Soget Brochure - English

Post on 20-May-2015

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Soget profile and services: translation, software and web site localisation, multilanguage publishing.

Transcript of Soget Brochure - English



We are what we say: everywhere, in every language.

A technical manual, a leaflet, a product catalogue, a website.Far from just describing your products and technologies, these publications repre-sent you in the world, translating your image into words.

You may sometimes be required to communicate with people with different reli-gions, values, and concepts of status, or who use different conventions, such as codes, weights and measuring units, and yet these people will almost certainly be fundamental to your success.

This is our mission: to exploit our resources, technology and experience so that you may communicate more effectively worldwide.

1Global communications“

Communications is the lifeblood of every activity.Slogans evoke an emotion through words.Technical documents constitute a collection of highly specialised information.

In over thirty years of activity, we have translated every form of docu-mentation, from technical manuals of international import, to catalogues for widely consumed products and multi-lingual software.

Ever at the forefront of technology, we have worked hard to create a flexible and dynamic structure that allows us to meet even the most stringent delivery dates.

We have designed, and adopt in our day-to-day workflow, management software that enables us to select the best resources, track the progress of jobs, control quality, monitor compli-ance with customer expectations, and implement controls.

Automated document analysis and wordcount functions allow our sales managers to prepare detailed esti-mates in short turnaround times and offer solutions with an optimal quality/price ratio.

Our sales and project managers are always willing to define customised workflows, whether for single activities or complex documentation processes involving translation, proofreading, ed-iting, DTP and printing - from concep-tion to the finished product.

Soget offers advantageous and tech-nologically advanced solutions for the containment of costs, not only for trans-lation and DTP activities, but in terms of the entire documentation management process.

CTM (Corporate Translation Manage-ment) systems integrate the manage-ment of translation projects and power-ful CAT tools within a single workflow, allowing the customer to outsource en-tire multilingual documentation cycles, and not just single translations.The entire process is integrated within a single IT system, which we share with the customer.The latter is relieved of all responsibility regarding the selection of translators, the management of suppliers, the al-location of budgets, quality controls, etc.

Soget handles your individual projects, keeping translation memories and cor-porate glossaries updated, and – when-ever requested – managing the activities of external translators or suppliers with whom customers may wish to maintain occasional or continuous relations.

Customised cost-containing and productivity-enhancing strategies.

Long standing experience.Continuously evolving technologies.

A talent for finding creative solutions.

2Multilingual workflows

Soget has obtained EN ISO 9001 and EN 15038 certifications.

We were one of the first companies in Italy to adopt a Quality System certified in line with the EN ISO 9001 standard. We are now also one of the first Euro-pean companies to be certified in line with the EN15038 standard, which de-termines the requirements of a transla-tion service provider.

The adoption of a Quality System in line with the ISO 9001 standard allows us to guarantee efficient corporate processes and full customer satisfaction.This brings a number of advantages, such as:•Rationalisedmanagementofhuman

and technological resources, •Optimisedorganisationalprocedures

and standardised operational processes •Improvedcorporateorganisation•Qualitativeuniformityofservices•Reducedinefficienciesand,conse-

quently, less exposure to errors


Iso 9001: say what you do, do what you say, write it down.

Soget: quality as standard!

The EN 15038 standard is specifi-cally aimed at determining the quality requirements of translation service providers alone, guaranteeing the cus-tomer:•thejointeffortsofatleasttwoprofes-

sionals: the actual translator and a reviser, with clear, proven skills

•specialisedreviews,carriedoutbyex-perts in the specific semantic field

•aprojectmanageravailingoftheskillsand instruments required to manage the entire process.


At Soget, confidentiality and data pro-tection are regarded as necessary ele-ments in supporting communications, production processes, and corporate tradition.

Our non-disclosure agreements are extended to our translators, who always operate in strict observance of the profes-sional secrecy act.

An ISA Server provides customers secure access to our corporate network, allow-ing you to send us documents and data rapidly and to manage online projects in real time.

Our company infrastructure is protected at all times against spamming and virus-es, and automatically backs up all data.

Finally, the use of cryptography safeguards our customer’s confidentiality rights by encoding all emails and attachments.

By experience it may be believed,that he who trusts not, is not deceived.

(Leonardo da Vinci)

4Confidentiality and security

Translation: cultural mimicry!

Soget offers translations in all the main languages, sectors and formats.

Translations don’t stop at merely trans-forming words from one language to another. They transpose messages in their entirety, and in conformity with the cultural and formal conventions of the country of destination.

The use of mother tongue professionals is a fundamental requisite in our field, and our extensive database of such professionals allows us to collaborate, in real time, with highly specialised transla-tors in a variety of sectors, living both in Italy and abroad. Each job is managed by a project manager.

All production phases are monitored by a purposely created management program capable of selecting the best human resources, tracking the progress of jobs and documenting the quality control activities carried out.

The compilation and use of specialised glossaries, continuous terminological updates, the use of CAT technologies, and rigorous quality controls guarantee strict compliance with the most rigorous requirements. Furthermore, the technologies we adopt allow us to define specific Quality As-surance procedures together with the customer, ensuring all translations are subjected to predefined controls before being submitted.

At Soget, translation is not merely an intellectual process requiring personal skills, specialised language knowledge and terminological expertise, but rather a production method whose solutions are aimed at safeguarding the original author’s stylistic choices.

5Professional translators

Culture is what remains after we have forgotten everything.

