Nixon Foundation Newsletter - Spring 2013

& Leac SPRING 2013 Published for friends and supporters of The Richard Nixon Foundation V ISION ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ CENTENNIAL LEGACY CAMPAIGN Chairman Fred Malek Announces Goals A FRESH LOOK AT RN: Patriot, President, Peacemaker SEE PHOTOS AND STORY ON PAGE 3. Youngsters from the Boys and Girls Club reenact RN's first swearing-in, pictured behind them in the new Centennial exhibit. T wenty five years ago, friends and admirers of the 37th President joined in our first major fundraising campaign that built the Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum. It’s now time to undertake a new campaign that will advance the world’s knowledge of President Nixon and his extraordinary accomplishments. RN’s Deputy Director of the Office of Management and Budget, Fred Malek, has agreed to head the Centennial Legacy Campaign to raise $25 million. A West Point graduate, Malek served as President and CEO of Marriott Hotels and Northwest Airlines and is Founder of Thayer Capital Partners, a corporate buy out firm and Founder and Chairman of Thayer Lodging Group, a private equity firm. He spoke at President Nixon’s 100th Birthday Gala on January 9 in Washington, D.C. He was introduced by campaign vice co-chair and former Deputy Assistant to President Nixon, Larry Higby, who announced that Fred had kicked-off the campaign with a significant personal pledge. “It’s so important that we not only refurbish the Library where hundreds of thousands of people come,” Malek said, “but that we reach out electronically to the world – with a more robust online presence to share the accomplishments of the 37th President.” Ambassador George Argyros is campaign vice chair along with Higby. The $25 million will be devoted to several important goals of the Foundation, including: Refresh the museum galleries, now 25 years old and in need of technological updates and 21st century modernizations. Launch an academic initiative to fund undergraduate and graduate scholarships, visiting university lecturers, on-campus and online curriculum, and a Library educational center for scenario-based education experiences. Build a replica of RN’s Oval Office, as part of the Library educational center, to allow student groups to simulate the President’s high-pressure decision making. Expand and improve our online reach and impact. U.S. Archivist David Ferriero presided over the latest Centennial celebration to honor RN, the opening of a state- of-the-art, interactive Centennial exhibit. (CONTINUED ON PAGE 5) Chair Fred Malek


Published for friends and supporters of the Richard Nixon Foundation.

Transcript of Nixon Foundation Newsletter - Spring 2013

Page 1: Nixon Foundation Newsletter - Spring 2013

&Le�ac� SPRING 2013

Published for friends and supporters of The Richard Nixon Foundation


� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �

CENTENNIAL LEGACY CAMPAIGNChairman Fred Malek Announces Goals


Patriot, President, Peacemaker


Youngsters from the Boys and Girls Clubreenact RN's first swearing-in, picturedbehind them in the new Centennial exhibit.

T wenty five years ago, friends and admirers

of the 37th President joined in our first

major fundraising campaign that built the

Richard Nixon Presidential Library and

Museum. It’s now time to undertake a new campaign that

will advance the world’s knowledge of President Nixon and

his extraordinary accomplishments.

RN’s Deputy Director of the Office of Management

and Budget, Fred Malek, has agreed to head the

Centennial Legacy Campaign to raise $25 million.

A West Point graduate, Malek served as President and CEO of Marriott Hotels and

Northwest Airlines and is Founder of Thayer Capital Partners, a corporate buy out firm

and Founder and Chairman of Thayer Lodging Group, a private equity firm.

He spoke at President Nixon’s 100th Birthday Gala on January 9 in Washington,

D.C. He was introduced by campaign vice co-chair and former Deputy Assistant to

President Nixon, Larry Higby, who announced that Fred had kicked-off the campaign

with a significant personal pledge.

“It’s so important that we not only refurbish the Library where hundreds of

thousands of people come,” Malek said, “but that we reach out electronically to the

world – with a more robust online presence to share the accomplishments of the 37th

President.” Ambassador George Argyros is campaign vice chair along with Higby.

The $25 million will be devoted to several important goals of the Foundation,


� Refresh the museum galleries, now 25 years old and in need of technological

updates and 21st century modernizations.

� Launch an academic initiative to fund undergraduate and graduate scholarships,

visiting university lecturers, on-campus and online curriculum, and a Library

educational center for scenario-based education experiences.

� Build a replica of RN’s Oval Office, as part of the Library educational center, to

allow student groups to simulate the President’s high-pressure decision making.

� Expand and improve our online reach and impact.

U.S. Archivist David Ferriero presided

over the latest Centennial celebration

to honor RN, the opening of a state-

of-the-art, interactive Centennial exhibit.


Chair Fred Malek

Page 2: Nixon Foundation Newsletter - Spring 2013

One of the mostinteresting—no, one ofthe most exciting—

developments of this year’s RichardNixon Centennial is the realization that there is, in fact, not onlya relearning, but a rethinking happening about RN’s decades ofvisionary public service.

President Clinton called for rethinking in his eulogy at RN’sState Funeral when he declared: “May the day of judgingPresident Nixon on anything less than his entire life andcareer come to a close.” It was forecast by Senator Bob Dole inhis eulogy when he said the second half of 20th Century wouldbe known as the Age of Nixon.

I knew rethinking was gaining momentum when I heard thewarm tributes at the bicoastal Richard Nixon CentennialBirthday Celebrations on January 6 in Yorba Linda andJanuary 9 in Washington. Leaders paraded to the podiums totalk about the RN they admired: Bruce Herschensohn, Cong. EdRoyce (new chair of the House Foreign Affairs Committee),Marine General Mel Spiese, Rev. Franklin Graham, Fred Malek,Ben Stein, Pat Buchanan, Dr. Henry Kissinger, Ron Walker andNixon daughters Tricia and Julie. They all talked about howmuch Richard Nixon achieved.

The press, too, fanned the rethinking. Reuters proclaimedacross its wires around the world that RN was “hailed asforeign policy genius” at the centennial of his birth. The listgoes on and on. It’s about time!

And rethinking is underway by many academics, scholars andresearchers. That’s shown in the announcements that over adozen new books on RN are in the works by Doubleday/Random House, Simon & Schuster, Yale University Press andothers. Perhaps it’s a welcome new chapter as scholars andbiographers who were not around in the Nixon years begin totake a fresh, objective view of the Nixon Presidency. We’re intouch with the authors, to help them access those in the Nixonarena who can provide historical insight, context andknowledgeable interviews. Conrad Black, writing recently in the National Review,

proclaimed that the “great Watergate fraud is unraveling,”and said that “although it was too late to redress the unjust fatesof those who gained and those who lost, including among thedisserved the whole nation, but not too late to welcome themiraculous emergence of a balanced treatment...”

This rethinking is consistent, too, with the Library’s widely-praised new Richard Nixon Centennial Exhibit. At the formalopening, U.S. Archivist David Ferriero told the audience thatit is an exhibit to which “you will want to return and eachvisit will expand your understanding of, and appreciation for,the Patriot, President and Peacemaker.”

The Sunday morning TV talking heads are upset about howparalyzed government is today. Little gets accomplished, they cry.The President, the Senate and the House hardly speak. Theycomplain that the President and the Congress can’t work togetherto get anything done. Wait. Stop. Richard Nixon led anation and led a Democratic Congress in agreeing oncountless major innovations, all characterized by his signature vision.

Richard Nixon got things done. That was our President,America’s 37th. And we’re reintroducing him to the world.

