St. Juan Diego Parish · Weekly Parish Schedule To have a Mass offered for anyone, please call Jeny...

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Transcript of St. Juan Diego Parish · Weekly Parish Schedule To have a Mass offered for anyone, please call Jeny...

St. Juan Diego Parish

Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon Our Mission: At St. Juan Diego Catholic Church, we are a diverse community that strives to welcome everyone with

dignity, respect and belonging by living the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Nuestra Misión: En la iglesia Católica de San Juan Diego, somos una comunidad diversa que se esfuerza por dar la

bienvenida a todos con dignidad, respeto y pertenencia al vivir la Buen Nueva de Jesucristo.

October 6/7, 2018 7 de octubre 2018

Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Vigésimo séptimo Domingo en Tiempo Ordinario

Mass Schedule Horario de Misas

Saturday / Sábado 5:00 pm

Sunday / Domingo 8:45 am

10:30 am (Español) 12:15 pm

Daily Mass/Misa Diaria Tuesday - Friday Martes - Viernes

6:00 pm

Sacrament of Reconciliation Reconciliación

Saturday / Sábado 4:00-4:30 pm

Prayer Intentions If you would like to add a name to our intentions, please call the

parish office.

Intenciones Si desea agregar a una persona a nuestras intenciones, por favor llame a la oficina parroquial.

Clothing & Shoe Drive for St. Andre Bessette

The Knights of Columbus and Mary Davidson are sponsoring a month long clothing drive in support of the Homeless Hospitality Mission of Portland’s downtown St. Andre Bessette Catholic Church. While all adult clothing is welcome, St. Andre is especially in need of men’s shoes and clothing new or gently worn of all sizes. Pants and shoes are the greatest need. Underwear and hygiene items (such as tooth brushes, complimentary soaps and creams) are also welcome. There will be a St. Andre Bessette barrel in the Narthex during the month of October. Your generous donations will be deliv-ered weekly to St Andre. You may obtain a tax donation form from St. Andre; simply leave a request in the Knights of Columbus “distribution box in the parish administration office. Thank you for your generous support.

Ropa y zapatos para St. Andre Bessette

Los Caballeros de Colón y Mary Davidson están tomando donaciones para apoyar a la Misión de Hospitalidad sin Hogar de la Iglesia Católica San Andre Bessette del centro de Portland. Aunque toda la ropa de adulto es bienvenida, en especial ropa y zapatos de hombres nuevos y suavemente usados de todos los tamaños. La necesidad más grande son los pantalones y zapatos. Ropa interior y artículos de higiene (como cepillos de dientes, jabones y cremas) también son bienvenidos. Habrá un barril de San Andre Bessette en el Atrio durante el mes de octubre. Sus generosas donaciones serán entregadas semanalmente a San. Andre. Usted puede obtener un formulario de donación de impuestos de San Andre; simplemente deje una solicitud en la caja de distribución de los Caballeros de Colón en la oficina parroquial. Gracias por su generoso apoyo.

Sung Rosary

The St Juan Diego Music Ministry would like to invite everyone to attend the Sung Rosary. The service will take place Saturday, October 13 at 4pm. This is a wonderful way to pray the Rosary in song and as a community and will lead up to the 5pm mass. All are welcome.


The popular Columbia employee store passes are available for order with a $50 gift card. These passes allow you to access the employee store or order online with the employee discount. The passes expire November 5. Please order ASAP as there are limited numbers. In addition the Scrip Center offers over 200 other vendors with a percentage of the proceeds benefiting St. JuanDiego's Phase ll project. If you have questions email

Here is your call to be a Minister of the Word (Lectors) at Mass! You are invited to investigate your call to be a Lector... at the next training session for new lectors, October 20, 2018, 9 to 10 am in the church. You can make a decision at the end of the training. A Lector must have received the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation) and be in full union with the Church. Questions? Email Kathy Yee at

Weekly Parish Schedule To have a Mass offered for anyone, please

call Jeny in the parish office. Suggested donation $10 Please make your checks payable to St. Juan Diego Parish

Scripture Readings Lecturas

September 29/30 .... 1,015

Collection Basket .... $ 3,459.68 Electronically or by mail .... $ 958.00

Thank you for supporting our Parish! Gracias por ayudar a nuestra Parroquia!

