St bonaventures prospectus 2014

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Transcript of St bonaventures prospectus 2014

St Bonaventure’sA Specialist Applied Learning, Language and Technology College

A British Council International School

A Consultant School for the Specialist Schools and Academies Trust

Welcome to St Bonaventure’s

St Bonaventure’s has a long and distinguished history. Our school has been providing the very best educationfor Roman Catholic boys in the East End of London since 1875. I am sure that you and your son will want tobe part of our on-going success.

Our school motto, “In Sanctitate et Doctrina” symbolises what we expect from all members of our school community.

We are a Roman Catholic school, founded on gospel values and our boys are an important and integral partof the faith community. Christian principles are at the very heart of all that we do at St Bonaventure’s.

We expect everyone in our school to make the most of their opportunities, to learn something new each dayand to reflect upon their experiences. We expect our students to work hard and always try their very best ateverything that they do. We will assist them, by providing them with the best possible learning environmentand outstanding teaching, in an atmosphere of order, discipline and Christian love.

In March 2009, an inspection led by one of Her Majesty’s Inspectors of Schools, stated that: “St Bonaventure’s continues to be an outstanding school”. This was building upon the achievement of therecognition in 2006, that our school was Outstanding. We are very proud of our school and our students. It is very heartening to have a professional and external organisation confirm what we already know. Theywere also able to support our mission statement and said: “St Bonaventure’s provides a community whereeach individual student can grow spiritually, academically and socially”.

Our examination results have shown consistent improvement year on year, our teachers and students aredetermined to ensure that this continues. St Bonaventure’s is recognised as a High Performing School, this isa standard that is not awarded easily by the Department for Education and recently the Specialist Schoolsand Academies Trust has awarded us the title of Consultant School.

If you wish to see for yourself, the outstanding work that is occurring on a daily basis at St Bonaventure’s, donot hesitate to contact us. We will always welcome visitors and prospective parents and delight in allowingothers to see the “exceptional care, guidance and support” and the “outstanding teaching and learning”present in our school.

This is a school that every member of the school and wider community feels privileged to be associated with.

Paul HalliwellHeadteacher

“My child is blessed

to go here.”Parental comment to

OFSTED Inspectors, 2009

About our SchoolSt Bonaventure’s is a boys’ Voluntary Aided school maintained and supported by theDiocese of Brentwood and the London Borough of Newham.

St Bonaventure’s is a Roman Catholic comprehensive providing an education for boysfrom the age of 11 to 16. In collaboration with St Angela’s Ursuline school we alsoprovide education for 16 to 18 year olds.

The school is named after St Bonaventure, a friar in the Order of St Francis and aDoctor of The Church.

St Bonaventure

At the age of 22 Bonaventure joined the Order of St Francis and commited his life toChrist, following the example of St Francis of Assisi.

The way of life chosen by St Francis involved;

Poverty possessing no money or material things

Chastity committed to God and a life of celibacy

Obedience loyalty to the rules of St Francis

He was an excellent student and insisted that all the Friars should study. Those thatlived and worked with him always commented on his sensitivity to the needs ofothers. In 1273, Pope Gregory X chose Bonaventure to become a Cardinal.Bonaventure died on 15th July 1274 at the age of 52 and was declared a saint in1482 because of his life of heroic virtue. In 1588, he was declared a Doctor ofthe Church.

Our CurriculumPersonalised Learning is at the heart of our curriculum content and structure. Our curriculum provision enables boys to study a balanced challenging programme of studywhich ensures they achieve their full potential.

We have three specialisms (Applied Learning, Language and Technology). We believe that these specialisms significantly enhance the learning experiences of our boys and the community.

We have been recognised as Outstanding (OFSTED 2009) in relation to our curriculum,teaching and learning, and care guidance and support. We continually strive to improve ourservice to the boys through regular self-evaluation.

Key Stage 3 (Years 7-9)Boys study a broad curriculum in a 25 period week. Opportunities for extended learningand cross curricular work occur in our regular Project Based Learning and Specialismevents. The full range of National Curriculum subjects is delivered.

Key Stage 4 (Years 10 – 11)All students study Religious Education, English, Maths, Science and a Modern ForeignLanguage. They will choose from a range of optional subjects for GCSE.

Sixth Form - St Angela’s & St Bonaventure’s Sixth Form CentreThe Sixth Form Centre is a real strength of our school and the majority of Year 11 boysstay onto the sixth form centre to pursue their Post-16 Education with us.

The wide range of subject choices available cover AS, A2 and BTEC qualifications. In addition to this, students receive information, advice and guidance enabling progressionto University, apprenticeship and the world of work.

