Social control

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Social control

Raafia Javed Muhammad Afaq Qurat ull Ain Ali Asgher Waseem Ahmed

Group Members

Social ControlFormal And Informal

Means of Social Control

Society Social factors Social control Needs for social control Formal control Formal means of social control


Society is a group of people who share a defined

territory and a culture. Society is also the social structure and

interactions of that group of people. Social structure is the relatively enduring

patterns of behavior and relationships within a society.


Society is also the social structure and

interactions of that group of people.

A society is not only the group of people and

their culture, but the relationships between the

people and the institutions within that group





Physical attributes (Skin color)

Economic Status

Social Factors

Informal social control

Informal means of social control

Top agencies of social control



Locality (Where you live Type of Neighbors etc.) 

Life Partner and Children

Political System (Democratic or Socialist)


Social control is the sum of those methods by

which a society tries to influence human

behavior to maintain a given order.

Any society must have harmony and order.

Society is a harmonious organization of human


Social Control

It controls the behavior, attitude and actions of

individual to balance their social situation

A man is born free but in chains everywhere he


These are the social norms on which whole society

is running.


For smooth functions and running of these

norms these controls are necessary It regulates harmony and brings unity among

individual of the same group It also affects socialization process


When social norms are followed by the people

of the society, It means that they adopt conformity to society and establish control

The deviancy from these norms leads to punishment may be lighter or serious, which touch the border of law


Social solidarity is essential for the existence

of society No two persons is alike in their nature, ideas,

attitudes and interests. There are cultural differences among the

individuals As a matter of fact society is a heterogeneous


Needs for S.C

If every individual is allowed unrestricted freedom

to act and behave, it may create social disorder

The aims of social control are to bring out

conformity, solidarity and continuity of a particular

group or society.


For an orderly social life social control is necessary

Without social control, society as well as individual

cannot exist

Therefore, the need of social control is very



Reestablishing the Old Social System

Regulate or control individual behavior

Obedience to Social Decisions

To Establish Social Unity

To bring Solidarity


To bring Conformity in Society

To provide social sanction

To check cultural mal-adjustment

To maintain permanency of the organization


Need of the social control is to keep the

existing order intact The aged members of the family enforce their

ideas over the children Although enforcement of the old order in a

changing society may hinder social progress

Reestablishing The Old Social System

People are not alike in their living methods, so

that due to this contrast there is a possibility of clash between them

Social control is necessary to protect social interests and satisfy common need.

Due to the removal of social control, society would be reduced to state of jungle

To Regulate or Control Individual Behavior

Society takes certain decisions.

These decisions are taken in order to

maintain and upheld the values of the society

Through social control attempt is made to get

the social decision obeyed

Obedience to Social Decisions

Unity is not possible without social control.

Social control regulates the behavior of

individuals in accordance with established

norms which brings uniformity of behavior

It brings unity among the individuals

To Establish Social Unity

Social control is to create the feelings of

solidarity in the minds of people In the competitive world, the weaker group

may be exploited by the stronger group Equally powerful groups may clash among


To Bring Solidarity

This affects the harmony and order. Some groups may develop anti-social

attitudes and pose danger to the organization of the society

Therefore there is necessity for the different groups and institutions.


Social control is intended to bring about

regularity in the behavior of the individual

members of the society

Social control also brings about different

types of conformities in their societies

To Bring Conformity in Society

Social control provides social sanction to the

social ways of behavior

There are numerous folkways, modes and

customs prevalent in society

Every individual has to follow them

To Provide Social Sanction

If an individual violets the social norms, he is

compelled through social control to observe


Social control provides sanction to social



Formal control is deliberately created

State make use of law, legislation, military

force, police force, administrative devices etc

Different other institutions like political,

religious, economic, culture or other

associations also involved in formal control

Formal Control

Various rules are laid down to make it specific Necessity of following rules is clearly stated by

institutions. Violators of formal control are given punishment. Punishment depending upon nature and type of



Organization make use of formal control create

a official body with power to enforce control Organization established the police force

military force etc Banks, army, factory all these come under

formal control





Formal Means of Social Control

Law Is the most important formal means of

social control Early societies depended upon informal means

of social control but when societies grew they were compelled to rules regulations.

