Spring 1 Newsletter St Peter’s Primary 2019 NEWSLETTER

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Transcript of Spring 1 Newsletter St Peter’s Primary 2019 NEWSLETTER

Spring 1 Newsletter


Dear Parents/Carers Wow - this half-term has certainly flown by! Our Spring Term began with a wonderful whole-school celebration for the Feast of the Epiphany. The children all listened and sang beautifully as they reflected upon the journey made by the three wise men as well as what gifts they, personally, could give Jesus. This half term has also seen us treated to a number of spectacular class assemblies. Well done to 3D, 1P, 4M, 2P and 3B who have had their turn already. Thank you to all those parents and family members who have been able to come along to watch – it does add to the sense of occasion and all of the children have risen to the task brilliantly! I am consistently astounded by the learning that the children have been able to share and the confidence they have demonstrated. It really has been a testament to the hard-work of their teachers and teaching assistants as well as Mrs Byles amazing musical input. You must all be extremely proud of your children – I know that I am! I would like to say a huge thank you to the PTA for organising another wonderful Neon Disco. A lot of hard work went into ensuring the event was a success and it is very much appreciated by us all. Many thanks to all those parents who kindly volunteered to help out on the evening too – it really does make a difference when we are able to share out the many jobs that need doing on the night. We have packed in a number of Parent Workshops over the past few weeks, this time with a Maths focus. I would like to say a big thank you to the teachers for the effort they have put in to organising these events and to all those parents who were able to attend. Feedback has been very positive once again.

Many children are now benefitting from our wonderful new Sensory Room, which we have only been able to set up as a result of a very generous donation by Pebble Beach. A huge thank you to them.

Thank you doesn’t go far enough to express my gratitude for the cards and gifts that I received in the build-up to Christmas. I was extremely touched and I know that the rest of the staff were also overwhelmed by your generosity - as always! I wish you all a restful half term break.

Best wishes,

Liz Wogan

St Peter’s Primary



Reception have had a busy start to the New Year. We started off with our ‘Celebrations’ topic which linked to our

power of reading book ‘So Much.’ The children helped to set up a maternity ward in our role play area which was

enhanced by a visit from Mrs. Wills who kindly came into school to talk to the children about her job as a midwife.

During this topic there have been lots of learning opportunities, including weighing babies, writing down babies’ names

and also the time they were born. The children have done some super sequencing work on how they have changed

since they were a baby. Please check your child’s Tapestry account to view their work.

Towards the end of the topic the children planned a birthday party for the class bear and giraffe. This involved writing

down ingredients for a birthday cake, making the cake, designing and wrapping up presents, writing birthday cards

and thinking of party games to play. The party was a great success and the children thoroughly enjoyed themselves!

Last week we started our new topic - ’The Naughty Bus’. The children were very excited to be given a present to

unwrap, but before they could do this they had to guess what was inside. The label said ‘I hope you are a good driver’

which got them thinking about lots of different forms of transport. The present revealed a London bus and this week

the children have been thinking of new adventures that the bus can go on. They have started making their own buses

and will be writing stories about what mischief their bus might get up to. Our finale will involve a visit from one of the

Yellow Buses, where they will get to sit on a real bus and ask the driver questions about his job.

During R.E. we have re-visited the birth of baby Jesus and have sequenced the Christmas story. In our Revelation topic,

we have been looking at how Jesus is revealed to us through the miracles he performed and the parables he told. They

show that the kingdom of God is present within him. We have listened to the story of ‘The Feeding the Five Thousand,’

thought about its message, and considered how and why Jesus performed miracles. We have also been looking at

what is in a church and have had the opportunity to look closely at the items the priest uses in Mass.

The children are doing so well leading their class worship and are so proud doing so! Thank you to everyone who has

had the prayer bag at home and helped to plan a worship with their child.


Whilst your child’s PE kit is at home to be washed during half-term, please ensure

that every item of clothing is labelled with your child’s name (including their

socks). It is very hard to keep track of each child’s clothing when not everything

is labelled. We also ask that you do the same with their hats, gloves and coats.

During the first week back after half term your child will be involved in ’Maths

Week.’ If you have any spare large boxes to be used in our outdoor area, we

would greatly appreciate them.

Many thanks for your continued support.

The Reception Team



This half term started with a very exciting sparkly starter for our new topic ‘Frozen

Planet.’ The children enjoyed watching the movie ‘Frozen’ and getting their faces

painted with some fun, frozen-themed pictures.

During this topic, the children have been enjoying learning lots of facts about

penguins and creating their own fact files. They have also had the chance to dress up

as penguins and experience ‘a day in the life of a penguin’ by waddling around with

an egg on their feet. This proved to be a very entertaining challenge!