� GRAND OPENING OF SPECIAL POW EXHIBITSATURDAY MAY 18 This is the 40th anniversary of the homecoming of Vietnam POWs. In honor of theseAmerican patriot heroes, we’ll open a special exhibit highlighting the homecoming and White Housedinner hosted by the Nixons. The exhibit, An All American Homecoming, will include memorabilia fromthe dinner, the formal attire worn by the President and Mrs. Nixon, video commentary by POWs, andthe flag that flew over the White House during the dinner.

� MEET HON. DONALD RUMSFELDMONDAY MAY 20 � 7PM LECTURE AND BOOK SIGNING From his years of inside experience as a Congressman,

Senior Executive Staffer, Fortune 500 CEO and the second-longest serving Secretary of Defense,“Rummy” has collected scores of pithy tips and advice, all of which he will reveal in Yorba Linda inRumsfeld’s Rules.LECTURE TICKETS: $48 � ($43 MEMBERS) Includes a copy of Rumsfeld’s Rules!

� 40TH ANNIVERSARY POW REUNIONTHURSDAY MAY 23 AND FRIDAY MAY 24 The Nixon Foundation will host Vietnam POWs and their families fortwo days of special reunion events, including a BBQ in the gardens and a formal dinner in the East Roomto commemorate the 40th anniversary of their All American Homecoming from the prisons of NorthVietnam in 1973.

� MEET BUZZ ALDRINTUESDAY JUNE 11 � 7PM LECTURE AND BOOK SIGNING The second man to set foot on the moon will land in theEast Room, ready to talk the future of space exploration, discussed in his new Mission to Mars.

� MEET RICH LOWRYTUESDAY JUNE 18 � 7PM LECTURE AND BOOK SIGNING The editor of National Review, Fox News correspondentand New York Times bestselling author, will lecture and sign his Lincoln Unbound, in which heencourages a return to society that fosters opportunity and rewards hard work.TICKETS: $8 � ($6 MEMBERS)






MEET THE PRESIDENTSJUNE THROUGH AUGUST � TUESDAYS AT 10:30 AM A free series of educational presentations by five great American Presidents—plus First Lady Pat Nixon. Featuring talks, interactiveQ&A, photo opportunities, coloring time—and punch and cookies.

� MEET PRESIDENT GEORGE WASHINGTON � TUESDAY JUNE 18 His courageous role in the Revolutionary War led to theformation of the United States, where he served as its first President.

� MEET PRESIDENT ABE LINCOLN � TUESDAY JUNE 25 Our 16th President, he grew from humble beginnings in a logcabin and went on to lead our nation through the Civil War.

� MEET PRESIDENT TEDDY ROOSEVELT � TUESDAY JULY 16 Learn how the 26th President helped define the Americanspirit with his endearing character and cowboy image.

� MEET PRESIDENT THOMAS JEFFERSON � TUESDAY JULY 30 Learn how the 3rd President helped write the Declarationof Independence as an influential Founding Father.

� MEET PRESIDENT RICHARD NIXON � TUESDAY AUGUST 13 Portrayed by his younger brother, Ed Nixon. Learn abouthis childhood in Orange County and his achievements as the 37th President in bringing peace to the worldand a more just society at home.

� MEET FIRST LADY PAT NIXON � TUESDAY AUGUST 27 Portrayed by her friend Maureen Drown Nunn. Hear about hermodest beginnings and her remarkable career as America’s First Lady and Ambassador of Goodwill.

� NIXON CENTENNIAL LEGACY JOURNEY TO CHINAMAY 1 THROUGH MAY 10 Join an exclusive group on a fascinating journey throughthe People’s Republic of China, retracing RN’s steps during the “week thatchanged the world.”

M AY H 2 0 1 3


� CHINA-USA Friendship Bowl Football GameSATURDAY MAY 4 The Nixon Foundation delegation to China will be recognizedat the first American pro football game played in China. NFL players will square

off in an exhibition game at the National Olympic Stadium in Beijing andGRAMMY® winner Darius Rucker of Hootie and the Blowfish will perform.FOR INFORMATION ON THE TRIP: CALL 714.364.1120 or VISIT

There’s a WholeLot of RethinkingGoing on!



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R ichard Nixon’s Centennial Special Exhibit “tells a fascinating American story

and it does so in ways that engage and draw in the visitor,” proclaimed U.S.

Archivist David Ferriero at official dedication ceremonies. “It is the kind of

exhibition to which you will want to return, and each visit will expand your

understanding of—and appreciation for—the patriot, President, and peacemaker.”

February 15 marked the latest celebration in a series of bicoastal Centennial events to

recognize and honor the 37th President during his 100th year.

The exhibit showcases the five most important themes of RN’s life and career: his humble

upbringing, meteoric rise to national prominence, his administration’s innovative domestic

and realistic foreign policies, and his leading role as the world’s elder statesman.

U.S. Archivist David Ferriero& Foundation Treasurer JohnBarr admire a 16-foot muralportraying RN’s life in full.

Co-Curators Bob Bostock (left) and Frank Gannonintroduce the exhibit.Delegates from the Chinese Consulate in LA enjoy the recreation of

RN’s handshake with Zhou En-lai.

Boys and Girls Club kids check out never-before-exhibited artifacts.

Col. Jack Brennan delivered a heartfelt toast to RN.

Archivist Ferriero called theexhibit a "result of a truecollaboration" between NARA& the Foundation.

T he RN Centennial Gala at theMayflower Hotel in Washington onJanuary 9 was a night to remember,and included keynote remarks by

Gala Chairman Dr. Henry Kissinger, PatBuchanan, Rev. Franklin Graham, Ben Stein,Tricia Nixon Cox, Julie Nixon Eisenhower, FredMalek and Ron Walker.

“It is my honor to proposea toast to Richard Nixon,patriot, President, and,above all, peacemaker.”


With news cameras rolling, Boys and Girls Club members cut a Centennial

Ribbon of Olive Branches, reflecting RN’s role of peacemaker, to welcome visitors to

a fascinating collection of artifacts never before exhibited in public, from all stages of

RN’s life and career.

Using fully the technologies of our day—including breathtaking audiovisual experiences

and iPad displays—the exhibit takes the visitor through what Bob Dole called the “Age

of Nixon” and allows one to fully understand the context of Richard Nixon’s era.

The exhibit’s video presentations include RN discussing issues in his own words, plus

tributes taped by Presidents Carter, Clinton, and Bush.

Think you know RN? Think again! �

Boys and Girls Club members cut the Ribbon of OliveBranches, symbolizing RN’s role as a peacemaker.

Boys and Girls Club kids check out never-before exhibited artifacts.

RN alumni including (left to right) Governor HaleyBarbour, Wally Barnes, Mrs. Tod Hullin, BobbieKilberg and Dr. James Cavanaugh join hands insinging God Bless America.

The Hon. Fred Dent, RN’sformer Commerce Secretary.

Secretary Barbara Franklin,who led RN’s charge toappoint women in theExecutive branch, and thePresident’s brother, Ed Nixon.

Secretary Elaine Chao, The Hon. Fred Malek, and Senator Elizabeth Dole.

RELIVE THE CENTENNIAL EXPERIENCES with thiscommemorative souvenir book of both events, complete with photos & speakers’remarks, perfect for your coffee table! Call 1.800.USA.8865

General Brent Scowcroft, Deputy National SecurityAdviser to RN (left), and Don Kendall, former Chairmanof PepsiCo.

