Standard Form For Hembers of the Leq1slature A s). ):; J ...

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa. ----· -•-• _·_:::. '- !:-.· -.-... -·- •• - - --- -- • • -- -=- ,....,..,....,..,.,...., ••. _.- -- ---·---- -- ·---· --- - ----- _;_ -- Standard Form For Hembers of the Leq1slature ):"; A s). d_ ate place (jL lfld£ 4 ,. ..2k;t fo It?" @ rfhnitt , (j, / J:¥- lt' IS' ------; I 3. Significant events for example: A. Business ___________________________________________________ B. Civic responsibilities ____________________________________ __ C. Profession I 4. Church membership __________ 5. Sessions served ;g;5)-- ' 6. Public Offices A. B. C. National _________________________________________________

Transcript of Standard Form For Hembers of the Leq1slature A s). ):; J ...

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

---.~-N~• ----· -•-•

~::.. _·_:::. '- !:-.·

-.-... -·- •• - - --- -- • • - - -=- ,....,..,....,..,.,...., ••. _.- -- ---·---- -- ·---· --- - ----- -----===--:'--'==-"-------"--'-""~ -=-=-· _;_- -

Standard Form For Hembers of the Leq1slature

):"; J{a ~ riage A s). d_ate place (jL lfld£4 ,. ~-wh-li;1 ..2k;tfo It?"

@ rfhnitt, (j, J~~--v / J:¥- lt'IS' ------; I ~ 3. Significant events for example:

A. Business __________________________________________________ _

B. Civic responsibilities ____________________________________ __

C. Profession

I 4. Church membership __________ ~---------------------------------

5. Sessions served ~/b.~~ ;g;5)-- '

6. Public Offices



C. National ________________________________________________ _

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

lO . Education ---------------- -------

11. Degrees -------------------------

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

. '

Sources Log For Legislation Entries


Source Kon Applicable Applicable Information obtained

~ /~J!rifft""Jr ~4?,< .. /a./ ;c;os-; Vd.---!7

~~ lr~~/CJt ~~::'~j/ . .__<~,.. j,. ~"_.:.. . . '<"" "', _ _/,, .. 4_, :;-r;/ . J} ... 'J.]..,, 'f 7 9 - . .

.k S¥ 7.2 I


Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.


the head of which, upon the left, you enter the council chamber and the committee rooms on the right . The building is a neat and sub­stantial one, but altogether too small for the purpose intended.

"The speaker's desk is elevated two or three steps above the level of the floor, and likewise that of the president of the council. The desks are well proportioned and tastefully finished .

"The desks for the r epresentatives and councilmen are designed to accommodate two members, each having a small drawer to him­self, and a plain Wind­sor chair for a seat. The furniture, incl.ud­ing the secretaries' and speaker's desks and chairs, is of the plainest character, and yet well suited to the purpose for which they were designed.

' 'The size of the legis­lative rooms are so small that but very few spec­tators can gain admit­tance at one time.

and not a sign of a habitation was visible upon the site where now .are constantly in progress and will be completed, within an­other month, a town numbering some 175 or zoo inhabitants."

The legislature was composed of a council of thirteen and a house of twenty-six mem­bers. It can not be said that a single member of this first legislature had a permanent foot­ing in the territory, and many of them had

''We were struck with the singularity of taste displayed in the curtain furniture of the different rooms, which consisted of two folds of plain calico, the one green and the other red, which we took to be symbolic of jealousy and war-which monsters, we fear, will make their appearance before right is enthroned and peace established.'' JOSEPH L . SHARP:.

not even ''declared their intentions." But the men from Iowa were there in full force. Mr. J. L. S!1arp, the president of the council, nominally from Richardson county, lived at Glenwood, Iowa, and never became a res­ident of Nebraska.. Out of the total membership oi thirty-nine at least five, namely, Sharp, Nuckolls, · Kei:npton, 1

Latham, a n d Purple never were actual r esi­dents of the territory, and many of the rest were mere sojourners-drift­wood, temporarily stranded on this farther shore of the westward stream of population, bu t, destined soon to be caught by its constant onward flow and carried off to the boundless PRESIDENT OF THE 1ST TERRITORIAL COUNCIL