Linking to our focus text, ‘The Princess and the White Bear King,’ the

children also designed and made their own gold crowns for the princess.

This led to some fantastic descriptive writing and some super letters

written to the king, persuading him to use their crown for the princess.

We were very lucky that the weather was in our favour during our ‘Frozen

Planet’ topic and, after we had written some instructions on ‘How to

build a snowman,’ the snow really did come down and the children had

the opportunity to build their very own snowmen! We certainly had a lot

of fun.

In RE we have been focusing on the theme of Revelation and the

children have enjoyed learning from Jesus’ parables. We have focussed

in particular on ‘the feeding the five thousand’ and ‘the Good

Samaritan.’ The children have been able to retell the stories with

confidence through drama and they have answered some fantastic big

questions such as “How could we be more like the Good Samaritan?”

We have also been enjoying our special child-led class worships this

half term as well as our visit from Juliette who led us in a special class

worship about how God loves us when we are happy and sad.

The Year 1 Team



We began our ‘Mini Masterchefs’ topic with a ready, steady cook style starter – the children were given 3 or 4 ingredients and were challenged to create something exciting. The children had some fantastic ideas and created lemonade, smoothies, fruit salads and guacamole. Year 2 have been enjoying reading our shared text ‘Burger Boy.’ They have retold the original story and innovated the story by choosing their own character. They completed a ‘Big Write’ in which they created a sequel to our ‘Burger Boy’ text and we were extremely proud of how hard they worked. The children have also learnt about poetry and created their own shape poems linked to healthy eating. Year 2 have shown creativity and enthusiasm towards this topic and have made some very tasty treats.

In RE we have been learning about Revelation. We have been blown away with the children’s understanding of miracles, how God revealed Himself through Jesus and what the parables such as ‘the prodigal son’ teach us. The children created some freeze frames that captured the feelings of the father and his two sons in this parable. We would also like to thank you for your continued support when helping your child with the prayer bag. We have thoroughly enjoyed listening to the children lead a worship and show fantastic love and compassion towards the theme they have chosen.

Thank you for your continued support, Year 2 Team. ______________________________________________________________________________________________


We had an explosive start to our topic this term, learning all about

volcanoes – where they are in the world and their effect on nature.

We made our own Papier Mache volcanoes and did a science

experiment to make them explode!

Then we submerged ourselves in the Savage Stone Age, finding out

about each era and the changes that took place within them. We

learnt how to organise our facts into paragraphs with sub-headings

and used our knowledge to write some amazing information texts.

We also met Ug, the boy genius of the Stone Age, and used our story writing skills

to write a sequel about his clumsy sister, Dug. We made sure to structure our

stories using fronted adverbials to tell the reader when, where or how something

was happening and have continued to build on our rich vocabulary by picking

adjectives that really paint a picture in the readers mind.

Earlier this half term, we composed a letter to Mr Todd asking his permission to

open our very own museum – and he agreed! We have been busy finishing our

topic by making artefacts and writing our museum guides to share with you. We

can’t wait to welcome you through our museum doors this Friday!

In RE we have been thinking a lot about what it really means to listen. We have read the story of Samuel and discussed

how he responded to God once he realised he was being called. We have thought carefully about what we can do to

make sure we are always listening and not just hearing.

The Year 3 Team _______________________________________________________________________________________


This half term, we have been exploring the process of the water cycle in our topic ‘Water World.’ The children have

been writing their own explanation texts about each stage of the water cycle; Evaporation, Condensation, Precipitation

and Accumulation.

This topic has enabled us to carry out our own scientific experiments, linked to

different parts of the water cycle. We have been testing the rate of evaporation,

placing bowls of water in different locations around the Year 4 area. As part of this,

we have discussed what it means to carry out a ‘fair test’ and explored what factors

will remain the same and what will change. Our investigation helped us to reach the

conclusion that the hotter the location, the quicker the water will evaporate!

Investigating evaporation led us onto a closer study of condensation. The children

watched from a safe distance as we created a cloud in a jar; using only a jar, boiling

water, a match and a bag of ice! The heat from the match causes the water to

evaporate. We discovered that when the water vapour mixes with the cold air from

the ice cubes, it condenses, forming a mini cloud. It was great to see the water cycle

in action.

In RE, we have used the story of Transfiguration to create our own pieces of artwork

surrounding the contrasting ideas of light and dark. The children produced beautifully

coloured candles and images of the world among the darkness. You might have

spotted some of these on display in our classrooms!

