Standardized testing is quickly approaching

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Transcript of Standardized testing is quickly approaching

Can you believe we have 10 Fridays left in this school year?

There is plenty more teaching and learning taking place.

Please mark your calendars for our second Eagle Family Fri-

day on March 11th from 8:45 a.m.—10:30 a.m. This event will

provide family members the opportunity to experience future

grade level expectations. This classroom learning walk is offered

to parents who have children in Kindergarten through 4th grades.

RSVPs need to be returned by Tuesday, March 8th.

Third quarter report cards will be sent home on Tuesday,

March 22nd. If you need to meet with your child’s teacher to dis-

cuss his/her progress, please don’t hesitate to contact the teacher

directly or the school.

Remember, the only way to reach the Pot-of-Gold is through a

solid education…our parents at Norco Elementary always support

us in this goal!

Your Partner-in-Education,

Principal Becky Weber


Becky Weber– Pr inc ipal

Ju l ie Brauninger , Shannon Diodene —Ass istant Pr inc ipa ls

www.stchar les .k12. la .us /norco

MARCH 2016

Upcoming Events: September 4—Early Dismissal 12:35 p.m. September 7—Labor Day/No School September 8—Bully Free Kick-Off Event—6:30 p.m. September 15—Fall Pictures-School Uniform must be worn September 21—Children’s Hospital “Boo at the Zoo” Fundraiser begins

Norco Elementary Kindergarten Registration March 14-18, 2016

Who: Children who will be 5 years old by September 20, 2016 When: 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 noon each day Parents or guardians should bring to registration: Certified birth certificate for the child Home address, mailing address, and telephone number Proof of residency (Two utility bills showing physical address. Only

gas, water, and/or electricity bills accepted. Telephone and cable television bills are not acceptable proofs of residency.) Social Security card for the child Immunization record for the child **It is not necessary that the child be present at registration**

Standardized testing is quickly


All Norco Elementary School 3rd, 4th,

and 5th graders will be administered

the LEAP2025 assessment and a Social

Studies field test. Please ensure that

your children attend school and are not

checked out on the

following dates.

LEAP2025 (English, math, and Social


April 25-April 29

Social Studies Field Test--

May 9-13

Please contact the school with any


Page 2


World’s Finest Chocolate Fundraiser continues!

All proceeds will go to activities

scheduled for Student Appreciation Week! Candy sales end and money is due on

March 7, 2016.

Welcome to Music In Our Schools Month®. The Annual St. Charles Parish Public Schools

Arts Awareness Fest is March 12th. Mark your calendar and plan to come enjoy some of the many

performances offered. We will have students from both NES and ESE bands performing in a small ensemble set-

ting. There will be performances all day by students throughout the parish. Check out their many talents.

Music In Our Schools Month® or “MIOSM®” is NAfME’s annual celebration during March which engages music

educators, students, and communities from around the country in promoting the benefits of high quality music edu-

cation programs in schools.

Music In Our Schools Month® began as a single statewide Advocacy Day and celebration in New York in 1973

and grew over the decades to become a month-long celebration of school music in 1985.

Daniel Davis

Director of Bands

Police Unity Tour

Thank you to all families that

donated to our

Police Unity Tour Fundraiser.

We as a school raised $704.00.

Congratulations Young Author’s


Oops! We accidentally forgot to put

two of our Kindergarteners names

with their picture in last month’s


Brayden Sentilles -2nd place Fiction

Joseph Banquer—3rd place Fiction

St. Patrick’s Day..

Did you know?

Every year on March 17, the Irish and

the Irish-at-heart across the globe ob-

serve St. Patrick’s Day. What began as a

religious feast day for the patron saint of

Ireland has become an international fes-

tival celebrating Irish culture with pa-

rades, dancing, special

foods and a whole lot of


Page 3


Is my child ready for Kindergarten? If you would like answers to this question, check out the links below: Each give specific examples of what children

should be exposed to in order to be

“Kindergarten Ready.”

Our first graders have been working hard this quarter! In reading, we are continuing to read and understand fiction and non-fiction texts. Please read a variety of these texts when you read with your child at home. With fiction sto-ries your child should be able to retell major events that occur. With non-fiction, your child should be understanding the main idea and key details that support the main idea. They

should also be using the non-fiction text fea-tures to help them understand the text as well. In writing, we are finishing up writing informa-tional reports and will soon be moving our fo-cus to writing fictional narratives. In math, we will begin learning how to tell time, as well as the defining attributes of shapes. This month we will be taking two field trips. On Thursday, March 10th we will be visiting The Global Wild-life Center. Then on Thursday, March 24th, we will be visiting City Park's Botanical Garden and Storyland.