Celeating the Centennial

M edia from around the world came to Yorba Linda onJanuary 6 for the celebration of RN’s Centennial.

Tricia Nixon Cox led a wreath laying ceremony.

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events of interest

THE NIXON WHITE HOUSE DOMESTIC COUNCIL met at the Metropolitan Club in Washington in November.

The night before, Hon. and Mrs. Rumsfeld held a dinner attended by special guests Julie, Dr. Kissinger, Vice President Cheney, and Tricia.

NIXON’S JOURNEY TO CHINA was the subject of a presentation byAmb. Richard Solomon, a visiting lecturer at Whittier College. Students from RN’s almamater were treated to a firsthand account of the legacy of RN’s trip.

Mount Rushmore came to life on PresidentsDay and taught youngsters about the founding of our country.

SoCal’s Popular Radio Star Larry Elder talked RNand civil rights during his live broadcast in the East Room, and signed copies ofhis memoir Dear Father, Dear Son.

South Korean Ambassador to the U.S. Young-Jin Choitoured the Nixon Library, including the new Nixon Centennial exhibit.

A MAGICAL PRESENTATION OF OVER 25 DECORATED TREESfrom countries the Nixons visited around the world, was on display throughout the Christmas season.

FOX NEWS MILITARY EXPERT COL.OLIVER NORTH toured the new RN Centennial exhibit anddiscussed and signed his new bestseller Heroes Proved with anenthusiastic overflow East Room crowd.

GEORGE WASHINGTON’S PERSONAL COPY of the Constitution and Bill of Rights, with his handwritten notesin the margins, was put on display in a new special exhibit opened by Yorba Linda's Congressman, Ed Royce.

OVER 2000 MIDDLE SCHOOLERS witnessed fiery debates between Thomas Jefferson and Alexander

Hamilton, discussing the role of government in everyday life.

“I hope that all of you will have an opportunity to take a tour of theLibrary... What you will see, amongother things, is a personal life.”

— RN at the Nixon Library Dedication Ceremony, July 19, 1990

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SENIOR STAFF FROM THE CIA gathered at the Nixon Library for panel discussions on the roleof intelligence in the 1973 Arab-Israeli War. The two-day program also included a School Editors Forum (pictured atleft) where Southern California high school and college newspaper editors had the chance to question the CIA staff.

NUMBER 1 NYT BESTSELLINGAUTHOR ED KLEIN noted that his trip to YorbaLinda brought back memories of his time at Newsweek. Hesigned copies of his blockbuster The Amateur.

NEWT GINGRICH’S 10th APPEARANCE: Nearly 1000 packed the East Room tohear Speaker Gingrich on what the 2012 election outcome means for America. He and wife Callista signedcopies of his Victory at Yorktown and her Land of the Pilgrims’ Pride with Ellis the Elephant!

THE 23RD NIXON LEGACY FORUMNixon to Reagan:Reshaping the Supreme Court brilliantly chronicled the evolution of the Supreme Court from Nixon through Reagan. Held at the National Archives in D.C.

THE 24TH NIXON LEGACY FORUM Nixon and the American Indian: The Movement to Self-Determination, examined the lasting relations that RN established with his visionary policy of Self-Determination with the Native American community. Heldat the National Museum of the American Indian on the National Mall in Washington.

HOMETOWN HEROES: Over 100 military warriors from Southern California werehonored in December with special personalized ornaments placed on the Hometown Heroes Tree.

VETERANS DAY WASKEYNOTED by President Reagan’s NationalSecurity Adviser Robert “Bud” McFarlane, who recognizedRN’s notable military service during WWII.

LBJ’S DAUGHTER Lynda Johnson Robb laidflowers at PN’s Memorial on her 101st birthday andadmired a mural of her parents with the Nixons dedicatingLady Bird Johnson Grove, part of RN's Legacy of Parksprogram, in the Centennial exhibit.

� Expand our Nixon Legacy programming to include more national

conferences and forums.

Among the benefits of giving are a wide variety of recognition

opportunities. Foundation staff is available to discuss giving levels,

planned giving programs, tax incentives, and procedures for making a

gift over several years.

There are special tiers of gifts, all with appropriate permanent


Frequently in non-profit fundraising, a donor will make an

immediate cash pledge, and also a bequest for additional giving later.

Planned giving provides future gifts which are included in wills.

As Chairman Malek told the audience at RN’s birthday gala,

“Believe me friends, I’ll be knocking on your door.”

To guide the campaign in the months ahead, a strategy Cabinet has

been formed with key figures from the Nixon arena, including:

Bob Brown, Pat Buchanan, Elaine Chao, Dick Cheney, Ed and

Tricia Cox, Elizabeth Dole, David and Julie Eisenhower, Barbara

Franklin, David Gergen, Maurice Greenberg, Gavin Herbert Sr.,

Jon Huntsman Sr., Ken Khachigian, Bill and Bobbie Kilberg,

Henry Kissinger, Tom and Anne Korologos, Ed Nixon, Donald

Rumsfeld, George Shultz, Peter Simon, and Ron Walker.

For more information on the Richard Nixon Centennial

Legacy Campaign, contact President Sandy Quinn at

[email protected] or Executive VP Anthony Curtis at

[email protected]. �


T hank you to all of you whooversold the President’sGala Centennial

Celebration at the Mayflower Hotelin Washington, D.C. on January 9th. It was a joyous occasionand a true ball buster that reminded us all of days gone bye. I usedthe term “ball buster” on purpose. That was a term the NixonWhite House Advance Office used to describe a “standing roomonly with overflow crowds outside” political rally. Every advanceman wants to get credit for a ball buster. A big apology goes outto all I may have offended. Guess it was the use of “you had to bethere” insider terminology.

As I looked around that jam-packed room, I was once againstruck by the collective wisdom that was represented. I have heardmany comments about how happy we all were to see each other.Our camaraderie is legendary and that is something that shouldmake all of us very proud. My contemporaries at otherPresidential Libraries often tell me how impressed they are bythis. Many thanks go to our dinner chairman, Dr. HenryKissinger. Note to Henry: everyone was really glad to see you.

Speaking of thanking folks… thank you to Fred Malek for hisagreeing to join the Foundation Board and Chair theCentennial Fundraising effort. And also to our “creativeconsultants,” Bob Bostock and Frank Gannon, for their RNCentennial Exhibit currently on display at the RN Library’sLoker Center. It is world class and I encourage everyone to see it,in person, if possible. Thanks also go to Sandy Quinn and histeam, especially Anne Brown, Carrie Biddle, Laura Machin Curtisand Cheryl Saremi for making the event so successful. Chaos reinedwhen, due to the overwhelming interest, all tables of eight had to bechanged to tables of ten. They pulled it off with nothing more thanlong hours without sleep, hard work, and some great localvolunteers. Way to go, team!And one additional thank you to Rob Odle, the Foundation’s

pro bono counsel. He has put in place many great additions for us, including “best practices.” Hard to believe, this had never been done until Rob got involved. We are all very grateful.


HAPPY100th RN!



