Solar Chimney Integrated into Air Conditioner System

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Solar Chimney Integrated into Air Conditioner System

Introducing a New Product

Air Conditioner Heat Exchange
with Solar Chimney

Perry Scanlon

Basic Solar Chimney

Borrowed from Wikipedia. Article: Solar Chimney, Drawn by User: Fred_the_Oyster

Less Effective in Desert Areas

Higher average monthly temps in summer. Palm Springs: 93F July & August

Higher average annual temps. Palm Springs: 75F

Cooling to average annual temp: unrealistic. Ground heats up around pipe(s).

Useful for survival but probably not comfort.

Modified Solar Chimney

95F intake air instead of 115F air saves electricity.

Similar Concept:
Geothermal Heat Pump

Borrowed from Wikipedia. Article: Geothermal Heat Pump Photo by Mark Johnson, User: Marktj

Advantages over
Geothermal Heat Pump

Simpler and easier to build.

Lower cost.

No pump or additional electricity required. Air flow is assisted by sun.

Use of air-cooled condenser coil.

Leaks: less likely, less damaging, easier to fix.

The End
