Slobodan Maldini: Styles and movements in Serbian architecture in XX and XXI centuries (raw...

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Serbian contemporary architecture.

Transcript of Slobodan Maldini: Styles and movements in Serbian architecture in XX and XXI centuries (raw...

STYLES AND MOVEMENTS IN SERBIAN ARCHITECTURE at the end of the twentieth and in early period of twenty-first century 

In the period after the Second World War, architecture in Serbia has changed its development trends. Prewar, academic, traditional architecture, was based on the teachings and influences Professor Faculty of Architecture, Belgrade modernist and a large number of educated Russian Architects who worked on the territory of Belgrade, coming during the Revolution. The period after the war brought new requirements, which differed from the former, while the Serbian architecture has entered into new flows. Between 1950s and 1960s, architects were directed towards meeting naraslih needs set by the new socialist society, among which are the most significant were those for construction of a large number of residential units. New Belgrade was a place of rapid development, and architecture followed the pace of its development. 

Period 1960-1970's is characterized by a large number of architectural - urban competition for Design II zgradnju residential blocks in Belgrade. Following the growth needs, the architect turned the creation of new residential complex, located in the so-called. "Blok", or other housing units that cover significant areas of the city. Access to design new residential architecture is in itself carried several stylistic elements and influences. The main impact is visible in the architecture of New Belgrade blocks is

the one who made the pre-war modern architecture and later the international modernist style of architecture. The New Belgrade blocks were built on the model of international modernism, Le Korbizjeovih and Gropijusovih projects period from the end of the 1920s, even Verkbunda projects in the field of collective housing, such as collective residential building in Vajsenhofu, Stuttgart, 1927. year. Principles of designing housing building in New Belgrade cubic compositions include objects that have flat roofs, white facade clean, free of superfluous architectural elements and windows unbroken sequences.Milorad Macura built residential building in Kralja Petra late 1950s, under the strong influence of Le Corbusier apartment building Unite d'Abitasion in Marseille, and the late 1960s and early 1970-th Milosav Mitic and Michael Čanak projected residential building in block 29, which contain all characteristics of the European International style. Macurin building project for printing publishing predizeća "Serbia" in Belgrade (1950-53), relies on the experience taken from Le Korbizjeovih and Nimajerovih facilities were built at that time. The influence of Mendelssohn building Columbus, in Berlin, from 1931-32. was visible on the office building "Srbijaprojekt« Free Mihailovic (1958) and the building of the Federal Chamber of Commerce Lavoslav Horvath (1959).International Modern is present in the building of social and political organizations Mihajlo Jankovic (1961-65), and its counterpart is ten years earlier built office building for Lever Brothers Company 

New York, Skidmore, Ovingsa and Measures. Building Investment Bank (1958) Government Maksimovic represents an outstanding example of international principles of modern domestic architecture region. 

Some architectural historians and theorists of architecture in Serbia defining stylistic features period, which lasted Serbian architecture in the middle and the beginning of the second half of the twentieth century using the term "socialist aestheticism". This name is taken from the literature and refers primarily to the character of the architecture that has emerged from social influence and social need so. "New society". Not going into the deeper meaning of the term, however, be emphasized that this is about architecture "aestheticism", ie, entering the aesthetic quality in architectural design. Characteristic of this type of architecture is that it is gradually removed from their international models, and gradually brings the local traditional aesthetic elements of the Serbiancultural scene. Unlike the architecture of international modernism, which was clean, bezornamentna, stylish directly related to its historical European models, the so-called architecture. "Socialist aestheticism" turns the internal value categories, trying to build your own, local architectural expression. Similarly, although the tendency unparalleled, Serbian architecture is recorded in the period from the beginning of the twentieth century, when there was a "national

awakening" kuturne consciousness, and whose typical representatives were Branko Tanazević and Momir Korunović. 

