Startup Branding

Post on 09-May-2015

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Startup Branding 101 - some ideas how to brand your startup

Transcript of Startup Branding



Startup Branding


image analysis services


Photo sharing

900M daily 26B images monthly


How to organize all these photos?

find discover group tag



Color Extraction

Visual Similarity


Smart-Cropping Auto-Categorization



Who am I?

TW: @chrisgeorgiev FB: /chris.georgiev !


Branding began as way to tell one person’s cattle from another by a

hot iron stamp



“Your brand is what other people say about you when you’re not in the room.” !!

Jeff Bezos, founder of


Brand > Startup

unique name logo .com domain homepage business card

a user experience editorial voice customer service marketing


Branding > Story

“If you don’t give the market the story to talk about, they’ll define your brand’s story for you.”

David Brier


Branding > Tell a Story

The story is the foundation of your brand’s vocabulary !

Why should anyone care? Why they should choose you?


Branding > Personal

If your startup was a person, how would it... Talk to someone? Treat its friends? Borrow money? Make a living? Dress? Have fun? Behave in a courtroom?


Brand > YOU

• Startup brands are weak

• First customers buy because of YOU

• Transfer the TRUSTWORTHINESS to your brand




Branding > Stand Out

Dare to be different



Branding > Stand Out

Dare to be different



Branding > Stand Out


Dare to be different


Branding > Stand Out

numberDare to be different


Branding > Stand Out

• We are, after all, the third planet from the sun

• In every fairy tale there are always 3 wishes

• In Chinese, 3 sounds like life

• There were 3 wise men

• 3 is the lucky number

• You can only truly know where you are if you have 3 coordinates

• You can't have space without 3 dimensions


Brand > Be Different

Take risk early - nothing to lose

Playing safe = Death

Pissing people off is OK

Make people LOVE or HATE you


Branding > Stand for SOMETHING

Be iconic Overstate Deliver simple message If they HATE you, that’s OK


Branding > Stand for SOMETHING



Branding > Stand for SOMETHING



Branding > Stand for SOMETHING



Branding > Stand for SOMETHING



Branding > Stand for SOMETHING



Branding > Stand for SOMETHING



Branding > 101

Startup Idea > short statement


Branding > 101

01 > create a story


Branding > 101

02 > pick a world and modify it > foreign domain - .ly, .me, .io > drop a letter - Flickr, Tumblr > add a letter - Imagga, Digg > add fun prefix - Insta- > attach word - TripIt, ColorFit


Branding > 101

03 > get domain > can be expensive > check the meaning


Branding > 101

03 > domain name


Branding > 101

03 > domain name


Branding > 101

03 > domain name


Branding > 101

03 > domain name


Branding > 101

03 > domain name


Branding > 101

03 > domain name


Branding > 101

04 > create logo


Branding > 101

05 > use it constantly


Branding > 10106 > reflect your values > what’s important > what do you care about > customer service > refunding policy !


Branding > 101

07 > create brand ambassadors > make them happy > ask the for feedback > love them


Branding > 101

08 > cliches do not work > best of break > leading provider of… > next generation > committed to excellence > dedicated team


Branding > 101

08 > cliches do not work > best practices > going the extra mile > culture of innovation > state of the art > world class



TW: @imagga FB: /imagga !