Ori the 13th day of October the Arrow tells us that, "But a few short months ago

1 This statement should be modified as to Kempton and Purple, who both gained some claim to residence.

"Joseph L. Sharp, president of the council of the 1st t erritorial assembly, wa:s a son of James and Polly ( Bald­win) Sharp, who resided upon a farm twenty miles west of Nashville, Tennessee. The Sharp family were de­scendants of Lord Baltimore and 'were early settlers of Baltimore, Maryland. One branch of the fnmily set­tled in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, · and of these, John Sharp, grandfather of Joseph L. Sharp, subsequently settled upon a farm near Uniontown, Pennsylvania. James Sharp, the father of Joseph L . Sharp, died in 1817, in Florida, having been engage'! in trading in mules and horses from the close of the War of 1812.

country beyond. The members of the first territorial council

were Benjamin R. Folsom of Burt county,

His property in Tennessee was somewhat encumbered, and Joseph L. Sharp, a younger brother, and a sis­ter were left with their mother to make their own wav through life. Little is known of the early life of Mr. Sharp, but he was born Novembe;r 26, 1804, and Feb­ruary 26, 1826, was married to Matilda Singleton, of Virginia, a daughter of an officer in the Revolutionary war, who was born December 17, 1803. Soon after his marriage Mr. Sharp moved to Fulton ·county, Illi­nois, and settled at Bernadotte, a place laid out on land owned bv him. In 1850, with his wife and old- · est son, he moved to Coonville, Iowa, now known as Glenwood. In connection with J. W. Coolidge, Jo­seph Rawls, and Oliver N. Tyson, he laid out the town

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.


Lafayette Nuckolls of Cass county, Munson H. Clark of Dodge county, Taylor G. Good­will, Alfred D. J ones, Origen D. Richardson, Samuel E. Rogers of Douglas county, Rich­ard Brown of Forney county, Hiram P. Ben­net, Henry Bradford/ Charles H. Cowles of Pierce county, Joseph L. Sharp of Richard­son county, James C. Mitchell of Washington county.

of Glenwood. His first public office there was that of prosecuting attcrney, and he was for a time acting judge of Mills county. He was the first member to represent Mills county in the Iowa legisla ture, anrl. it is said that his legislative district covered about thirty counties, or about one-third of the area of the state of Iowa. In 1852 h e received a licertse to run a ferry be­tween Bethlehem, Iowa, and Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Colonel Sharp went to Washington and submitted the plan of making two territories out of the proposed Nebraska territory , and upon the organization of the territory of Nebraska he was elected to represent Richardson county in the first territorial council, and was president of that body, though he was at the time a resident of Iowa. Subsequently he was appointed special Indian agent for several tribes west Q,f the Missouri river. Mr. Sharp was an active and enter­prising citizen and was a lways prominent in political affairs. Before h e became a member of the Nebraska assembly, he had served two terms in the Illinois legislature, 1842 to 1846, and one term in the legisla­ture of Iowa, 185~-54. He served in the Blackhawk Indian war, in 1832-33, and in the 4th Illinois volun­teers in the war with Me;_ico; and was also in General Houston 's command m the war for Texas independ­ence. His first wife died at Glenwood, Iowa, Feb­ruary 22, 1863, and November 1, 1865, he was again married, to Dorothy J. Arthur, of Hillsboro, Arkan­sas. Mr. Sharp was the father of six children: Illis­anna, who married Wheatley Micklewait, and now resides in Jonesborough, Ark ansas; Emma Palmer, de­ceased; Melissa Jane married Thomas J. Palmer, Alli­ance, Nebraska; Neal J . Sharp, Haley, Idaho; J oseph G. Sharp, deceased; Ewing Smith Sharp, deceased. Joseph L. Sharp died at Memphis. Tennessee, in 1869, of yellow fever. According to Dr. George L Miller, "The territorial council was the more dignified a nd orderly of the two bodies, for two reasons: it was comp::>sed of only thirteen members, and they were mostly of middle age. A third reason was, perhaps, that the president of the upper body [f oseph L . Sharp] was a gray-haired man of perhaps s1xty years of age, who h ad served in the legislatures of other s tates, and he always~preserved that dignity and decorum which is becoming in a presiding officer of a deliberative body. It is true that he was a m odel president, and his rulings on knotty points of parliamentary law and order were invariably sound and impartial. . . During the sessions of the council he seldom left the chair to en­gage in debate. It was only when he was personally assailed that he did this. He was a man of clear head . spoke well, and with earnestness and force. Colonel Sharp was accused of playing high and sometimes low, with a cunning that was p eculiarly his own, for personal benefits, by m en who knew him well. No charge against him was ever made on the floor of the council, b eyond intim~tions . It was unders tood, however, that in the capital removal m atter b e 1 ft the legisla ture as empty-handed as when he entered it. He directed legis :ation with a clear understanding,