Page 6: Nixon Foundation Newsletter - Spring 2013

Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. BendettiCol. John V. BrennanMrs. Martha Cheney BrooksHon. Frederick B. DentHon. Barbara H. Franklin


Mrs. Josie AbplanalpAmbassador and Mrs. George L. ArgyrosThe Arnold and Mabel Beckman FoundationHonorable and Mrs. James H. CavanaughThe Ernest A. Crawford EstateHonorable Frederick B. DentMr. and Mrs. Jerry HarringtonHonorable and Mrs. Lawrence M. HigbyThe Margaret Higham EstateMr. Donald M. Kendall


Mr. & Mrs. Patrick BagnallMr. & Mrs. Peter D. BonannoMr. Mark D. DeanyMr. & Mrs. Bob DennerlineDr. William K. DuncanMr. & Mrs. Kris ElftmannMr. W. Peyton GeorgeDr. & Mrs. Thomas G. HallMr. Edward J. HillingsMr. John W. HushenMr. & Mrs. Henry KaakMrs. Irene B. Kamin

Dr. William R. MallettMr. Adam L. La MunyonMrs. Mary Alice Passman MurphyMrs. Lillian Menne PeelerMr. & Mrs. James W. RoachMs. Goldie RoeMr. Robert A. SackettMr. Thomas E. SmithMr. Paul R. TeschMrs. Linda WahMr. Larry Wood


Mrs. Marjorie AckerMr. Roger AilesMr. & Mrs. Thomas AnfinsonMr. C. Joseph ArbogastMr. & Mrs. John H. BarrHon. & Mrs. Richard S. BodmanMr. Robert M. BostockMr. & Mrs. Daniel M. Brigham, Jr. Hon. & Mrs. Robert J. Brown Hon. Patrick J. BuchananMrs. Shelley S. BuchananHon. Stephen B. BullHon. & Mrs. S. John ByingtonHon. & Mrs. John B.T. CampbellMr. John H. CarleyHon. & Mrs. Red CavaneyVice President & Mrs. Richard B. CheneyMr. William CodusMr. Daniel P. CoffmanMr. & Mrs. Michael Crow Mr. Magruder H. DentHon. Elizabeth Dole

Mr. Justin K. DurranceThe Rev. & Mrs. Neil R. EdlinDr. & Mrs. James EwingMrs. Richard M. FairbanksHon. Patricia GallucciMr. Frank GannonMr. & Mrs. William GarveyMiss Loie GauntMr. & Mrs. William L. GoetschMr. Ronald GravinoWilliam E. Griffin, Esq.Mr. & Mrs. John HamiltonHon. & Mrs. Edwin L. HarperMr. & Mrs. Jon HauschMr. Bruce HerschensohnDr. & Mrs. Richard L. HoppingLt. Gen. & Mrs. James D. HughesMr. Jerry JonesMr. & Mrs. Carl KepnerMr. & Mrs. Kenneth KhachigianMr. Christopher T. KlepacMrs. Doris Knauft


Celebrating the life and legacy of America’s 37th President


FoundationRICHARD NIXON� � � �

Mr. Wallace BarnesMr. Neal B. FreemanMr. & Mrs. Jerry HarringtonMr. John C. HerklotzMr. Donald M. Kendall

Amb. & Mrs. Lester Korn Mr. & Mrs. Alexander MunroMrs. Mary M. MuthMr. & Mrs. Robert C. Odle, Jr. Hon. & Mrs. Donald Rumsfeld

Amb. & Mrs. Tom C. KorologosMs. Beth KrzywickiMrs. Hong LiuMr. & Mrs. Robert LyonsMr. Roy M. MartinMr. & Mrs. Thomas G. MaukMr. William MeekerMr. Roger MinamiMr. & Mrs. John D. MuirheadMr. Peter C. MurphyMr. Michael W. NashMrs. Harlyne NorrisMr. & Mrs. John NunnMr. & Mrs. Peter OchsMr. & Mrs. John O’ConnorHon. Terrence O’DonnellHon. & Mrs. David ParkerMr. Philip PaulMr. Hubert PerryMr. & Mrs. C. Gregg PetersmeyerMr. Theodore PreuschMr. Sandy Quinn

The Katherine B. Loker TrustHonorable and Mrs. Frederic V. MalekMr. and Mrs. Robert C. Odle, Jr.The Sylvan and Ann Oestreicher FoundationHonorable and Mrs. Donald RumsfeldHonorable and Mrs. George P. ShultzMr. and Mrs. Roger M. SmithThe Starr FoundationHonorable and Mrs. Ronald H. Walker

Mr. & Mrs. Carl Rieger, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Karl SatorHon. James R. SchlesingerMr. & Mrs. Michael SchlingerMr. & Mrs. Stephen C. SchottGen. Brent ScowcroftMrs. Ruth B. ShannonMr. & Mrs. Geoffrey C. ShepardMr. Donald StinsonMrs. Louise TaperTawani FoundationDr. & Mrs. Nicholas ThanosHon. & Mrs. William E. TimmonsHon. & Mrs. Frank A. UrsomarsoMr. Henry WalkerMr. Henry WedaaMr. & Mrs. J. Bruce WhelihanDr. John C. WhitakerLCDR & Mrs. H. Eino YostMr. Patrick S. YoungMr. & Mrs. Fred P. Zimmer

“Real friends are there when you need them the most.”


Mr. Roger H. SchnappMr. & Mrs. Jeffrey SharpeHon. George P. ShultzMr. & Mrs. J. Peter SimonMr. & Mrs. Leland Smith

Richard (Sandy) Quinn � PresidentJim Byron � Editor, Legacy & VisionQuestions or comments? Call 714.364.1120 or email [email protected]

NIXON FOUNDATION BOARD MEMBERSCdr. Everett Alvarez, Jr.Amb. George ArgyrosMr. John H. BarrHon. Robert J. BrownDr. James H. CavanaughMrs. Tricia Nixon CoxMrs. Julie Nixon EisenhowerHon. Barbara Hackman FranklinMr. John W. HamiltonMr. Gavin S. Herbert

Hon. Lawrence M. HigbyHon. Tod HullinHon. Kenneth L. KhachigianHon. Fred MalekMr. Edward NixonMrs. Maureen Drown NunnMr. J. Peter SimonHon. Ronald H. Walker � ChairmanHon. Pete Wilson

