Standard Form For Hembers of the Le q1slature Name of GA... · Holmea ·had • Wit«t ud ·molt...

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Transcript of Standard Form For Hembers of the Le q1slature Name of GA... · Holmea ·had • Wit«t ud ·molt...

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Standard Form For Hembers of the Le q1slature

Name of

1. Birthday and place / 0 . /krr lfJOJ/ •

2 . Marria9e (s) date place

3. Si9nificant events for exampl e :

A. Businea~~,M.i j{F(. Jf.,. M/ :ltv .,l,~.tif,u, .~ .~ l! ,t?)

/[;> ii"

B. Civic responsibilities ~~-::(l 1 {~ ... -:-_l,. ?~ =- .,

6 . Public Offices


&.-j'~ka,t:/h Ot~ r.-y / ~M.IWU/

C. National ______________________________________________ __

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

11. Degrees ______________________ __

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

. .

Sources Log For Legislation Bntries


Source Non Applicable Applicable Information obtained


- cu,..r f sfr ~.',rtf;\~ I

... ~ . ··1,t

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

E ::!!lTV.- ~::' · · . · . = ** ·~··ICA&· . llll Will Dow bUJ ~ AftY• ·o'• fJvn /w . C4m~Ump. »el. Qagh ~Mtdlcllle 1a n Ule itach of eTCtJbOdY. n . Dannpcm ·ud·er a three Jtarl DOt a IID~tle

·turned. Tlut tact il a •lloa of Ult~ mediclDe.

' · lti~ tha1 ta tb11 town of ·penoei pualllg oUr h'l88 Uiea are made mli­~•Uon, DJtpepaia, Sour •macbt LiYer Oompl~tnc_· . wheza ·for· '7~ eeota i.DJ them ~i.Uoh'• Vltaliur, e them!: · · ar ud rravant Perfume anet,ct." Try it. S.l4 ~ad Otcu· A.. WellS; 808

'ragrant Vaulty Falr .Cl· .n r 1 halYl'S. Host ex· t S""' tca'f', Tobac:eeo. · 4~

~ a man lmtcted with oua ~ fin~ a cure, en· for Information relaUYe Dr. P. Hall'• Oat<~rrA

Jy waa: .. I haTe aaed ihat medlcine. wlth such

I •

.nara would not 'buy the w 1uppllea could not be · er was connnclDg, and aa alao beea eared. Ip le recommend lt to each drurAtltta. Call tor elr· ceotl per bottle.

·xleaa Dollar. erence between the Mex• Tabler'• nuckeyo P~ae, doea what lt prcmtaea : ·sn't. · The Mexican dol I on, 'UDdred cents," but ) h •• .est lt you ft.Qdlt Ia Tabler'j nuckeye Plle

[ will cu~:e you of Pilca" ia found to do eo in cv·

~e• but one promite-to Joca eo wltbout failure.

& Gee• 11&11 QOJIIJI. A...., . ...... tiOAli·.&L.· ·

-... 3~~- : . _..-;-_. · .-. · .• , o.. Aperlpatetus Baptll! ;~· ~•u ... . Tillll ....... · · · Bn. Horace Bot .... wu:w liT·

J amu Alcllu~dted' at llll ftll4uce Blae Orua u4 notaltJ for tnUall '' U&e .w•t •• of TlalN .eM'- tllla IDOI'D· maaaae4 tO lqrauate blauteU . ln\0 lq at oa'1j o1clOct-or paea~lL He 1004 arac- or· ~ iamny of Mr. ·· J had Mea coDflD.. co Jall boue 10"~ LJmua or Uaat place, u4 abou' two diJI, but w~ •ot coldldered daoproul7 &eo, sot oza u\lrelJ . too . aoo4 ·~ m utll Ul~ preeen& wHt. · The t11nenl Krl.. LyDWl. Tbll"· 'WOIHa '- .II ceremoD.les ~wlU &ake place &' tbe famllr 11ed, hu ·!lYe chll4nn, t•o of · r•~deJaCe• 11 Koaday aftef1lOO~, at balt· uownap, and oae wou14 JaaYe ap} put two o' Jock. . . abe\ bew better 1o 10 oil',

·Kr.xc-*uwuoaeorour butkllowa 1traap meza. ·. Holmea ·had • Wit«t ud ·molt 'h~hlJ e~&eerae4 clUual.: Be la&d Jefl Jalm oa accont o_f llll 4albs• wu ltora a& !Newark, Dll,ware, NoY. 10, clu. Tb.e U..Oa between lin. L· 1804; lectlYfkl Uae ord.laa1'7 edbcatloa of and Holmea became · ao\orlou &be Um11, '-ad Jearaecl the lra4e of a Bh1e Grau, but aoUaln& 1Jl ruUc~aJ lt()u.cuHer;·\. ne ant t•eaty -Jean of 4oae by . Uae. huabud iJ:cepl to hlt mubOo4 wM deToted \0 h1a trade '' Ja1l aclloo.a lka\ he wu aacler cc aad eoaU.CUnc Ia Uaa& llAe~ Helaad con· or hit ufaltllful wife. J,.ut ·· Ta1

.trac&l · Oll ·lb· Bel&oa "~baaJ, aad the Kn. Lymaia ten Blue Orau, cu ProYldeaC. & B~.rtoli l'allroadli wu a ton :W!Ua her tbrn . ehUd"•· t( lute COiltrac\Or oa raUroa4a i'll SouUl koaae !oa B&rrlJOa atree~~ ud He Carolina, the prlaeipal par\ of Ule work IOOD came to Jiye wlth •er. After IJ thea MID£ WlUala the boandarie1 of &be lq :two dayt aad two niahtl to1 eatate of Wade Hampton, tha elder; ud lbere, Uae7 taddenly dlaappeared haci eoaatr&cLI _with Uas aoyeroment Oil Uae three ehlldrea, haYiD5t heard tha For1· H&mlltOD, oa New Tort harbor. man had taken meaauree·to rtcoTe While eapPct·oa For\ Ihmllton be mar· eluldren-James R. elgbt yean rtld .Jtll- wlle-Kla Sarah WJlltttlly~ ~Lubetb', ,-,n 'years, Uld llln~n·a, Karch, 10; 1831, who aumyea.htm. yean. J.. ·writ of . habeas corpus . • Be came 'co DaTeopon lllt84.3:pa·rchu· l?fOfll out 00 Wedoeada7, alllce ~ ed uit o14 Kc9reJOr farm, thea owned b.r time a dill1ent aearch hu been· mat G.W.Fraab~~d retumed to l)elaware for ofBcera . for the. fodliYet, but wit hl1 familr. wblcll 'he broqb\ here the 1ucces. The~r wJlereabqutt at 1>rete foUowlalrear . . Ia connection with fatm· e~tlre1y unknown •. _...._ ___ _ lAc he enaaaed laa merch,ndizhur, bou1ht the atore prope~ty on the aorthwe1t corner or Jtlala lnd Sef~d ltreett, aod together. wlth .blt par:tne~. Mr. Shtpherd, bull\ a l&fle' block of I~Ortl, ODe of which WU.

used by McHan~• c.t Shepherd untllts:s•. when he retired from . &et1~e bualaeq. Ilo Wit! cleded by tile Whl~tl to the Iowa territorial legisl~\Ure ln lst5, and waa a member of ,. thJ ftnr ltato lei:lllature. _S\nce \hat time he baa ~eld Hferal eountr and .township offices. · . Tbonah aertlng frequently In 111 official lf'av he ·acnr counted hhmelf a prominent ttolltlclao-

.a -r.&LB o• sn..a.M•· The old atorJ of a woman'• rutn ar

ud · conu_q aencea wu told ln the p court lhi1 mornio1. OtDecn Jonea Falkner lut nl.cbt' dropped oa the hou H&ry .Mea1enpr, colored, oa Fron\ at: in l~lat Iron Squar-'1, aad arreited lh1 Kn.)Ieutagerheraelt,and a mao and who gave thelr llamas at Cllarlle Rota Emma SmlUa, both white. Tiley were taken before JuaUce Bl•oo \hla mon The man and &tel pleaded culltJ and' each ftnetl tto ud eo1t1, whteh he pal•