The first territorial house of representa­tives was comprised as follows: Burt county, Has9 ll C. Pufple, 2 John B. Robertson; Cass county, William Kempton, John McNeal Latham, Joseph D. N. Thompson; Dodge county, Eli R. Doyle, ]. W. Richardson ; Douglas county, \Vllliam N. Byers, William Clancy, Fleming Davidson, Thomas Davis, Alfred D. Goyer, Andrew ]. Hanscom, An-

and was effective in securing the pas sa)! e of ~ ood bills which were of general i11terest. When it came to sp e­cial legislation, he may not have been w vigilant. Colonel Sharp never appeared in Nebraska affairs after he had served his term of two years, but his son, Johnson [Neal J.J, who had an actual residence in Cass county (the lather claimed to represent Richard­son in the council), gained a seat in the house at the second session. When he rose in that body and made a mo.tion for the house to vote upon a pending matter, not viva voce, but vice versa, his disgusted father, who was visiting the house at the moment, nearly fell out of his chair from chagrin.''

In personal appearance, Colonel Sharp was tall and strongly built, oi commanding presence and state! y demeanor. He suffered from smallpox in 1852, which caused the loss of one eye, and otherwise disfigured his face. He possessed a kindly disposition, a nd was noted for his loyalty to friends. He is spoken of by his associates as a natural leader among m en, and deserving of the prominent place accorded to him in public affairs. We are fortunate in being able to pre­sent the only portrait of him extant, and which is now published for the first time.

I Dr. Henry Bradford , member of the council of the 1st territori al assembly of Nebraska, was a son of Cornelius and Hannah (Gay) Bradford, and a lineal descendant of William Bradford, second governor of Plymouth Colony. He was born in Friendship, Maine, in 1813. He was a sailor in his boyhood and became captain of hi~ ship when only twenty-two years of age. ' He studied medicine, was admitted to practice, and in 1853 moved to Iowa. He was a brother of Judge Allen A. Bradford, a sketch of whose life is given in this volume, and they came to Nebraska about the same time, arriving in Nebraska City e<J,rl y in the year'1855. In May, 1855, he was elected m ayor of that city, r eceiving 36 votes against 24 for M. W. Brown. He was reelected in 1856, and as mayor he entered the town site and obtained the land officer 's receipt for the entrance fee, March 31, l857. He was the proprietor of the first drug store in Nebraska Citv under the firm name of Henry Bradford & Co. He was editor of the Nebraska City News from Novem­ber 14, 1854 , to April 12, 1855, when J. Sterling Mor­ton succeeded him. Later h e was a contributor to the N ebraska State Journal for several years. In 1855 he was elected a m ember of the first territorial coll n ci l representing Pierce, now Otoe county. Dr. Bradford practiced medicine until 1870- in his later years in Omaha-when h e retired on account of failino- hea lth. He ilied in Omaha in December, 1887. "'

2 Hascall C. Purple, mem~ the 1st territorial assembly of Nebraska, was a~entof Council Bluffs as early as 1850. H e was born about !827. in M a ssa­chusetts. Little is known of his early life·, but it is sup­posed that he came to Council Bluffs, Iowa, from the state of Michigan. Upon the organization of the terr .­tory of Nebraska he crossed the river and, with a party of friends, helped to lay out the town of Tekamah, anr1

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

I '

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Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

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! I

Page 54 GLENWOOD CEMETERY, Section ll

Row 2) continued s- srRANATHAN, Lenora B 187) - 1920 s- SHARP, Matilda wf of JL 26 Dec 1803 - 22 Feb 1864 s- ARMSfRONG, Lucy 1889 - 1966

Raymond F 1889 - 1951 s- SfOTTS, George 7 Feb 188) - 22 May 1921 s- BATI.OR, Mary Stotts 4 Sep 186o - J Feb 1953 s- SfOTTS, John R 21 Jan 1851- - 14 Mar 1929 tall slim stone- KEARNEY lot 81

HOUSfON no marker- KEARNEY, Susan C, d 24 Jun 1876, 79y bur lot 81 no marker- HOUSfON, William B, d or bur 21 Jan 1943, 79Y

bur lot 81, space ) s- TINKEL, Priscilla wf of Daniel, d 27 Nov 1879

59Y lOa 24d A F son of Daniel & Priscilla, d 19 Jul 1875

36y 9m 26d Tillie J wf of L, d 28 Nov 186), 20y 2m 9d Lizzie L dau of L &: SA, d 10 Apr 1870 ly 5m lOd

s- ARNOLD, Mary, d 28 Oct 1856, 37Y 10m 7d s- ARNOLD, Edward, d 13 Nov 1856, 39Y Bm 5d s- ZENTZ, Eva R 1876 - 1940 2s- HODGES, Earl 1847 - 19)2 CO H 1) KAN INF (CIVil. WAR-GAR)

