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Ashok V Karunakaran Department of Computer Science Rochester Institute of Technology Committee Chair: Prof. Stanislaw Radziszowski. Reader: Prof. Peter Bajorski. Observer: Prof. Christopher Homan. STATISTICAL AND PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF SHA-3 HASH CANDIDATES. Project Abstract. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation



Ashok V KarunakaranDepartment of Computer ScienceRochester Institute of TechnologyCommittee Chair: Prof. Stanislaw Radziszowski.Reader: Prof. Peter Bajorski.Observer: Prof. Christopher Homan.

Project AbstractRandomness - A good hash function should

behave as close to a random function as possible. Statistical tests help in determining the randomness of a hash function and NIST has provided a series of tests in a statistical test suite for this purpose. This tool has been used to analyze the randomness of the final five hash functions.

Performance - It is the second most important factor in determining a good hash function. Performance of the all the fourteen Round 2 candidates was measured using Java as the programming language on Sun platform machines for small sized messages.

Security - Security is the most important criteria when it comes to hash functions. Grøstl is one of the final five candidates and its architecture, design and security features have been studied in detail. Some of the successful attacks on reduced versions have also been explained. Also, the lesser known candidates, Fugue and ECHO, from Round 2 have been studied.

Hash functionInput: String of arbitrary size.Output: Predetermined fixed size


Hash function requirementsPre-image, second pre-image and

collision resistant.Collisions – When we find x and y

such that h(x) = h(y).Birthday paradox – Gives lower

bound on collision attackq ≈ 1.17√m for ε= ½ (m = 365, q =

23).Birthday bound for a m-bit message

is 2m/2.

The need for a new hash functionMost commonly used hash

functions are brokenCollisions in MD5 and SHA-0.Security flaws in SHA-1.

Increasing hardware power and parallelization capabilities.

SHA-3 CompetitionOrganized by NIST.Started on Nov. 2, 2007.Received 64 entries.51 met minimum requirements.Round 1

First candidate conference at KU Leuven, Belgium on Feb 25-28, 2009.

14 candidates on July 24, 2009.

Round 2 and 3Round 2

Second candidate conference at Santa Barbara, CA on August, 23-24, 2010.

5 candidates on Dec. 9, 2010.Round 3/ Final Round

Final conference in Spring 2012.Select a winner later in 2012.

Round 2 and 3 Candidates BLAKE BMW CubeHash ECHO Fugue Grøstl Hamsi JH Keccak Luffa Shabal SHAvite-3 SIMD Skein

Randomness and StatisticsHash function should behave

indistinguishably from a random function.

Avoid finding patterns, which lead to collisions.

Statistical randomness tests to determine hash function randomness.

Pseudo-randomness is sufficient.

Statistical TestsMotivation: Decide whether a

particular statement or claim is correct.

Null hypothesis: The output of a hash function is random, irrespective of the input.

Alternative hypothesis: The output is not random.

Test statistic: Computed from sample data. Helps in deciding whether to reject/accept the null hypothesis.

NIST Test SuiteStatistical test suite for random

and pseudo-random number generators for cryptographic applications.

Helpful in detecting deviations of a binary sequence from randomness.

Total of 15 tests.Ex., Frequency Test, Longest runs

of ones in a block.

P-value and Significance levelP-value is calculated from the

test statistic. The probability that a perfect

random number generator would have produced a sequence less random than the sequence that was tested.

P-value = 1implies perfect randomness.

P-value = 0 implies complete non-randomness.

P-value and Significance level (cont.)Significance level (α) denotes the

probability of Type 1 error.False positive, occurs when a

statistical test rejects a true null hypothesis.

If P-value ≥ α then the null hypothesis is accepted.Meaning, the sequence appears to

be random.If P-value < α then the null

hypothesis is rejected.

P-value and Significance level (cont.)For the project,

α = 0.01One would expect 1 sequence in 100

sequences to be rejected.P-value ≥ 0.01 indicates that the

sequence would be considered random with a confidence of 99%.

P-value < 0.01 indicates that the sequence is considered non-random with a confidence of 99%.

Frequency TestTests the proportion of zeros and

ones in the sequence.For a random sequence, the

proportion should be the same.Test Description:

Convert bits to -1 or +1 and then add.