. both. Mra. )ltaHncer waa at

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

¥tllf&A~ -w &DUJ.l'-all.Ul· U&rollAa_ uae :pruaetp&l pan or Ule wora ~{Q and halYts. . Most ex· tlaen btUll wl&lala the bolllldarltl -of Ule

~~~ .. aws.., IIYV n••- -••• ------­.. lq "two da.f• _ aa4 two Dlab\1 &oa . . .

•tat. of w.a. llamptoD, tbe eldli; ud 'it SWM& !CaY', Tobtc~. , 4a ha4 COAtracU Wi\b Ula £Otemment Oil

104t a man lmlcted wlUa J.Port· H&mu&Oa.- oa New Yort · harbor. loi'~ -~ ftn'¥ a cure, en· WhUe ~"()a Fort lhmUtoll he mar· r tL .nforuiatlon relaUn rlt4 -~ . wlle-:-Klll Sarah WldUtlty­r zn.. P. Hall'1 CatMTl Jlareh, 10~ 1831, who lurYlYea hlm._

Uaere, Uae7 t•ddeD1J dlaappeared Ule three cbildreD, h.aYln.c heard Ula man had taken meaeuret·to rteo•a eluidren-Jamea R. elgbt . Je&rl

Ellubetb', tell ·yean, and llla~na, 1ear1. A -writ or . br.beat · .cotpw a~orn out on WtdDetdaJ, alllce , time a dill&ent MUCh baa been· m• omcen -for tbe. fod&h·"· but wl aucces. Their wbereaboutl at t>retc e~tirel7 UDkDOWD._

lli wu: .. I haYe 1lled . :lie came .So DaYeopon la t&iS~ptirchu· that medlclDe wlt.heuch eel uit old Kcdre10r farm, then owned b.r oll~• woUld not 'bur the G~W.Fri.Ats~~d retureed to 1)elaware tor aw aup.pilee eou14 not be · hil·tamllr. w '-ell-be broqht here the ""er waa .connnclDg, and feUowlniJtar. ·· Inconllectioll with fatm- _......_ ___ _ llU allo beel cured. Ip IDe he tnNed lD mereh~ndlzhs«, bouaht .. -r~Lz o• aDAlll•· 1le recommend It to each the atore ptope y Oil the llorthwoat corner The old atory of a womall'l roln • <lrur~~tiatl. Call tor~ clr- ~r 1tlain and Be nd atreett, and together. ud · coutqoencea wu told In the 1 centl per bot\le. with bll putne , 'ilr. Shepherd, bullt a court thia · mornio1. OtDecra Jone

euea• DOllar. . lar,e· block ~~I orea, . oDe of which wu. Falkner luL nl.llat. dropped en the bo\ rerenee between the Mes• 1iled by. He 1 & _Shepher~ until t~•. M&ry .Heuenpr, colored, on Fron\ 1

Tabler'a. Buckeye Pi,~ when he retire~ from - aett~&· bualaeaa. in }'lat lroD Bquar",- an4 arretted U doea .what i~_. prcmtaea , Ho wu elected hr Uu, Whl'"' to the Iowa Mra~Meuengerheraelt.and a man anc

cs11't. _ Tbo Mexican dol 1 1 ... •

ono Jbandred cents," but &errltorlallegisla\Ure In lfU5,. and waa a wbo gaYe their hames at Cbarlle Roi 0 lnv~t lt ·you ftQd u la member of . th~ ftn\ . ltate -le£ltlature. Emma SmlUa,both white. T.ller we: Tablcr'l Buckeye Pile _Sine~ \hat time be h&a ~cld aeYeral county taken before JuaUct Bl•od Ud1 mot

·I will cur.e you of Pilca" and .townahlp. offices.· . Tbonlh aenlng The man and .nrl pleaded «Ullty and_ . il fOUDd to do 10 ln CY• a• . ke' "'ut ODe promi10-t0 frequently :ln ao official . wav . he ·ncnr each flaed .10 ud eotti,Whteb lle '08

dt. .. eo wltbout !allure. counted hiaueJf a prominent .. olltlclan- -both. Mra. Meuencer wu found 1 boUle. - . - ·espec1a111 not ln ~e tenae ·or belna a of keeping a bouaa •f · 111 fame,' an-

.venpor• b.J EmetJ & Co., teeker after oftict'. Mr. · Me Manu• tame· impoeed upo:s bu. The E-. 8. Dallord & Co., Bte· an, Mu:wcll & Richards. waa on"o of tho original tntsteea of Iowa Emma 8m1tb, II bll& ·about tii ye all druggist!. at GO ceDtt CoUegc, and ·waa connected with the Col· ace, and 11 rea\17 »reUy. · She tol

the GaUou. _ ·

I!DdrickiOn. Ms.tron-Btatc 1, Waakeaha, wrl.tes: -As we uao a large quan· lllh Cordial ln our achool 1 tt Jou would be wlllllie mlarger q11anUUea-aay

l r you can send ua a g•l· by the bottle, please do

itb a pain ·ln tho back remedy?, Tbe Baroema, 1cbe, Liver and Kldaey ' to relleYe loflamma\lon 1 lumbar reg too • . eaUHd or female weakne•,· aa· e" ~, day • . We' do out

vr .• l dlaeuea, only the dlrect11 OD . Uie llYer 'and ~ed and 10ld 'by E. K. ~ f·three yean In the dra1 rille, Pa. Pr1ce, 11 pc r by all druut~ta.

lege in that _ capacttv to _tho tlme of ltia atorT or her lhame nr, ~ fnDkly. · death. · He wu nlso the tlnt treasurer or · 1ahl abe wu led attfaJ,li.l& Sel)temb thaflnaUtatloD. a traYclinl IDU, ud that IIDCO tba

Jamet McManus .waa a moel excellent haa been trequenUill .bouse• of b: e1tizen. A man .. of ·excellent judameDt, pate, an4 Jeadlac the worit ot llY&I. liberal Ylews, ,publtc •~Jnted, and beney. came from Cl!aton DO\ Joric qo, bt ~otent. -Thouch ~ell adYance4 ln yean foar wHkl bact betlllD Rook bland he bat carried h~. a1e admirably, ~ lD relatlyea liYldl Dear that oi'J· Sbe1 town nearly eYe~ daT. H~ wlll be ~~ed ed _to accept her fa&e u i matter ol C<l

fro~ amonc the ~ple b7 whom be wu bat amoDI the ltateliera. to her a&Orr Jrer honored. He. tea Yea a wlfeJu4 three wu a feellllc of deep · re1 ret that 01 oblldren-Capt. Par•er KoHanua, ~· . comtlJ alld lnteUliwD' . and poueac Wllkln1op, and H111 _Sarah McHanut-all euch e•ldent oapa'blllUea for CO;)d ab of_ wbem were wtlh htm lD hlllut- heun. haYe become 10 ab•Ddoaed ud degn He wu · a noble huaband, a deYoted .Kall•1 mhumanlty \o womlD Ia tbt 0 lather •.. and a_ frieD4 .who kD'ew DO nadow I or a area\ deal ' of nileery and- al of turnlq. Hll bfe h~beeD one of pod thla world. · . · word• ud eODd ~ort•r btl red lt •ttb · · ·a.&ILao.a.-D •mT. t nose that rat ~~- peace. · .


· The Delaware Cooaty Ralltoad .

•con COt1llfTr &GRitJ't1&.T17BAL .q. l&rao_tlon Oo., beaun · au~t ia. \he C: ()..-rr. ' ' f\ftn ... t "' n .. , ____ ""' ...... ---·--· ...

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

, ..


Monday Morning, February 17, I a 7 9

-· · ;; ·. Tile O.'J A., .Mental Poptr lo Dnoopol'i " · , · lOlllolot roper of lh CI!J ood Cooot,.

Dellth er Jloa. J'a .. ~" :1frllaaua·· Hketrh or ' Jlla Lire'• Jltatory·-UI• lnchuotry ln ')."outh and Yoan~~: Jtaa­bood- - -Jila Lifo Ia Vav.,nport-·-Th<> l'o11ltlon11 he Filled---A t lnCul Lll'e

Tt'rmlnntt'd. ----.:. !'· ' One of the ohlest nn!l most respectt'd clt..

!zrns of Dnrrnport tleparted this lifo Satur. day tllorn!n' lnst. TnE G.\Zlt'M'E of that morning stated \hut Iron. J11t11oa Mdlanus wns so d11ngerously 111 lhllt no hope of his recovery was entertained-and bcrOJro tho

<(. · ! ·: . f'/1. D.ULY . OA.ZllTT8 ul r>JrtJn .. nl n ~·, _. Ci,·.• .. 0~ 7'80Jll O'tl.oclt 'rQ 7o'CLOCII: UCJl XOM· · '- n o• rr1 'I"1D.LLD.A.TlOM', tK · TUa OITJWI or Roc• . ': l.uJ~D .unoXbu:lra, u W.U. u '" DuaKroRT.

OaDau urrr A't Ro..."' AXD lloLnfa .•. , ,._. ---·- AI uw ,..ran -PJ.Q•, wtu. a1csn·• ri\Oln":r

u<l announcement 'l'raa read In tho city, tho venerable and esteemed citizen nnmcd had brentht'd his last. Tlto f11tnl dise11.~e wM

pneumonlrt ..

FOil TJII> U.\JLY G.~ZET1'1~

'Tar: D.\tLY O.urrn will be ·rurnlshe<l ......... , .. .,,v by tho weok,.or on. sale each d!\y,

