Spqc 1 10-14 nid

Post on 15-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Spqc 1 10-14 nid


QM- Nid

Straight Questions

Where would you see this book?

Ans-Despicable Me

Virtuvius is the old-wizard-guy who acts as mentor to the protagonist in

The Lego Movie. He has been modeled after Saruman (from LoTR) . His

voiceover was done by a veteran actor, who made his debut as a voice-over

artist in an animated movie in this film.Which actor?

Ans-Morgan Freeman

There is an annual X competition held in Cumbria, England.

Politicians and lawyers are not allowed to enter the competition. Competition

rules bar the use of props or scripts. The competition is held in memory of

a popular pub landlord called – WilRitson.



It’s called –’World’s biggest liar’

X's author- Salten moved to Vienna as a baby in 1869. This was just after the

government allowed Jewish people citizenship. Salten published ‘X' in

1923. The book received international acclaim. However, in 1936, it was banned by the Nazis because they

believed it was "a political allegory of the treatment of Jews in Europe." The book was burned across Nazi states.



Which 2004 film starred the real-life Dutch boxer Lucia Rijker, aka “The

Most Dangerous Woman in the World”, as the dirty German WBA welterweight champion Billie “The

Blue Bear”?

Ans-Million Dollar Baby

Nicknamed the 'Hitman', which WWF wrestler was the victim of the

1997 'Montreal Screwjob' when he was beaten by Shawn Michaels in his

last match before joining World Championship Wrestling (WCW)?

Ans-Bret Hart


Willard Scott (Washington, D.C. 1963–1965)Bev Bergeron (Southern California, 1966-68)George Voorhis (South California, 1968-1970)

Bob Brandon (1970-1975)King Moody (1975-1984)

Squire Fridell (1984-1991)Jack Doepke (1990-1995)Joe Maggard (1995-2007)

Brad Lennon (2007-Present)

Ans-Ronald Mcdonald actors for American

National Television

How better do we know this group?(hint- look again :P)

Ans-Justice Society of America

E3, is an annual trade fair for the computer and video games industry presented by

the Entertainment Software Association (ESA). It is used by many video

game publishers and accessory manufacturers to show off their upcoming

games and game-related merchandise.Unlike Gamescom and other video game

trade fairs that are open to the public, E3 is an exclusive, industry-only event.

But what does E3 stand for?

Ans-Electronic Entertainment Expo

What’s special about this poster of the film Lili ?

Ans-First use of smileys in promotional


Phir Bhi Dil Hai Hindustani -;)

Rules-Questions are open to all teams.

Come up to the QM and give your answer.

Abhimanyu is a young officer and is under training to be a commando. The

lad is confident, adventurous and a prankster. The girl he likes serves in

the Army as a doctor. One of the instructor at the commando training

center happens to be his elder brother.

Where must have one seen Abhimanyu Rai?


-I am single. Waiting for a man who has more balls than me.

-I may not be here to titillate, but I am not sorry if I have that edge. People aren't coming to the theaters to see me in a

burqa.- Whew! Did I say too much? Will I offend

these linguistically challenged gossip columnists posing as Journalists whose

writing is pathetic than my actingQuotes by whom?


ID the logo-


Kireet Khurana is an Indian filmmaker, animator and ad-film director. He is the

founder and creative head of the production house Climb Media and its

animation-wing 2nz Animation Company. Kireet has won more than 30 awards,

including 5 prestigious President's National awards for his short films. He was also the

person to give India her first licencedanimated cartoon- X in 2004


Ans-Chhota Birbal

The character X has been shown to have a much longer lifespan than her

kin and thus is considered as seemingly immortal. X has been

portrayed by Sudha Shivpuri and has been awarded many awards for her

acting.ID X

Ans-Survived 8 years in a sea of glycerine.

Respect!!! ;P

X is an actor who made his debut in Betaab (1984) which launched his

career. He has delivered exemplary performances as an alcoholic lawyer and as a boxer wrongly accused of murder and they won him two well

deserved national awards. He also has one of the highest grossing films in

Bollywood to his name.ID X

Ans-Sunny Deol

The series will feature him as a protagonist, battling demons, using a sword that resembles a cricket bat,

and which was handed down to him across the ages. The same sword gives him magical armour, which allow him

to produce superhuman feats, and allows him to become a superhero.

ID the series/comic-(pic on next slide)

Ans-Master Blaster





Indian Ovean



Connect and ID X

Plunder PiratesWord Monsters

Juice CubesTiny Thief



X is a novel by the Y, first published in 1869. The work is epic in scale and is

regarded as one of the most important works of world. X delineates in graphic detail events surrounding the French invasion of Russia, and the impact of the Napoleonic era on Tsarist society,

as seen through the eyes of five Russian aristocratic families.

ID X and Y


The motto of a famous family is“Sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc”

It translates to “We gladly feast on those who would subdue us”

Which famous family am I talking about?


Charmin is a brand of X. They released this poster(next slide) online to

advertise their product. Using a pretty innovative tagline.

ID X(Bonus 10 points for the tagline)



Max Ray- ‘Brilliant’ Sea Operations Commander

Jake Rockwell- ‘Rugged’ Land Operations Specialists

Ace McCloud- ‘Daring’ Air Operations Expert


Amadeus X was a psychiatrist, whose mother Elizabeth having suffered from

mental illness most of her life, was killed by him. He then decided, to remodel his

family home in order to properly treat the mentally ill, so others might not suffer as

his mother had. His converted house soon became the centre of treatment and care

of psychologically afflicted patients.ID X


Who stars in these movies?

_____ Jones and the Temple of DoomWho framed Logellabit?The 14-year old Virgin

Abducting Sarah MarshallWhen Harry Kidnapped Sally

You’ve Got MailBombPlanet of the Rapes

Ans-President Prime Minister Admiral General Aladeen

X was born in Uganda. However , X is now settled in San Francisco where he owns a maple wood floored bungalow with a heated swimming pool. X owns a lamborghini as well. He is the Vice President of Rockledge Corporation.



When X was in highschool, X’s friend scribbled something on X’s wall as a

joke to tell X that he smelt like a female deodorant called _____.

However X mistook it as a rebellious phase and turning it into a song title, he delivered one of the biggest hits

ever.ID X or give me the song.

Ans-Kurt Cobain ,Smells like Teen Spirit




Chikni ChameliParda

Anarkali Disco ChaliSheila ki Jawani

Shut up and bounceBabli BadmaashChaiyya Chaiyya

MunniBeedi1 2 3 4Fevicol