Social class

Post on 19-May-2015

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Transcript of Social class

Social ClassResearch Task

Under Class• Definition: The lowest social class in a country or

community, consisting of the poor and unemployed

Common stereotypes: • Money scroungers • Lazy• Stupid/uneducated • Spend a lot of time drinking and smoking • Careless • Not motivated

Under class representation in TV drama

Frank Gallagher – Shameless Frank is represented to be a very common

character, often using bad language and wearing scruffy clothing. Most of the time he is smoking and has a unmotivated and careless attitude. He looks un cared for and unhealthy.

Challenges or reinforces stereotypes?Frank reinforces hegemony and he fits all the

common stereotypes of an underclass person. He doesn’t have a job, lives in an unhealthy area and is presented to look scruffy and untidy. This also makes him the subordinate character in the TV drama.

Working class • Definition: People with unskilled, blue collar jobs

with low incomes

Common Stereotypes: • Mind lazy• Unproductive • Uneducated • Irresponsible • Unhealthy • Hardworking • Exploited

Working class representation in TV drama

Neil – The Inbetweeners Neil is a student who works in a supermarket. His

job in not particularly skilled. Neil often comes out with some unintelligent comments suggesting he is very clever. He likes to go out and have fun. He dresses quite casually and normal and has a strong sense of humour.

Challenges or reinforces stereotypes?Neil reinforces the stereotype of working class

people being slightly lazy, as he doesn’t strive for anything more. He is more focused on having fun rather than growing on the social ladder.

Middle class • Definition: Typically consists of people with

degrees from the less prestigious universities, usually including professionals, highly skilled labourers, and lower and middle management.

Common stereotypes: • Hardworking • Own expensive things• Educated and intelligent

Middle class representation in TV drama

Michael Byrne – Waterloo Road (Headmaster)Michael is always well presented. He respects other

people and has been highly educated himself. He is represented as a kind and hardworking person, striving to get the best out of other people. He is a polite character and always behaves respectably.

Challenges or reinforces stereotypes?The character reinforces hegemony as he has a

professional job. His costume is always neat and he is always well presented. He is in good health and is an overall polite person.

Upper class • Definition:

A class of people above the middle class, having the highest  social rank or standing based on wealth and family connections.

Common stereotypes: • Snobby• Look down on people below them• Spoilt• Own expensive things• Sociable

Upper class representation in TV drama Cora Crawley – Downton Abbey Cora married into nobility. She and her family are

very wealthy and own a large manor and lots of land. She always wears extravagant and expensive clothing.

Challenges or reinforces stereotypes?Hegemony is reinforced through location and mise

en scene. She always wears expensive clothing, typical of someone from the upper class. Hegemony is challenged as she is not a snobby character therefore the stereotype of upper class people is challenged.

Which class has the power in TV drama?

In today’s society, power increases the further up the social ladder someone is. The dominant characters in TV drama tend to be the dominant characters, making the lower class and working class the subordinate characters, as they lack power within society.

Dominant & Subordinate Dominant group• Characters who have the most influence and control• The group in charge in society• Often use subordinate group to remain dominant

Subordinate group • Belonging to a lower or inferior class or rank• Controlled by people above them• Unequal treatment • Less power• Tends to be the minority in society• Weaker and less respected