Minnie L his wf 1849 - 1929

Row 24 north to south, west to east s- LOWE, Seth, d 4 May 1871, S)y Jm 2d s- SRACKANGASf, Paul H 1895 - 1957

Marjorie V 20 May 1899 - 21 Jul 1977 s- GAYLE, Thomas D 1857 - 1928

Wilmie L 1858 - 1940 s- SOLOMON, Joel, b Va, d 5 Jul 1881, BOy lm 20d

SOLOMON, Margaret Eakin wf of Joel, b Ohio d 17 Jul 1882, 6)y llm 17d


Row 25 continued s- TYSON Glenwood Pioneers 1852

TYSON, Oliver M 1799 - 6 Dec 186), 64y 8m lJd Catherine Radcliffe lBll - 1857 Isaac 18)5 - 1868 Felix E 184) - 188) (CIVil. liAR-GAR)

CO A 3 001· VOL CAY s- UTTERBACK, Addison 2 Jan 184) - 18 Jun 1919

CO F 15 IOWA VOL IHF ( CIVll. WAR-GAR) UTTERBACK, Eliza A 25 Dec 1846 - 14 Jun 1920

s- SfAUDE, Helena wf of C B 16 Jul 184) - 1 Dec 1867 BORDERS, Nllllcy wf of J S 21 Dec 1814 - 5 Mar 1875

s- SCOTT, John H 21 Aug 1857 - 16 Nov 1861 William II 2 May 1863 - 1) Jul 186) Ada A 16 Apr 1861 - 5 Dec 1886 Cynthia A 27 Feb 1829 - 2) Jun 1894 B li 18 Mar 1826 - 9 Sep 1909

McCAMMON (or Scott?) William 1 Apr - 10 Sep 1865 Elizabeth 28 Aug 1807 - 5 Feb 1875 Amanda F 20 Jllll 18)9 - 26 Mar 1875

s- RUSSELL, Joseph il, d 12 Sep 1858, 42y 1m 27d Lucy M 11f of J W, d 25 Oct 1857, 40y (a 5d Benjamin, d 18 Aug 18ffi, 48y 4d Martha C wf of A J, d 1 Oct 1858, 20y lla Amanda P wf of H A, d 20 Mar 1869, JOy (u 4<

&: their childrena Julia B, d 29 Oct 1867 ly 2m Jd

Infant son Joseph, d 25 Oct J s- BLACKMAR, Rebecca wf of E C & dau of JW & E Coolidge

20 Oct 1840 - 16 Nov 1870 s- COOLIDGE, Joseph W 1 b Bangor Maine Jl May 1814

d lJ Jan 1871 s- COOLIDGE, Elizabeth 1815 - 1913, 97y 11m 2)d

s- DICKERSON, William S 1865 - 196) Father Row 26 north to south, west to east Nora 0 1872 - 1943 Mother s- (Myers) Michael L 1945 SOn

s- JACKSON, Maggie wf of John, d 26 Mar 1879, )Jy 10m 7d s- (Myers) Janice L 1920 - 1965 Mother s- JACKSON, Alice Belle dau of J &: M, d 20 Sep 187) s- (Myers) Durward G 1914 - Father

ly 4m Bd s- U'ITERBACK, Oliver F 1866-1928; Annie Jane 1865-19.5( s- JACKSON, Clara May dau of J &: M, d Jl Oct 18ffi, Jm 19d mortuary marker- WOODS, Shane, Infant of Mr &: Mrs s- ANSON, Elizabeth wf of A, d 17 May 1871, 27y 7m 21d Michael -1978-s- ANSON, Guy son of E &: A, d 27 Jan 1871, ly 4m 29d mortuary marker- ANIERSON, Infant Girl -1978-s- BENJAMAN, Dorothy Wilson 1900 - 1921 Row 27 north to south, west to east s- SMITH, Eaury 23 Feb 1809 - 6 May 1872 s- WILLIAMS, Lucy A widow of Rev SS 10 May 1814- 20 Mar s- JAMISON, David M 1819 - 1909 s- WILLIAMS, Hamline S son of HB &: KM, d 3 Sep 1874, 10 s- JAMISON, Elizabeth A wf of DM, d 9 Dec 1855, 29y 2m 3d s- MITCHELL, Martha wf of D M, d 6 Dec 18ffi, 3JY 22d s- SHERMAN, Orilla Groom 24 Aug 184) - 31 May 1900 s- PEPPERS, Earnest ·T·· 1908 - 1928