More recently, we have been learning about the Mysteries of Light and the Rosary, considering how God reveals

himself through his son Jesus in different bible stories.

We would like to thank all parents who were able to attend our Maths Parent Workshop.

Thank you for your continued support.

The Year 4 Team.

Design Technology News

Year 4 had a very successful and exciting first term creating wooden animals and exploring the properties and characteristics of different materials as part of their Australia theme. They also went on to explore the scaling of Roman figures for their second topic in the Autumn Term. We were so impressed with how quickly they learnt to use a range of tools safely and effectively.

The children have now embarked on a term-long project linked to the theme of ‘Robots.’ In Design Technology lessons this term, they have been introduced to the concept of Robotics and using BBC Microbits, as well as Big Trax robots and The hour of Code software. We have started to explore a range of coding challenges and we are learning to understand command prompts. The children have been excited to be given the opportunity to model the behaviour of robots and to see them responding to their instructions. The project continues to introduce new coding language and formats as well as giving students an opportunity to use Computer Aided Design packages in the computer suite in order to create 3 dimensional drawings, animations and explore the use of 3D printer technology as well as the use of Laser cutters for their Robot creations.

Students in Year 4 will be supported in their development of creativity and in their exploration of technical skills using a range of technological software and equipment. Hopefully this will give them a taste of Design Technology for the future as well as some understanding of computer science and how these fit alongside other subjects like science and Maths in projects that develop their level of questioning, thirst for learning and imagination. Mr J Laurijssen


To contact a member of the PTA, please use their email address stpeters_PTA@hotmail.com


If you need to contact the school or Miss Wogan, please only use the email address



Half Marathon, 10K Race, 5K Fun Run, 1K Kids Fun Run

For more information and to sign up


Recycling Competition

World Book Day is on Thursday 7th March. Children are invited to dress

up as their favourite book character.

I just wanted to say a HUGE thank you to everyone who entered 3D’s

recycling competition. The entries really have blown us away. Your

care and determination to help save our planet has really warmed our


Congratulations to the following children who received their prizes in

achievement assembly today:

Arianne M who created an incredible book about the harmfulness of using palm oil. She’s even

been going around to shops to educate the public!

Felix E and Otis E who created their own EcoBrick and taught us about their uses.

Gabby C who shows us tons of ways he helps save our planet in his everyday life!

Oliver G for making us realised you can make small but powerful changes to save the world.

Miss Dhoot

*** AWARDS ***


11/1: Thomas B, Liam S, Izzy G, Lucas W, Matthew T, Jasmine N, Ozkan K, Thomas W,

Georgina Q, Ben W, Max S, Olivia L, Zuzanna C, Emilio L, Zofia G, Louise T, Diana M, Eva M,

Jasper G, Ben E.

18/1: Mateo G, Eva H, Anthony R, Rayyan H, Arianne M, Leonardo L, Maya P, Holly B, Nina Z,

Gerard H, Robyn P, Nathan B, Bella s, Theo B, Joseph T, Thomas L, Aiden C, Maeve W, Rafa L,

Sophie T.

25/1: Antos S, Tommy H, Emily P, Elijah S, Daniel N, Arianne M, Oliver K, Klaudia M, Femi J,

Kyra D, Nicholas S, Sebby T, Mansour D, Lian G, Esme P, All of 1P, Tomas S, Logan H, Jacob T,

Elodie A.

1/2: Gaby C, William D, Felix E, Zuzanna B, Annie H, Oliver H, Olivia C, Bruno T, Ava M, Amelia T,

Nicole S, Emmie H, Ryan R, Quinn C, Serena D, Jacob O, Mason S, Henry W, Noah L, Rafa L.

8/2: Reuben P, Lucas C, Sid H, Nicole M, Maya D, Leonardo L, Jake C, Mya C, Kitty C, J-J B,

Tallulah E, Becky W, Lauren B, Elodie O, Fionn S, Dougie F, Emrys E, Lucca V, Daniel S, James F.

***AWARDS ***

The following children have been presented with special awards in our recent Achievement

Assemblies. Thank you to them for their kindness and commitment to learning.

11/1: Jasper G, Sophie T, Sophia G, Sammy C, Rafa L, Marie-Ange J, James F, Joshua C, Jacob T, Jack R, Emily E, Diya S, Ben E, George C, Sophia S, Tomas S, Asia-Maria M, Emrys E, Henry W, Jacob B, Lucca V, Jacob S, Isla M, Mia A.

