South Asia Gains Independence!

Post on 07-Jan-2016

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South Asia Gains Independence!. Discovery Streaming Clip. For years, independent movements lead by Gandhi made little leeway in India’s independence After WWII, Great Britain was ready give up her empire. Indian National Congress. Claimed to represent all of India - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of South Asia Gains Independence!

South Asia Gains Independence!

South Asia Gains Independence!

For years, independent movements lead by Gandhi made little leeway in India’s independence

After WWII, Great Britain was ready give up her empire

For years, independent movements lead by Gandhi made little leeway in India’s independence

After WWII, Great Britain was ready give up her empire

Discovery Streaming ClipDiscovery Streaming Clip

Indian National CongressIndian National Congress

Claimed to represent all of India

India in 1940s had 350 million Hindus, 100 million Muslims

The INC had many Muslim members and even Muslim presidents

Claimed to represent all of India

India in 1940s had 350 million Hindus, 100 million Muslims

The INC had many Muslim members and even Muslim presidents

Partition: Dividing UpPartition: Dividing Up

Muslim LeagueMuslim League Formed in 1906 to

protect Muslim interests Concerned the INC

looked out for Hindu interests

Muslims should resign from INC

Led by Muhammad Ali Jinnah

Proposed that India be partitioned (Gandhi hurt by this)

Formed in 1906 to protect Muslim interests

Concerned the INC looked out for Hindu interests

Muslims should resign from INC

Led by Muhammad Ali Jinnah

Proposed that India be partitioned (Gandhi hurt by this)

Nuclear Weapons Nuclear Weapons

CountryCountry United States Russia China France Israel* United Kingdom India Pakistan North Korea Total

United States Russia China France Israel* United Kingdom India Pakistan North Korea Total

WarheadsWarheads 10,455 8,400 400 350 250 200 65 40 8 20,168

10,455 8,400 400 350 250 200 65 40 8 20,168

Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty

Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty 

The NPT is a landmark international treaty whose objective is to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and weapons technology, to promote co-operation in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy and to further the goal of achieving nuclear disarmament and general and complete disarmament. The Treaty represents the only binding commitment in a multilateral treaty to the goal of disarmament by the nuclear-weapon States. Opened for signature in 1968, the Treaty entered into force in 1970. A total of 187 parties have joined the Treaty, including the five nuclear-weapon States. More countries have ratified the NPT than any other arms limitation and disarmament agreement, a testament to the Treaty's significance. 

  The NPT is a landmark international

treaty whose objective is to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and weapons technology, to promote co-operation in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy and to further the goal of achieving nuclear disarmament and general and complete disarmament. The Treaty represents the only binding commitment in a multilateral treaty to the goal of disarmament by the nuclear-weapon States. Opened for signature in 1968, the Treaty entered into force in 1970. A total of 187 parties have joined the Treaty, including the five nuclear-weapon States. More countries have ratified the NPT than any other arms limitation and disarmament agreement, a testament to the Treaty's significance. 

World IssuesWorld Issues

What problems are occurring due to toxic chemicals found in nuclear weapons?

What problems are occurring due to toxic chemicals found in nuclear weapons?

A Sibling RivalryA Sibling RivalryA Sibling RivalryA Sibling Rivalry

India India

& &


India India

& &


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Home to the Indus River Valley civiliz.

Gradually annexed by the Raj in 18th c.

Colonized by UK by 19th c.

1947 - independence

Current Global Stats:

Most populous democracy

2nd most populous country

12th largest economy

Home to the Indus River Valley civiliz.

Gradually annexed by the Raj in 18th c.

Colonized by UK by 19th c.

1947 - independence

Current Global Stats:

Most populous democracy

2nd most populous country

12th largest economy

IndiaIndiaA HistoryA HistoryIndiaIndiaA HistoryA History

PakistanPakistanA HistoryA History

PakistanPakistanA HistoryA History

Part of British India until 1947Official division from India when

Muhammad Ali Jinnah & Muslim League lead independence movement

Current Global Stats:

Currently 6th most populous nation in world Currently 2nd largest Muslim population (after


Part of British India until 1947Official division from India when

Muhammad Ali Jinnah & Muslim League lead independence movement

Current Global Stats:

Currently 6th most populous nation in world Currently 2nd largest Muslim population (after


PartitionPartitionTwo parts of India were divided, Bengal and

Punjab. The east became East Pakistan and west formed the West Pakistan.

Two parts of India were divided, Bengal and Punjab. The east became East Pakistan and west formed the West Pakistan.

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7,226,000 Muslims went to Pakistan from India

7,249,000 Hindus and Sikhs moved to India from Pakistan after partition.

7,226,000 Muslims went to Pakistan from India

7,249,000 Hindus and Sikhs moved to India from Pakistan after partition.

QuickTime™ and aTIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

Mass MovementMass Movement QuickTime™ and a

TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressorare needed to see this picture.

