Social problems and socio anthropology

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Transcript of Social problems and socio anthropology


SOCIOLOGY“It is the scientific study of human social

relationships with special emphasis upon groups and institutions.”

“The study of the origin, growth, structure and characteristic of group, life and of associated environmental, biological and psychological factors”


Reab and Selznick (1961)“A problem with

human relationships

which seriously threatens society or impedes the

important aspirations of many people.”

Mckee and Robertson (1975)“ A social problem

exists when a significant number of

people, or a number of significant people,

perceive an undesirable difference between social ideas and social realities

and believe that this difference can be

eliminated by collective actions.”

THE NATURE OF SOCIAL PROBLEMS1. Social problems involves the subjective

perception of an object condition.

For a social problem to exist, there must be a real objective condition such as crime, drug abuse or poverty.There must be a subjective response in people’s minds; they must perceive the condition as presenting a problem.


Example:Movements like Women’s Liberation, Pork Barrel, Rallies, etc. these movements have attempted to attract public attention by unusual methods, for their adherents realize that unless the situation they complain is widely perceived as a social problem, no social action will be taken to solve it.The visibility of a social problem depends, too, on the willingness of the mass media to devote publicity to it.

THE NATURE OF SOCIAL PROBLEMS2. Social problems involve a gap between social ideals and social reality.

The ideals of any society are based on the values and attitudes of its people.

Valuesshared ideas about what is desirable, such as a belief

in the sanctity of marriage, equal opportunity,etc.


are predispositions to responds favorably toward particular people,events, or situations-

Such as 1. a feeling of prejudice against an ethnic group.

2. Because social values and attitudes are continually changing, gaisthe gap between particular social ideals and particular social realities also changes. Sometimes closing, sometimes widening – it results in the emergence of new social problems and the disappearance of old ones.


The problem of environmental pollution provides an example of how changing values and attitudes contribute to the emergence of a new social problem. We are now aware of environmental pollution and take a very unfavorable attitude toward industrial pollutants. The result is that environmental pollution, a subject that did not appear as a social problem a few years ago, is now regarded as a critical social problem.

THE NATURE OF SOCIAL PROBLEMS3. Social problem must be perceived as problems by a significant number of people or by a number of significant people.

No matter how undesirable a social condition may seem to a few people, it cannot be regarded as a social problem until it is subjectively perceived as such either by a significant proportion of the population or by a number of people who occupy positions of power and influence in society.


The problem of juvenile delinquency reveals this importance both of significant numbers of people and of numbers of significant people in leading public opinion to perceive a social condition as a social problem and then to confront that problem collective action. Mckee and Robertson entertain the view that a few highly significant individuals such as a President or a Pope can place a “new” social problem before a population in a single speech.

THE NATURE OF SOCIAL PROBLEMS4. Social problems must be regarded as capable of solution through collective action.

All societies experience social conditions that they recognize as undesirable, such as disease, war, or a fume. But it is only when people believe that they have the capacity to do something about these conditions that the conditions are regarded as social problems.


Collective action may take many forms. In the extreme case, it can involve public demonstrations, violence or even revolution, but more commonly it involves the efforts of interest groups to inform the public of the issues at stake and to persuade those in positions of authority to make the necessary changes.


2 elements of sociologist employs in the analysis of social problems.


THE SOCIOLOGICAL APPROACHTheoryIt is a formulation of relationships or undying

principles of certain observed phenomena.It implies considerable evidence in support of a

formulated general principle explaining the operation of a certain phenomena.

ResearchA careful, systematic investigation in some

field of knowledge, undertaken to discover facts.

THE SOCIOLOGICAL APPROACHRelationship between Theory and Research

“Theory can point the areas in which research is likely to be fruitful and can provide a basis for explanation and prediction. Research findings, on the other hand, can test theories which have been worked out, can clarify theoretical concepts, and can suggests new theoretical formulations.”