18/1: Sophia P, Mia A, Aiden C, Alexander M, Diana M, Emrys E, Henry W, Isla M, Jacob B, Josie H, Kevin M, Lucca V, Maeve W, Sophie T, Sienna F, Michelle I, Marie-Ange J, Maisie D, Joshua C, Esther S, Emma G, Elodie A, Daisy D, Aiden C, Alessio C.

25/1: Maisie D, Michael M, Jack R, Harry W, Noah L, Ben E, Maggie G, Sammy C, Daisy D, Jacob T, Jasper G, Joshua C, Emily F, Alana H, Emrys E, George C, Henry W, Jacob B, Lucca V, Mia A, sophie S, Logan H.

1/2: Noah L, Joshua C, Henry W, Jack R, Edie G, Maisie D, James F, Emma G, Harry W, Diya S, Edie G, George C, Isla M, Alana H, Sophie S, Sophia P, Henry D, Kai A, Henry W, Mia A, Lucca V, Josie H, Kevin M, Jacob B.

8/2: Sienna F, Henry C, Daisy D, Aidan T, Esther S, Elodie A, Maisie D, Maggie G, Michelle I, James F, Edie G, Sophie T, Connor O, Ted V, Jacob S, Isla M, Josie H, Edie G, George C, Jacob B, Eva M, Bella Z, Henry W, Emrys E, Henry D, Sophia S, Mia A, Lucca V, Kai A.

Rainbow Party (Reception) :


11/1: Antos S, Amelia A, Felix E, Carys B, Matthew T, Annie H, Alannah M, Oscar R, Kahel J, Nina Z,

Taylor V, Liwiusz R, Maisie C, Lottie W, Linden B, Logan H, Mason S, Sophie T, Daisy D.

18/1: Eva H, Thomas B, Rayyan H, Amelie M, Oliver H, Tianna F, Ollie C, Jonathan M, Scarlett S, Kyra D,

Tallulah E, Emmie H, Natalie W, Mansour D, Thomas L, Theo R, Josie h, Mason S, Michael M, Emily E.

25/1: Oscar W, Jissa S, Imogen S, Harley V, Tia B, Matthew T, Abel J, Ozkan K, J-J B, Bianka B, Robyn P, Jack D, Gregory T,

Polina K, Zofia G, Bobby B, Sophia P, Sam H, Daniel S, Sienna F.

1/2: Georgia W, Liam S, Florence I, Ibby E, Alfie W, Jacob L, Freya E, Bruno T, Kyra D, Oliver M, Sebastian N, Max S, Oliver B,

Theo B, Esme P, Effie W, Thomas S, Henry D, Maggie G.

8/2: Aimee C, Mateo G, Oliver g, Emily P, Josie D, Liam C, Alex W, Evie C, Becky W, Leah C, Maisie C, Ryan R, Serena D, Jake C,

Alanah H, Asia-Maria M, Marie-Ange J, Alessio C.

Diary Dates - Spring Term 2019

18th February - 22nd February HALF TERM

Monday 25th February Year 4 Parents Focus Group Meeting 6pm – 7pm

Thursday 28th February Assembly 4D - 9.15am - Parents welcome

Thursday 28th February Year 4 Focus Group Meeting 2pm – 3pm


Tuesday 5th March School Nurse Drop-in Session 8.30am

Tuesday 5th March Reception classes Height/Weight session

Wednesday 6th March Assembly 2G - 9.15am - Parents welcome

Wednesday 6th March Ash Wednesday Liturgies – Children only

Thursday 7th March World Book Day

Monday 11th March Yr 3 Victorian Trip

Monday 11th March Reception classes – Vision Screening

Wednesday 13th March Assembly 1S - 9.15am - Parents welcome

Monday 18th March Parents Evening 3.00pm-6.30pm


Wednesday 20th March Parents Evening 3.00pm-6.30pm

Thursday 21st March Parents Evening 5.00pm-7.00pm

Wednesday 27th March Assembly RW - 9.15am - Parents welcome

Friday 29th March Mother’s Day Celebration Assemblies

Wednesday 3rd April Assembly RH - 9.15am - Parents welcome

Thursday 4th April Movie Evening - TBC

Thursday 4th April Stations of the Cross Liturgy – Children only

8th April - 19th April EASTER HOLIDAYS



Friday 26th April Easter Fun Run

Monday 6th May BANK HOLIDAY

27th May – 31st May HALF TERM

Monday 17th June Class Photos


Friday 5th July PTA Black Tie Summer Ball - TBC

Mon 8th July – Wed 10th July Life Education Van

Saturday 13th July Sports Day 10.00am -12.00pm Family Fun Day 12.00-2.30pm

Friday 19th July SCHOOL ENDS