Stage 1 overview and introductions

Post on 13-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Stage 1 overview and introductions

Stage 1

bsharp The Winners’ WayMake winning a habit.

Before we start… Let us evolve the house rules… how do we expect other to behave…

Phone: No phone calls… Break time: Adhere to times – long dayParticipation: Talk, share your views

Btb, write your name cards.

The Winners’ WayMake winning a habit.



Unlock. Unleash. Build a motivated,

winning team.

• >17 years leadership Sales & Marketing experience @ HCL, Intel, Lenovo. Understanding across segments and functions.

• Most recently as the GM, Products and Distribution, Lenovo India Consumer Biz: In charge of Product, Distribution Strategy and P&L.

• Earlier managed Intel’s OEM Business for India, with over $600M revenues, in-charge of managing Intel’s business with accounts like Acer, Dell, HCL, HP, Lenovo, Toshiba, Wipro.

• Experience in Product introduction, readiness and ramp strategies – drove Intel 2nd Generation Core Processor launch and ramp. In-charge of Intel’s laptop strategy for India for multiple years: worked in ramping consumption across Education, Small Biz. Managed and built large teams.

• Passion for people development. Current mission is to empower the Indian Professional. • Electronics Engineer : CIT, Coimbatore; PDGBA from Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow.

Gopal Swaminathan, Chief

The Bsharp Team

• Rich Technology Sales and Operations experience of more than 31 years. Have served Blue Star, Wipro, Modi Olivetti, Sify & Sundaram Finance Group.

• Had global assignments and brings in International markets experience and relationships in those markets.• Have built-in successful long-term relationships with MNC’s viz., IBM, Microsoft, VMware, Oracle, Lenovo,

HP, ACER & DELL to name a few.• Passionate about Modern Management, Sales & Sales Management and consistently incubates winning and

successful teams.• Avid reader and abreast of latest happenings in the Business world.• Bachelors in Commerce from the University of Madras.

Radhakrishnan Pattabiraman (PRK), Associate Vice President, Sales & Program

Scientific Publishing - ObjectivesObjective: Strengthen the leadership pipeline of Scientific Publishing, by imparting critical attitudes and skills.

Where do you want to be: Preparing the leaders of tomorrow:

• Build a leader’s mindset in you

• Strong motivation to grow – and paths to great growth in the organization

• Ability to build a winning team, manage interpersonal relationships with team

Tools to understand yourself more. Tools to set up a growth path in life.

The Winner’s WaySTAGE 1 – Introductions & Ice-Breakers: 45 minutes • Exercise• Visualize 3 years

STAGE 2 – The Winner’s Mind set: 50 minute session, 10 minute summary• SMATE

STAGE 3 –A Bias for Action50 minute session, 10 minute summary• Setting great personal goals• A Bias for Action

Zone 1: Personal ZoneWinning within yourself2 hours, 30 minutes

Zone 2: Team ZoneWinning with teams

3 hours, 30 minutes

STAGE 4 – Where are you: FIRO B : 90 minute session• Explanation• Questionnaire, Interpretation, Actions

STAGE 5 –Leadership Traits50 minutes session, 10 minutes summary• HIT GRID

STAGE 6 –Building Winning Teams50 minutes session, 10 minute summary• Winning teams• Team Evolution

STAGE 7 – Change Agent30 minute team session• Identify key problem• Present recommendations

STAGE 8 – Summary30 minutes team session• Our learning today• Next Steps

Zone 3: Org ZoneWinning for SPS

1 hour

What do we want to learn today…

We are all common… • 50 sec…. Any color of the dress in common…• 40 sec… Had the same breakfast… • 30 sec… Same number of brothers and sisters… • 30 sec… Same birth month…

• All even birthdates on left… odd on right 60 sec• All even month on the back… odd on front 60 sec• Sit next to the person whom you don’t know…


Something about her/his family

Number of years at SPSAn Achievement

An Aspiration 10 mts + 10 mts

Introduce your partner

Visualize - Add details –Emotions

Your brain is wired to find the path.

Volunteer your visualization


Stage 1 Summary

• SPS’ Investment into the future

• Visualization

• Get set for the journey

The Winners’ WayMake winning a habit.

No break before Stage 2.


Personal Accountability

The Power of Vision

Professional Ethics

Courage in Adversity

Situational Leadership

Building a Winning Team

Performance Coaching

Work-Life Balance

Cross-Cultural Skills

Strategic Thinking

Other critical competencies