Newly created aesthetics in architecture is characterized by the use of architectural forms and sectioned reduced certain types of architectural ornaments. Thus, for example, residential buildings receive complicated facade, Obili different architectural elements, which dominate their outside. The architectural language, although extreme detail on the facades, and continue to use materials and details taken from the architectural vocabulary of international modernism, among which are the most natur concrete, uninterrupted series of windows, flat roofs. Although the new adjusted "Taste" of artists and facing the historical models, this architecture includes a characteristic architectural features brutalizma who at the time was present on the European scene. Among New Belgrade blocks characteristic they are designed Bozidar Jankovic, Branislav Karadzic and Alexander Stjepanovic (blocks 22, 23) in mid-1970s, and Uros Martinovic (block 30), in the same period. 

Brutalizma influence on residential architecture in Belgrade comes indirectly, through a canopy tendencies that were present in the world and have belonged to the original representatives of this style. Blocks 61 and 62 Milenij and Darko Marusic the beginning of the 1970s reflect the characteristic movements that occurred on the

international architectural scene. According to author's attitude these residential blocks to solving the space and use as a raw concrete architectural materials, this project belongs brutalizma movement that occurred a few decades earlier in England, where he transferred to the United States. However, the manner in which the architects solved structural unit of the complex, we find traces of impacts and metabolzima, but the basic principles urban composition contained in the "Habitat 67" Moshe Safdija (1966-67). 

Extraordinary combination of metabolic and brutalizma contains architecture Mihajlo Mitrovic.His Business residential complex Genex (1970) presents the architecture of the composition metabolističku character, and brutalističku, by the use of natur concrete is casted in place. The building is modeled concrete, such as sculptures, monolithic and strong. Mitrovićev Hotel "Putnik" in Belgrade is also a combination of constructivist-metabolističkih searching for constructive structure building; brutalizam present by the characteristic use of natur concrete, but object "tender" the introduction of architectural plastic - ornamentation on the façade. Branislav Jovin was 1970th The building, constructed Planning Institute in Belgrade Using stylistic elements brutalizma and metabolism. The main volume of the building is set in a large disperse system in which The main plinth placed outside the dimensions of the object. In that given the strong, the 

monumental pillars okačene are spacious ramps and approach steps below which there is untouched terrain. 

In the group of architectural styles and influences that were present in Serbia during the second used the XX century, important and new style of expressionism. No matter what the period is present on the world level since the 1960s until the 1990s, it is not possible to find a reliable direct connection of the new expressionism in Serbian architecture and its counterparts in the world.However, the Serbian architecture contains objects that can carry the characteristics of this style. Among the most important representatives of the style of Ivan Antic, his project of the Museum of Revolution in Kragujevac, where visible impact Dadoka, Alta and channels. Strong expressionistic expression contains Palace sports "Pioneer" Lilies and Dragoljub Bakića (1972-73), where the constructive structure of the object data great expressive power, which is used especially emphasizes polihromija. Express such a new Expressionism in Serbian architecture is a residential building Mijahla Mitrovica Brace Jugovica no. 10, which is dominated by the Serbian architectural scene freshness of its composition. 

Rationally approach the end of the period of Serbian architecture of the twentieth century is characterized by design highly developed functional basis, the use of a small number of simple and visual self-sufficient building materials, lack of ornamentation on

the façade and the use of reduced and clear kompozicionih form. Rationalism is made on European soil, and its representatives were also the protagonists of the postmodern movement in architecture, among which the most important: Aldo Rossi, Rob Krir, Mario Botta, Joseph Paul Klajhus. Rationalism in Serbia was never expressed in insofar as it was in Western Europe, however, it is possible to find elements rationalistic approach in Serbian architecture. The first significant example of architecture of rationalism in the sense in which this style is recognized in Europe, a housing project in bloka19a New Belgrade (1982), by Milan Lojanica, Borivoja Jovanovic and Predrag Cagić. Living block is characterized by reduced, simple form, using simple materials and surfacing which was derived to reflect the structure of the material from which the block was built. BuildingFaculty of Fine Arts and Branislav Mitrovic Slobodan Lazarevic (1986-1988) is facility that was built using traditional architectural forms - pitched roof and brick facade material - in a modern way. The architectural composition is reduced, simplified, and the object is incorporated in an environment in which located. The building of primary school »Milos Crnjanski "Zoran Jovanovic and Borisava Popovic is basically divided by the scheme are two cube and a circular form. The facade is reduced to only two basic forms of the window. 