Sn = X1 + X2 + … + Xn. For ex., if ε = 1011010101, then n =10 and Sn = 2.

Frequency Test (cont.)Compute the test statistic, Sobs = Mod( Sn) ⁄ √n. Sobs = 2 ⁄ √10 = .63245Compute P-value = erfc(Sobs ⁄ √2). P-value = erfc(.63245 ⁄ √2) =


•Decision: P-value > 0.01, so accept sequence as random.

Longest Runs of one in a blockTests the longest run of ones

within M-bit blocks.It should be similar to what is

expected of a random sequence.Test Description:

Input: 11001100000101010110110001001100111000000000001001001101010100010001001111010110100000001101011111001100111001101101100010110010.

Input length n: 128 bits.Divide the input into M-bit blocks. M = 8.

Longest Runs of one in a block (cont.)

Longest run of ones in each subblock is noted

Calculate the frequencies of the longest run

ν0 = 4; ν1 = 9; ν2 = 3; ν4 = 0.Compute X2

(obs), it is a measure of how well the observed longest run length matches the expected longest length within M-bit blocks.


Max-Run Subblock



2 00010101



2 01001100


Longest Runs of one in a block (cont.)

X2(obs) =

Values of N and K are based on M. If M = 8, K=3 and N=16. X2

(obs) = 4.882457.Calculate P-value = P –value = 0.180598

Decision: P-value > 0.01, so accept sequence as random.

Inputs for the experimentNumbers – Hash of numbers 0-

3999.Tests require length of at least 106

bits.For 256 bit output, 256 x 4000 = 1,024,000 bits.

KAT Inputs – 2048 hexadecimal inputs from the official candidate documentation.

Inputs for the experiment (cont.)From file – The NIST document on

the statistical test suite.Every 10Kb – Each input block has

10Kb. The first input is the first 10Kb, second input skips first m=1Kb and takes next n=10Kb.

Every 100Kb – Each input block has 100Kb. In this case, every 100 bytes are skipped before the next input block.

Ensures there is some over-lapping and non-overlapping in the data blocks.

Output for BLAKE-256Tests Numbers KAT 10Kb 100Kb App. Entropy

0.531403 0.132928 0.365077 0.476437

Block Freq. 0.550332 0.999349 0.105159 0.634999Cumulative Sums

0.324573, 0.201009

0.988702, 0.943249

0.000432, 0.001383

0.129711, 0.221312

FFT 0.204233 0.655976 0.255107 0.617123Frequency 0.187412 0.765466 0.000966 0.127740Linear Complex

0.867403 0.312439 0.551978 0.693519

Longest Run

0.095483 0.382246 0.697027 0.936944

Overlapping Template

0.099496 0.718846 0.180799 0.214866

Rank 0.077948 0.162680 0.946797 0.843130

Output for BLAKE-256 (contd.)Tests Numbers KAT 10Kb 100KbRuns 0.753526 0.978062 0.863215 0.048920Serial 0.876547,

0.8389310.252703, 0.520978

0.625307, 0.854685

0.988346, 0.986553

Universal 0.861028 0.057151 0.382927 0.833105Non-overlapping Template

0.272553, 0.156433

0.748985, 0.001491

0.013372, 0.593525

0.376109, 0.329376

Random Excursions

0.560459, 0.148643

0.997930, 0.945050

0.000000, 0.000000

0.381784, 0.935452

Random Excursions Variant

0.612882, 0.582494

0.163078, 0.205123

0.000000, 0.000000

0.219435, 0.393705

Total Bits 1024000 524288 1677056 16936192No. of 0’s 511333 262036 840665 8464962No. of 1’s 512667 262252 836391 8471230

Results and Conclusions0.0 P-values don’t indicate failed

tests but inapplicable tests for input.

All hash functions are random.Failed results are outliers rather than

the norm.Aren’t enough to classify as non-

random.Areas of failed tests can be

explored further.

PerformanceSecond most important criteria.Most of the work has been done

with C as the programming language.

The following combination has not been studied comprehensively beforeLanguage – JavaPlatform – SunMessages size – Small

SpecificationMachine – Sun Microsystems

Ultra 20.Config – AMD 2.2GHz processor.OS – OS5.10 or Solaris 10.

Small messages – size < 8192 bytes.

Java code – Sphlib, hash function implementations in C and Java.