' ·;. at. tho · f<>llowlng pl:t.ce~; hr tbo persons As has been the cnso with tlto 'l"nst rna·

jority of tho foremost men of Iown who have obtained positions of honor an<l In­

.1. 11. KRLI.EV. tlu~~Ct', Mr. :Md!&nus was rellted by pn-. named:

• IIARU Y FU!.LRJl. · roots, who, thou"ll not wcallh_v, consHlcred Maea•keta, • • 'J'J:IIK.IIU. BROTUKll~. " Wllt .. .1aaed••• · · · J. o. EI.Ll~. honesty and lntcgrrty of more value than

· " " n. KLEPPER. much gold. lie was born In Ncwark,New-\Veat Llloenr, · • · • .1U!'M'. !ttAX~oN. cw;tle count.1·, Delaware, N OTeo:i-

·le,.;a OltJ', • E. F. BllO'I\'N. .. " JA:ri.K~ LI<K. !Jer !Otu, 1904. He · nllcodcd school

. J~D~tg.~:~~~· from the sgo of seven yenrs L.a. BUltNKTT. to tuut ot fifteen ycnr8, IYh(·n he emUllrked

.• u. 11. DAW"UN. in hfc tocarn lila own llving-to make his Velaallu.1aaerl•n, • - O. I •• TII01IA><. own way. So he was regul•rly llrdenturrd

W.ll.l • . \ \"COL' I{ .s.: ""="· ns "l•t>r"ntt'co to a · llrrn of stone-cutters, and '• 110 lV.HtD ,~ 1\.l!ltN. ~ • . rrtaoer••• !Ito., c:. o. GOOOJti<:JJ. lt-urnN! that trnde thoroug hly In four years.

· .T .. at••,Mo., • • - I .. BAJ. I.I:-.'Gt:Jt. J!etlcvotut mu"h nfld• sp'•rc ltmenlghls · Cllloaa~ Rock.

1 •lan~ t!_ ;;:~~~~~\ !l~~~r~'-~~:n . untl murn1ugs to study, und· wheo be be· ~•••b We•rrrn JJuarb ore., n. 1 •• \: 1'. Jt, n., cum~ of ugc hl' wns well postctlln lue art of

c. 1 ~· .llrCANDI,t;~,.;. folono clilti1,1g, kucw much 'nbout tho mcth· c·., .

0· :l: Q. n. ~i~i~l;;~~~~T_!;I~~U8LRJt. ods o! cxtc~~i\'c busincss,nnd so started out TraYfllllltr . A~~:eat, - c. E. llU!htELL. for him sell. IIc "branched out'' and went

Y. M. C. A.


TAR COURSE, 1078-9.

.: • - [JUDOE W . Jl'. nrctt. . ." · hr l'n. J llluat.-.tod !Actnro-Lo:<ooJ<.

- ···,;::,.. _.., .. :· .ll._JlCil,..:.E. D. WAlltl~NE .

to railroading, nnll · mado contrli~ts · lor buildtng aomo bed sections on the Boston & Albany and Providence and t)tonington ullro~ds. He also took contracts In rnll. ro ·,d work In tiiJuth Cuol!oa, am! aner that cngagc<l In government contracts, ono or "hlch Included a· part of. Fort Hamilton, ofi' tho bay of New York City. Tho years or his youth rind young manhood were In · <lustrlous enough to suit the most •trenu­ous advocates of tho system of "learning children to work." In Much, 1881, Mr. McManus married Mlss ·saruh WhtUelscy, who became partner In llllhls:fortuncs,even to tho end of hls life.

· Bulletin tor Woek Endlnc February 22, 1879.

'. l'ulo Jbu.oora · l!ooJI!, open oTtry wocl<-d•y !rom t &. x.le 10 1'. x. . Open 8und.&yo rt<>m I to 5 P. Jl!.

TOIID.CID.OD. 4ootri.J)~ ooo.rdlnl( wilt <lo woll . to tall 11.1 the rooma.

.Academy of Sciences. B&.urr &run J.son Plt'UBTTEJU.lN Cuul\L'P,

()poll Dally n-om 8 .r.. 'II. to & P. " ·

Library Association. llo1Jthweot eoroer Drady and 8l:rtb otreete. Open

. ~Y !rom g ... .,._ tog r. •· l"reo Ro&~ttur noom.

. L. 0, A. . ·. ,MHt the llrtt and thtnllhUJrday'o or ••ory noontb.


Rock lal•nd •nd Moline News See Third Page.

Tlr.e Gruu:~Ue .Ia Iowa Clty,

A' lllll'a Clt.r TarD.w.T OuK-rr&ls de

' kYered at the res!Jonccs or JllllCc& or !Jus!:

,·. neiu or citizens, rcgululy and t'Rrly, . hv ~[r. / -&.F. Dro1!'o. All orders to Ur. Il;own,

::~:...:·•· who l.t a well knol\·n and · r~li:~~lc news •,

a,genl, will receive prompt nltcntioo .

. Tile QueUe lu WMillua:ton.

!1r. Mdianus turned his th0ughts to the ""est ten years ,.ftcr his marriag-e, and In the spring of 1843 he journeyed to Daven· port, ao<l condudcd to settle So ho purchnscd n furn\ of Ale:t. McGregor, then nearly two mires 'vest. of tho ama11 city­and next autumn ho went bock to Newark for hill famil)', -returning with 'them early In 18-14. · IIo formcu a partner-sulp !a merch:m<lixlns: " ' !th Mr. Shepherd, nnll the gcn6ral store of :Mc~[anus ,o:; • Shepherd, on tho northwest corner of J11alo and Second streets, becllmc wen known throughout this rrg!on. In . 1~ Mr . .ll!e~[anus retired from ntercantlloi lifo. IIo IUS 11 Wblg tn poll Lies, nod as n 'Whig l>o wns clt'cted rrp. rescntrtt!t'c of &ott county ln tho first Gen. cral A~rnbly of tho State of Iowa, which nSRcmlJled In lnwn City No,~mber SOth, 1840, anu aujourned Feb. ~th, 1~7. Ho wlli n prom.lnent member of th&l logl•IIL­turo-qulct: but Tt'fV !ofiuentl11l. When

/ I

- . ..• . "":' .... , ..

b.&. 1'El'I.POBT BillE hi. T~ams bolt&Il crossi'DJ[ on the Icc

again, 13aturday.

r tho ukir or meetinl 'tome quirk urltl~~:c paled or pending llttgallon cone

property..Jn question, or, while 'II pay, preferred to use llio indbe. tho city a lltUe lolereit ; tliero b absolute freetlom from cvoo th Jobbery -:>r extraV&Jr&DCo In et. rdenl or cily ltnprotement or e ~luring tho past yoar; rconom) \be hour, and the facllhal '10,1> trc11sory· for the reduction of the . that our finances have, on the' very ratthrully cared ·lor. Bt rconomy can ho exercised, let I forco, lf thereby tiro lntuesls of arc. not made to sulfcr.

Three lhOIUan<l 11nd firly 'I"A]cbtlnCll CaUlC Into the Davenport poJtofficc Thurs<IR.I", Frld!\y and Saturday.

Tho Grand Jury will make' a lloal report this forenoon, -and .!Je discharged for tiro term.

Tho District Court tonvenc~ agalt1 this forenoon. Tho term must end tbls '!lo'eelc; M Ju<lge Hnyes opens lite Clinton J)i~trict · Court next Monday.

The nerage amount of lutilber in tho Chicago ,yarus, is 4,158,000 feet-tho al·er­nge amount oflumb~r In tho Davenport yards ts 5,4()(),000 lect. ·

Tho great Pacific mall train ou tue C.,n. -I. P. yesterday was thinly passcngeretl. In fuct passenger business Is light, na a rule, now, anrwl\y-!Jut freight business Is verv heavy.

Fleur sdvdnced 40 c~nts per barrel In · price, In this market, S!lurclar-the best winter ruling at $.5.4.0, and tho best ~prlnr at $5.20 per . !Jure] ; pi\ lent proc.rss $7.00 per barrel, cxtrll. •

A misty, urivlog snow storm prevailed all day yestcrday-eomlng from all points of tho compl\ss, apparently, except the So)U(\terly. Snnw fell tu the depth of fnur lnCVl'S.

Col. J.:>hn Scott, <•r Gov~rnor &ott, Mit~· is more fntniliMt!y known, has i~ken cbnrgo of an ll)!rlculitlrnl department in Tux D.\I"E.NI'O!\T GAZJITTII:. blr. :!~colt Is " pracltcnl frtrmer of great ability, and will 11dd to tho importance of Tn11: G.\ZKJ'TB In 111\ farmtn~ communitles.-Dta .VoiMa .uadbi",'Ftb.t14. .

.Tho Betulehem SundAy School, Capt. Jll. S. Stuyves~nt, rendered a fine concert e:t­orclso ]liSt erenlnrr, In tho German Con~rc­

