Spring 2011 MSPC 3050 Open Source Final Project

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Final Presentation Project for Social Media and Marketing Communication class. Since we could do the final project on anything we wanted, I decided to do mine of the origins, philosophy, and why open source technology is important. My main point is that open source software drives innovation and that we should appreciate it because tools like Twitter, Facebook, and such would not be possible without it.

Transcript of Spring 2011 MSPC 3050 Open Source Final Project

Open Source Software

Spring 2011 MSPC 3050 Social Media and Marketing Communication

Final Project Presentation

Beverlie Sopiep

What is Open Source?

Source: http://www.opensource.org/

“Open source is a development method for software that harnesses

the power of distributed peer review and transparency of process. The promise of open source is better quality, higher reliability,

more flexibility, lower cost, and an end to predatory vendor lock-in.”

In other words…

Source: http://opensource.org/docs/osd

Open Source is…

Free Redistribution

Seeing the Source Code


Easy Distribution of License

Maintaining and Respecting Integrity of The Author's Source Code

No Discrimination Against Persons or Groups

For everyone including businesses to use

Must Not Be Specific to a Product

Must Not Restrict Other Kinds of SoftwareMust Be Technology-Neutral

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Usage_share_of_operating_systems#cite_note-3

Source: http://www.netmarketshare.com/report.aspx?qprid=0&qptimeframe=M&qpsp=146

Proprietary Open Source

Operating Systems

Web Browsers

Media Players

Productivity Suites

Proprietary Open Source

Operating Systems

Web Browsers

Media Players

Productivity Suites

MacOsxWindows 7

Safari Internet Explorer

iTunesWindows Media Player

iWorkOffice Suite

GNU Ubuntu



Banshee (Mac) Clementin


Libre Office

Open Office

It all started with this guy.

Richard Stallman

Created the legal and software infrastructure that made open source

projects like Linux possible

"free software is free as in speech, not as in beer."

Source: http://onlamp.com/pub/a/onlamp/2005/09/15/what-is-opensource.html?page=2

Which resulted in a letter from…

The value of the computer time we have used exceeds $40,000.

The amount of royalties we have received from the sales to hobbyists makes the time spent of

Altair BASIC worth less than $2 an hour.

…most of you steal your software.

Who can afford to do professional work for nothing?

Source: http://www.digibarn.com/collections/newsletters/homebrew/V2_01/gatesletter.html


Free Software

Free and Open Source Software (FOSS)


Free to use, remix, share, and change

Free in price and “freer” if you pay for the upgrade

Limited30 Day Trial

Free to use, remix, share and change with no legal ramifications

1) Find a problem or need

How does it work?

Source: http://www.informationweek.com/news/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=187202790

2) Create a source code or modify existing code

3) Join a community,collaborate, and share

4) Keep Participating and Updating

So…Who uses it?

Governments Non-Profits Corporations

Source: http://www.informationweek.com/news/187202790?pgno=2

Sources: http://opensourceforamerica.org/learn-more/benefitshttp://www.opensource.org/advocacy/case_for_business.php


FreeNo FinancialIncentive

Community BasedSupport

Transparency Merit Based Darwinism



Cross platform Versatility

Source: http://www.businessweek.com/magazine/content/11_15/b4223041200216_page_2.htmhttp://www.infernodevelopment.com/5-fears-open-source-corporate-culture



Minimal Contribution from Users

FragmentationQuality Control


Technical Knowledge


Catching up


No Centerpoint

How does it relates to the groundswell?


Use, Modify, Share, RemixInnovation

Continuous ImprovementSupports Niches

Freedom of Choice


ReferencesSocial Bookmarking Site

MSPC 3050 Class Blog

Also look at the Footnotes of each slides.

Lerner, Josh and Jean Tirole. “Economic Perspectives on Open Source.” Perspectives on Open Source. Ed. Joseph Feller.

Woods, Dan. “What is Open Source.” O’Reilly on Lamp.com. 2005. <http://onlamp.com/pub/a/onlamp/2005/09/15/what-is-opensource.html?page=1>