Kindergarteners are busy preparing for the last

quarter of school. Kindergarteners will be ex-

pected to read more complex decodable texts

with 95 percent accuracy to be promoted to the

next grade level. You can help your child build

reading fluency at home by having your child

read the magical reader sheets daily. Kinder-

garteners also should know sight words from

memory. Kindergarteners are continuing to

build upon their knowledge of composing and

decomposing numbers to solve addition and sub-

traction problems up to 10. Your child should

also be able to count to 100 by ones and by tens

by the end of March.

Second graders are in love with learning!

Second grade readers will begin a new unit in Readers’ Workshop themed around characteristics of good citizen-ship. We will read social studies content informational text in order to learn facts about important people in history like Ben Franklin, as well as a focus on the flag we all love! Math Module 6 is wrapping up with a summative assess-ment at the beginning of the month. Refer to the home-work help guide sent home for sample problems. The rest of March will be focusing on Math Module 7 and begin-ning to problem solve with money, length and data. Our unit in Writers’ Workshop on fictional narratives is coming to a close as students will be composing their own fictional narrative to a prompt. Our next unit will be focus-ing on a famous author as we explore her many nonfiction texts. In Social Studies we will shift to lessons about national symbols and landmarks significant to America. We have an exciting field trip planned to the Audubon Aquarium of the Americas to bridge into our next science unit of observing an aquarium in our own classrooms.

As always, thank you for your support and cooperation. If you have any questions, feel free to contact your child’s teacher.

Page 4


Third graders will begin new units in reading and

writing. The focus will be on fiction: folktales. In

reading they will determine the elements of a folk-

tale and use these elements to create their own in

writing. We have been working on test taking

strategies to help students for the upcoming LEAP


In third grade social studies, we will finish the nine

weeks with the civics unit. The classes will continue

to focus on Louisiana as they learn about govern-

ment roles and responsibilities.

In the beginning of March, we will be finishing mod-

ule 5 with fractions as we get ready for our district

test. We will move onto module 6 and begin incor-

porating review skills and test taking strategies to

prepare for the upcoming PARCC tests.

In writing, we are ending our unit on persuasive writing and moving into a study of writing po-etry. In reading, we will be reviewing folktales, theme, and making connections across texts. In math, we are working with fractions and deci-mals. In social studies, we are exploring the westward expansion of the United States.

Spring is just around the corner! Our mathematicians will be starting a new module in Math

on finding volume and area using concrete models and formulas. Our authors will be analyz-

ing prompts and using details from passages to complete their writings. Our readers will be

continuing our historical fiction novel study and connecting it to our colonial unit in social

studies. We are learning how characters develop and respond to conflict. We are also using

context clues and a variety of reading strategies in order to comprehend this text.

All notes must be given in writing; brought in with the student, emailed to:

( before 2:30 pm each day and by 10:30 a.m. on half days All notes should be on a full sheet of paper, written with a dark color

ink and include your child’s full name, the teacher’s name, and dates of the changes with clear in-structions and your signature. If you e-mail a

dismissal change, please expect a confirmation by e-mail. A bus change form can be obtained

from your child’s teacher, the office, or can be downloaded from our website: (

Attendance Requirements:

ELEMENTARY students shall be in

attendance a minimum of 167 days a

school year. Students may only be

absent 10 days. ELEMENTARY stu-

dents who accrue more than 10 ab-

sences will NOT be eligible for pro-

motion. Extenuating circumstances

may apply. For more information,

please refer to the 2015-2016 Student

Code of Conduct District Handbook.

March 2016

Norco Elementary Title 1 Family Center

Family & School: Together We Can Make a Difference

Cynthia Bullock: Phone: 985-764-8933

Tuesday and Thursday Hours: 8:30am – 3:30pm

Teachers tell us that successful test-takers tend to be students with good attendance, homework, and

study habits. Your daily assistance with homework and attitude toward school has the biggest impact on your

child's performance.

How can you help your child prepare for Standardized tests?

Optimize brain power. Teachers say the

students who struggle the most on testing days are

the ones who didn't have enough sleep or a good

breakfast the day of the test. Make sure your child

has every tool he/she needs — pencils, an eraser,

paper, a calculator, etc. laid out the night before,

Encourage good study habits and

challenge critical-thinking skills. Reviewing test-

taking strategies is important, but monitoring overall

academic progress and staying in good

communication with the teacher will help you ward

off potential problems. Good reading skills factor

heavily in a timed test, so encourage reading as

much as possible. Consider magazines, news-

papers, or even comic books if your child shies

away from books. Testing also measures critical-

thinking ability. Ask your child to discuss ideas or

voice his/her opinion often to stimulate these

thought processes.