g~t!onlll church. 'rho 5CTernl classes re­cited their parts well, an<l Capt. Stuyto­aaot and Hev. J. Judlsch made addresses, tho latter In Germnn, which .n-crc evidently very Interesting.

.,Vo 11ro to hal'o oxtensl\·o mixed pnlnt work~ in Dareuport. ~[r. Oco. P . Love has rcntetltlto three-sLory brick, No. ·114 Perry street, for tho purpose, and Is out.. tlng In engine, mills, anu · otlior requta!te machinery for tho buslnc!s. Right. Iowa may as we:\ be aupplletl with p11ints from DaYCnport as from Chlcago or 8L Louis.

• Col. John Scott, ex-Lteutenant Gol'ernor of Ute State, has taken chargo of the Ag­ricultural Department of 'l'nE DAYE!\"1'01\T GAZE'M'E. lie makca his debut In Tlturs· day's Issue, and judging !rom tho high ataudard ef each and o'fery_ article treated ef In his columns, '!lo·e &uspecL that Father Clarkson, of U10 Des JIIolncs R~i•l~r. has now a rl'l"al who will wield as skillful a quill as ho.-Jlar~ngo D•m~rat, )f'dl. 13.

The rcuon ol the occnsiont passenger trnln~ from the w~t a wcstcrn paper, which says tli• lor timon Pacl!le trains, wh!cb ed by. whnt are· termed cattle

Tho snow along tho road bell ao<l North Platte is the dee pea hMl.for years. Thlsts scraped track on each slc.le of the cnglnt sort of an alley W!lf alonK the which the callle lle to make comfortablti. Aa. the train app or these herds, oOcn numberln f<>Ur hundred, packed u clost rlnt:tt, it U o!JII!r.:t to slrtck up force 1ts ·way I:Jrough tlle tl cattle pay not tho least nttcntlo hut wait to be pusuc<l nf !Jy tb~ ~'rcqucntly !be{ crowd ao clvse srdo of the lratn a9 to atop It 110

in a vlco tor some minutes. Of c of thu animal• are killed-pro! en1~e ot twenty by each train I

Whn.t's · the U3e sitting all hou~e Wtth & bad CO]!\ Or hac! when Dr: Du!l'a Cough Syru you In "short time. ·


A Prominent VIrginia L11 World-Wife of a Loading

. of Butralo, Putnam Co.,

l>n. COXNAI:OUTON-.Darr wlth great !>Ieasure that I writ · am glad that I can- tell you th : and Olin attend to my hoUJ< with all case. You do not kn. I am to think that I nm we think I wa. senl IO you thro Pro1·Idenco to ·be cured. I c• your praise loud enou.11:h. I caul:! .send all the nffiiclt'd to ' ment. I ha<l every drawba; could hue.. Laat winter two gtrls had Inflammatory rheu our Father In Heaven uw fit from us, bQt with all . tho trial proved. I do not think II I 1 with•vou I could have paase~ Our family physician hu not to Bel! mo bmtwJce aince I mt [ haYC! been treating a ]ftdy frh bv your directions, and she h> You do not know !tow l't!r. Wi my being well. Wo oOco talk

This Is •·Tbo Star Course" for you wero not so far oa I would this season has given te our people tho tin est you. If I could see vou ·I C<

you 1\ll nlghL Mr. Wilson Ia and mo~t unexceptionable serlea of enter- tor:: at this limo. no tells me tniiirnents an <I lectures known to Dnent)()r' by your orders cloee enough. ln nan)· yranr. Thh wtu freelv uld on all tell me that I lOQ'k ten yeo Saturdny by tho~o who allcnded-and com- lh11n 1 did thl•llmo lut yoat men ted upon tho really auperh lecture ol think · y1lll 'Would knr,w mo.

come to Kanawh&, como and a Mrs. Lll'ermoro. If the two lectures yot to lng to hear from you soon, I bo gll'cn to cl011e the coune ahall prov-e to patient and frl~nd. GRACE I be na good as have the ilx preceedlng ones, NOTE-Tho original letter r tho eight entcrtalnment,G will win tor the at tho Davenport Medical I1 m11nag~!1! brge honor, even lliough tho Fourtll at~t, and ~03-4015 I P_4onts !Jo "il, 1\8 Is likely to )>o the cuo, as D~i-enport, Iowa. DAILY GAirrrn Is now delivered In

WuhlnJrion, eTerr morning, oxccpt Sun daJI, at the residences Or p!RCCJ Of bus I

.-~ ol aubscrlbc!1!, at 20 cents per wee it: .

I own Colle go was founded lri thIs cl ty ho wa. one of lta warmest frlcnus, an<l waa elected one of its trustees, anu Its treasurer. Allor tuo removal of tho co11o!OC to Grinnell be lost nono of his ' Interest in Its welfare,

a result of tbo effort to . glvo ao many ~ood ··•-----. th! ngs nt ao small a cost. S...:ms' U~usc, cor. llabnsh s

We h!I'I"C rcccl'l"ed from Mr. John Hoyt, Is the pls.r.o to stop at . hnat.l"• thn 'tl."nrlt nnllN\.11 on thn lil:i'rnnrl

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

M~."' ,,. 0. fltlU!'CKTT. .W .. Iolaatea, .• 11. II. llAWHUS, Veta•llt•• .r ••cllo111 • • tl. J~. T llU 11 A,__ I .. Ct&l,., W .ll, 1, .\ Vt 'UVI(.!.: HU:". ltl ... ....,,,· '• IIOtVAIID&IU!IIN.

. l"rl.-oete•1 !lie,, 0. (), (lOOOitlCII. ' T,.atM,!IIe., • • - J .. ll.\l.l,ISilY.H, . Clol-.o, n•ck loldn.l ,t; l'•rldo ltollrond,

C, 11. ~II .\ V ~:It ,,_. I'll. ~.atll \V.-.rrrd Ur"tarb of C., rt. I.,\: t•. U. tt.,

(', ll • . Uol'A!'IIJJ,l>~-"· (",,D • . l: q. n. n... Kr. J~out• Dhl•lo•

• !'Jri'-\I'IOLU>4>4 .S. IIAIJ~Ll!Jl.

'l'ranlla• A•~•t. • (~ E. llUMKIKM:

Y. M. C. A.


TAR COURSE, 1078·9.

·.. -lJUDOE W. F. DICit. . : ' IJr '"· f lllu1tntad Lectura-Lo:<OOK.

; )l.....,. . ..:.l!:. D. \~ASU~E.

Bulletin for Week Endlnc: February 22, 1879.

'. :ru. bU>DO• Jloox, opn. o•trr wocl<-day fi<lm · t &. .. lo 10 p, .. . Open Sunday• fiom l to 6 P. "·

Toanc men d .. trl.nj; bOardlntt 1>\Jocao will ~o woll to call "' room.a..

.Academy of Sciences. BUJ,y 8'r'lun .1.•on PftuBTTEIJJ.N CuUJL('n.

()pOll Dally n-om 8 .... x. to a r . "·

. Library Association. -~ ·· IIOnllnr .. t corner Drady aod Blxth olrccto . Opco · ally fi<lm g .o.. x. to 9 r. x. Froo Roaoltor ltoom.

L. C. A. _ll(Mt drot &nd third S~lllrdiJ'I Of OTOrymootb.

THE .CITY. --~------~--~--------For Rook lal•nd •nd -Moline News See

Third P•ae.

Tile Guette ln Iowa cuy. -: A\ Irnn. Cit,r Till!: D).TLT 0A7.KTTK!s de

. ·' Jnered at the residimces or places of bttsl :

; ness or citizens, rcgulMly and eRrly, . hy ~[r .

·E. F. Drown . . .r\.U ortlcrs to .Hr. Drown, who It a well known and ' rel iable news agent, will receive prompt attention.

The Guette Ia W""hlu=:toa. · T111t DAILY 0Ai&TTE Is now dclivcwl in

Waahln&'ion, eTerr 'morning, e:tccpt Sun . , . aa,-, at lhe reJidcnces or places of bus!

,-.. .-ness ol aub.scr!bors, . at 20 cents per week. ·' Orden ltft with II. II. D:~.wson will roccil•o

-' prompt' attention.

=~== '' A.a Yoa J .. lke It."

.: We belleTe that Bhllkeipenro's ucll~:lill'ul comedy, "A.a You Ltko It," iY to bo pre.

. MDted before a D11.vcnport audience for tho· ' · 11nt Ume In tho.hlstory of the city, to.mor.

·row eTenlng~ Certllluly tho comedy h!ls llOTOT '-tl put llpOD tuo B\L1go of \he llutti•

:t41!l ~;O);;: .: ,..., ...... hoU!e, and If It was plnycd ltcro bu. that houao Wlls bullt, .'ll must hnvo been

dTen under dlsath' llntagcous circumstnn­COI1 with no room for the fino stage oflilCls