Freddie )1 May 1872- 9 Dec 1875 s- PEPPERS, Edith Lucille dau of Thea & Ada (see R29) Mother 17 Sep 1902 - 21 Mar 1918 (name from

s- BENNJIT, Isaiah, d 13 May 1855, 36y 2m 26d s- NELSON, Henry H CO B 29 IOWA INF (CIVil. IIAR-GA!i Rachel Ann his 2nd consort, d 25 Apr 1855, 21y ? (mil rec- b 1841 d 18ffi)

s- COOLIDGE, Eva dau of HP & Theda M, d 15 Apr 1861, 6n - s- WRIGHT, Julia Ann wf of Alexander 10 Nov 1832-s- COOLIDGE, Eddie V son of HP &: TM, d 29 Jun 18ffi ly 7m 16d 7 Feb 1906 s- COOLIDGE, Lester C (or G) son of HP &: TM s- WRIGHT, Alexander 13 Jan 1830 - 9 Apr 1905

8 Oct 1873 - 11 Jan 1874 s- HANKS, Emie 1854 - 1877 Row 25 north to south, west to east s- HANKS, Noah 1835 - 1920 Father s- BARKUS, Edwin L 2 Sep 1922- 20 Mar 1977 WORLD WAR II Lilly M 1859 - 1939 Mother s- liARD, E 8 Apr 1!!29 - 14 Dec 1896 s- HANKS, Edgar 1884 - 1966

Reuben 1 Oct 1850 - 1 Jun 1870 s- OSfERHOLM, Richard D 1925 - 1969 Sarah 25 Mar 1825 - 27 Jul 1917 s- KEESEE (name partly illegible) Jennie wf of John H

s- McKNIGHT, Louie 1876 - 1955 d 5 Nov 1856, 26y Ellen 1881 - 196o s- HOWARD, Rev William J 9 Jun 1849 - ) Feb 1905 (see

s- MYERS s- JOHNSON, Nancy 5 Aug 1873 - 19 Aug 1928 Mother s- GLENN, James 1850 - 19)0

Margaret 1850 - 1933 s- KIRKPATRICK, Charles F 21 Aug 1884 - 22 Mar 1943 s- KIRKPATRICK, Hattie E 18 Jul 1874 - 1 Jan 1967 s- Wll.LIAMS (at base of stone)

ANDERSON, Margaret, d 17 Jul 1871, 79Y ANDERSON, children of D T & L Fs


Infant son d 7 Feb 1880 Corbin D, d 20 Aug 1885, ly 9m 24d

Mary A, d 20 Oct 1860, 12y 22d

Maria Josephine 26 Apr 18~6 - 20 Nov 1926 Robert H 7 Feb 1842 - 11 May 1903

s- (Daniel) s- (Daniel)

(CIVil. WAR-GAR) s- (Daniel) W L 27 Sep 187~ - 18 Oct 1949 s- (Daniel) H C 17 Oct 1877 - 10 Mar 1965 s- (Daniel) Josephine 24 Mar 1879 - 4 Dec 1966 (DAR) s- JAMISON, l/a.l ter L 1871 - 1963 s- JAMISON, _Leah E 1835 - 1924

s- GOODELL, William son of L & BA, d ll Jan 1863, Jy l.J (stone flat)

s- GOODELL, Luke, d 18 Oct 1864, 42y (broken s) s- LISfON, George b Maryland 22 Nov 1793

d 6 Dec 1856, 63y lld s- ~UFFIN, Herbert R 18ffi - 1955

Ruth I 1887 - 1954 s- SNUFFIN, William N son of E &: H, d ll Oct 1855, Uy

Charles C son of E & H, d 4 Dec 186o, ly J Lewis P son of E & H, d JO May 186 ?, ly 8

s- SNUFF:rn, Huldah wf of lim, d 19 Jan 1861, 6Cy 2m 5d

MEMORIAL STONE American Soldiers of All liars Erected by the li R C of Glenwood To the Brave Men and Women Who Suffered and Died for ! In Memory of Our Heroes Who Answered Their Country's C

1861-1865 1898-1899 1914-1918 So, side of stone- AMERICAN LEGION, No, side of stan Metal Markers GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC (CIVIL liAR) SPANISH il AR VF:l'ERAN 1898 WORLD II AR V KOREAN VETERAN 1950-195) VU:l' N.AM VI