Page 7: Nixon Foundation Newsletter - Spring 2013


With Thanks to Our associate’s club Members!Mr. Warren AbbeyMr. & Mrs. Jan AdamsMr. & Mrs. Tom AdamsMrs. Barbara E. AdamsMrs. Vera Lynn AdamsMr. Ernest AguirreMr. Barry AlanMs. Phyllis A. AldiMr. Albert AliotoMr. & Mrs. Roy AllanMr. & Mrs. Patrick J. AllenMr. & Mrs. C. K. Allen, Jr.Mrs. Minnie AllisonMs. Diane M. AmatoMr. & Mrs. Myles J. AmbroseMrs. Margaret C. AmmannMs. Helen AmmenMs. Pamela AmmermanMrs. Virginia AndersMr. A. Leon AndersonMr. & Mrs. David W. AndersonHonorable Michael D. AntonovichMrs. JoAnne ApletMr. & Mrs. Jon R. AppelMr. & Mrs. Michael ApodacaMrs. Cris ArgeabrightMr. Gerald ArriolaMs. Kathleen M. ArnoldMrs. Julia M. AstleMr. & Mrs. Roy AthertonMr. & Mrs. David AtkinsDr. James BabcockMr. David W. BaderMs. Maryjane C. BaileyMr. & Mrs Robert BallMr. Stephen R. BallochMr. & Mrs. Paul W. BarbahenMr. Michael R. BarclayMs. Linda BarlowMr. Edmund C. BarnumDr. Lyn Behrens BasarabaMr. Edmund BashistaMr. David R. BatesMr. Ronald L. BauerMr. & Mrs. Raymond Clay BaxterMr. Edward J. BayerMr. Bill BeachMr. Richard L. BeanMr. & Mrs. Lester H. BeckMiss Paulette BeckerMr. Nick BeckerMr. Charles W. BeckerMr. Joshua BeckmanMr. Joel H. BeezyMr. & Mrs. James L. BellMrs. Joy BenderMrs. Cynthia Bennett-BrownMrs. Kailash BereraMs. Cheryl BereznyMrs. Janice BergayMr. Richard BernsteinMr. Donald A. BestMrs. Sharon A. BiardMrs. Jacqueline Bingert-MundkowskyMr. Robert P. BittelMs. Dorothy BlackDr. J. Ralph Black, MDMr. R. BlagdenMrs. Barbara A, BlakeMrs. Carol G. BlanchardMs. Karen J. BlatterMr. & Mrs. Ed BlehmMrs. Marilyn R. BoardmanMs. Valerie BoemlerMrs. Virginia BolesMr. Arvid BollesenMrs. Nadine M. BollingerMr. & Mrs. Patrick BoltonMr. Robert A. BordenMrs. E. A. BostonMrs. Robin BoswellMr. & Mrs. Robert BourcierMs. Cheryl BowenMr. Gary S. BowersMrs. Patricia A. BoyleMrs. Carolyn BradshawMr. & Mrs. M. DeclanBransfield, IIIMr. Jack L. BransonMrs. Betty H. BrechtMrs. Melissa BreiterMr. Richard BrevoortMrs. Arvene M. BrierleyMr. & Mrs. Bob BrightMr. Mark BrittonMrs. Kathleen BrodyMs. Christine BronsteinMrs. Dona S. BrooksMr. Richard BrophyMr. Chad BroseMs. Anne M. BrownMr. David F. BrownMrs. Patricia W. BrownMs. Jan BrowningMiss Cynthia BrownleeMr. Dean BrubakerMs. Karen BruceMr. Walter S. BrucknerMr. Dennis BryantMr. Robert A. BuckleyMr. David G. BudingerMs. Christina BuhlMs. Jeanne F. BullMrs. Brenda BunchMr. Bill BurchettDr. Oliver M. BurrowsMr. Joseph P. BuschMrs. Marguerite L. ButlerMrs. Carolyn ButlerMr. Duane C. BygumMrs. Phyllis BylinkinColonel Tom CagleyMr. Jerry F. Caligiuri

Mrs. Barbara D. CameronMr. Raymond CanfieldMr. Louis J. CapoziMr. Martin CarboneMr. John CarlMr. John G. CarlsonMr. John R. CarmenMr. Paul J. Carter, Esq.Mr. Louis S. CarusoMr. Richard CastigliaMr. Robert CatonDr. Jerry CaulderMs. Stella CauslandMs. Marilyn CavenerMr. & Mrs. James ChamberlainMr. George J. ChambersMrs. Paula ChanceMr. & Mrs. Jay B. ChandlerMrs. Jean Zhen-yu ChangMs. Ann ChapmanMr. Chih Hong ChenMr. Abraham ChuangMr. Brian N. ChuchuaMr. Richard K. ChurchwellMr. Craig ChyrchelMrs. Joanne CiriacoMr. Robert J. CiulikMr. & Mrs. Robert S. ClarkeMr. & Mrs. Donald W. ClauseMrs. Catherine T. CobbMr. Thomas G. CodyMr. & Mrs. Jim ColeMr. Keith CollierMr. Charles CollinsMiss Susan E. CollinsMrs. Jan ComptonMrs. Lana R. ConradMs. Alice CookMr. Dave CookMr. Jay CookMrs. Julianne (Rowe) CookeMr. J. Danny CooperMr. & Mrs. Lloyd N. CosbyMs. Barbara CorlettMr. Michael G. CoyleMs. Patricia S. CoyleMr. & Mrs. Tom CrammerMiss Joan M. CrawfordMrs. Beatrice CrawfordMr. Daniel C. CretorsMrs. James CrissmanMrs. Awandi E. CromwellMs. Nancy CryanMr. Anthony CurtisMr. John M. CurtisMr. Ryan CvancaraMr. Maurice Da SilvaMr. T. Eugene DahlgrenMr. Thomas R. DamianiMs. Jane M. DannenhauerMs. Rita A. DannenhauerMrs. Lorraine DansonMr. Josh DavidsonMr. Charlie DavisMr. Willian S. DavisMr. & Mrs. Donald R. DavisMs. Doris M. DavisMs. Patricia K. DavisMr. & Mrs. John R. Davis, IIIMr. & Mrs. Richard De BruijnMr. Mark D. DeanyMrs. Deanna DedrickMr. Edward H. DeitchMr. John R. DeloretoMr. & Mrs. Mark DenneyMr. Magruder H. DentMrs. Robin DenunzioMrs. Judy DesjardinMr. Steven T. DetrickMrs. Sue DiLuigiMr. & Mrs. Paul DippolitoMs. Adele DonatoMr. Dan DooleyMr. Cliff DoubekDr. Ernie DovidioMr. Paul DragoMr. Leonard H. DreyerMr. Jacob Lynn DummermuthHonorable Rosemary M. DunbarMiss Irene DuncanMr. & Mrs. Ralph DunhamMr. Howard DutraMs. Ruthi DworakMr. Philip J. DwyerMrs. Teresa EarnhartMr. Spencer EberleMr. & Mrs. Alan L. EdwardsMs. Darcie EdwardsMrs. Jan L. EmanueleMr. & Mrs. William EnrightMr. & Mrs. Joseph EstephanMs. Kathleen EumurianHon. & Mrs. John F. EvansMr. Matthew EdsonMs. Marsha EdwardsMs. Carolyn EkmanMrs. Pat EmardMr. Seymour EverettMrs. Nancy H. FarrellMr. & Mrs. Charles Fagan, IIIMr. George A. FattonMrs. Catherine D. FechnerMr. Mark FeeneyMr. Brent FellerMr. Reg FennellMr. David FergerMrs. Peggy J. FergusonDr. Mario S. FicarolaMr. Martin P. FichtenmayerMrs. Lorraine H. FinchMrs. Dianne FirestoneMr. Jeffrey FirestoneMr. & Mrs. Ken FlynnMr. & Mrs. John C. Foltz

