Sponsorship form v2 - Intonation...To be listed in the invitation, please return this form via...

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Transcript of Sponsorship form v2 - Intonation...To be listed in the invitation, please return this form via...


A Gala Fundraiser for Intonation Music

Thursday4|26|20186:00 PM

Theater On The Lake2401 N. Lake Shore Dr

Sponsorship BenefitsAll Sponsorships include company listed in invitation

Lead Sponsor - $15,000• Premium Seating for eight guests*

• Opportunity to introduce Intonation student performance or special guest at the event

• Prominent listing in pre-event materials

• Prominent logo placement on event invitation**

• Full page program book ad (inside cover) and prominent logo placement throughout the event

• Year-long recognition on Intonation’s website

• Customized social media recognition

Platinum Record - $10,000• Premium seating for eight

guests at the event*• Prominent listing in all

pre-event materials • Logo placement on event invitation** • Full page program book ad and

prominent logo placement throughout the event

• Year-long recognition on Intonation’s website

• Mention in 2 social media features

Gold Record - $7,500• Premium seating for eight

at the event*• Logo placement on event invitation**

• Half page program book ad and logo placement in event materials

• Year-long recognition on Intonation’s website

Hit Single - $5,000• Seating for eight at the event*• Logo placement on event invitation• Quarter page program book ad and

logo placement in event materials• Year-long recognition on

Intonation’s website Debut Album - $2,750

• Seating for eight at the event*

• Listing in Amplfiy invitation and program book

Band Mates - $1,000

• Seating for two at the event• Listing in Amplify invitation

and program book VIP Ticket - $500

• One reservation to the event• Listing in Amplify invitation

and program book Individual Ticket - $300

* Tables include seating for 8 guests at the event, plus two seats for members of Intonation’s community (student, parent, instructor, program partner)

**If confirmed by Feb 1, 2018

___I wish to opt out of the 2 community seats at my table and will have a full table of 10 of my own guests.

Yes, I will support Amplify 2018 on Thursday, April 26th at Theatre on the Lake

___ $15,000 Lead Sponsor

___ $10,000 Platinum Record

___ $7,500 Gold Record

___ $5,000 Hit Single

I will join the Host Committee and commit to host at least one table through a minimum sponsorship at the Debut Album level, as well as to at least 2 of the following (please check at least 2):

___ I will lend my name to be used in event materials.

___ I will provide a list of names for Intonation to invite, and will write a short note to personalize the invitations

___ I will provide a list of contacts to be asked for sponsorships and will write a short note to personalize the request

___ I will help secure high-end auction items

___ $2,750 Debut Album

___ $1,000 Band Mates

___ $500 VIP Ticket

___ $300 Individual Ticket

To be listed as a Sponsor or Host Committee Member, please return this form by March 1st.

With this sponsorship, I am partnering with Intonation to provide kids in under-resourced Chicago neighborhoods with the joys and benefits of learning to play instruments, forming their own bands, and performing the music they know and love.

Payment/Personal Information

I will pay by check in the amount of $ ___________________________

(Please make checks payable to Intonation Music Workshop, 4434 S. Lake Park Ave, RM 110, Chicago, IL 60653)

Charge $ _________________________ to my Visa / MasterCard / American Express

Account #: __________________________________ Exp. Date: _____________ CVV: ___________




__________________________________________________________________________________________City, State, Zip



__________________________________________________________________________________________How would you like your name or business to appear in printed materials?

__________________________________________________________________________________________I would like to make this sponsorship in honor of (write name above)

For More information contact Mike Simons: mike@intonationmusic.org or 773-418-0388

To be listed in the invitation, please return this form via e-mail or mail by Feb 1 to mike@intonationmusic.org or Intonation Music, 4434 S. lake Park Ave, RM 110, Chicago, IL 60653