QuickTime™ and aTIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

QuickTime™ and aTIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

QuickTime™ and aTIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

Division Problems Division Problems Division Problems Division Problems

Kashmir Kashmir - small region nestled in Himalayan foothills in-between India & Pakistan

Kashmir Kashmir - small region nestled in Himalayan foothills in-between India & Pakistan


Indus River Indus begins in

Kashmir, flows through Pakistan and then into India


Indus River Indus begins in

Kashmir, flows through Pakistan and then into India


~80% Muslim, want to be part of Pakistan

~10% Sikhs, want to be remain part of India


to be part of Pakistan

~10% Sikhs, want to be remain part of India

Bottom LineBottom Line For India, Kashmir is a buffer For Pakistan, Kashmir is Muslim & offers a fertile roadway

Bottom LineBottom Line For India, Kashmir is a buffer For Pakistan, Kashmir is Muslim & offers a fertile roadway

Under partition from India Independence Act in 1947

The Maharaja signed over to India in exchange for military aid & promised referendum

1999-bitter conflict when Pakistani forces infiltrated territory in Kashmir

Tense environment, conflict & animosity continues

Under partition from India Independence Act in 1947

The Maharaja signed over to India in exchange for military aid & promised referendum

1999-bitter conflict when Pakistani forces infiltrated territory in Kashmir

Tense environment, conflict & animosity continues

Why Part of IndiaWhy Part of IndiaWhy Part of IndiaWhy Part of India

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majorityKashmir should

be allowed to vote on future


majorityKashmir should

be allowed to vote on future

Rival ClaimsRival ClaimsRival ClaimsRival Claims

IndiaIndiaDoes not want

international debate

Simla agreement of 1972 makes decision

IndiaIndiaDoes not want

international debate

Simla agreement of 1972 makes decision


Divides region - passes

through mountainous

region where bitter cold

claims more lives than

military conflict

India=Jammu & Kashmir

Pakistan = “Azad” (free)


Divides region - passes

through mountainous

region where bitter cold

claims more lives than

military conflict

India=Jammu & Kashmir

Pakistan = “Azad” (free)


Decision = Line Decision = Line of Controlof Control

Decision = Line Decision = Line of Controlof Control

Slumped in grief, a Muslim cleric leads funeral prayers for his son killed by Indian security troops. Some call Kashmir's insurgents mujahidin, holy warriors for Islam. Other call them criminals, whose victims,of kidnapping, extortion, and rape,are often other Kashmiris.

Slumped in grief, a Muslim cleric leads funeral prayers for his son killed by Indian security troops. Some call Kashmir's insurgents mujahidin, holy warriors for Islam. Other call them criminals, whose victims,of kidnapping, extortion, and rape,are often other Kashmiris.

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Asiya Andrabi exhorts the Dukhtarani-Millat “Daughters of Faith” to press for Kashmir's union with Pakistan. She continues despite a year and a

half spent in an Indian prison for

Asiya Andrabi exhorts the Dukhtarani-Millat “Daughters of Faith” to press for Kashmir's union with Pakistan. She continues despite a year and a

half spent in an Indian prison for

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Artillery thunder shakes the Karakoram Range as Pakistani soldiers trade fire with Indian opponents across the Siachen Glacier. The deadly game of serve and volley has erupted into all-out war three times since British colonial rule ended in 1947. Risks are growing; both nations have tested nuclear weapons.

Artillery thunder shakes the Karakoram Range as Pakistani soldiers trade fire with Indian opponents across the Siachen Glacier. The deadly game of serve and volley has erupted into all-out war three times since British colonial rule ended in 1947. Risks are growing; both nations have tested nuclear weapons.

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QuickTime™ and aTIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor

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India successfully tested 5 nuclear devices in 1998

Harsh criticism followed from the West for it’s violation of the comprehensive test ban treaty (India never signed it)

Pakistan follows suit-tests 6 devices later that month

India successfully tested 5 nuclear devices in 1998

Harsh criticism followed from the West for it’s violation of the comprehensive test ban treaty (India never signed it)

Pakistan follows suit-tests 6 devices later that month

What’s Next?What’s Next?Nuclear RaceNuclear Race

What’s Next?What’s Next?Nuclear RaceNuclear Race

War & TerrorismWar & TerrorismWar & TerrorismWar & Terrorism

In the past 60 years, Pakistan & India have fought three wars over ownership of Kashmir. India won all three.

Today, the fight continues with acts of terrorism. The people of Kashmir are probably wondering why the UN won't help them and why the US won't help them.

In the past 60 years, Pakistan & India have fought three wars over ownership of Kashmir. India won all three.

Today, the fight continues with acts of terrorism. The people of Kashmir are probably wondering why the UN won't help them and why the US won't help them.

Why won’t we help?Why won’t we help?Why won’t we help?Why won’t we help?

On one hand, we have a treaty with Pakistan that says if they go to war with anyone, we will help them. Pakistan shares a border with Afghanistan. In our fight on terrorism, that border is most important.

On the other hand, we do a great deal of trade with India that is mutually advantageous. But mostly, India is our friend.

On one hand, we have a treaty with Pakistan that says if they go to war with anyone, we will help them. Pakistan shares a border with Afghanistan. In our fight on terrorism, that border is most important.

On the other hand, we do a great deal of trade with India that is mutually advantageous. But mostly, India is our friend.

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What is the future for Kashmir?

What is the future for Kashmir?

Log in to Moodle and access The Kashmir Plan forum

Log in to Moodle and access The Kashmir Plan forum

Words to Consider:Words to Consider:plebiscite   1. a direct vote of the qualified voters of a

state in regard to some important public question. 2. the vote by which the people of a political unit determine autonomy or affiliation with another country.

Self Determination the determining by the people of the form their government shall have, without reference to the wishes of any other nation, esp. by people of a territory or former colony.

plebiscite   1. a direct vote of the qualified voters of a state in regard to some important public question. 2. the vote by which the people of a political unit determine autonomy or affiliation with another country.

Self Determination the determining by the people of the form their government shall have, without reference to the wishes of any other nation, esp. by people of a territory or former colony.