Soundtrack mindmap

Post on 11-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Soundtrack mindmap

“Hero” by Enrique Iglesias, is suitable for my advert for these reasons: Hero’s mood is quite depressing in context, however, the sound itself actually makes people feel good because it generally is a nice sounding typical romantic song. This will hopefully reflect the advert itself because, in context, the fact that children are starving and living in poverty is depressing, but by applying Save the Children’s charity they can drastically improve peoples lives, and create new communities. The pace is slow, which makes people think about it more, and as a result feel more emotional towards the advert, making them donate to the charity. The target audience of the song mainly appeals to middle-aged women, which unfortunately isn’t as broad as we would like for our advert. The lyrics, “hero” could indicate that Save the Children are peoples “Heroes”

“Wonderful World” by Louis Armstrong, is suitable for my advert for these reasons: The song is a very happy, and haves lyrics such as “What a wonderful world” thus indicating that the world is wonderful, so that will reinforce Save the Children’s ethos in making the world for children a better place. In terms of pace, it is quite slow and relaxed, reflecting the calm nature of Save the Children and what they do as a charity. The target audience of this song is generally around middle-aged men and women and the elderly, which are the most likely to donate to the charity.

“Paradise” by Coldplay, is suitable for my advert for these reasons: Paradise is an upbeat happy song, which contrasts the actual situation being shown on screen, this will have quite a negative impact on the audience so this may not be the best choice of song for the advert. Lyrically, it is quite suited to the advert and theme. The chorus consisting mainly of “Paradise” makes the place that Save the Children have improved is a paradise.

“Mad World” by Tears for Fears, is suitable for my advert for these reasons: It is a slow paced song that reflects an unhappy depressed mood. This fits in what is initially being shown on the screen, but as the scene progresses it gets happier, so this song may not be the best choice in terms of theme. In terms of lyrics it doesn’t really fit with the scene, the line “All around me are familiar faces” doesn’t really fit in with the theme. The target audience of this song is probably depressed male and female 20-30 year olds. So this may not appeal to those who are most likely to donate to the charity.

Soundtrack Mind-Map