Selltiz et. at. (1959)

Research findings on the other hand, can test theories which have been worked out, can clarify theoretical concepts, and can suggest new theoretical formulations or extend old ones.

To conduct research without theoretical interpretation or to theorize without research is to ignore the essential function of theory as a tool for achieving economy of thought.

THE SOCIOLOGICAL APPROACHResearch on Social Problems

The sociologist uses research both in gathering of facts and testing of hypothesis to determine whether they fit the facts..Research on sociology generally uses one of three methods. Each methods has it’s own advantages and disadvantages and each is more appropriate for some problems. The three research methods are The Case Study, The Sample Survey and The Experiment. (Mckee and Robertson 1975)

THE SOCIOLOGICAL APPROACHResearch on Social Problems

The Case StudySometimes called the Case History Technique, involves a comprehensive and extensive examination of a particular individual , group or situation over a period of time.In making case studies the researcher often as a participant observer,observes action and facts and maintains careful records of significant events and observation

The Sample Surve, A type of investigation where in only a representative of group is chosen from a particular “population” which may be a school, an occupational group, ethnic group or even a whole nation.

The Experimental MethodProvides a given set of conditions that prevails, if one does this, that will follow.

PERSPECTIVE IN SOCIAL PROBLEMSA sociologist attempting to analyze and

interpret a social problem will use one or more of the following perspective:

Social DisorganizationValue-Conflict



The disruption or breakdown of a social system. problems arise due to change in some areas

accompanied by failure in change in others Value-Conflict

A society which is rapidly changing because of modern technology is expected to be composed of many groups having different values and attitudes.

DevianceA product of both organization and disorganization.

ex .any conduct that violate social expectations


Sociology-from Latin word-socius-society in interaction.from Greek word-logos-means society

What are Sociology and Anthropology? Sociology is the science of society and

the social interaction taking place among individuals in a social group.

Focuses on all kinds of interaction: acts relationships organizations processes It is concerned with the recurrent and

repetitive forms of behavior,attitudes, beliefs, values,norms,and social institutions which make up the social order.

Areas of concern of Sociology-(Hauser 1962:909-914)

1.Social Organizations-it involves the study of social groups,social institutions,ethnic relations,social stratification,social mobility,bureaucracy, family,law, economy,work, agriculture,industry, religion,politics, education etc.

2. Social Psychology-This area studies human nature and personality as the product of group of life.It is also touches on the study of social attitudes and collective behavior.

3.Social Change and Social disorganizationThis area is concerned with change in culture and social relations nad the attendant disruption that may occur.Social reorganization is considered.

4. Population-This analyzes population number,compositions,change,and quality as they influenced by the social,economic,and political order.

5.Human Ecology-deals with the human behavior of a given population in relation to its environment and emergence of the spatial relations between the people and the environment.

6.Sociological theory and methods-includes theory building and testing the applicability of the principles of group life as the bases for the prediction and controlof the individuals social environment.

7.Applied Sociology-makes us a of the findings of pure sociological research on the various aspects and problems of daily life, as in criminology,community development,family counseling,squatters relocation,education,agrarian reform,NGO’s,labor relations,health an nutrition.

What is Anthropology? Science of humanity and its

society.Studies the biological ,social and cultural development of human kind and seeks answers to why people are different and how they are similar.


1. universalism-all people are fully and equally human whether they belong to indigenious groups such as aetas,mangyans or are urbanized such as living in metro manila cities.All people on earth belong to one species,HOMO SAPIENS

2. integration-view the various aspects of life,like kinship and family,economy, arts, politics as interwoven to form a social whole.the influence of global markets on small island societies as well as the strategic concerns of foreign powers is also studied.

3. Adaptation-study how humans are affected by the surroundings or environment and what adjustments they make.

4.Holism-getting the whole picture of a phenomenon and the application of knowledge from different fields in order to understand an aspect of behavior. Study many aspects of human existence,both past and present in all levels of complexity. (ember and Ember)