Mr. Charles K. FongMr. & Mrs. Edmund FongMr. Drew ForbesMr. & Mrs. Walter ForwardMr. Donald R. FosburgMr. & Mrs. William FoskettMr. James J. Fox, Esq.Mr. Walter F. FraserMr. Larry FrazierMrs. Dorothy J. FreemanMs. Angelita FreemanMrs. Enid FrohmbergMrs. Marjie FryerMr. Robert O. FuhrmannMiss Ashlie G. FullerMr. Brad FurryMs. Lara GableDr. Virgil GaleyMr. Edward W. GallagherMr. Salvador GallegosMr. Alfredo Cesar GarciaMrs. Chelsea GarenMr. Leonard L. GarofoloMrs. Patricia K. GauntMr. Nicholas GebeltMr. & Mrs. John GeisbauerMr. Lester L. GerdonMrs. Rhona GewlberMr. William B. GibsonMrs. Sharron L. GillMr. & Mrs. Rol GillumMr. Stephen GilroyMr. Jack J. GindiMr. Terrance GirouxMrs. Lois J. GodfreyMrs. Celeste GonzalezMr. Sheldon GottliebMr. & Mrs. Albert GoulmassianDr. Anupam GoyalMs. Deborah GrahamMr. Thomas GrahamMr. Ray GrangoffMrs. Judy GraunkeMr. Richard GrayMr. & Mrs. Daniel M. GreenMr. & Mrs. Hershel GreenMrs. Barbara L. GreenMrs. Barbara J. GreenMrs. Yvonne GreenRev. Bradley W. GreerMrs. Cindy GreiweMs. Corinne Escobar GriffithsMr. & Mrs. Donald GrimeMr. Thomas L. GroppelMrs. Beverly GunterMr. William GuseMr. Brad GuskeMr. Enrique GutierrezMr. & Mrs. Paul HaackMr. & Mrs. Robert HaasMiss Kathleen A. HaganMr. David M. HalisckyDr. & Mrs. Thomas G. HallMr. Robert A. HallerMr. Charles F. HallumsMr. William HamiltonMrs. Olga Irene HaneyMr. Howard HankinsMr. Robert HansenMs. Estelle A. HansenMrs. Evelynne R. HansonMs. Sheryl HarboldMrs. Robert D. HarbourMr. & Mrs. Robert HarhayMrs. Karen HarmsMr. Mark S. HarmsenMr. & Mrs. James HarperMr. & Mrs. Kenneth HarreHon. Will Ford HartnettMs. Ann HarveyMrs. Elizabeth HauMs. Maxine S. HaunMr. Roger HaysMr. Jean R. HechtMr. Michael F. HechtMrs. Carole HeeresMrs. Jane HendrixsonMs. Nadine HenningMrs. JoAnn Soule HenriksenMr. Irving HercilaMr. & Mrs. Gene HernandezMs. Joyce A. HerrMrs. Shirley A. HerronMs. Marie HettichMr. Steven L. HiattMrs. Amy HiattMr. David HillMrs. Caroline S. HillMr. Gregory HinkelmanMrs. Marty HinmanMr. Perry R. HippleMr. Robert HitchcockMr. Ronald R. HitzlerDr. Hai HoMr. & Mrs. Jerome H. HodgeMs. Jan HodgsonMr. Fred HoeffligerMr. & Mrs. Robert HoffmanMr. & Mrs. Keith HoffnagleMrs. Cathi HofstetterMr. Victor Hoog-AntinkMrs. Carol G. HoppeMrs. Alma G. HopperMr. Bryan HorsmanMr. W. Richard HowardMr. Martin A. HuertaMr. Bill HuffMr. Howard HughesMr. & Mrs. Frank HumpresMr. & Mrs. Matyas HunyadiMr. Robert J. HurnsMrs. Connie HurstDr. & Mrs. Fred HurstMr. John W. Hushen

Mrs. Lynn HustonDr. Robert L. Hymers, Jr.Mr. Gary IhrigMr. & Mrs. Mike IngersonMr. William InglotMr. Richard J. Irwin, IIIMr. & Mrs. Roger JacksonMs. Lois M. JacksonMr. John A. Jago, Jr.Mr. John L. JanceMrs. Carolyn C. JenningsMrs. Janet JeromeDr. Carolyn E. JohnsonMr. Robert L. JohnsonMrs. Violet JohnsonMr. Stanwood C. JohnsonMr. Stephen M. JohnsonMr. Alex JohnsonMr. & Mrs. Tom JohnsonMrs. Maureen JohnsonMs. Judy JohnsonMr. John H. Johnson, Jr.Mr. Terrance JohnstonMr. Mark B. JorgensenMr. Albert P. JuenglingMr. & Mrs. Henry KaakMs. Sheila Ina KahnDr. Robert Flynn KamanskyMrs. Irene B. KaminMr. Steve KanjiMr. & Mrs. Delno G. KanodeMrs. Laila KaramMr. James R. KearnsMr. Donald L. KeenerMr. & Mrs. Brian A. KeithMr. Bruce G. KelleyMrs. Karen KellyMr. Kevin G. Kelly, Esq.Mrs. Linda KempMr. Daniel C. KenaryMr. & Mrs. Ralph KennedyMr. & Mrs. George W. KershawMs. Judith KeyesMr. Gary KidaMr. & Mrs. Gary G. KiewietDr. & Mrs. James KileyMr. Don KilpatrickMr. Robert E. KingMr. & Mrs. John R. KingMr. Richard KleinMr. Howard J. KleinMs. Lorraine J. Kliem-LebermanMr. Kurtis KlineMr. Jeffrey KnappMr. Jaycob KnazurMr. Glenn KnightMr. Victor KnowlesMs. Katherine L. KoenigMr. Daniel M. KolkeyMs. Valeta M. KollerMs. Karen L. KoonMr. Charles F. KopiczMr. John KorovessisMr. Harold KoughMrs. Sharon KoumansMrs. Kari S. KramerMr. William KromanDr. Mark KrugerMrs. Julia KrystekMr. George H. KubeckMrs. Lillain W. KuglerMrs. E. Eileen KuhnMs. Madeline S. KuistMr. & Mrs. Anthony J. KurlanMr. William L. Kuss, Jr.Mr. Bruce C. Ladd, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. LaFortuneMr. Donald E. LagerbergMr. Dennis LahertyMr. Earl C. LairsonMr. Eric L. LaMunyonMrs. Adele LancasterMrs. Deno LandaMr. Glen LandinMr. Kelly LanterMr. & Mrs. Lance LarsenMr. Stephen LautenschlagerMs. Catherine LeeMr. Michael LehmanMr. Richard F. LemireMrs. Jeanne M. LeoMr. Edward LichtMr. Omar LigotDr. Zhenguo LinMr. Birute LiseckasMr. John LissandrelloMrs. Karen B. LockerMrs. Consuelo LomeliMr. Thomas Francis LonerganMrs. Donna LorenMr. Patrick LoseyMr. Joseph J. LovannaMs. Teresa LuckertMr. Valentine LugoMrs. Lois Ann LundbergMrs. Betty LundgrenMr. Frank LymanMs. Audrey LynbergMs. Katherine A. LynchMrs. Dorrie LyonsMr. Conrad H. MaasMr. Wayne D. MacDonaldMr. & Mrs. Gary MacheelMrs. Jeannine MacKinnonMs. Mary J. MadisonMr. Francis A. Madsen, Jr.Dr. William R. MallettMrs. Shirley A. ManahanMr. Michael ManningDr. Anthony Rama MaravillasMr. Charles J. Marchello, Esq.Mr. Phillip J. MarquezDr. & Mrs. Theodore F. MarshburnMs. Christine Martian