We expect all members of the Sixth Form to make many contributions to school life, such asmentoring younger students, fundraising, delivering assemblies and acting as positive rolemodels to the boys. Sixth Formers complete enrichment studies, which not only contributeto their own personal development but also assist the school and the wider community.

Admissions PolicySt Bonaventure's School was founded by the Catholic Church to provide education for boysof Catholic families. The school is conducted by its governing body as part of the CatholicChurch in accordance with its trust deed and instrument of government, and seeks at alltimes to be a witness to Jesus Christ.

Whenever there are more applications than places available, priority will always be givento Catholic applicants in accordance with the over subscription criteria.

The Governors of St Bonaventure’s School intend to admit 186 pupils into Year 7 in theschool year which begins in September 2015. Applications for places at St Bonaventure'sfor Year 7 starting September 2014 were 600.

For all information regarding the application process it is essential that you read therelevant information on the school website.

School DayThe School day begins with each year grouplining up in the playground at 8.45 am. Pupilsare escorted by their form tutors to theirregistration room and they are registered forthe morning session.

08:45 Registration

09:05 Period 1

10:05 Period 2

11:05 Morning break

11:25 Period 3

12:25 Period 4

13:25 Lunch

14:15 Period 5 (and afternoon registration)

15:25 End Of Day

Some older pupils are taught in twilightlessons (after 15:25) and all have a minimumof 25 hours teacher contact excludingassemblies, registration, lunch breaks andother breaks.

Religious EducationSt Bonaventure’s is a Roman Catholic school, therefore the study of Religious Education is acornerstone of our curriculum, providing our students with with moral guidance andenhancing their understanding of Catholic and Christian beliefs.

Although all our students in Years 7 to 11 are Roman Catholic, our curriculum reflects thediversity of religions in the world and promotes understanding and tolerance of otherreligions.

At Key Stage 4 we enter all students for GCSE in Religious Studies and the syllabus chosenis both interesting and challenging.

In the Sixth Form, we offer an A level qualification in Religious Studies, other students willalso participate in a Spiritual Retreat.

As a Catholic school we expect all our parents to support us with our desire to provide afaith element in teaching and learning.

The start of each lesson always begins with our “Prayer Before Lessons”.

Our FacilitiesThe school has a wide variety of facilities for use by our students including 7computer suites and approximately 380 computers, although this number isconstantly increasing. The school also has Technology and Art areas furnished toprovide the best possible provision for our students.

Sport is catered for in the fully equipped Sports Hall, and school teams compete inNational competitions in basketball, football and athletics. In 2008, the school wasEnglish National Basketball champions.

The school also boasts a Music Technology suite, as well as practice rooms and arecording area. Many of our pupils use these facilities to learn a musical instrumentand the school boasts a nationally recognised choir. This year a group of fortystudents from all Year Groups toured Germany on a music excursion of the Moselleand Rhineland areas. They performed in three picturesque venues in Bern, KastelKues and Bad Muenster.

All facilities are used extensively throughout the day during school hours. This issupplemented by clubs and classes before school, during lunchtimes and after school.

For many PE lessons we also use the excellent facilities available in West Ham Park,which is right on the doorstep of our school. We also use our three minibuses to helpus with lessons on Wanstead Flats, “The Field Of Dreams”.

“I was nervous at the start when I came to St. Bonaventure's but the teachers andolder boys helped me”

Kieran Obazee (St. Helen’s Catholic Primary School)

“On my first day I felt nervous but the teachers made me feel comfortable. In St. Bon's you can achieve a lot”

Taylor Grech (St. James’ Primary School)

“Since I have started at St. Bon's I have met lots of new people. There is a lot ofchances to get into different clubs. I think St. Bon's is a great school”

Joshua Osei (St. Helen's Catholic Primary)

“You get to meet new friends, learn new subjects, and everyone helps you toimprove in those subjects you think you are not as good in.”

Marc Laureto (St. Antony's Catholic Primary)

“I am finding St. Bon's exciting because it’s a new adventure and I'm meeting lots ofnew friends.”

Louis Guinto (St. Anthony's Primary)

“Starting secondary school was scary at first, but now I have got to know new peopleI feel more confident. Everyone is really helpful and friendly.”

Michael Oku-Ampofo (St. Michael’s Catholic Primary)

“I was nervous on the first day. I'm settled in and I'm making loads of new friends. It is an adventure.”

Omar O'Neill (New City Primary)

“My first few days at St. Bonaventure's have been a great experience. I have mademany new friends. The teachers are fun and I am delighted to be in the school”

Jonash Cortez (St. Michael's Catholic Primary)

“I’ve learnt that in life you should never give up, you should hope and plan forwhat you want because everyone can achieve in life, if they put in hard workand always be positive not negative.”

