Soil Health Cover Crop Field Day - CCA...

Post on 26-Jul-2020

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Transcript of Soil Health Cover Crop Field Day - CCA...

Field Tour Includes: Cover crops after wheat

Cover crops interseeded in corn

Cover crop seeding equipment

Strip till equipment

Soil pit with Dr. Adam Gillespie, OMAFRA/University of Guelph

Rainfall simulator

Speaker Program Farmer Panel: Cover Crops and Reduced Tillage with Dan Petker, Port Rowan; Mike Strang, Exeter; Kevin

Nixon, London

Can Cover Crops Affect P losses? Dr. Merrin Macrae, University of Waterloo

To help us plan better, please RSVP to OMAFRA Ridgetown Resource Centre 519-674-1690

Dinner by Donation

Soil Health &

Cover Crop Field Day

Friday, September 14,


3 p.m. - Field Tours

5 p.m.- Dinner

6 p.m. Speaker Program


Tom and Lynn Tyhurst

29701 Cuthbert Road

Dresden, Ontario

Ministry of Agriculture, Food

and Rural Affairs

Certified Crop Advisor CEU’s Have

been Applied for.

With Support From,