Know what to expect. Teachers will send

home information about the test schedule and

class preparation plans well before the test date. If

you don't hear from your child's teacher, contact

him/her to find out the test format, and how you

can help to prepare your child

Look at your child's past performance. If your

child scored low in a particular area, you may want

to provide your child with exercises that reinforce

that subject. Aim for activities that simulate the

testing experience, such as multiple choice

geometry questions, vocabulary practice use-age,

or comprehension with non-fiction text. Workbooks

or websites that are geared towards standardized

test preparation often provide these kinds of

exercises. Avoid drilling in areas where your child

excels; you run the risk of boring and losing his/her

patience with testing.

Provide practice opportunities. You may be able

to request sample or practice tests from your child's

school or find them at the library. Be sure to time

any practice tests so your child is not surprised by

time constraints on test day. Start practicing before

the date and keep study sessions short. Setting small

goals, such as learning five new words each session,

will help your child measure his/her progress and

boost his/her confidence. Make sure your child

takes the night before the test off — cramming can

increase his/her stress level.

Relax and remain positive. The best test-takers

are confident, committed, and at ease. Even if you

are nervous about your child’s performance, be

wary of transferring that concern to your child. You

never know, some kids actually enjoy tests! If your

child is likely to get nervous, practice a few

relaxation techniques, such as counting from one to

ten or taking deep breaths, which can help relieve

tension during the test.

Standardized tests: How do you interpret the results?

Families will receive information about their child’s test scores. The scores should be accompanied with

information to help you interpret them. Don't hesitate to contact your child's teacher or the Family Center if you

have questions or need help understanding the results.

Too often we give children answers to remember

rather than problems to solve. —Roger Lewin

Page 6


As the year progresses, so does our Bully Prevention Program. We have been very blessed by having the

STAR students from the Satellite Center (along with their teacher, Angela Lange) plan and present lessons

to our students on Bully Free Fridays. This year we were also awarded a grant worth $750.00 to help push

our program to another level! We are planning to utilize that money in many ways. Our Bully Free Friend

group has been divided into 3 groups each with a specific project plan in mind.

Project #1: In the Spring, The Bully Free Friends will be presenting a play based on the book One by

Kathryn Otoshi, here at Norco Elementary and hopefully sharing it with the student body at St. Rose Ele-

mentary as well.

Project #2: The Bully Free Friends are also creating a Bully Free Song that we will record and share with

our school at the end of the year.

Project #3: The Bully Free Friends are writing a skit to promote including others. This will be an original

skit practiced and videoed to be shared with our students and parents.

Plans for the future include the following: (1) In April we will purchase benches to decorate as "Buddy

Benches", a place where kids can go if they are feeling alone or isolated and need a friend. We currently

have 2 on campus, but would like to add 2 more, as well as in neighboring playgrounds and recreation ar-

eas. (2) Continue to expand and involve the partnership we have developed with the STAR students from

the Satellite Center in their efforts to create, plan, and present Bully Free Friday Lessons for our students

here at NES.

Upcoming Events:

Bully Free Friday Morning Meetings - every Friday

Friday, March 4th - Peaceful School Bus Meeting #3 (Students will use role play appropriate behavior

on the bus)

Thursday, March 17th - Bully Free Friends Meeting

(Student members must have a signed permission slip to attend)

STAR students

engaging the

students at NES

during Bully

Free Friday


Page 7


March 2016 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


2 4-H meeting

@ 3:45 p.m.

3 Playgroup at

10:00 a.m.

4 *PSB Morning






7 World’s



Money Due


8 Spring


No uniforms



9 Bully Free

Friends Club

Meeting at

3:45 p.m.

10 Playgroup *1st gr. field

trip Global


*2nd gr. field

trip to Aquarium

11 *Classroom

Learning Walk

Early Dismissal

12:35 p.m.




8 a.m. –

2 p.m. at


13 Daylight





14 4th Quarter




17 4H Clover



18 PTO

Concessions Disney Dress

Down Day


20 21 Harry Hurst



22 Report Cards

go home

23 Students of

the Month Feb-


Qtr. Honor Roll Celebration

School Board


24 1st grade field trip to

Botanical Gar-



25 Good Friday



28 29 30 31 April 1 *Students

return to

school on


April 4th

Easter Holidays

Easter Holidays March 25—April 1, 2016

Kindergarten Registration 9:00 a.m.—12:00 Noon

Page 8 Norco Elementary School

Calendar Dates for 2015-16


4 Classes Resume

4 3rd

Quarter Begins

*14-15 Parent/Teacher Conferences/

Early Dismissal 12:35 p.m.