Saturday October 6, 2018

5:00 pm Mass

Rita Florczak by Yolanda V.

Rebollido and Family

4:00 pm


Sunday October 7, 2018

8:45 am Mass

10:30 am Misa en Español

12:15 pm Mass

Roger Boom by Sandra Barr

5:00 pm Middle School &

Confirmation Class

6:30 pm High School Youth Group

Monday Oct. 8, 2018

No Daily Mass

Office Closed

Tuesday October 9, 2018

6:00 pm Daily Mass Art Schulte

by St. Juan Diego Community

7:00 pm Continuation Meeting

7:00 pm

Knights of Columbus

Wednesday October 10,


6:00 pm Daily Mass

Roberto Arellano by Ines Arellano

6:30 pm Liturgy Committee

Thursday October 11,


6:00 pm Daily Mass Art Schulte

by Cliff & Kathy Yee

6:30 pm Youth Choir

7:00 pm Choir Practice

Friday October 12,


6:00 pm

Daily Mass Lindsay Kling

by Cliff & Kathy Yee

Communion Services at Retirement Centers: Rock Creek 9:15 am Avamere 10:00 am Laurel Parc 9:00 am

6:30 pm Spanish Youth Choir

7:00pm Spanish Choir

Saturday October 13,


5:00 pm Mass

Paul Schwab by Schwab Family

4:00 pm


Sunday October 14,


8:45 am Mass

10:30 am Misa en Español

12:15 pm Mass

Arte Schulte by Gary & Gail


5:00 pm Middle School &

Confirmation Class

6:30 pm High School Youth Group

Date Mass Times Activities

October 7 First Reading Genesis 2:18-24 Génesis 2, 18-24

Second Reading Hebrews 2:9-11 Hebreos 2, 8-11

Gospel Mark 10:2-16 Marcos 10, 2-16

October 14 First Reading Wisdom 7:7-11 Sabiduriá 7, 7-11

Second Reading Hebrews 4:12-13 Hebreos 4, 12-13

Gospel Mark 10:17-30 Marcos 10, 17-30

Family Promise of Beaverton Many of you know personally that June through September has been a busy time for Family Promise of Beaverton. For those of you who like statistics, here are a few: 8 families have been served, comprised of 14 adults and 10 children

(8 under 5 years old) Average length of stay has been 45 days. 80% of families served have transitioned to stable housing. 876 volunteers served directly with our families giving 4100

volunteer hrs. 1167 volunteer hrs were by St. Juan Diego parishioners. We have raised funding from very generous donors to purchase a

larger trailer and van as the program attendance grew in size. We participated in the Annual Beaverton Parade and were awarded

1st place for the theme award. We have had a Day Center Open House in conjunction with our June

2nd Bed Races, and this last weekend we held our 2nd Annual Drive In - Sleep Out fundraising event.

Many St. Juan Diego parishioners have been central to all these ac-tivities and you thank you for your generosity of time, talent and treasure.

Family Promise of Beaverton

Muchos de ustedes saben que de junio a septiembre ha sido un momento muy ocupado para Family Promise of Beaverton. Para aquellos de uste-des que les gustan las estadísticas, aquí están: Se han atendido 8 familias, compuestas por 14 adultos y 10 niños (8

menores de 5 años) La duración de la estancia ha sido de 45 días. El 80% de las familias han hecho la transición a viviendas estables. 876 voluntarios sirvieron directamente con nuestras familias dando

4,100 horas de voluntariado. 1167 horas de voluntariado fueron por feligreses de San Juan Diego.