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

ii ··;: II. 1 I

li i

Page 72


Row 1 continued s- McGuire Fred C 1889 - 1957 s- (McGuire) Cynthia V 1851 - 1942 s- (McGuire) John 1850 - 1928 s- CASHATT, Daniel D 19 59 Baby s- 9l&.SER, Rev Melvin 3 Feb 1872 - 28 Jul. 1963

Jessie R 6 May 1883 - 19 Dec 1957 s- BERRY, Julia L 1862 - 1944

Elisha 1855 - 1927 s- (Stone~ S/Sgt Warren F 1921 - 1943 (WORLD WAR II) s- (Stone Fina 1884 - 1959 s- (Stone F'loyd 1877 - 1962 s- DICK, Charles 0 1881 - 1948

Mabel T 1885 - 1969 s- DICK, H A 20 Sep 1877 - 6 Dec 1937 s- DICK, Benj~n 0 1852 - 1931

Carrie E 1855 - 1929 a- AUBRY, Laura 1866 - 1928 a- AUBRY, Willia.m 1866 - 196o s- STRANATHAN, Mabel S 25 Jul. 1885 - 6 Aug 1952 s- STRANATHAN, Carl J 21 Jul. 1885 - Jl Dec 1936 s- STRANATHAN, Paul 23 Oct 1912 - 1 Apr 1928 s- SHACKELL, George G 12 Aug 186o - 3 Jul. 1929 s- WATERMAN, Jennie L wf of J L 1862 - 1928 s- WATERMAN, John L 1855 - 1939 s- STIVERS, J H 1893 - 1974

Pearl 1894 - 12 Dec 1976

Row 16 Oak Grove Section mortuary marker- IDWNING, Dennis H 1907 - 1979 s- STONE

Unmarked BuriaJ.s in Oak Grove Section STONE, Mary F lot 875 SUTTON, James Richard d Jan 1943 lot 884-8

********-**********************--********************* Overseas Military BuriaJ. - No Record of Re buriaJ. in Iowa VAUGHN, Edward C 1877 - 3 Mar 1899 SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR Died Cavite, Philippine Islands; bur Sari Roque PI, Grave J4

AdditionaJ. Unmarked Burials in Glenwood Cemetery. Others 'are recorded in the rows and at the end of sections. This listing was obtained from plat record books, obituaries, memorial cards, correspondence, Works Progress Administra­tion (WPA) cemetery recording circa 19)8, relatives, mortuary, etc. Unless otherwise indicated, the informa­tion is from cemetery plat record books. · ALLPHIN, William B 1848-1894 (inf'ol Myrna McManigal) BENTON, Herbert, d 3 May 1910, 25y, buried with infant son

Lester Leverne, d 4 May 1910, a few wks old (obit) BROWN, Henry, b Virginia 1851; was a slave till after the

Civil War; lived Glenwood JOYI d 1 Jan 1916 (obit) CAMPBELL, Grace L d 1955 CANFIELD burials from book were in 1920s CEMER, Dwight Edmond infant son of Lucile (Utterback) &:

Charles Cemer d Jul 1929 (obit) CODY, Dale Edward d Nov 1942 lot 1025-1 (Section 6),...obit COIL, Alvan N son/o Mr &: Mrs Arley 22 Sell 1914-12 Jun'1915 CROUCH, Richard Rendles 27 - 28 Nov 1954 CRUMLEY, Infant daughter/o M"/M WE, d 17 Oct 1928 (obit) CUTLER, Selvenis &: Wife said to be bur Glenwood Cem l::et.ween 186o-1868 with granddaughter Ida. E3ka McGUIRE, d 9 Jan 1868

(info I Bettie Anderson, Brown's Valley, CaJ.if) DYKE, Mary Lou, d 9 May 1942; Surber lot 246-ll EIHlNDS, Bertha May (Allphine) 16 Feb 1887 - 7 Mar 1910, 2Jy wf/o?C Edmonds (obit)C H Edmonds purch lot 722 9 Mar 1910 EULE'IT, Prudence Ota 1 Jun 184)- 19 Mar 1917 m/1 T OWENSJ

m/2 J N EULETT (obit) EWERT, Victoria Lynn 14 Sep 1954 - 25 Jan 1957 FINCH, John W, d Apr 1944, 8?y lot 580-4 FINCH, MahaJ.a Ann (Gardner) Thompson, born 27 Nov 1853 log

cabin near Glenwood, d 29 Sep 1924, m/1 Wm Thompson m/2 John Finch (obit)