· ._D.eceaar.:r. And It Is pleasing to th!n k · tb~ the lint rendering of tho play w!ll . take piau w1th. tho tftlo role tlllcc.l lJv an

- I;;JIII 'N-··, · i actreli who · II tho best . I!.osnllnd on tho _ ,,.,, "''' .· 1Lage, and Ia tho · equ11l of · nny actre.s 'vhn

haa ph1ed fame In It In the pii.SL One of the - ' ""'-'"·,··. · . 'lllOI\ ~a•Ufnl of women, she u pronounced

· .. : perlecllych•rmlo~t as Hoslll!nu. Tho aup. ··,."· pol'\ ol lllu Da.venporL will be · by the

' · Olympic theater Clltnpnny, Ht. Louis. . 'Here 11 a !!no reference to "As You Like

.. '11, 11 whtch appeared in the New York · · Trikn1 when 1tllu Davenport wns playing

.··Roiallnd Ia Wallack'• theater : · : · ''There I• no pla.y of Shakspcaro'i; tbM is more paaloral In Ia. nature tblt.!l !As You

' Like IL' Tho reader h carried fnr frnm · tho bnay acentt, 1tn_tl plao..-<1 ucar nmnlng

lltre&ml and bt.bbllng brooks, 'n~ tllh lcnty ahad011 and m1d1t bowky della. Tho wind•

: •lrb thron&b. tho treOJ 11nd whisper softly :. of the pleasuru ol peace and cont~ntmen"t .: -J\f tit" """It"' of All that man 11acrltlce•

\0 IIIII~ Ul UIH:t.: n J \; Ill n, ""' •• . .... ~ . •.

In hfc to l'&ru hi• own llvln!;-10 moko hla "" u w•y·. So l1u wn• rc~:ul•rly t.dcntun·d n• upprcntlco to a linn ot •tone.cuttera, and h•unH·tllhot trndc thoroughly In four yean . llo dcvotul mu~h of hla spuru tunc night! nuo! murn1u~;~ In study, unll when hu !Jo· cumc uf •se ht• \1'8, well poslt'll Ju the art of Houo, kucw much · a bout lho mct!J· ods ol rxtcn•ivc lJu•lnciiS,nnd so started out for hlmsell. llo "branched oul'' ami v;ent to railroading, 1\Dd · made contnicta · lor 1Julld1ng some bed section a on the Boston & Albany and Providence and t;ton!ngton rft!lroads. He 11lso took contrftcts In roll . rw.d work In or>Uth Carolina, and afier Lhat cngaget.lln government contracts, ono of "h!ch Included ti part or. Fort !Iam!lton, on· tho bay of New York City. T!Jo years of his youth and young manhood were In· dustr!otl.! enough to suit the most atrenu. ous advocates or tho system of "learning children to work." In March, 1881, Mr. Mclllanus married Mlsa ·sarah Wb1UelfK'y, who l>ecame pllrlner In ·all hl(fortuncs,evrn to tho end of his life.

Mr. Mdl11nus turned his thf'ughts to tbe ·west ten years lllter his marriage, 11ntl In the spring of 1S43 he jonrneye<' to De.ven· port, and concludccl to settle here. So he purchnsed ll farm of .r\.lc:t. :McGregor, then nenrly two ml!'es west of the small city­and next autumn bo went bllck to Newark ('or hla family, returning wllh them early In l!JH. · llo formed a partner. ship Ia merchnndlzlnJ: ·with Mr. Shepherd, rmd the general store of Jllc~lllnus .~ . Shepherd, on the northwest corner of Jlla!n and Second streets, became well known throughout this region. In . 1B:i4 lllr. Mcllanus reltred from mercantile lifo. IIo was n W!Jlg to tiol!Lics, nnd as n 'W!Jlg ltc wns elected rep . rcscnt~<Ll~c of Scott countv In the first Gen. crnl As.....,mbly of t!Jo Staio of Iowa, which nsscmlJlcu In lowll City No\•ember 30th, lS-IG, and aojourncd FclJ. 2.5th, 11,47. He W!la ll prom.lnent member of that leglsla­turo-qu!et; but very luflucnt!~l. When Iowll College was founded lr:i this city ho wu one of Ita warmest friends, and was eltocted one of Its lrusleta, and Its trellBUrer. Arter tho removal of Lho college to Grinnell ho lost none of his ' interest in Its welfare, null so marked Wll!l his friendship !or It that ho Wl\.9 contlnncd " member of tho llo~nr of Trustees from that time forwnrd to the end ol his dnys. Ho ·!Jas Jed n quiet lito for more thlln twonty years-ho.s sen·ed ns member of the county Donrl,! of Supervl. sors and .Township Trustccs,and hlld be as· pirctl to h1gh · political honors . ho might enslly h~ve attnlnetl them, so universally wo.• ho res\)ected in tht., clty nnd countv. He posseSJied · nn Iron con~tttu\lon, a.nol 'only three weeks s\uce wru on our streets, healthy and active, walking about .as thouglt .Imbued with young health. Only n fortnight since he entere<l Tn!i1 0.\ZETTK counllno~: room lo renew his subscription to the dn!ly, apt! r"mnrkcd tb~t bo sub­scribed for the Wtekly 'G.\ZE'l'Tlt lhirfy.oiz ytnrs ngo, 110d had taken the dally 0.\ZKTTI! f(mn the· day of 1\:i firJt issue, on tho lOth ot Oeto!X'r, 1854. Ilo WM over enlerpr!s· lnJ::. lllJernl, publ!o splr!tod. Ho loved to tnlllof Oul'~ll(ll•rt nurl 1t.s growth,· and de­lil!'hteoltfl 8<'0 Lb~ fuiJillmen~ of prophecies he 1nntlc In tho early years of tho c!tv, He· wns n member of tho Scott County Pioneer Settler~· Hoc!oty, ant! !rom th~ year of hla rnoml•rrshlp rnroly failed attending lls an. nu~l fc~tlnta. llo was highly cstromcd as a -man, honored 11.9 a clllzcn, loved 1\S . a nei)(hbor.

With lho .,..!dow, three children. 1tfra. Wilkinson, Captain Parker Jl!cUanus, and Ml•s 1-"anny Mc:MI\ntl.!, nro len to mourn the lou of a noblo and \levotod husband nnll father.

'fho funeral takrs placo from the r,mlly res!tloncc, nenr tho wost~rn terminus ol Wrst Tfllro stf('et, n\ l1a1C pas\ 2 o'dock thl! nncrnoon.

A mlaty, tlrlvlng snow storm t•rcvatlr<J all day yestertl~y-eomlng from ull point• o( tho compa~~. npparently, except the snuthcrly. Hnow rcllto tho d~pth or rolUr lOCheR,

C:ul. J .>hn fkoll, t•r Oovtrnor &ott, Mho Is more fnrnlllarly known, haalokcn churgo of un nJlrlcultllrnl <lcpartmrot In TuK D.WJti'I"OilT GAzt:rTK. Mr. !5colt Ia 1t practlcnl farmer or great ab!lllr· and will aud to the lrnportnoco of TUK ( A'LKTTB In 11\1 farmln~ cornrnnnltlea.-.Dtt ,1/oo'nu LM44r;Ftb.ll4 . .

Tho Bet!Jlehem Sun<lfty School, Capt. M. S. Stuyvcs~nl, rendtred a fine concert ex. crc!ae lut c\·eu!n~, In tbo German Con.:rc­gatlonnl church. 'f!Jo !e•eral classes re­cited their parts well, llnll Capt. !:Huyvc. aant and Hev. J . Jud!sch made adtlreasea, tho lntter In Orrman, which ,'ITerc evhlently very intcrrst!ng.

.,Ve uo to ha\'o oxtcnsh·o mixed · p:~lnt

works In Davenport. ){r. Oeo. P. Love bas rented tho thrco·story brick, No. ·114 Perry street, fur tho purpose, . and 15 put.. tlng In engine, milia, and · otl.tor requtsltc machinery for the business. Right. Iowa m11y as we:l be supplied with paints from DaYcnport lls from Chicngo or St. Louis.

• Col. John Scott, I'X-Lieutenant Oo\'ernor of the Stille, has taken charge of t!Je A g. riculturnl Department or Tn& DAYE.:-'I"OilT 0AZKTT&. He makes his delJut In Thurs· day's Issue, and judging !rom the high st!lndard el .each ~<nd every. article treated ef in his columns, we suspect thllt Father Clarkson, of tho Des Moines Rtgill~r. hns now!\ rival who will wield a9 skillful a quill as ho.-Jfartngo .D•mocral, Feh. 13.