Hemos recaudado fondos de donantes muy generosos para comprar un remolque y una camioneta más grandes a medida que la asistencia del programa creció en tamaño.

Participamos en el Desfile Anual de Beaverton y obtuvimos Primer lugar en el premio temático.

Hemos tenido un Day Center Open House en conjunto con June 2nd Bed Races, y este último fin de semana tuvimos nuestro segundo evento anual de recaudación de fondos Drive In - Sleep Out.

Muchos feligreses de San Juan Diego han sido fundamentales en todas estas actividades y agradecemos su generosidad de tiempo, talento y tesoro.

Bulletin announcements and inserts are due by Tuesday at noon. Please send them to Jeny Velazquez at: Thank you!

52 Club for Vocations Week 35: Oct 8-14

LeeAnn Remington is our prayer warrior this week!

Many thanks to Therese Nguyen for her time and prayers during Week 34. (Sorry for omit-

ting your name in the bulletin last week!)

We have openings in the schedule the week of October 22 and most weeks beginning

December 24. If you did not have a chance to sign up, and

would like to, or you would like to sign up for additional weeks, please contact Carol Brewer

at Thank you.

Attention! Online Mandatory Training for All Volunteers who work with:

minors, money, hospital and elderly.

2018-19 Online Trainings Preventing Sexual Harassment

For those St. Juan Diego volunteer who work with minors , money, hospital and elderly .

Training to be completed by December 1, 2018.

Informational flyers at the Faith Formation Table.


Entrenamiento Obligatorio para Todos los Voluntarios que trabajan con menores, dinero, hospitales y ancianos.

Entrenamiento en Línea 2018-19 Prevención del Abuso Sexual

Para los voluntarios de San Juan Diego. La capacitación se debe completar antes del 1

de diciembre del 2018. Mas información en la mesa de Formación de


La alegría viene a aquellos que viven como cristianos corresponsales.

(Reflexión de la Segunda semana del Librito Garante sobre la Corresponsabilidad a la luz del Evangelio de Marcos)

por Gary Wilhelms

¿Ha notado el reciente énfasis sobre la Corresponsabilidad? ¿Su primer pensamiento fue sobre la solicitud anual para aumentar la cantidad de dinero que contribuye a la parroquia? Si es así, probablemente no está solo. Nuestro programa de Corresponsabilidad aquí en San Juan Diego es, sin embargo, mucho más que eso. Si ya comprende todo sobre que es la Corresponsabilidad, ¡eso es genial! Pero muchos de nosotros no lo estamos, probablemente porque no tenemos una comprensión completa o aprecio por la Corresponsabilidad. Por lo tanto, echemos un vistazo mas profundo sobre la Corresponsabilidad.

Es cierto que Jesús les dijo a sus discípulos que viajaran livianos. Eso no significa que las posesiones materiales sean malas. Estamos llamados a usar y disfrutar las cosas de la tierra, pero para hacerlo como buenos mayordomos. Es un desafío entender completamente nuestro papel como mayordomos cristianos. No debemos ser beneficiaros pasivos de los muchos dones que Dios nos da. Los mayordomos cristianos reciben los dones de Dios con gratitud, los cultivan de manera responsable, los comparten amorosamente y los regresan a Dios en aumento. Todo lo que tenemos proviene de Dios y realmente le pertenece a Dios. Somos simplemente cuidadores, administrándolo todo en nombre de Dios. Que tan bien estamos haciendo esto continuará como un tema de discusión y debate, pero la Corresponsabilidad nos da la oportunidad de hacerlo mejor.

