Social Media Marketing Overview by hYperstrand

Post on 01-Nov-2014

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A look at how social media can impact your business. Part 1 of 4

Transcript of Social Media Marketing Overview by hYperstrand


Feb 1 Overview of Internet Marketing • Harness the power of the internet playing field without becoming overwhelmed.

Feb 15 Getting Websites and Blogs to work for your Business • Controlling your brand image is key to turning curious browsers into paying customers

Feb 29 Social Media – How to Tweet, Like Connect and Share • Level the playing field by knowing where to position your brand and how much content to push

Mar 14 The Real ROI of Online Advertising • Measure your efforts and outcomes and decide if advertising is an investment worth the price


Networking SCORE OVERVIEW Understanding the Internet

Ideas and tools for reaching your target audience


How to avoid wasting time

Setting a plan in motion

Q& A






There were 4.5 million TWEETS surrounding the Superbowl on 2/6/11 Doritos was the #1 Tweeted brand during last year’s game.


Engage Video & Pictures 490 million YouTube users worldwide 18 – 54 years old 12.2 Billion videos viewed in the US/month

Share Information & Ideas Google has 620 million visitors daily 63% of users will recommend online brands Your business in open 24/7/365

Participate Interact in Groups 6 of 10 use LinkedIn for professional networking Social media turns cold calls into warm leads Online activity is the only way to go viral

Now Incorporate don’t Isolate Social media is only part of a good plan Have tools in place to make it work for you More meaning, Less clutter






Permission Based

In-bound marketing where people are thirsting for what you offer and they are actively trying to communicate with you.

Interruption Based

Marketing built on the concept that if you’re in front of people enough, when they need you they will think of you first.

The waiting game

Global after hours


Less than 45% of social media interaction results in increased sales however more than 88% results in increased brand awareness.

So why the frenzy and mad rush to be the loudest brand on social media?

The power of social media lies in it’s effectiveness when used to build brand awareness through information and opportunity.

0 20 40 60 80 100

Improved Sales

Reduced Marketing Expenses

Generated Quality Leads

New Business Partnerships

Improved Search Rankings

Increased Traffic

Generate Brand Exposure


Websites Corporate brochure for credibility

Blogs Knowledge sharing and leadership

Facebook Build communities

LinkedIN Interact to build relationships

Twitter Build brand awareness

YouTube Share your personality


• Know your niche

• Use tools like the Wisdom Network

• Females account for 62% of Facebook but men dominate LinkedIn

• Women watch more YouTube videos but men watch longer

Don’t take chances!

When customers can literally turn you on and off

• Provide posts worth sharing

• Make valuable connections

• Offer information and opportunities

• Be real, make it personal and professional

• Cyber world meets real world


64% of

Facebook users

Will like a brand and will share that information with their 130+ friends

Drive traf fic to other valuable sites

Make posts that benefit the fan, not you


43% of

Facebook users

Unlike because of too much push marketing

Wrong content for this social site


• TweetDeck

• HootSuite

• RSS Feeds

• Seesmic

• Google+ & Chrome

Time is money!

Make the most of the time you spend garner the highest ROI possible.

Organize your streams in one place

Scheduled Posts

Collaborate with colleagues

Mobile Apps

RSS Integration

Shorten and track URL click-thrus

Social analytics

Google Analytics


Google Chrome and Google+

Google makes it easy to host hangouts for virtual collaboration, view RSS feeds, manage my calendar and email, see topline tasks and search lightning fast

RSS feeds bring your critical info to one location saving you time


Hootsuite or TweetDeck

Use tools that make your workday easier


Proper Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance

What is your goal of internet marketing? Where is your target audience located? Have you researched your keywords, industry and competition? What is your current brand message online? How much time do you have to devote? What monetary investment can you make?

Start small but act BIG

Focus on 2 tools at a time and master them before adding another


ESPNow! GOAL: Move ideas through to create human interaction COMMUNICATION: People want information, you want customers TOOLS: Deliver messages to your audience without chaos INTERACT: Ask for feedback and comments and give yours RESULTS: Share, bookmark, newsletter signup, buy


Greetings… As an industry expert, I have built a successful business based on the philosophy that truly

effective marketing strategies are the ones that create brand awareness one relationship at a

time. At hYperstrand Marketing we use a strategic approach when developing marketing

plans and continue to provide these tools to businesses so that they are able to reach their


Thank you for your time and contribution to this workshop. I hope you found it helpful and

if you need additional information, I encourage you to reach out to me at 630.940.7920 or

See you online!

Sheryl L Theisen

This presentation data is a compilation of information from the following

industry experts. Given the speed to which social media changes, statistics

may now differ from those originally used in this presentation.

Jeff Bullas Ogilvy & Buddy Media Time Exact Target Jeff Esposito eMarketer TNS Adology Universal McCann Nielson Heidi Cohen Steve Olenski Semiocast