This Is certain :' "Tho Star Course" for this season has given to our ~pic tho finest 11nd most unexceptionable series of cnter­tuiilments nnd lectures known to Davenport In many yeara. 'I'h1s was frl'ely said on Sa!urony by those who l.ltcnded 11nd com­mented upon the really superb lecture ol Mrs. L\vcrmoro. If the two lectures yet to bo gtven to close the course shall prove to be Ill! good ns have the alx preceedlng ones, tho eight enterta!nmen!A will win tor the managers large honor, even U10ugh tho profits bo nil, as b likely to )lo the caso, 1\s ..: 'hsult of . tho effort to . g!Yo so manv good things 11t so sm~ll a cost.

We h11vo recolvc<l from Mr. John Hoyt, besides lho work . tJOtlecd on lbo second page of this lsaue;'iho fotlow1ng: . llour• of L<mgi"tl, a Nocturne, by J(). hann · Kat ka: 1\THI }'o1tinoza, by L. Gob. lJncrt.s, a Pt'lpourt of rurs from :>upper Opera. · . . .

1'!.~ ,lfuliCIIl Rwml, edited !Jy Drxlor Srnllh, and pulJI!shet! by Oliver Ditson & Co.• Dos\on, weekly at f2.00 per year. Tbis is ll new periodical, and one evidently lle:!lincd to a w!r!e circull\llon. Besides l!• record of events lD the mu•lclll world, It rc-.;ul~rly pulJIIshM oome lin ~ ·~·mlrllHIIion~ or ucw mustc. . . .

Our· townsman, · Col. John Scott.. baa l>ecn tendered and accepted the position of s~trlcu!turnl editor or Tnu: DAv&XPORT WERKLY GAzETTE, a tlfty,slx column pub­l!callon, nnd one of tho largest, most ln. tluent!al and best printed papers of the titnte . . We congr!ltttlate TnK 0A7.ltTTE on so valuable an adll1tlon to illl cdltorl11l forco, and assure Its hosL of readers lhal they will derlyo much l>enetlt from Col. :!colt'~ department, fnr bO ranks high 11mnng Iowa's lx-at wr!tcn.-.Sic>ry County Warc!&man, l<'tb , 14.

Thcro wu . a tl!vlslon of tho ")lltchell ~state," l11st '~eck . When Judie Mlloholl ·d led, four children, three . daughters ·and one son, 'ITere len with tho widow; since his death two dnghtera have joined h1m "on tho other eborc." · Tho ehiU'O or tho decensed daugbl~rt rovertcd to the widow, \vhoae son, Nsth. B., and daugh· ter, J oaeph!no, wero bcr only conaolallon. IJut In the tlnaJ,IJTislon of \ho estate, Mn. :'liltchcll demod lbat II ahould be equal­one-third cacb to her son r.nd dau~:bter IUid one.!hlrtl to ltertlelr-Mdl .lt wu IIC'e<lm.

(b~;;\;; ~~~J"[~;;o~'i:b ... \1~ -ib; cuttlo pay not tho !cut n!lcotloo hut wall to be I,>UMltc<l of by the c· Fn·quently t!Jefcrowd ao el.,6CI) Kldo of tho tra!D aa to atop ll11nd In • v!cotorwmcntlnute•. Ofcc of thu ap!mal' 11ru ld!!t-tl-probl er11~e nf lll'cllly l>y eACli lraln I

Whnl'a · the u3o •!ttlog all • honte With a lJad cold ~r hack! when Dr . . Dull'• Cough Syrup you in 11 short time.


A Prominent VIrginia Lac World-Wife of a Leading I of Butl'alo, Putnam Co.,\

l..ln. CO:i:iAVOilTON-.Dtar with great plc:nnro that I write am glad that I can. tell you that and oan attend to my hoUJel with all case. You do not kno I am to think that I nm wei think I Willi eenL to you throt Providence to · be cured. I ca your praise loud enou.~~:!J. 1 ' cau11 send all the afflicted to y menl I had every drawlJac could have. Last winter two • g1rls had inflammatory rlteur our 1-'alber In Heaven aaw fit . from us, hnt with all tLo trial! proved. I do not think II I b with,you I could have passed Our family physician hu not to sl'tl mo but tw1ce aince I me r ba\'~ been treating a lady frle

' by your directions. nnd she .ha You do not know bow Jtrr. WL my being well. Wo often tolk you were not so far off I would you. If I could see :vou ·I co you all night. .Mr. Wilson Is tor: at this time. lie tells me 1 by your orders cloee enough . . all t.ellme that I look ten yee th11n I dill .thla limo last year think you would know me. come to Kanawh&, come and II{

log to bear from yon soon, I : patient and friend. Oru.cE E

Non:-Tho original letter n Ill tho Dnvcnport Medical IL Fourth atreet, and 403--405 I D~~enport, Iowa.

S..LXP1'llon60, cor. w .. uash a Is the pl~LCo to etop at.


Capt. A. E. Adams ha5 rc Cb !cnro after :m 11b.sence of t weeks. . . ._

Mr. Ebenezer Oook, C., 11. 1 .at Avocs, arrived Ill the city St his wife.

John F. G<)Qk, ol this city, I pointed operatur and 1U5Istor !he U., n. I, & P . ;.t c;;unclllJ

llr. J. w. Ncwbur8h, <>C . Do In the oily yooteroay, on' deeo lng mission.

· Rev. J. L. Barnaro, of :Moli pulpit In tho Congrept!onal • terday, Md tho )'astor wn5 a II of the pews,

• Judge Dick's lecture, In lbe will 1Je dellvcrL'<I l!Jc cvcn!n 7th. Subject: ·'·Tour Thi'OIIgl lu•lrated With tho curyacope. ·

llllsa Josephine llltchell, ·1

by her l1rolher, N. B. Mitchell for tho NotroDamo Uni'I"Craly, psylasl, whoro aho lntc.nda do yean to study.

Bishop Perry arriv-ed bon morning, been JLb.senl at tho Eaat for several Wl'tlb.

in tho aemoee at the Cathcdn Mr. VictorRuotlcncuoon r

Colorado, to build a house on Judgo Or&nt, who has v~r:r '~ caca In a etlvcr mine at !ball t"t\Jlrl~rA nfTsnr: 0..&.7.J':"M's: lr:nolr

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Tile Abrallaale CoTnuot. • .· Ycalcrday wllnessed ihc cel.ebrntion In

this city of a religious rile ever sncr~<lly ;:- observed by the true Isrnellto the ~·nrhl = ovtr,· and In all r~gcs-the rHo or circum­

cision. To the Tlew of the select nod ,ori privileged guests of thO OCCASIOn, WhO

not or either or the pnrenta\ household lm-

~=- :c~~~f~~:~:t~s~e:~:e~~c~~ ~:o t:11:~~!~~1: :oc. anc,, tho occasion wu sc~tncthlng more, r. and a ~~:ood deal more, thnu thnt or a tncro :.on obedience to a time-honored commtuHL 1

,. • .,. llanlfetStly It-celebrated a grcnt c,·ent lu tho hhtory or tho happy filmlly furui>hlng the IUbjcct o( tho rite. A DltlD child had C'l!llll to thst homo I The r.:sultlo.:: rcjole-

cn In~ In which tbteo visitors were Invited to • share were such 1u to recall to mind ·the

m..., Bible 11torles of tlui ardent longings fur :nl.l, jlUt ·euch bless1n~ which stirred Into "'1111 devoutltlcstro tho womnnhiJod or the roco

'before '""n1m!an clv111zatlon hall Induced l:;~ tl.Jo hcal'en.tnsulltng belief 'th3t l:\wful , cu1 mnternlty h an evil to be a.vollll-<1 inst~ad

or a boon to bo craTed. The assembled company 'WI\S Indeed 11 happy one; but the

'TE most happy lndivit.lua! among theut all was hed the prot!d and ort-con~:mtulutetl lutlu;r­lay, Mr. Iaaa~ Rolhschlld.

Tbo ae~l of thd Abrahamic covenant w:u ll)D8

RY. KJL u~.

·'~'~· KR. . o:-~. •VN. 1>1!. I!'C~.

1!1'1 TT, 10!(, IAI4. <01'1. : n:o~. tCU, : Rlt.

••• ~ co. . n., K.!ltt. ·

·.ED.. KLL



.... y trom , &r.x. Jo .... n