FOLKERTS, Infant lot 77J. (Geo Folkert purch middle 1/3 of NEt lot 772 on 22 Dec 1924)

GOOD, Jackie Dean (child), d Aug 1946 (plat) ( infQ 1 Ill' A) GROVE, James p 22 Mar 1844 - 10 Jun 1915 CIVIL ~AR-GAR I HACKNEY William M 2 Jan 1863 - 7 Dec 1927, f#y (obit) HAROLD,' Martha (Kirklin) wf of Darius Harold 17 Feb 1852 -

d 2 Apr 1921 (obit) may be bur lot 651 HARVEY, Grace 17 Nov 1886- 7 Dec 1924 llf/o Harry E Harvey

da.u/o Charles W Evans (obit) may be bur lot 549 HARVEY, June Henry wf of L C 1872 - 5 Jul 1901 (WPA list)

Unmarked Burials, Glenwood Cemetery, continued HENTON, Lulu Violet wf of F 0, dau of W \1 &: Mollie Davts

3 Jan 1889 - 4 Dec 1933, 44y (obit) HOUSTON, Ernest E, d 21 Jan 1935, 73Y (obit Malvern Lead~ JACKOON, Emma, d Mar 1961 (plat record) JAMIOON, May E 4 Aug 1883- 22 Jun 1974 lot 29-8 (Memorial c JOHNOON, Theodore Younger, d 21 Nov 1932, ?ly (info : Mrs

Roy Burkhalter &: obit) . Item Glenwood paper 3-27-19131 Ten yrs ago, children of T Johnson, Ira, 10, &: Ross, 8, died eating poisonous roots. KEMP, Jerry Lee, d or bur 1 Apr 194), 1 day (plat rec) McBEE, Thomas, d Jul 1945, 75Y lot 514 Et (Section J) McGUIRE, Ida Eaka, child, d 9 Jan 1868 (see Cutler, above' MOON, Mary E wf of Charles 7 Aug 1861- 18 Mar 1915 (obit) ' PIERCE, B Frank 1869 - 8 May 1928 (obit) POWLES, \/alter Lee, d 1957 (plat rec) PRANTE, Robert Warren d 1920s? lot 416-9 (Section 8) RAINS, Mary Wells 1843 - 8 May 1915 wf of Jesse Rains (obit) 1 a RAIN!S/WELLS stone Sec 13 Row JO, page 62 REAFLENG, Arthur Raymond 3 Oct 1896 - 4 May 1952 RICE, Ronald, d Dec 1963, lot 842-1 (Sec 12) RILEY, Dora (Walling) sister of Sidney Walling, d May 191 RISHELL, David or George d Oct 1943, 77Y ROSS, Russell or child of Russell, d Feb 1948 lot 979-2 s S:::HWEERS, James W 7 Apr 1907 - 2 Jun 1933 (liP A) S:::OTT, Goldie (WaJ.ker) d 6 Oct 1922, 25y 3m, wf of WU bu:t:

Scott &: dau of lim Walker (obit) SHUFFLER, Florence Nancy 16 Sep 1901- 26 May 1955 SMirH, Martin H, d 3 Oct 1922, 74y (WPA) SURBER, Thomas 21 Jul 1872-1 Dec 1947 (obit) lot 246-12 SURBER, Myrtle (Deardurff) d Aug 1935, wf of Thomas TOLLES, Mary M 11 May 1859- 2 Dec 1953, lot 280-1, dau 1

Fannie &: Henry Tolles &: sis of Addie Day (o1i TRAVIS, Frank 24 Sep 1888- 8 Mar 1910 son of Wm (obit) WHITE, Dudley d Okla brought Glenwood for burial, bro of

Julia Mershon &: Curt ex-Postmaster Glenwood (obit 15 Dec 1924)

WILLIAMS, Gertrude d Apr 1971 WILLIAMS, Nora 25 Sep 1875 - 15 May 1954 \/!LOON, William (obit 26 Feb 1933) transient killed in

accident Pacific Jet railroad yards, d 1 de.¥ b fore 56th birthday, bur Glenwood, sister in Saginaw M

WINSLOW, Barbara d Nov 1944, 6?y (plat rec) lat 978-12 WRIGHT, Alfred d Jul 1975 (plat rec) YEAGER, Charles 1805 - 21 Jan 1936 (\IPA)