Post modern architecture had great significance for the

development of Serbian architectural thought. Tendencies of the new movement, which emerged on the world stage, were presented the worksRobert Venturija, Charles Moore, Michael Graves and Philip Johnson, James Stirling, Hans Holajna and others. In Serbia, postmodernism first accepted the young architects, among them most significant were those gathered around the group "MATCH" 1980s, which consisted of Mustafa Music, Dejan Ećimović, Marjan Čehovin, Slobodan Maldini and Stevan jaundice. Their architecture, which is in its expression include architectural elements and resources of historical styles, represented the newspaper and Serbian refreshments in a quiet scene, but has also caused many polemics and criticism.Among strongest critics were representatives of the communist establishment, who are these young zamerali protagonists on the fact that their architecture is not facing the social structures and needs of society, but it is abstract and pro-Western oriented, and that society is not the time should not tolerate. Although in this climate emerged Lynch group is not realized significant objects, it still left a trace of Serbian architecture its unachieved projects and theoretical work. Mid-80's postmodernism is ubiquitous in Serbian architecture, however, his expression more an international and not authentic, but is adapted to the taste of Serbian cultural environment.Lower the facilities that use elements taken from the then Western architectural models, however, their quality is on the edge of good taste. Other major facilities Serbian 

postmodernism it is possible to find good and authentic examples: Office building in Zepter Belgrade (1989-1992) Basil Milunovića architects and Branislav Mitrovic is open Dictionary postmodernism Michael Graves, which is located within a Belgrade building. Joseph Pilasanović project (1992-93) Steco building business center in Belgrade, which relies on international models, particularly the architecture of Frank O. Gary. 

Vernakularna architecture has a long tradition of Serbian architecture, since it is associated withfolk architecture. Vernakularna Contemporary Architecture in Serbia has always had its representatives and distinctive objects. During the second half of the twentieth century, there were several attempts entering vernakularne elements of architecture in contemporary architectural expression. Among the most important representatives of this style, especially distinguished Bozidar Petrovic, who during the 1960-1990's built Residences on the principles and the model of Serbian folklore house and the house of the Balkan type. His home contains all the characteristics of traditional folklore and historical architecture: the use of natural materials, the use of traditional structures, mainly of wood and use architectural details taken from Serbian folklore. Another important representative of contemporary vernakularne architecture is Pedja Predrag Ristic, who used traditional historical forms Serbian architecture in their sacred buildings. Ristic uses

these principles to the extent that I running their buildings, using traditional construction tools and resources. Zoran Petrovic also applies the traditional style architectural features in their buildings, and particularly distinguished Borivoje Jovanovic, your hotel »Selters" in Mladenovac (1990) in which the object of folklore architecture which provides all the necessary modern attributes. 

Vernakularna Contemporary architecture in some cases given the characteristic elements populist architecture. Objects of this architecture are intended to draw attention to some of their specific functional or spatial characteristics and thus to leave a trace in the space. House Serbian-Norwegian Friendship Aleksandra Djokic (1987) built in Gornji Milanovac designed in the form vikinškog ship. While in Serbia, there is no single architectural Association, which pointed to the possible inspiration for this form, it is taken from Norse past Norway and located on a hillside above the Upper Milanovac, where he soon became a trademark character of the city. 