Adilson dos Santos, Year 11 2010 (Scott Wilkie Primary)

“The Switched-on-to-Learning programme could not be improved it wassuperb. This school has provided me with so many opportunities andexperiences. St Bons is an excellent school”

Craig Alfred, Year 11 2010 (St Edward’s Catholic Primary)

“I’ve learnt that no dream is too big, as long as you have a plan”Luke Davies, Year 11 2010 (St Michael’s Catholic Primary)

“St Bons produces legends”Jason Akpobi, Year 10 2010 (St Helen’s Catholic Primary)

“The teachers strive to motivate us” Darren Gyan, Year 11 2010 (St Francis’ Catholic Primary)

“Students give confidence to one another”Sellom Gedjah, Year 11 2010 (St Helen’s Catholic Primary)

“St Bon’s provides us with phenomenal life changing opportunities”Christopher Achiampong, Year 11 Head Boy 2010 (St Stephen’s Primary)

“The belief that teachers have in you and the inspiration they give you willmake you achieve your potential or beyond”

Dudley Cline, Year 12 2010 (St Antony’s Catholic Primary)

“Learning at St Bons is my happiest time. The teachers make it as enjoyableas possible”

Michael Meshe, Year 9 2010 (St Winefride’s Catholic Primary)

“I used to have no confidence in reading, now I have my confidence, thanks to the support that I get”

Liam D’Aranjo, Year 9 2010 (St Edwards Catholic Primary)

“Teachers and other students will always be there to help you” Ayo Ogbeide, Year 12 2010 (St Helen’s Catholic Primary)

In a recent Year 9 Study Skills day students made the following comments;

“All of it was brilliant, I can’t wait to do it again. My group created a greatatmosphere to work in, we all helped each other out and did better becauseof it”

“The best bit was the presentations. I worked on my presentation skills andmanaged all the other members of my group, which built up my confidence”

“Putting all the work together as a team leader, supporting and checking upon my group members helped me to become less shy”

“The fact that everyone was working together and getting along with eachother made this a pleasure. It helped us all to develop our learning skills”

What Our Older Students Say AboutSt Bonaventure’s

Special Educational NeedsThe aim of the Learning Support Department is to fully support the inclusion of all students with identified SEN and to enable them to reach their full potential.

The Learning Support team consists of;

• Dedicated, highly trained SEN teachers

• 3 Higher Level Teaching Assistants

• 12 Teaching Assistants

The Department offers in-class support for all those pupils who, due to theirspecial need, require help to access the mainstream curriculum.

We also offer small group literacy support for pupils with low attainment inliteracy and 1:1 support for students with diagnosed dyslexia.

Special examination access arrangements are organised for Year 10, 11, 12 &13 pupils who require support during their examinations to ensure theyachieve their expected levels.

Before school, lunchtime and after school clubs are run to help all pupils withboth homework and coursework.

We also offer support for pupils with behavioural, emotional anddevelopmental difficulties and a wide range of other special educational needs.

AssessmentStudents at St Bonaventure’s are placed into sets based upon their achievement at KeyStage 2. Throughout the year they are assessed by their teachers using a variety ofmethods. Parents are kept well informed of the progression of their son using interimsummative reports. Heads of Departments and Heads of Year will make early contact withparents if a student is failing to make the expected progress.

All students are given targets in their subjects at the start of each year. These are basedupon achievement at the end of the previous year. We expect all our students to achievetheir targets.

During morning registration, students are extracted by their Form Tutor on a regular basis toattend Target Setting meetings. Progress is reviewed and discussed at these meetings. InKey Stage 4, students will also have an identified mentor from the School’s LeadershipTeam if it seems that they are starting to make less than expected progress.

St Bonaventure’s students consistently make more than expected progress in their GCSEstudents. The school is in the top 5% for showing Key Stage 2 to Key Stage 4 progression.

“In Sanctitate Et Doctrina”In Holiness and Learning

St Bonaventure’s, A Specialist Applied Learning, Language and Technology CollegeBoleyn Road, Forest Gate, London, E7 9QD

Telephone No: 020 8472 3844 Fax No: 020 8471 2749Email:

www.stbons.orginnovation for education

tel 0151 708 8600

Prayer Before LessonsO God, grant me a calm mind,

A quiet disposition,And an attentive ear,

So that through this lessonI may learn to come to your truth.


St Bonaventure, Pray For Us.

The Peace Prayer Of St FrancisLord make me an Instrument of thy peace.Where there is hatred, let me sow love.

Where there is injury, pardon.Where there is doubt, faith.Where there is despair, hope.Where there is darkness, light.Where there is sadness, joy.

O Divine Master,Grant that I may not so much seek to be

Consoled as to console;To be understood as to understand;

To be loved, as to love;For it is in giving we receive,

It is in pardoning that we are pardoned,and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

‘Outstanding’ 2014