Mr. & Mrs. Robert MartinMrs. Peggy MartinMr. Ernesto MartinezMs. Mary MastersMr. Gerald MatacottaDrs. William & Irene MathewsMr. & Mrs. Richard S. MathewsonMr. & Mrs. Brian MatthewsMr. Arthur K. MaurerMr. & Mrs. Donald J. MaurerMr. Robert S. MautnerMr. Stanley MaxwellMr. & Mrs. William H. MayDr. Joseph G. MayoMrs. Shelley McCartneyMr. Clyde H. McClureDr. Daniel McCormickMiss Patti L. McCormickMs. Mindy McCrillisGeneral Bailey McCuneMr. Mason C. McCurdyMrs. Donna M. McDonnellMs. Rosemary McDonnellMr. Daniel McFawnMr. Patrick McFawnMr. Allan B. McKittrickMs. Heather McLaughlinMs. Coleen McNallyDr. Robert L. MeadorDr. Thomas Patrick MeladyMr. Patrick J. MeliaMrs. Suzanne G. MelinMr. William MemmerMr. Carlson H. MengertMrs. Neola MerriamMr. & Mrs. John MeskoMr. Ronald L. MichaelsonMr. Robert MiconeMrs. Nancy MikoloskiMr. Stephen L. Milhous BarrMrs. Helen T. MillerMs. Jean R. MillerMr. & Mrs. Tom MillsapMrs. Barbara L. MinnichMs. Colleen MitchellMr. Robert MizerMr. Jeffrey MockMrs. Cheryl MoffattMr. Michael MoffettMr. Charles MoineMr. Bernard A. MooreMr. & Mrs. Frank MooreMr. & Mrs. Larry MooreMrs. Donna MorganMrs. Shirley R. MorganMs. Zoe MorganMrs. Marianne L. MotlMiss Tammi MuellerMr. John H. MuellerMr. Kenneth R. MuirMs. Nancy MunozMr. Stuart A. MunroMr. Patrick W. MunsonMrs. Jessica MurrayMrs. Kathleen MurphyMs. Gitta MurphyMrs. Bettina S. MurphyMr. Alan MurrayMr. Terrance MycykMrs. Lynn Ellen MyersMs. Lori MyersMr. Mitsuo NakaiMr. James P. NealonMrs. Ann G. NeidigerMrs. Bette NeroDr. Ralph NicassioMr. Adam NicholsMr. James NicholsDr. & Mrs. Richard NielsonMr. Edward C. NixonMr. Wayne R. NixonMs. Christina NobleMr. Terrance J. NolanMr. Virgil G. Nolde, Jr.Mrs. Janice A. NorenMr. & Mrs. Jack NorthrupMr. Morris A. NunesMr. Ronald K. NygrenMs. Betty B. O’DeaMrs. Geraldine O’DonnellMrs. Janis OglesbyMrs. Chris OhrmundMrs. Frances OldridgeMr. Kenneth L. OlivierMr. Craig M. OlsonMr. & Mrs. Steven J. OlsonMrs. Rosalie Elman OlsonMr. William M. OttoMs. Arielle PaceMr. Donald PagelerMrs. Irene A. PanagotacosMr. Paul H. PangraceMr. James PappasMr. Anthony M. PascucciHon. Bradley H. Patterson, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Dale PattersonDr. & Mrs. Richard PawsatMr. Oscar PayanMr. & Mrs. Brad PearsonMrs. Frances J. PedleyMrs. Janie PeirsonMrs. Maureen PeltzerMr. & Mrs. J. Anthony PenaMr. & Mrs. Kenneth L. PenceMrs. Dorothy M. PenceMrs. Ida PendletonMr. David PenillaMr. & Mrs. Edward W. Penn, Jr.Dr. & Mrs. John PentaMs. Louise PerrinMrs. Jo PerrinoLt. Col. Jack F. PerryMr. William Alexander PeterMs. Mary L. Petrie

Mr. & Mrs. Alvin J. PfeifferDr. Larry PleskotMr. & Mrs. James H. PolenMs. Sandra J. PosierMr. Ronald G. PotterMr. Gene PotterMr. & Mrs. Lewis PowellMr. James PrahserMr. Michael PriceMs. Barabara PriestleyMr. Howard M. PrivetteMs. Betty J. PrizioMs. Marguerite ProudMr. & Mrs. Don PutzigMr. Jimmie QuinteroMrs. Billy RabeMr. Parthasarathy RamanujamMr. & Mrs. Eric RameyMs. Sylvia RamirezMr. Fred RandMr. Roger RapMs. Margaret RashoffMrs. Joann RatiaMr. Reed Robbins RealtorMr. & Mrs. Harvey RechsteinerMr. Lon RecordsMr. David W. ReeseMrs. Frances ReeseMr. Charles E. Reid, Sr.Mr. & Mrs. William C. RentfrowMr. Bill O. ResterMr. & Mrs. Ken RhoadsMr. Donald E. RhodesMr. Douglas RivasMrs. Betty May RobertsonMr. John D. RobinsonMr. James RogersMr. Eric RogersMrs. Sharon RogersMrs. Kathleen RohlaMr. Andrew G. RomaniskyMr. Paul W. RoodMrs. James RooseveltMr. Gerlando RosaliaMrs. Gayle RossMs. Cheryl RosseletMr. John F. RothmanMr. Allen S. RoweDr. John T. Rowe, MDMr. Charles F. RowleyMrs. Terry RummellMr. Remi RundzioMr. Earl W. RuppMr. & Mrs. Theodore C. RussellMs. Michele RyanMr. Robert A. SackettMr. Richard SahagunMr. Robert SalataMr. Kirk G. San RomanCapt. Emily F. SanfordMrs. Doris F. SanfordMrs. Cheryl SaremiMr. Steven J. SarkisMr. Robert B. SatterfieldMrs. Linnea A. ScheckHonorable Glenn R. SchleedeMr. Melvin SchlotthauerMs. Betty SchmieterMr. Russell L. SchnurMr. Michael J. SchroederMr. John F. SchubertMr. Robert C. SchulerMrs. Melody SchultzMrs. Darlene D. SchumakerMr. & Mrs. James ScinoccaMr. David M. ScottMr. & Mrs. Wayne R. ScottMr. Daniel M. SearbyMrs. Gloria SeelyeMiss Gina SelvaggiMrs. Kris SeymourMsgr. Francis R. SeymourMr. Thomas A. ShadduckMr. Matthew ShafferMrs. Katherine A. ShapiroMrs. Carol ShaverMrs. Dixie ShawMr. & Mrs. Richard E. SheltersMrs. Marcia SheridanMr. Te ShiMs. Ingred ShineMs. Suzanne ShumakerMr. Ray SiegeleMr. Robert A. SilverMrs. Sharon L. SimmonsDr. & Mrs. Kenneth SimpsonMrs. Mildred SimpsonMr. Sichan SivMs. Julie SladekMrs. Joyce P. SlaterMrs. Jo Anne SloanJudge & Mrs. Peter S. SmithMr. E. Del SmithMr. David Buckingham SmithMrs. Nancy F. SmithMrs. Nancy E. SmithMr. Jed SnyderMr. Perry SoderbergMs. Kathleen J. SolaresMs. Maria T. Solis-MartinezMrs. Martha SomersMr. Erwin SongMr. Yu Dong SongMrs. Susan SorensonMs. Donna SpectorMr. William M. SpellMr. John S. SpencerMr. Van W. SpinneyMrs. Marilyn L. SpradlingMrs. W. Frederick SpringerMr. & Mrs. Jeffrey C. SprinkelMiss Denise StacksMr. Milton D. StarkMrs. Lillain Steinhauser