Memorial architecture is another characteristic style group of Serbian architecture that developed during the second half of the twentieth century. After the Second World War, a new company sought new ways of artistic expression. That term was facing the near history and onovremenom social system. Since artistic expression skulpturni was insufficient, because the spatial 

limited in this field has joined the architecture, which was complex and contained more able spatial expressions. Among the protagonists of memorial architecture in Serbia was not many architects, but those who were on the scene, left behind a significant artistic opus, in Serbia, and beyond. The group most representative of memorial architecture certainly has the leading role Bogdan Bogdanovic. Though primarily an architect by training, he was writer, theorist, philosopher, in one word artist in the full sense of the word. After Bogdanovic remained opus worthy of realized memorial complex, among which the most important in Serbia: Belgrade, at the Jewish cemetery, in Sremska Mitrovica, in Krusevac, Leskovac, Cacak.Sculptor Ivan Stambolic was built Memorial Park on drums in Nis, and Miodrag Zivkovic Monument shot pupils in Sumarice in Kragujevac. Memorial Architecture in Serbia ceased to exist before beginning of the disintegration of Yugoslavia, and some important representatives of memorial architecture in Serbia, Monuments in Klina, Istok and Kacanik Kosovo Slobodan Maldinija, were destroyed immediately before war, early 1990s. After the breakup of Yugoslavia, memorial architecture in Serbia gets a new form of development; memorial is not built, nor the architecture turns Sculpture means of expression. In 1998th Spasoje Krunic projected Memorial home on Ravna Gora, rajtovsku horizontal structure, built of natural materials - stone and wood and 

associated with the environment in which the mountain is located. 

New modern architecture was created in Serbia under the direct influence of their Western models. In period 1960-1980's, this style of architecture was a common architecture in the West. Richard Meier, Michael Graves, James Stirling, Ieo Ming Pei, built their buildings on the basis of modernism which are transposed into their facilities, each in its own way. In the later stage of the new Modernism, join them Rem Kolhas, Jo Koenen, Stephen Hall, Rafael Vinjoli. Regardless international models that came from the West, the Serbian is a new modern architecture could alive on their own grounds. Modern Movement, which originated in the period before the Second World War, and continued after him, predsatvljao the basis for the development of post-war architecture in Serbia. As such, he influenced generations of Serbian architects, who were returned to him several times during the second half of the twentieth century. Characteristic of the new buildings of modern architecture, however, link for objects of luxury villas, which are projected on the model of the elegant white building Richard Mayer. Miodrag Mirkovic designed their white »Villa Latinovic" in Belgrade in 1999, and Ruzica Dragan Bozovic and Stamenović »Semi detached villa Zaric," also in Belgrade, 1998. year.Mustafa Music is, projecting his villa in Dedinje, however, do not turn to American models, but the sources for its architecture found in the writings of Adolf poor and Milan Zloković. In the field of design 

public buildings, building services is a significant social accounting in New Belgrade Peter Vulovic (1986). 

Serbian architecture in the second half of the twentieth century present a tendency to refer to use of modern tehniloških and constructive solutions, as well as the use of modern materials. These phenomena can broaden the several terms, among which are the most characteristic: a new constructivism, hi tech, dekonstruktivizam. 

Constructivism is a new phenomenon that we can look at several projects, but that is not included all architectural layers of society and as such is not a movement or general trend in Serbian architecture. This kind of constructivism was not related to the direct model in architecture outside Serbia, but is a direct response to the needs and design requirements of individual facilities. The earliest and most significant example of this architecture is a project Belgrade Fair complex (1954) crystals Pantović and associates, among which was significantly mention the name Constructors and Branko Krstic Milan Žeželj. It is this constructive achievements worth of world attention. Uglješa Bogunovic and Slobodan Janjic designed the 1965th TV tower on Avala, which represented a constructive novelty: the pillar of the tower did not bask in the country, but with its three legs was elegantly supported the fundamental basis. Using a basic constructions expressive elements in architecture was a product of the specific needs and characteristics 

the projected object. In 1984th Spasoje Krunic designed construction Command operating the center of the Secretariat of Internal Affairs in Belgrade using the spatial grid structures that form the overall structure of the architectural object. In 1990th Government Slavica Sports hall design "Belgrade Arena", which represent an achievement in design sports hall. Along with the introduction of new construction technologies in architecture, there is also a tendency of architectural design of buildings in which their constructive characteristics in fact represented ornament - an ornament that was supposed to represent reminescenciju the long period of Russian Constructivism, and that it was not real, functional constructive element of the building. Among these objects, we highlight those who designed Mario Jobst, and where the use of design purely decorative character. Significantly, his Gas station Novi Beograd - Jugopetrol, where the rolling roof form given basic character of the new constructivism. 