256 512


Mbytes/s Cycles/byte

Mbytes/s Cycles/byte

SHA-2 57.90 38 19.69 111.73BLAKE 45.5 48.35 27.48 80.06Grøstl 11.56 190.31 6.87 320.23JH 8.33 264.11 8.33 264.11Keccak 12.63 174.19 6.89 319.3Skein 38.24 57.53 30.11 73.07Hamsi 18.50 118.92 7.12 308.99BMW 42.89 51.29 36.84 59.72CubeHash 23.75 92.63 23.87 92.17ECHO 11.24 195.73 5.75 382.61Fugue 22.69 96.96 11.62 189.33Luffa 33.26 66.15 18.97 115.97Shabal 104.37 21.08 103.36 21.28SHAvite 24.11 91.25 13.97 157.48SIMD 12.10 181.82 0.75 2933.33

256 output bits

512 output bits

Performance and Message lengthMost of them claim performance

is better than SHA-2.Interesting to see how it is

affected by message length.For final five candidates, 16-byte

and 4096-byte inputs were hashed.

Performance and Message length (cont.)


16-256 4096-256 16-512 4096-512

SHA-2 11.89 61.43 2.39 21.93

BLAKE 10.93 47.68 3.47 29.99

Grøstl 2.8 12.38 0.67 7.74

JH 1.8 8.75 1.7 8.64

Keccak 1.52 13.7 1.56 7.26

Skein 9.18 38.77 3.78 31.76

Performance and Message length (cont.)

Rate of hashing Keccak-256 > SHA-256. Grøstl-512 > SHA-512.

Performance and Block sizeFor JH, the performance remains

the same for 256 and 512 version.Only one large internal state of 1024


For BLAKE and Keccak, the performance difference is almost twice.The 256 version has block size of

512 whereas the 512 version has block size of 1024.


256 512


Mbytes/s Cycles/byte

Mbytes/s Cycles/byte

SHA-2 57.90 38 19.69 111.73BLAKE 45.5 48.35 27.48 80.06Grøstl 11.56 190.31 6.87 320.23JH 8.33 264.11 8.33 264.11Keccak 12.63 174.19 6.89 319.3Skein 38.24 57.53 30.11 73.07Hamsi 18.50 118.92 7.12 308.99BMW 42.89 51.29 36.84 59.72CubeHash 23.75 92.63 23.87 92.17ECHO 11.24 195.73 5.75 382.61Fugue 22.69 96.96 11.62 189.33Luffa 33.26 66.15 18.97 115.97Shabal 104.37 21.08 103.36 21.28SHAvite 24.11 91.25 13.97 157.48SIMD 12.10 181.82 0.75 2933.33

Hardware vs Software implementation

Visualizing area-time tradeoffs for SHA-3 has hardware implementation of the candidates.

Hardware vs Software implementation

Hardware Software1) Keccak 1) Shabal2) CubeHash 2) Skein3) JH 3) BLAKE4) Shabal 4) CubeHash5) Skein 5) Luffa6) Fugue 6) SHAvite-37) Luffa 7) Fugue8) BLAKE 8) JH9) Hamsi 9) Hamsi10) SHAvite-3 10) Keccak11) Grøstl 11) Grøstl

Hardware vs Software implementation (cont.)Among the final five candidates

Grøstl remains last in both implementations.

Keccak has the biggest difference in terms of position.

JH and BLAKE swap positions with BLAKE performing better in software.

Skein is the only one to perform reasonably well in both.

Security of GrøstlOne of the final five candidates.Developed at the University of


What makes Grøstl interesting?Does not use block cipher

components like SHA family.Based on few individual

permutations.Borrows components from AES like

the S-box.

Hash Function Construction

• Message M is padded and split into l bit message blocks.

o If H(x) <= 256, l = 512 else l = 1024.

• The compression function f is as follows:

hi← f (hi-1, mi) for i = 1 to t. Initial value of h, h0 = iv is predefined.

• The final value of h, ht is passed to the output transformation function

H(M) = Ω(ht)

Compression Function

• Based on two permutations P and Q.• Defined as

f(h, m) = P(h ⊕ m) ⊕ Q(m) ⊕ h

• Design of P and Q• Inspired from Rijndael.• Consists of r rounds, which consists of a number of round transformations.