' !tlom.

ruoolb. -• Su

<luly'plnccrt on the chilt.l , nccording to thd prescribed ceremou!al of tile Jewtslt

urcb, with r~ad1ngs from a Hebrew book ,,r,1ycr, by Dr. H. Ali>crli, Mr . .-\.brnham

ltothschllt.l, brother of tile lnlant's father, &llll lint. Hsch••l Hothschi!Ll , tho mother or the Idler, a.ctlnJ; tis ~nd .lttther tint! go<l. mother, r<•pectlvdy. Then tho namo or the chthl· WM 1nnn1tnc~d to bo "~lorton Rotbachllll," !loll a ~:encrll! hand lhsldnJ: 'ITllh the delighted fAther followed . . Then oeme a sumptuous f~llit ·-such 1\

one· u :would havo dono honor to nuptiul n'Jolcln~ In any homo-with toasts and -reaponacs In lrlbuto ·to . Mr. tllltl Mrs. Rotbachlld, and tho soYeral members of tho f&mtly Jlroacnt, aomo or whom had como from Chlcago, Jttuscat10o, and olltor places to participate In tho ~tlnd occasion. Mr. ha11c Rothschild u known aa ono o! our best cltltens, respected by all who ever had .dealings · w\lh him or kno\v h 1m, &nd many 'In 11 bo·tho wishes that his In·

· ftLnt aon will groiT up to bo like him.

Cllnso u !\ priino nldenco or pain. When tho B.1by Is fretful . and incllp_el1 tto "Crying Spells," remove the c11use hy usin~t Dr. Dull's llaby Syrup.

lfon• or tho Uoveaaut lu t:oauatl. ·The Ornnd LOO~o or tho. lcdepcndc'nt or·

der. or B•nt~l D'nth, for· District No. a, whlch comprises tho Stales of Iowa, Wls­conun, Illinois, Michigan and Minnesota, !lin aeea!on In Jllllwauke~. hnln.r con­vened Sunday last. . Dnenport LOOgc No. 17•11 repreacnled ·by Mr. A. Mayor, and Jalanu Lodgo No. 100, Rock hlaod, by Loula May. The Stntintl saya tile "delc­ll''tea aro nearly all men rerrcsentaliYo of tho Interests or tbo locallllea !her hall from, anll embr~co mf'nlslcrs, laiTJCU, And ruer­cbaots." In Ills unnual ar\t.lrNs, President Zozmlnakl uld thst tho history or tho dis. lrlct durlnr tho year had bc~n one or sue. ccuful progreu. Tllero hnd been mnnl-,._,_.. • _.,,._, 11-1~ tn .,h,•ntH~o t1u\ \nt""~


Tho Lut l!tad Bltea-·Faaeral or Hou. .Jamea llleJiaaas.

The funeral or lion. James ~!• ,

'IThoso death and cnreor were noticed at length in Mondny'a GAZF.1'TK, occurred yesterday a!\eritoon. Tho aerl'lces were In the fllmllv residence at the west on•l of Third street-tho · msoslon erected by the . deceased hi' lSH tmd occuplell by him ever a!nco. TheN was n IKr~e gathering of tho business men of the clty-1111 branches of trade bolo" reprcsentetl , Tho rooms were fiiled ,-nnd the peop:o outslt!e w~ro . J~r more numerous than tbosr who thronged tho In tenor of tho mnnlllln . • Tho wMthcr wn~ Inclement, yet the clliz~ns wlto llllod \he yard· stood Ill respectfttl silence 1111 the serv1ces were o ndcd . 11ev. Dr. C. l)q, X~tt officiated, nod after reading appro. prialc passages of scripture, delivered an adt.lress on lho lifu and character or . the ccl\scd, which set f~Jrth the energy, lion. Olty, cotisclcntlousness, nnd public spirit or1bo departed, In just and truthful wor,ls; ono of · tho · pioneer merchants of tho citr, Mr. Mc~lanus over took pride In the city's progress and enltanced II• growth by lill the monus iu hi3 power. Hev. J. G. Mer­rlll offered prayor-aCLer which tlto many friends presents looked fur tho l~st II me upon tho .features of him who lay In the C'1.5ket. Then !hero '1\'ds the lllnt.:. cortege to the city cNnelrry-nnd the burlul, which WjS witnessed by n grent conrouroe of pco pie. "Dtatlo dn~t. a1b es tn .nshe•,'' luc hope of mcetin ;i', lite hcrw;Hctl.,n . ·All wa• OVl•r •

. Bcstd.·s Llu· 11\c:Jiul'l'S nr the f<llllly Hlltl rolullrcs in lhvcnport, nephew~ ·and nieces of •tho decel\sed n•sillcnt tu St. Louis were In allendanco. Tit,, pn\l .hcar'ers were lion. Jno. R llcnry, G~o . !tl uruy, 'I' hils. Rc.Jll, H11rrison Allen , X.rad I! ,tlJ, tltt•l Wm. t:;ol­llns. · Few fuuemls nrc llllentlc<l with more Ctlrn~st tcstlmonllll~ of respect fur the tl<t­cc~sellthnn wn~ mRnlfc~t••ll nn lhl~ occn­slon. - .. - -~~ -

Jt .\ ''1\:lCPOilT HltlEt'M .

l'rclty frtir slolghlng yeslmby.

There arc lB.':! . members of th o )lllsonlc Jllutual Alll Soclcly in this city.

That WttS nu $'300.00 houso wh kit J oc Emmet ph yell \o, ::iatur.llsy· e••cnln,..

'fhcro wns nn at.!vnncc of 10 ccnlll per 100 pounds In prices o·f hogs yostenlny-s!lll n declino of 15 to 2J cents in lH!ct·~ or rnlllc.

Neil month tho C., H . I. ,'1:; P. even1ng tr•ln from Chien go willllrrivo hrtlf lo thrco. qua\teu of nn !Jour later thnn its present time.

The l:nlon ~py an~! Col. Temple n·l'll In D~s 'llrolnes. Whnt limos tho Colonel, tho Spy nnd the soldiers hntl In till~ city four or tlve ycnrd ngo.

Mu. Scolt-Sidtlons 111 bookctl (,lr r,•adlng~ In the llurtls Oporn House )[otitlny Cl'rn . lng, 1>!rtrch lOth. ::iho com r.s untlcr her own auspices.

In · tbat cxccllcut magazln~. Sun<lay & rTtfing, for ·~!arch Is a pllhy, h11ppy, ex. cellcnt story entitled "One of tho Con~tre­gnllon," by 1' 0clft\'e Thnnct" or Da\'en­port. It Is so goO<\ tltlll It i• tho "lender" l.n tbe nnmbcr.

Tn& DATK~t·onT 0AzKTTK I• horeaner to ha\'O au Agrlculturnl Department cd1lcd

Tho Dlllrlct Courl convened a.t· a- qunrter 11 o'clock yesterday forenoon, In nc­

co wllh Thursday'd a!ljourntnenl , fluyes havlnJ: rcco\·crell from Ill ·

sulllcl~ntly to presi!lo. the cnso of Dramm~n n . Freid Oled·

tlle mnlll•r of tlio tu31gnmcnt or I-'. A. D~lch & CJ, J. P. Dosh. was nppowletl Commlssion·gr to taku <·x~mln11tlon or "'· signors.

In the rnjuuctlon Cll•c nf Jame• Henwlck n. l';tleb Wheeler ct al; tberc ;,.as dis­ml•sl\1 as to Glaspe\1 and Drown & Camj:• bell; .temporary Injunction was Issued, and boud ordered ln tho aum of $~,000 .

In tue ci\So ol tho State n . Timothy Tllrpey, lrlod 11u_ll f,JUud guilty of assault with Iuten!" tocorum1l r11pe, tho motion for now trl&! wua sustained. Tho J ut.lg-e salt! thntlt 1\'!U turou~h no (null or tho !311\le lltalthc motion for 11 new ,trial W!i5 grant. ell; tbo oo·~nso cbnrgctl is so grave, and the penalty ao severe, that for roruons which he considered sufliclent, bot which he did not state, tw had concludud the ends of justice wouh1 be served by gr~nting the motion.

Tbe CdSO of Timothy ~lurphy, lollictcd fur t\Ssault with tnteot to · commit great b•Jdlly Injury, wa.~ lricll In court, jury bt·· lng wall·cd, nod there w:u judgment of gui11y of llSS!illlt . Murphy was sentenced to lmprisont\le.nt ill tho county jllll fur . thirty days. '!'he ttllllctmont a~ratnst )!ur­phy !br !Jargl~ry WtU dlsmhscd . Murphy Is I he youug m111t whn . wou suspcct<-d of bsvlug ontcrod !he bouse of Mrs . I.••p~x. In E••t ·D&\'"nt>Ort, l~st r .. n. .