Contrary to the new constructivism, in Serbian architecture present an architectural style dekonstruktivizma. However, dekonstruktivizam in Serbia is not developed in that kind of form it find in the world of architecture Peter Ajzenmana, groups Himelblau Kopp, Bernard Tšumija, Zahe Hadid, Ben van Berkela or Günter Beniša. Dekonstruktivizam in Serbian architecture has emerged as attempt to experiment, which usually ended compromise

between architects and investors, so that the ideas of architects - dekonstruktiviste not much else. Nevertheless, it is possible to find some clues dekonstruktivističke architecture in Serbia. Among the significant examples are the building of the Yugoslav Drama Theater Zoran Radojičić (1997-2002), which primarily a conceptual architecture, but there are significant elements dekonstruktivističke the facade. Mix of Constructivism and dekonstruktvizma in a lot of raw, unrefined form, find in the building of RTV Pink, in Belgrade Alexander Spajić (1999). 

Conceptual architecture in Serbia during the second half of the twentieth century we find several plans. The first and most important plan is a memorial architecture Bogdan Bogdanovic. His memorial complexes, ie, architectural monuments, the subject of conceptual access architecture. This interpretation includes plenty spoznajnih elements that are often not an integral part of architecture, but are contained within the theory of Fine Art, History art, philosophy, even literature itself. Each Bogdanovićev object is "charged" meanings, which are within a few subtle set level of knowledge. Property the concept, he describes "or his visitors" read ". Conceptual architecture is present in the works of several important Serbian architects, among which Dejan Ećimović, whose architecture almost crowded meanings and citations. Ećimović projects include philosophical 

connotation, they communicate with other objects, regardless of the spatial and temporal distance. This feature of his project and was the reason Ećimović did not realize none their work. 

Hi tech (high tech) is the position in the architecture, by which one object is a realization the latest achievements in this field. These architectural structures contain high technology solutions, both in the field of design and architectural forms, and the field equipment and interior. The global architecture, hi tech had their representatives, from industrial revolution and the introduction of glass and iron as a constructive element of architecture, to modern buildings of Richard Rogers, Renzo Piano, Norman Foster, Michael Hopkins, Richard Hordena Nicholas Grimšoa, Future Systems Group, Jean Nuvela and others. The attempt to create hi technical building can be considered a project for building Spajić Alexander Pink TV (1999), or Milan Dimitrijevic, Milan previously Miodragović for Comtrade building in Belgrade (1986, 2004). 

Minimalism in the global architecture is not only the style or tendency, but it is also aesthetic category, the cultural orientation of a creator. This style can be brought in connection with many other views and styles, primarily because it is not related to the period development, but is present everywhere and in every moment in architecture. The most important representatives 

minimalism in the world are: Tadao Ando, Alberto Campo Baeza, Antoine Predok, Kuramata Siro, David Čiperfild, Dominique Perrault, Alvaro Siza, Herzog & De Mojron and others. In Serbia, minimalism is not possible to follow in the form of development, but it can only find traces, in particular creators. This route in Serbia have never been the subject of study, nor is it accepted some structure or group of architects. However, we point out some important representatives, among which are: Jovan Mitrovic Dejan Miljkovic, its apartment blocks in Dedinje (2003) or Svetislav Slavica Martinovic and Bogdan, interior hotel Samotlor "in Nižnjevartovsku (1993-94). 

As for the architectural theory and the written word in Serbian architecture distinguished several architects and theorists theorist of architecture, among which sunajznačajniji: Zoran Manević, Milos R. Perovic, Ranko Radovic, Slobodan Mašić and Slobodan Maldini. 

Slobodan Maldini, March 2009.