Spring at the Bassetti Foundation

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Newsletter March - June 2012

Transcript of Spring at the Bassetti Foundation

FGB Newsletter.FGB Newsletter.FGB Newsletter.FGB Newsletter.

SpSpSpSpring at the Bassetti Foundationring at the Bassetti Foundationring at the Bassetti Foundationring at the Bassetti Foundation

March March March March –––– June 2012June 2012June 2012June 2012

IndexIndexIndexIndex Artisans and design, new names at work

a. Interview with Stefano Micelli

b. Piero Bassetti’s Lesson at the Domus Academy, master in business design The Bassetti Foundation

at the Public Communication of Science and Technology Conference Geni a nudo. Ripensare l'uomo nel XXI secolo: presentation seminar

of the book by Nowotny and Testa, held at the Bassetti Foundation Jonny Hankins: four months of articles from the US Neuroscience at Padova. Report, photos and video

1. Artisans and design, new names at work1. Artisans and design, new names at work1. Artisans and design, new names at work1. Artisans and design, new names at work

The success experienced by the 2011 Bassetti Foundation project entitled milano design,

Achieving the improbable has lead us to work upon an idea that grew out of the experience:

working towards the emergence of a forward looking artisan sector.

The new importance that the word Artisan is taking on in the US, as the definition of someone

that we would have called Craftsman, is symptomatic of a change in the relationship between

ways of working and ways of living. Pushed forward by new technologies and challenged by

economic crisis, we are looking for that “reason composed of work and intelligence” that Carlo

Cattaneo attributed the wealth of the nation to, and that he himself stimulated with the journal «Il

Politecnico» and the organization ‘la Società d’incoraggiamento d’Arti e mestieri’, (Society for

the Promotion of Arts and Crafts).

Upon this question our website published a discussion between the author of the book Futuro

Artigiano, Stefano Micelli (Professor of Economics and Management at the Università Ca'

Foscari and Director of the Venice International University) and Veronica Trevisan of Globus et

Locus http://www.fondazionebassetti.org/it/segnalazioni/2012/04/artigianato_e_design_come_nuov.html

A modern training system has the responsibility to promote these reflections. In March Piero

Bassetti delivered a lesson to the students of the Master in Business Design at the Domus

Academy. From the dialogue with the students (from across the globe) it emerged that the

inheritancee of the great Milanese Designers partners the new forms of interaction design:

towards a shared responsibility for innovation that immerses the designer, ever more knowingly,

in the life of polis.

The FGB website hosts a video of the lesson and a gallery of photos (both produced by

Tommaso Correale).


2. The Bassetti Foundation at the Public Communication of Sc2. The Bassetti Foundation at the Public Communication of Sc2. The Bassetti Foundation at the Public Communication of Sc2. The Bassetti Foundation at the Public Communication of Science and Technology ience and Technology ience and Technology ience and Technology


In April in Florence the Bassetti Foundation sponsored a session at the Public Communication of

Science and Technology Conference (PCST 2012). Scientists, scientific institutions faculty,

researchers and journalists participated in this international conference. The Bassetti Foundation

chose to focus debate upon the passage of the individual responsibility of the communicator to

the responsibility of the systems that uphold innovation (social media and open science).

PCST on our site:

- review by Margherita Fronte


- video of the FGB sponsored session


- the panelists’ papers

Alexander Gerber: From Responsibility of Communicatione to responsibility in STC


Ann Grand: "It feels like the right thing to do": ethical perspectives of open science


- contributions in other panels by FGB fellowship winners

Patricia Ríos Cabello: Architecture and public science communication


Saima Siddiqui et alii: The potential role of science communication in Pakistan


- Angela Simone interview with Massimiano Bucchi


- two articles by Angela Simone – Primavera accademica? e Opening European Science which

analyzes the development of open science in the US and the UE.



3. Geni a nudo. Ripensare l'uomo nel XXI secolo: presentation seminar of the book by 3. Geni a nudo. Ripensare l'uomo nel XXI secolo: presentation seminar of the book by 3. Geni a nudo. Ripensare l'uomo nel XXI secolo: presentation seminar of the book by 3. Geni a nudo. Ripensare l'uomo nel XXI secolo: presentation seminar of the book by

Nowotny and Testa, at the Bassetti FoundationNowotny and Testa, at the Bassetti FoundationNowotny and Testa, at the Bassetti FoundationNowotny and Testa, at the Bassetti Foundation

On 4th of June we hosted Giuseppe TestaGiuseppe TestaGiuseppe TestaGiuseppe Testa, Director of the Stem Cell Epigenetic Laboratories at

the European Institute of Oncology and author with Helga Nowotny of Geni a nudo. Ripensare

l'uomo nel XXI secolo.