Ono M. 0 . filley, lndrckd t';Jr ~~~<IIUlt \\·ltb lnh!nt to slctll from tho per•on, wu nrmtgneoltlllll pletit.lnot culfty .

In tho cttie of llcrnhnrll ·IIcru,•y ··nd Tbnm11~ Alklt)son, hel<l f,>r slca\lng from tho pcrdon, I>lstrlct Allorney Henson auld that the prosecuting wltucss hnd flltll'll lo np)l\'llr be foro tho Orand J ury-ha•l como ns fnr J\9 Hock Isla all nnll go! on n ~Jlrl'e, and tailed to crossed the rll·rr. S•> he rrcom·. mended th.nt Atkinson's ball Lonll be cnn­cel\e<.l, nnd llt-cney dhchargd from­ the Judge ao ordered.

The caso of Thomas Tyrrell, lndlcletl lor assault wllh Intent to commit murder, wns cnllcd for trlnl nnd jUT}' emp:tnnrlr.ll: 'file partlcJ)nrs of lhls caso nrc \1'oll known, tho occurrence bolng quite r~ont. Tyrreil Is ono of the party who wero In the riot at the skating nark. Several wllnesse~ ·were onmlned for !i.e Stale, and pcmllng the trlaltho court t~dlourned !Ill 0 o'c\o~k this 'morning .

Do NOT was to your money for every new remedy Rll•·crtlsel! to cure 11 cou~:h, wl1cn you ltnow thlll Dr. Bull'• Cough tiyrup has Rlood !Ito popul11r lo•t for thirty yean. Price ~5 cent~. ·

Nen-oaa Dabllll]', Lo .. orVltal · 'i'lal4.a, l!lemlaal WeakaeiJs, l.on or Xa•J¥>od, A"-o~•red,

·on. Co:ot:u.uunro~-.lk11r Sir.~Wtien I first employed your skill I w.U Indeed " sulfcrer with nil tbO!o Ills th11t follow lhe 'I'IOillt!Oo of those laws or our existence, the Abuso ol which leave their terrlhto tale too plainly told. My memory was Impaired, mv was nearlv ruined. I had a arone.

What elMO Did Ia Wall Btrl

Augtut 16, 1878, It s: Webb, · .1' ph!n, Pa., wrote .Heaars. Lawrence bankers, New York: "Dear;sin­coqtalnlng remittance !or $1,11! profits on my 200 shareS, Is recelTe cept my than \ca, fo.r 1 am \'Cry Well !II As you requeit, you' may uso the h wou\.t recommend every one wbo f, posed to. •prculdl!: to srtlll f.,r you Jar. " This Ia hut ono tnstdnrc.• asnd~. by which tho new comblnat tem of OJ>l'rarln~: In 6tocl•s enable! with large or small capital to make pronts. By this excellent plan, tho or tho1184nds of· customers from c country aro pooled lr\to one lmrort and co-operated as a: ml)!hty lndlvl couot. .·Each member of tho com! aecurea 11ll tho adra.nta~:ca or the capital un1ted. with e.Iperlence< Protlta divided .monthly; flO mv• tnllll $110, or ·G per cent. on the 1to will maka $430, and Po on, accoJ tho rnllrket. )[C'll!rs. Lawrence l new circular (mailed free) bu "t1 ring rules for succel!a," and e:rplal~ thing, so that any one can operat ably, All kinds of stocks and wautod. New gol'ernmcnt ' loan 11 Apply to Lawrence .t; Co , b;nken change, New .York City.

llleteorolo~t;leal ObderT&Uo

'V'e give tho metcorolo~rical re taken from !he note~ 10 tl;o Unitt Signal Office, for tlto week ondln :l$y, Fubru~ryl:Stb, 18o0 : Moan barotnohr fllr w~ to k .. . ••• , - ~ . .•• ~ . Ut):he-et do du ... ... . ... . . ... . Low<~tl. do do ••• : . .. ~ •••••. IU.nli{ft d 1l do . . • . •• . -.. . • • • . • .WI'I•D lODJ}hUalUr• do lttg~<OL uo do .......... .. . Ld"'t'IL do du .. • •. • .. . . ... . Jl&Dj(U (\0 do •.. •• , •• • • · · • •• )(~an b.unutilty. p~r ew1t. (:-)~tht t&llon l0.- 1)

' l'ut•llltC:C!piLA11on, lncbt"11 .••. •• • •• •••• . · lh.xlmnut ,.,,Ioehr ofwl•U-mllt• prr hoo1 Pran.liiDl( tllrt"Cll('n or wlnd . . . .......... .

'l'be b\x.bnet tf"mperaluto ()('CUTT"td on tb lho IO'ti'Oil OD tbo 11\b.

'· • llalow 2•' r\l .

D1i. ~lnrshnll's J.uug :>rrup l'ell worst cnscs or Cm:gh and Colds al atantly. Ct\11 on your ,ifugglat, J ?.Iason, anll try 11 bottle . of 11. tho only 2.:1 con lA.


N!tUR.lLGLl.-"!'lcgrlt" u the ; noolU amt lb r .. llihte remody tbr II 50 C<'n~ .

Druukeaa~~,t~• Cared.:l'aet VII.

NaUonal nome r,,F Dlaable<\ Vo\. B<>l• · , Day to~>, ullt~ Jaa. a, ;

DR. D'UNOKR,' Cht~go :-'Ani: trll\l of three. months In two CUOI 1 ly Incurable, I am gild to lly that sui~ bu be<ln all that you oould oil all that the most sanguine <:auld ht

. nea~tiolly, . . . . . E. F. BROWl{, Go•

Dr. D"Ungtr'a oflico, Rooms 21 mer House, ChlcaJtQ. -...:-----

Tua 'Oncst son coal sto~ 10 the For partlcult\ra inQuire at .TnK ( nftl~,.

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Iowa State Census Collection, 1836-1925-

ancestry You searched for James Mcmanus in Iowa

Contact Us: 1-80Q-ANCESTRY

c: 1997-2011

Name: James Mcmanus

Birth Year: abt 1805

Birth Place: Delaware

Gender: Male

Marital Status: Married

Census Date: 1856

Residence state: Iowa

Residence Scott County:

Locality: Davenport

Roll: IA_65

Line: 17

Neighbors: View others on Qage

Household Name Age Members: James Mcmanus 51

Source Information: Ancestry .com. Iowa State Census Collection, 1836-1925 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2007. Orig1nal data: M1crof1lm of Iowa State Censuses, 1856, 1885, 1895, 1905, 1915, 1925 as well various speoal censuses from 1836-1897 obtained from the State Htstoncal Society of Iowa vra Hentage Quest.

Description: Thts database contains Iowa state censuses for the following years: 1856, 1885, 1895, 1905, 1915, and 1925. It also mcludes some head of household censuses and other speoal censuses from 1836-1897. Information available for an indtvtdual will vary accordmg to the census year and the information requested on the census form. Some of the informat1on conta1ned m thrs database though rncludes: name, age, gender, race, birthplace, marital status, and place of enumeration. tg_arn more ... Slog Affil1ates Gift MembershipS

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8/o/20 11

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Iowa Cemetery Records-

lanccstry You searched for James Mcmanus in Iowa

Contact Us: 1-800-ANCESTRY

~c; 1997-2011

•• Name: James McManus

Death Date: 15 Feb 1879

Page#: 395

Birth Date: 1804

Cemetery: Oakdale

Town: Dav.

Level Info: Tombstone Records of Scott County, Iowa

Source Information: Iowa Cemetery Records [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA : Ancestry .com Operations Inc, 2000. Onginat data: Works ProJect Administration. Graves Reg1stratwn Project. Washington, D.C.: n.p., n.d.

Description: These cemetery records represent seventy-six counties and Gracetand Cemetery of Sioux Oty, Iowa, tn the united States, that were transcribed by the Works ProJect Administration. Records in this database generally mctude the page number where the record can be found m the WPA index, the name of the deceased, birth date, death date, age, cemetery name, town name, and add1t1ona1 comments if any. Learn more ... Slog Affiliates Gift Memberships

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