Ms. Debby SteinmanMrs. Alice F. StephensMr. Andrew M. SternMr. & Mrs. George StettlerMrs. Marvel M. StevensMrs. Jane I. StibalMrs. Judy StinnettMrs. Doris E. StoltenbergMrs. Virginia StoopsMr. Gary W. StorhaugMrs. Coralee StoutMr. Paul A. StoverDr. Frederick J. StrieterMr. Fred W. StuckwischMr. Donald SullivanMr. Steve SurabianMr. Philip V. SwanMs. Cathy SwithinMr. Edward J. SynickyMr. Dwight TahranMrs. Barbara TallabasMr. Brion S. TalleyMr. Shikuo TanimotoMr. Seymour TaubMrs. Diana TavennerMrs. Linda R. TavlianMr. Harvey TaylorMrs. Joanne R. TegelerMs. Anita M. TellezMr. Douglas N. TempleMs. Lois E. TepasMr. Rex TeterMrs. Rowena ThammMrs. Melinda ThomsenMs. Virginia ThorneMiss Linda J. ThorsonMr. Meng TiaMr. Lawrence TillackMr. & Mrs. Victor TomazicMr. William E. TomeyMr. Errol TorresDr. J. TorricelliMr. Gerald ToussaintMrs. Carol TracyMr. John H. TravisMs. Geraldine TreadwellMr. & Mrs. Alfred Trosko, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Robert TruckeyMr. Robert TuckerDr. Wilfredo M. TupasMrs. Heide TurnerMr. William B. TurnerMs. Connie TylerMrs. Geni UgoliniMr. Rick D. UnbehaunMr. John H. UnderwoodMr. William F. UnderwoodMr. & Mrs. John F. UnderwoodMrs. Sharon UnderwoodMr. Md Sayeed Ur-RabbMr. Daniel Van DorpeMr. & Mrs. Robert N. VasquezMr. David J. Venerose, Jr.Mr. George P. Viegelmann, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin S. VuraMr. David Alfred VialletteMr. Neal Edward VialletteMs. Alicia VasilowMs. Loretta VaughanMrs. Sharon WackeenDr. Arthur R. Wagner, Jr.Mr. Robert E. WalkerMr. Roland G. Wallace, Jr.Mr. Simon WallisDr. Carol WalstonBG. & Mrs. Chester WardMrs. Dina WarnerMr. Jim WarrenMrs. Jane M. WarrenMs. Suzanne WatkinsMr. Michael WattsMiss M. Karen WeaverMrs. Martha WeaverMrs. Carol C. WebbMrs. Terri WedellMrs. Lou Ann WeldonMr. Thomas J. Wells, Jr.Ms. Sheri WenigerMrs. Catherine WesenbergMrs. Peggy WesterfeldMs. Nancy WetmoreMrs. Mary P. WhippleMr. Robert S. WhiteMr. & Mrs. Wayne WhitehillMrs. Marsha WhitehillCol. Robert A. Wicklund, USAF RetMs. Mary F. WidnerMr. Robert WiedMr. Jack WikoffMiss Katherine WillersMr. Michael WilliamsMr. & Mrs. Gregg WilliamsMr. George W. Williams, IIIDr. & Mrs. Richard WinelandMrs. Joanne L. WittMrs. Gladys WoelmMr. & Mrs. Thomas P. WolfMrs. Carol WoodMr. Larry WoodyDr. & Mrs. William H. Wright, Jr.Mr. Zhonghe WuMs. Jo Ann WysockiMs. Maria XanthosHon. Jeremy B. YamaguchiMr. L. A. YoukersDr. Bradley YoungMr. George W. YoungMr. Patrick S. YoungMr. & Mrs. Bob YoungMs. Charlotte M. YoungMrs. Elfiede YoungMr. Yong ZhuMrs. Nancy L. ZieglerMrs. Camela Zini

Page 8: Nixon Foundation Newsletter - Spring 2013

RICHARD NIXON FOUNDATION � 18001 Yorba Linda Boulevard � Yorba Linda, California 92886 � 714.364.1120 � 8


ORDER NOW! Call 1.800.USA.8865 orvisit

Centennial Celebration

CENTENNIAL T-SHIRT � $16.95100% Cotton in white or navy in S, M, L, XL, XXL


$9.95 � Limited edition collectors’ piece, specially minted for RN’s Centennial

CENTENNIAL PEN SET � $49.95 � Classic seven-pen set withengraved logo, complete with wood box holder


$39.95 � Opticalcrystal paperweight,bearing the Centennialseal

V an Cliburn, thelegendary pianist who

helped smooth tensionsduring the height of the ColdWar, passed on February 27at 78. He performed for RN, PN and

Premier Brezhnev in 1972 during the first visit by a U.S. President to the USSR.

In 1993, Van attended PN’s funeral and practiced on RN's childhood piano in

the Birthplace (pictured above).

C lara Jane Nixon, the widow of President Nixon’s brother

Donald and RN’s sister-in-law,passed on January 18 at 93. Thanks

to Clara Jane, the furniture, RN’s musical

instruments and home accessories are now enjoyed by visitors to the

Birthplace. Without her vision and persistence in saving the furniture, the

Birthplace would not be the historical experience it is today.

R ex Scouten, White House Chief Usherand later Curator, passed on February 20

at 88. A close friend of the Nixons and nine other First

Families, Scouten served in the White House for 48 years,

beginning as a Secret Service Agent for President Truman

and later traveled to over 40 countries with VP Nixon.




Individual Membership ($50)� Free admission all year to the Richard Nixon

Presidential Library and Museum� Also receive free admission for yourself to all

National Archives Presidential Libraries� 15% Museum Store discount� Invitations to special events, plus discounts on

tickets� Handsome “RN” lapel pin and bookmark

Family Membership ($100)� All of the benefits above plus:� Free admission for up to five guests each visit to

the Nixon Library

Capitol Circle ($200)� All of the benefits

above plus:� A handsome

“Commander in Chief” cap

� Flag flown over the Richard Nixon Birthplace� Choice of either 5,000 American Airlines

AAdvantage mileage points or the gift benefitslisted above

� Your personal or corporate name enrolled on thePresident’s Council Honor Wall in the MuseumAnnenberg Reception Lobby

President’s Cabinet ($5,000)� Choice of either 25,000 American Airlines

AAdvantage mileage points or the President’sCouncil gift benefits

� Your personal or corporate name enrolled on thePresident’s Cabinet Honor Wall in the MuseumAnnenberg Reception Lobby

� Free admission and reserved VIP seating for youand a guest to all Nixon Foundation In the ArenaSpeaker Forums

� Newly reprinted trade cover set of President Nixon’s two-volume best-seller, RN: The Memoirsof Richard Nixon

White House Circle ($500)� All of the preceeding benefits plus:� Your personal or corporate name enrolled on the

White House Circle Honor Wall in the MuseumAnnenberg Reception Lobby

� Four complimentary tickets and VIP seating tolectures featuring prominent national orinternational figures

President’s Council ($1,000)� All of the preceding benefits plus:� Collectible President’s Council rocks glass tumbler

inspired by the same design found aboard Air ForceOne on many of RN’s historic trips abroad

� Two complimentary tickets to President’s CouncilVIP receptions featuring prominent national orinternational figures

� Exclusive President’s Council lapel pin

� � � � � � � �

Limited edition collection of RN’s 10 bestsellers provides timely, relevant answers to the crucial questions of 2013

Individual Paperback Editions � $21Individual Leather Bound Editions � $64Leather Bound Boxed Set of All Ten Titles � $595Paperback Boxed Set of All Ten Titles � $195

OR enjoy all ten as E-books on your iPad, Kindle,Nook, or mobile device! Call 1.800.USA.8865 or get them at Amazon, iTunes and Nook!

ORDER AS A BOXED SET OR CHOOSE INDIVIDUAL TITLES. This collectors’ series isavailable in elegant burgundy leather with gold imprinting or in paperback editions.












A mbassador Richard Fairbanks passed onFebruary 6 at 71. He was an early and important

member of the Nixon White House, and served on the Domestic

Policy Council as Associate Director of the Energy, Environment

and Natural Resources division. He was later Assistant Secretary

of State under President Reagan.