18 Martin Luther King Holiday

22 Early Dismissal 12:35 p.m.

February Multicultural Awareness Month 1 3

rd Quarter Progress Reports going home this week

8-12 Mardi Gras Holidays

15 Classes Resume

19 Early Dismissal 12:35 p.m.

March 8 Spring Pictures/No Uniforms

11 End of 3rd


11 Early Dismissal 12:35 p.m.

13 Daylight Savings Spring Forward

14 4th

Quarter Begins

22 Report Cards go home

25-April 1st Easter Holidays

April 4 Classes Resume

13 4th

Grade Wetland Watcher’s Field Trip

18 4th

Quarter Progress Reports going home this week

19 Hurst Open House for 5th


21 Class Pictures /Uniforms must be worn

22 Early Dismissal 12:35 p.m.

27 Young Authors’ Celebration 6:30 p.m.

May 2-6 Employee Appreciation Week

11 Kindergarten Orientation (2016-17) 6:00 p.m.

13 Kindergarten End-of Year Celebration 9:30 a.m.

13 Volunteer Luncheon 11:00 a.m.

16-20 Student Appreciation Week

18 2nd

Grade Authors’ Party 9:30 a.m.

19 Eagle Award Celebration 9:30 a.m.

19 Spring Concert 6:30 p.m.

20 Awards Ceremony Gr. 3-5 9:30 a.m.

23 Talent Show

23 Last Day for Students

Page 9


Page 10


Once again it is time for St. Charles Parish Public Schools 8th Annual Arts Fest!

We will have music and theatrical performances as well as visual art dis-

plays. Stations will be set up for children to create art and perform with a vari-ety of musical instruments. Food and drink will be available for purchase. The public is invited. Come join us for some fun.

Date: March 12, 2016

Time: 10:00-2:00 Place: Professional Learning Center 12727 Highway 90

Luling, Louisiana

3rd Graders

learn about



Page 11


Anger Management Anger is a normal emotion that adults as well as children experience throughout life. This emotion often

brings knots in one’s stomach, a pounding heart, the inability to concentrate, and tensed muscles. It is crucial to express anger in an appropriate manner in order to avoid negative consequences and maintain

healthy relationships. When one is feeling angry, it is important not to ignore the feelings or lose control.

The key is management!

Elementary school children are still learning to recognize and control their emotions. If you feel that your

child is struggling with anger, these management tips may come in handy.

Count backwards from 10 slowly

Take a few deep breath

Exercise or play to let off some steam/energy

Find a quiet place

Talk to someone about your feelings

Walk away

Create a piece of art

Write in a journal

Tell yourself calming statements (It is okay. Keep calm. Relax)

Lie down and relax

Tense your body – then relax it (Repeat)

Use an I-Message (I feel angry when you ____. I want you to ____. )

Think peaceful thoughts (relaxing by the pool, holding your pet, hugging a parent)

Remember that anger is normal and even healthy. It is an emotion that can motivate us to change, stand

up for ourselves, and correct injustices. However, anger must be managed correctly. If you have any

questions or concerns, you can always contact your child’s school counselor.

Information obtained from

Norco Elementary School is very

proud of the following students

for placing in the

District Young Authors’ contest:

Front Row: Sage Massengale,

Ashton Cancienne, Hannah Burst,

Caleb Burst, Jacob Wagner, Prince

Lewis, Sophia Tarullo, and Aidan


Back Row: Connor Wootan, Nata-

lie Smith, Da’Quan Brown and

Abigail Schiff

Not pictured: Rhett Boudreaux,

Richard Campbell, Payton Gill,

Shailee Schulin


Page 12

Don’t forget to turn in your labels! All students who turn in a minimum of 20 box tops or Community Coffee labels before the monthly deadline will receive a jeans and spirit shirt pass. Attached are the forms for you to easily collect labels on. We no longer accept Campbell’s soup labels and they will not count for class credits or dress down day.

PTO Concession Dates: March 18th , April 8th, April 15th, and April 29th. Please remember to send no more than $2.00 with your child on concession days. Please place the money in an envelope with your child’s name and teacher’s name written on it. Thank you!

Norco Elementary PTO Membership Form

Student Name:_______________________________________ Teacher:__________________

Member Name:__________________________________________________________________

Relationship to child:_____________________________________________________________


City:___________________________________ State:____________ Zip:_______________

Contact #:______________________________ Alternate #:______________________________

Email:________________________________________ Best way to contact you:____________

Membership is $5.00 per family.