(Erbert Herriot)“

CAT (Computer Aided Translation) tech-nology, which we have been using for years and have contributed to develop-ing, exploits the computer’s potential to create memories of previously translated texts, organise them, and re-offer them for new texts.As a result, the time and costs gener-ally required to translate documents are reduced, with clear advantages, particu-larly in the case of large texts.When the previous translation of a phrase or term is offered to the transla-tor, the latter may accept it, thus obtaining homogeneous style and terminology throughout the documenta-tion, or substitute it with a new version that is either clearer or more suited to the context. This substitution will then be extended to the entire line of docu-ments, resulting in improved contents!Another advantage – one of the most important for the purposes of productiv-ity – lies in the ability to translate texts directly in the original format, such as FrameMaker or QuarkXpress, thus avoiding the times and costs involved in repaginating texts in different languages.

We aren’t the only international operator offering CAT technologies, but we are among those who have longest exploited their full potential, offering customers effective, well-tested and perfected solutions.

As an Across Service Provider partner, our customers may avail of the efforts of the only software manufacturer whose main activity consists entirely in provid-ing specific translation solutions.

Furthermore, we make extensive use ofSDLTRADOStomanageprojects.This allows our customers to avail of the advantages offered by the CCM meth-odology (Create, Cleanse and Maintain translation memories).

Soget is SDL parner and all our project Managers have obtained SDL TRADOS certification, attesting to its in-depth knowledge of this software.

Finally, we can also manage projects with DéjàVu, SDLX, Star Transit and other CAT tools.

Our solutions allow us to operate on any Rtf,WordorExcelfile,andonallthemain publishing formats (Adobe Fram-eMaker, InDesign, PageMaker, Interleaf / QuickSilver, Ms-Publisher and QuarkX-press).

As technical documents generally also include a large number of drawings, our solutions allow us to act directly on original AutoCad. DWG files, exporting, translating (via CAT tools) and re-importing all captions into the drawings.

CAT and Translation Memories6

Publish news in large print and people will believe it implicitly.

(Jorge Luis Borges)

Soget’s internal DTP and printing de-partment was set up when the first DTP programs appeared on the market.

Our skills have evolved with the evolv-ing software, from the first Aldus Page-Maker and FrameTechnology Fram-eMaker to the current Adobe programs, and from the first Quark Xpress for Macintosh to the current multiplatform versions.

Today we act as beta tester for the main DTP program producers. This allows us to become acquainted with applications in advance, offering our customers the best solutions to accel-erate the market penetration times of a product.

Arabic,Chinese,Japanese,Russian:technical resources enable texts to be translated directly in the original DTP format and subsequently adapted to any language and alphabet.

• AdobeAcrobat• AdobeCreativeSuite• AdobeFlash• AdobeFrameMaker• AdobeInDesign• AdobePageMaker• BroadvisionQuickSilver-Interleaf• MicrosoftOffice• QuarkXPress

We use all desktop publishing products, offering our services as outsourcing for the planning, creation and printing of documentation and for DTP services in any language.

We are your single point of contact for the management of all your communica-tion products, from translation to print-ing, thus reducing your release times and your exposure to the risk of errors.

7Graphic, DTP and printing department


...everyone should know that nothing harmonized according to the rules of poetry can be translated

from its native tongue into another without destroying all its sweetness and harmony.

(Dante, The Banquet, I, VII, 14-15)

The versions of Word or other pro-grammes that we work with in our own language have probably been produced elsewhere and localised for use in our country.

This process is common to all software applications, their accompanying documentation, their packaging, and the DVDs explaining their main charac-teristics.

Our localisation solutions include all the technical and linguistic processes re-quired to ensure a product may be used effectively in every corner of the world.

This may be achieved by analysing language conventions (hours and dates, currencies, units of measurement, ad-dresses), and through an in-depth understanding of local cus-toms, cultures, regulations and forms of communication.

Soget’s services include the localisation and internationalisation of:

•software (applications, programs, operating systems, ERP,etc.);

•websites (personal,corporate,e-commerce,etc.);

•multimediaproducts (Flash,Swish,Breeze,andeveryothermul-

timedia format for distribution on CD, DVD, etc.);

•marketingandadvertisingdocumentation. (Transcreation)



Soget designs and produces Internet websites, handling issues such as graphics, planning, architecture, con-tents and multilingual versions.

We are able to localise web pages in non-Latin scripts (Arabic, Greek, Russian,etc.)andinnon-alphabeticcharacters (Chinese, Japanese, Korean), whose contents may be viewed correctly through the local browsers of the countries of destina-tion.

Furthermore, we offer international web marketing services, registering web-sites on search engines, arranging the exchange of sponsored and spontaneous links, updating pages with traditional and content management solutions, and coordinating sites with other corporate literature (printed mat-ter, press releases, adverts, etc.).


Business growth in the Global Village.

Experience: We’ve been translating since 1974.

Into any language: We manage projects in all the main lan-guages using exclusively native transla-tors and revisers.

Consultancy: Every job is entrusted to a qualified project Manager.

Compatibility: Our comprehensive software resources include the latest release of all major WP and DTP programs for Macintosh and Windows-based systems.

Technology: We use a corporate management sys-tem, as well as CTM and CAT solutions.

Costs: We contain costs through productivity-enhancing strategies.

References: We collaborate with over 4000 clients.

Quality: We have obtained the ISO 9001 and EN 15038 certification.

Global communications

Multilingual workflows


Confidentiality and security

Professional translators

Translation Memories and CAT tools

Graphic, DTP and printing department



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Soget® srl Via Roncaglia, 14 20146 Milano Tel. +39 02.485.914.1 Fax +39 02.485.914.20 E-mail:

www.soget.comS O G E T