The following names on the Works Progress Administratiol (WPA) listing circa 19)8 were of Lot Owners, no dates, may be names of living persons and some buried elsewher1 ALEXANDER, S C lot 442 BAYS, Mrs M E lot 6o2 BEAVER, Mrs S Paul lot 6o~ IDONE, J \1 lot 399 CONGER, Joseph lot 197 DAVIS, T A lot 247 wf Elizabeth recorded p 32 DICKEY, T J lot 446 OOAK, A C lot 6o6 GARDNER, Nettie lot 192 GATES, \1 H lot 377 HALL, T L lot 58+ HALTER, Nancy lot 208 HEFFIELD, Mrs H lot 621 HOLYOKE, R A lot 236 HORTON, J 0 lot 506 IRONS, Alta L lot J84 JOHNOON, Mrs Robert lot 718 JUDEMAN, Mary lot )41 KEESEE, John H lot 50 wf Jennie recorded p54 KERSEY, R A lot 727 LEE!', G F lot 8+2 LUTES, J R lot 441 ROWE, Eliza lot 540 RUSSELL, C V lot 208 SEXTON, L F lot 484 SHANNON, Francis lot 1)1 SHARP, J L lot 52 wf Matilda recorded p53 SMITH, G W lot 636 srROUD, L H lot 629 TAYLOR, Nelson lot 825 TIPTON, J (Mrs) lot 252 UNDERWOOD, M A (Mrs) lot JOl li!LCUTT, E lot 419 WILKINS, Joe lot 135

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa. U.S. Federal Census Mortality Schedules, 1850-1885

, · anccstr\·

U.S. Federal Census Mortality Schedules, 18f) ' J- 1 JGs

Name: Jas LSharp ;4l.ep./.._ /c ~ I "l . -A--Y;:;,.---Gcndcr: Male r

Race: White

l\Ja rital Status : Widowed

Place of Birth: Tennessee

Estimated birth abt 1804 year:

Age: 76

~I onth of Death: Sep

Cms _· Of Dcnth: Yellow Fever

Census Year: 1880

Census Location: (City, County, State) Memphis Ward 10, Shelby, Tennessee

Enumeration 152 District:

Pa;;c: 454

Line: 9

Roll: T655_3o

Source Information:

Page I of 1

Ancestry.eorn. 1../ .. S'. r=cdcro! Ccn:·us :11or·to.U(!; S'ehcclu!esj J l·; _:.~c; 1 ~,: . . ::· (\':.! :, . · ,. ,, \il.t':, 1 '( )\·n.




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This d ~aba~~t: is C~n inde>.: to the \:fort~uity ~cl t · .,JHh • .. ; (: tiH~ C~titPd ~)t ... ~t~"-i Feder;:d Ct'i,:~: ~ d~ \, t>P L.S. t'e<krai Cen;;uses from 18 1_10-18Ho inl'iu<kd . . nwnality sdwduk <:mund·atirq, ':,, .. L• :; ·" ·:·· . ~ - · · :i: 1 r •. Y':'Hl' p~·-~\··ious to the ccnsu~ _,~ear. In i:tddltion~ ea:..'h ind1\·lduat is !ink .. d tu the c~ n:~l (··-:: ~ •. · ~ · ·.. :·, . ?(

© 2010, The Generations Network, Inc.

http: // 1 = 1880&B .. . 7/8/2010

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.


':&!!!'-~p~-Work-P~~Je-cts Ad~ini~tr~tion s. If~ wE'( 1930's Graves Registration Survey

Iowa WPA Graves- Searchable Genealogy Database & Family History Resource- Locate Ancestors and Complete Your Family Tree - GeneaiQgy World's largest online family history resource.+4 billion records

SHARP, J.L. Born: .2{, ~J~dy' Died:

Cemetery: GLENWOOD

location: GLENWOOD

Free Cemete!Y Records China Iowa Consulting Instantly Access 400,000,000 Vital Birth, Death and Cemetery Records!

China Iowa Consulting advises companies doing business with China


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Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

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Index I Peqigr~ I Ahnentafel i J)ownJoac:lGE.DC.O_M I' Add Post-~m

• ID: 1558 • Name: Joseph L. SHARP • Surname: Sharp • Given Name: Joseph L. • Sex: M • Birth: 1807 • UID: 040E984EECAAD611BE8200D0095585E44C4A • Change Date: 8 Aug 2002 at 16:59:02

Father: Jilll1E!5.12eloss SHAR]=> b: 1783 in of,Mecklenburg Co., North Carolina Mother: Mar_y_BALDWIN b: 1785 in Nashville,Davidson Co., Tennessee


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