Design of P and Q (cont.)• The four round transformations

o AddRoundConstanto SubByteso ShiftByteso MixBytes

• One round consists of the above transformations in the following order

R = MixBytes ShiftBytes SubBytes AddRoundConstant.

Byte Sequence to State Matrix

Mapping is done in a similar way to Rijndael.

The 64-byte sequence 00 01 02 … 3f is mapped to a 8x8 matrix

AddRoundConstant• Adds a round dependent constant

to the matrix. • Transformation in round i is defined

as A ← A ⊕ C[i]

SubBytes• Each byte in the matrix is

substituted with a corresponding value from the S-box.

• S-box is same as the one used in Rijndael.

• The transformation is as follows ai,j ← S(ai,j), 0 ≤ i < 8, 0 ≤ j < v. ai,j is the element in row i and column j.

ShiftBytes• Shifts the bytes within a row to the

left by a number of positions. • In round i, all bytes in row i are

shifted σ positions to the left. σ = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]

MixBytes• Each column in the matrix is

multiplied by a constant 8x8 matrix.

• The transformation is defined as A ← B × A.

Output Transformation

• Defined as Ω(x) = truncn (P(x) ⊕ x)

• truncn (x) discards all but the trailing n bits of x.

• n is the length of the message digest.

CryptanalysisDifferential Cryptanalysis

• There are at least 92 active S-boxes in a 4 round differential trail.

o MixBytes ensures branch number is 9. Meaning, a difference of k >0 bytes of a column will result in a difference of at least 9-k bytes after one mix bytes operation.

o ShiftBytes moves bytes in one column to 8 different columns.

• Maximum distance propagation probability of S-box = 2-6.

Cryptanalysis (cont.)• Linear Cryptanalysiso Propagates similar to differential trail.o Max distance propagation of S-box = 2-3.

• Integralso Sets of plaintexts are chosen with one part held constant and other part varies through all possibilities.o For ex., an attack may chose 256 plaintexts that have all but 8 of their bits the same, but all differ in those 8 bits.o Has an XOR sum of 0.o XOR sums of corresponding ciphertexts provide information about the cipher’s operation.

Integrals (cont.) Similar to integrals on AES. Grøstl- 256o 2120 texts for 6 and 7 rounds.o The texts are balanced in every byte of input and output.

Grøstl-512o 2704 for 8 and 9 rounds.o For 8 rounds, the texts are balanced in every byte of input and output.o For 9 rounds, every byte of input and every bit of output is balanced.

Conclusion: Integrals cannot expose non-random behavior in Grøstl.

Cryptanalysis (cont.)•Algebraic Cryptanalysiso Attack on AES S-box, which is used by Grøstl.

o There are 200 S-box applications in AES for 1 encryption, it gives 8000 quadratic equations with 1600 variables (the solution derives the key).

o The time complexity of solving this is unknown.

o Grøstl-256 and Grøstl-512 have 1280 and 3584 S-box applications, respectively.

Rebound AttackCan be applied on block or

permutation based ciphers.

Consists of two phases:Inbound phase: Meet-in-the-middle

(Ein) plus exploiting the available degrees of freedom.

Rebound Attack (cont.)Outbound phase: Use the values

obtained from the inbound phase to move in the forward (Efw) and backward (Ebw) directions to find collisions.

Collisions found on reduced GrøstlGrøstl-256: 4 out of 10 rounds.Grøstl-512: 5 out of 12 rounds.

Internal Differential AttackExploits the differential trails

between parallel computations that are not distinct enough.

The idea is to device a differential path that represents the difference between the two paths rather than the differences between the inputs.

Grøstl has two permutations, P and Q, which are very similar to each other.

Internal Differential Attack (cont.)

• Compute two internal states, A and B.o A ⊕ B = Δin.o P(A) ⊕ Q(B) = Δout.

• Collisions Found:oGrøstl-256: 5 rounds, 279 computations

and 264 memory. oGrøstl-512: 6 rounds, 2177 computations

and 264 memory.• P and Q were modified in the final round

to make them more different.

ConclusionFrontrunners among the five

Performance: Good: BLAKE and Skein. Bad: Keccak. Ugly: Grøstl and JH.

Randomness tests: Weakest is BLAKE.

Novel algorithm: Skein and Keccak. Potential Winners: Skein or Keccak.

Thank You.Questions?