Entonces, ¿cómo hacemos Corresponsabilidad? Sin duda, ya ha escuchado hablar de la generosa entrega de tiempo, talento y tesoro según las circunstancias, y eso es cierto, pero la Corresponsabilidad también implica proteger los recursos materiales y humanos y su uso responsable. La Corresponsabilidad es parte del estilo de vida cristiana y nos ayuda a comprender la forma en que vivimos. Pero hay obstáculos para la Corresponsabilidad. Una cultura secular puede contradecir nuestras convicciones religiosas. La Corresponsabilidad es una buena forma para luchar contra el secularismo. Cada una de nuestras vidas se desarrolla de manera diferente. Tiene sentido que Dios influya en todos los aspectos de nuestras vidas: nuestras habilidades, nuestra educación, nuestras relaciones, nuestra riqueza y nuestras posesiones. Todas estas cosas fueron dadas para que nos permitan hacer algo. Y, es cierto que algunos de nosotros terminamos con más que otros. Hace mucho tiempo, San Basilio dijo que algunos pueden tener más que otros simplemente para darles la oportunidad de compartir lo que tiene con los menos afortunados. Interesante pensamiento. Además, las personas son más importantes que las cosas, ¿verdad? Y la vida es muy corta, demasiada corta para ser agobiada con excusas.

Si, es fácil predicar a los demás que lo que cuenta no es lo que tenemos, sino lo que hacemos con lo que tenemos. ¿No deberíamos realmente estar pensando en el futuro, plantando la “buena semilla” lo mejor posible y aceptar la oferta del Señor para darle crecimiento? Me conmovió esta cita atribuida a San Gregorio Nacianceno que se encuentra en el Librito Granate, “Den algo, aunque sea pequeño, a aquel que esta en necesidad. Porque no es pequeño para uno que no tiene nada.” Compartir tu tiempo, talento y tesoro en el programa de Corresponsabilidad de San Juan Diego nos permite hacer esto colectivamente juntos como cristianos apoyado a nuestra iglesia y sus misiones.

¿Que estás haciendo con lo que te han dado?

Joy comes to those who live as Christian stewards.

(A look at the Second Week of The Little Burgundy Book on Stewardship in light of the Gospel of St. Mark)

by Gary Wilhelms

Have you noticed the recent emphasis on Stewardship? Was your first thought about the annual solicitation to increase the amount of money you contribute to the Parish? If so, you probably aren’t alone. Our Stewardship program here at St. Juan Diego is, however, much more than that. If you are already all-in on Stewardship, that’s great! But, many of us are not, likely because we do not have a full understanding of or appreciation for Stewardship. So, let’s take a deeper, maybe even a new, look at Stewardship.

It is true that Jesus told his apostles to travel light. That does not mean that material possessions are evil. We are called upon to use and enjoy the things of the earth but to do it as good stewards. It is a challenge to fully understand our role as Christian stewards. We are not to be passive beneficiaries of our many gifts from God. Christian stewards receive God’s gifts gratefully, cultivate them responsibly, share them lovingly and return them with increase to the Lord. Whatever we have comes from God and really belongs to God. We are simply caretakers, administering it all on God’s behalf. How well we are doing this will likely continue as a matter for discussion and debate, but Stewardship gives us the opportunity to do better.

So, how do we do Stewardship? You have no doubt heard before about the generous giving of time, talent and treasure according to one’s circumstances, and that is true, but Stewardship also involves safeguarding material and human resources and using them responsibly. Stewardship is part of the Christian way of life and can shape our understanding of the way we live. But there are obstacles to Stewardship. A secular culture can contradict our religious convictions. Stewardship is a good way to fight back against secularism. Each of our lives unfolds differently. It makes sense that God influences all aspects of our lives – our abilities, our education, our relationships, our wealth, our possessions. They were all given to enable us to do something. And, it is true that some of us end up with more than others. Long ago, St. Basil made the point that some may have more than others simply to provide them the opportunity to share what they have with the less fortunate. Interesting thought. Besides, people are more important than things, right? And life is short, too short to be weighed down by excesses.

