days some form of exercise

Two bits of scienceSo I’m going to get a little scientific with you.

Two hormones that you need to know about:

1- Oxytocin, otherwise known as the happy or

love hormone.

2- Dopamine, otherwise known as the motivation


Oxytocin is typically associated with good

feelings and emotions. Although its role in the

body is much more complex than that particularly

of you are female, I am going to keep it simple.

The more oxytocin you have the more ‘love’ you

feel and let’s face it the more love you have the

happier you are.

A few ways to increase oxytocin levels are:

Physical touching - hugs, kisses etc

Words of encouragement - affirmations that’s


Smile and laugh - put on a funny film

Exercise - that’s a tip coming up

Random act of kindness - money, your time, your

knowledge, compliments

Get creative - write, draw, paint etc

Dopamine is typically associated with the feeling

of drive, motivation, focus and concentration.

The more dopamine you have the more willing

you are going to be to do the things you want to.

When you are feeling negative even if you know

what you should be doing you might not want

to do it so by increasing your dopamine you are

chemically increasing your will power!

A few simple ways to increase dopamine levels


Decrease sugar intake - yep no more sugar on

the cereal!

Reduce your caffeine intake - coffee lovers hit

the decaf!

Get into a routine - a default diary is great

Exercise - That’s in a step coming up!

Achieve small tasks - bigger isn’t better, or so

a girl once told me! Start with micro actions and

build up your confidence and momentum

Listen to music - Stick on your favourite tune

super loud

Detoxify - so many ways to do this but the basics

are high alkaline diet low acidic diet.


MoveIt really is that simple, move.

Exercise is certainly something that helps change

the negative thoughts and feelings that you are


Partly this is down to the oxytocin levels and

dopamine levels that I explained in tip 6 and

partly due to the endorphins.

Endorphins are another hormone that I released

in response to pain and stress to help alleviate

anxiety and depression.

When you exercise endorphins are released.

Don’t know where to start when it comes to a


Start with something as simple as going for a brisk



Talk withSomeoneAs BT famously said for many moons ‘It’s good to


Working as a mindset coach people will often

talk to me about things that they don’t tell anyone

else in the world and just by telling me makes

them feel so much better.

You have 65,000 thoughts a day and 55,000 are

the same as yesterday.

If you continue to spin the same thoughts around

in your head it’s easy for it to spiral off into some

super crazy thoughts and get so far away from

the truth it’s a joke and that’s speaking from

personal experience!

A disclaimer to this is the person you talk to

could have a negative impact as a result of

them not understanding you and not respecting

confidentiality. Speak to someone you trust.

If you are going through a tough time and you

feel like you have no one to talk to then drop me

an email

and yes I do read all my own emails, I’m not the

quickest at replying but I will reply!

You have 65,000 thoughts a day and 55,000 are the same as yesterday.


Use affirmationsAhh, the good old affirmations.

The dictionary definition of an affirmation is the

action or process of affirming something.

So what makes affirmations so important.

It’s simple.

Your thoughts, create things.


Because your thoughts create beliefs and your

beliefs define how you live your life and one of

your strongest beliefs is your identity.

Anytime you use the prefix ‘I am’ or someone else

uses the prefix ‘you are’ an affirmation is being

created around your identity.

The downside to this is when misused it can leave

you feeling very low and negative indeed.

The upside is you can use affirmations any time of

the day and consistent use of affirmations helps to

reprogram your subconscious mind.

Personally, I like to use them in the morning. My

personal declaration is basically one page of

affirmations and the Og Mandino scrolls are also a

form of affirmation.

A few examples:

I am feeling happy and positive about XXXX

I am achieving XXXX

I am devilishly handsome….. Sorry typing out loud

; )

But in all seriousness affirmations are powerful.

If you feel like you are lying to yourself which

people will often say to me then use the word

possible i.e.

It is possible for me to achieve XXXXX

It is possible for me to feel XXXX


Feedback not failureThere’s no such thing as failure only feedback.

Often when we are feeling negative it’s because

something isn’t or hasn’t gone how we would

have liked it to.

A simple and effective way of reframing this is to

understand that you have not failed.

What you need to do however is look for the


3 questions to help you get the feedback are:

What have you learnt?

What can you learn?

What can you do differently next time?


Take actionFive frogs are sitting on a log. Four decide to jump

off. How many are left?

What’s your answer?

Take your time.

No rush.

Take a moment to consider your answer.

How many are left?

The answer is five.You can make all the decisions

in the world but unless you take the action you

will not move.

I hope there has been more than at least one

thing that you have found beneficial in these 10


The key now though is whether you are going to

actually take action or not.

So, I have already got your back.

I have created a specific facebook post in The

Elite Network Community facebook group for you

to post what you found the most beneficial and

what you are going to use to encourage you to

take action NOW!

The Elite Network - Favourite tip post

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