The seminar was introduced by Piero BassettiPiero BassettiPiero BassettiPiero Bassetti and moderated by Margherita FronteMargherita FronteMargherita FronteMargherita Fronte, and the

following distinguished guests took part: Gianluca BocchiGianluca BocchiGianluca BocchiGianluca Bocchi (Philosopher of Science and the

History of Ideas at the University of Bergamo), Michele Di FrancescoMichele Di FrancescoMichele Di FrancescoMichele Di Francesco (Head of Faculty of

Philosophy and Professor of Logic and the Philosophy of Science at the University of life and

Health San Raffaele), Giuseppe LongoGiuseppe LongoGiuseppe LongoGiuseppe Longo (Emerit Professor of the Theory of information at the

University of Tireste), Sebastiano MaffettoneSebastiano MaffettoneSebastiano MaffettoneSebastiano Maffettone (Professor of Philosophy at the LUISS Guido Carli,

where he is head of the faculty of Political Science and directs the Center for Ethics and Global

Politics) and Adriano PessinaAdriano PessinaAdriano PessinaAdriano Pessina (Professor of Moral Philosophy at the Catholic University of Milan).

The FGB website hosts a review of the discussion written by Margherita Fronte, a video of the

seminar and a gallery of photographs (produced by Tommaso Correale).




4. Jonn4. Jonn4. Jonn4. Jonny Hankins: articles from the USy Hankins: articles from the USy Hankins: articles from the USy Hankins: articles from the US

Jonny Hankins has published a host of original contributions on the Foundation website about his

State-side observations. The posts relate to academic debates that he participated in and

interviews with exponents from the Universities, NGO’s, the worlds of art and US politics. See

the following:


Sustainable Food Provisioning, Technology or Trust? http://www.fondazionebassetti.org/it/segnalazioni/2012/03/sustainable_food_provisioning.html

Layers of Uncertainty


A Research Strategy for Engineered Nanotechnology


Nano-pollutants and a Research Strategy http://www.fondazionebassetti.org/it/segnalazioni/2012/03/nano-pollutants_and_a_research.html


Safeguarding Venice, the Mose project http://www.fondazionebassetti.org/it/segnalazioni/2012/04/safeguarding_venice_the_mose_p.html

A conversation with Pallavi Phartyal Parts 1 and 2 http://www.fondazionebassetti.org/en/focus/2012/04/a_conversation_with_pallavi_ph.html

More medical Patent Problems http://www.fondazionebassetti.org/it/segnalazioni/2012/04/more_medical_patent_problems.html

International Conference in Paris http://www.fondazionebassetti.org/en/focus/2012/04/international_public_communica.html


Who’s Responsible? The Bassetti Foundation at EASA


28 Seeds, a review of the event http://www.fondazionebassetti.org/it/segnalazioni/2012/05/28_seeds_a_review_of_the_event.html

The Responsibility of Communication Parts 1 and 2 (translation)


23andMe, Architectures for life. Parts 1, 2 and 3



Launch of the UCS Center for Science and Democracy http://www.fondazionebassetti.org/en/focus/2012/06/ucs_center_for_science_and_dem.html

Sequencing the Genome of Unborn Babies http://www.fondazionebassetti.org/en/focus/2012/06/sequencing_the_genome_of_unbor.html

5. Neuroscience in5. Neuroscience in5. Neuroscience in5. Neuroscience in Padova. Report, foto and videoPadova. Report, foto and videoPadova. Report, foto and videoPadova. Report, foto and video

Tommaso Correale followed and engineered the streaming of the fourth edition of the

International Scientific Convention of Neuroethics (Padova, 9-11 May 2012) that this year took

the theme neuroscience, between explanations of life and care of the mind. The organizer

Andrea Lavazza also produced a report for the Bassetti Foundation website: http://www.fondazionebassetti.org/it/focus/2012/06/le_neuroscienze_a_padova_repor.html


first day: http://vimeo.com/album/1953183

second: http://vimeo.com/album/1953189

poster session: http://vimeo.com/album/1953192

third: http://vimeo.com/album/1953194

photos: http://www.flickr.com/photos/fondazionebassetti/sets/72157629649154236/

June 2012