Rules regulations define the require types of behavior which imposed those who violate them


Law Is a body of rules legally enforced by

authorized agencies. it defines clearly rights duties as well as

punishment for their violation. Modern societies' structure consisting of

number of groups, institutions or organization which require formal control


Law prescribes uniform norms bad penalties

throughout a social system.

The earlier customs has been formalized into a

body of law

Law in every state is being increased


Education is a process of socialization.

It prepare the child for social living

It reforms the attitude wrongly formed by

children already.

it teaches value of discipline, social

cooperation, tolerance and sacrifice.


It instills in individual quality of honesty, fair

play and sense of right and wrong

Importance of education as a means of social

control is being growingly realized

Education for creating right social attitude

among youth


Is the use of force to achieve a desired end.

It may physical or not violent

Coercion is lowest form of social control

It may have immediate effects upon the

offender but it does not have enduring effects.


Non-Violent consist of the strikes, boycott and


Boycott is the withholding of social or

economic intercourse with other to express


It can be a successful way off effecting social



Informal control includes gossip, slander,

resentment, public opinion, sympathy, folkways, mores, customs and such other agents

They are more effective than the formal control They become deep rooted with people in their


Informal Control

They don’t require any extra staff to enforce them.

They don’t have the physical force to enforce

conformity to them. Faith in religion, moral convictions, public opinion,

artistic standard are found to be more important in informal control.






Social Suggestions

Informal Means

It consist of culturally defined goals.

It involves various degrees of “sentiments and


They are basic , though not exclusive.

Values are “goals worth striving for”


Folkways are the recognized modes of

behavior which arise automatically within a group

They are the behavior patterns of everyday life which arise spontaneously and unconsciously in a group,

It is not easy for the members of a group to violate the folkways.


They are the long established habits and

usages of the people. They are those folkways and mores which

have persisted for a very long time and have passes down from one generation to another.

They arise spontaneously and gradually They are accepted and followed by the society.


Ideology is a theory of social life which

interprets social realities from the point of view of ideals to prove correctness of the analysis and to justify these ideals.

It is the projection of a certain ideal. Ideologies influence social life to a very great



Social suggestions and ideologies are important social

control methods, through these suggestions and ideologies society

control the behavior of its members. Society also controls the behavior of its people

through many several ways such as through books, writings and spoken words inculcation of ideas.

Social Suggestions

In simple societies, public opinion as a means

of social control is greater. In village people know one another so it is

difficult for a villager to act contrary to the public opinion of the village.

Public opinions greatly influences our actions.

Public Opinion



The School


Important Agencies of Social Control





Family is an important agency of social


It is the first place where an individual is


He learns various methods of living, behavior

patterns, convention etc..

He is taught to behave and respect social

laws and obey social controls.


Neighborhood is a simple and specific part of

a community.

It has a feeling or sentiment of local unit.

There may be more than one neighborhood in

a community


The school is a very powerful agency of social

control. It exercises social control through


The child learns many things from the school,

which he cannot learn from other sources

In the college, also the students are required

to obey social controls

The School

The child is taught to obey the discipline,

which a student learns at school lasts with him

throughout his life.

The school and college or educational

institutions are next to family as agencies of

social control


Administration is very powerful and the most

effective instrument of social control.

It forces the individual to obey social control.

The administrations punish the violators with

the help of the police, the army etc


Physical force or coercion is an important means

of social control. It is ancient as society itself. Even these days some societies resort to it

against the deviants or those who disobey social norms

It is essential for social progress


Every state has its own armed forces or police


It is an effective weapon to prevent people

from indulging in anti-social activities

It also makes people, obey social order


The state carries out its functions by means of

law, which is ultimately backed by physical force. As an important agency of social, control the

state exercises its force over its people through various means such as the government law, administration, the armed forces, the police and the like


Religion influences a powerful influence upon

man’s behavior in society.

Religion is an attitude towards superhuman


It is a belief in powers superior to man.


It expresses itself in several forms like superstition,

animism, totemism, magic, ritualism and fetishism.

Religion pervades practically in all the societies,

though there may be different forms of religious

beliefs and practices