Yes, it is easy to preach to others about it not being what we have that counts, but rather, what we do with what we have. Shouldn’t we really be thinking about the future, planting the “good seed” as best we can and taking the Lord up on His offer to give it growth? I was moved by this quote attributed to St. Gregory Nazianzen found in the Little Burgundy Book, “Give something, however small, to the one in need. For it is not small to one who has nothing.” Sharing your time, talent and treasure in the St. Juan Diego Stewardship program allows us to do this collectively together as Christians supporting our church and its many missions.

What are you doing with what you have been given?

Altar Servers: Suzanne Martin, Baby Corner: Marty Abts, Baptism Prep: Jeny Velazquez-Samayoa, Bulletin Articles: Jeny Velazquez-Samayoa, Bulletin Sponsors: Peggy Brice, Caregivers: Larry Eisenbach, Capital Campaign Continuation Committee: Les Fahey, Children’s Liturgy of the Word: Kathy Marshall, Eucharistic Ministers: Gail Wilhelms, Faith Café: Catherine Moore, Faith Formation: Claire Tulfo, First Eucharist and Confirmation Prep: Claire Tulfo, Finance Council: Pat Kurkoski, Greeters: Debbie Wells, High & Middle School Youth Ministry: Claire Tulfo, Hospitality on Saturday: Tammy Taylor, Hospitality on Sunday: Jeanne Sabbe, Knights of Columbus: Mark Berning, Landscape Design Committee: Rachel Arjavac, Lectors: Dean Kling, Liturgy Committee: Maureen Barnhart, Luz Divina: Humberto Ayala,

Maintenance Committee: Paul Nofziger, Marriage Prep: Jeny Velazquez-Samayoa, Mass Collection Counters: Dan Remington, Men's Retreat: Matt Cato, ; Middle & High School Youth Ministry: Claire Tulfo, Mom’s Group: Amy Powers, Music Ministry - Adriel Algiene, New Parishioner Welcome: Wanda Schwab, Parish & Family Life: Contact the office Pastoral Council: Nancy Smith, Pastoral Care/Homebound Ministry: Gail Wilhelms Prayer Chain: RCIA: Jeny Velazquez-Samayoa, Sacristans: Connie Price, SCRIP Gift Card: Lisa Anderson, Social Justice: Mary Johnson and Alica Schubert, St. Vincent De Paul: Jackie Keil, Vocations: Peg VanHoomissen Website: Peggy Brice, Women’s Retreat: Nancy Smith, Worship Environment Committee: Sherry Kirkpatrick,

St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry (503) 985-6046

Updated 8/24/2018

Fr. Terry O’Connell, Pastor, Rev. Mr. Dennis Desmarais, Deacon: Jeny Velazquez-Samayoa, Administrative Assistant, Peggy Brice, Business Manager, Roberto Cruz Gonzalez, Maintenance, Adriel Algiene, Music Coordinator, Claire Tulfo, Director of Religious Education and Youth Ministry,

Office (503) 644-1617 Office Hours

Tuesday to Friday 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM

St. Juan Diego Church Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon 5995 NW 178th Ave, Portland, OR 97229

Saturday Vigil Mass 5:00 PM (English)

Sunday Masses 8:45 AM English

10:30 AM Spanish

12:15 PM English

Sacrament of Reconciliation 4:00 - 4:30 PM Saturday

Weekday Masses 6 PM Tuesday - Friday

Holy Day Mass: 7 PM Bilingual

Parish Ministries

Staff Mass Schedule

Pastoral Council: Nancy Smith (Chair), Therese Nguyen, Gary Wilhelms, David Haase, Kendra Berning, Dan Stanfield, Adriana Murillo, Larry Rocha, Fr. Terry O’Connell, Jean DeLaney (ex officio)

Finance Council: Pat Kurkoski (Chair), Jerzy Rub, Doody Boliba, Dave Marcantuono, Fr. Terry O’Connell, Peggy Brice (ex officio),