Slide annona

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Transcript of Slide annona

Scientific classificationKingdom: Plantae

Phylum: AngiospermClass: Magnoliids

Order: MagnolialesFamily: Annonacea

also known as custard apple family common name called mempisangconsists of 2300 to 2500 species and more than 130

generacan found most in the tropics, with few species found in

temperate regions. About 900 species are Neotropical, 450 are

Afrotropical, and the other species are Indomalayan.Mostly tropical, deciduous or evergreen trees and

shrubs, with aromatic bark, leaves, and flowers.

Stems, stalks and leaves Bark is fibrous and aromatic. Leaves are alternate, simple, without stipules

(the mini-leafs that grow by the leaf stalks), and have leaf stalks.

Leaf blades consists of several leaflets, or separate portions, arranged on each side of a common leaf stalk separated by veins.

Flower Have solitary flowers or small bundles

(fascicles) that grow from a flower stalk (peduncle). Flowers are bisexual and rarely unisexual The apex of the flower stalk, from which the

organs of the flower grow might become enlarged, elevated or flat.

Outer parts have the sepals, petals, and stamens inserted below the pistil and do not overlap

Medical The bark, leaves and roots of some species are used in ~ folk medicinesSeed and other part of plant produce ~ Flavonoids and alkaloids shown antibacterial properties, and have been used for treatment of medical conditions, such as skin disease, intestinal worms and inflammation of the eye. ~ Acetogenins are thought to have anti-HIV and anti-cancer effects. A wide variety of products have been developed and are available for cancer treatment.

Insecticides~ Flavonoids and alkaloids contained in the leafs and bark of several species of the family have shown insecticidal properties.

Other~ have aromatic oil and are used for perfumes or spices.~ wood is valued as firewood~ Yellow and brown dyes.

Kingdom: PlantaePhylum: Angiosperms

Class: MagnoliidsOrder: Magnoliales

Family: AnnonaceaeGenus: Annona

Species : A. Muricata

MALAY : Durian belanda or Durian makkah (Malaysia), Buah sirsak (Indonesia) and Durian salat (Brunei).

PORTUGUESE : Araticum, Araticum-do-grande .

Brazil : Cabeca-de-negro, Graviola, Guanabano

TAGALOG : Guayabano, Guyabano, Yabana

It is a small fruit, upright, and evergreen that can grow to about 4 metres (13 ft) tall and cannot stand frost.Produces fruit that are usually called ‘soursop’

due to its slightly acidic taste when ripe.trees grew natively in the Caribbean and Central America but are now widely cultivated and in some areas. living on their own in tropical climates throughout the world.

The young branches are hairy. Leaves are oblong to oval, 8 centimetres (3.1 in) to 16 centimetres (6.3 in) long and 3 centimetres (1.2 in) to 7 centimetres (2.8 in) wide. Glossy dark green with no hairs above, paler and minutely hairy to no hairs below. The leaf stalks are 4 millimetres (0.16 in) to 13 millimetres (0.51 in) long and without hairs.

the flower of this species are large. the three exterior petals ovate-acute, valvate, and fleshy. the interior ones smaller and thinner, rounded, with the edges overlapping the color outside this flower are cream-yellow and inside light yellow and lightly fragrant.

Have the largest fruit in the genus annonas. The color is dark green, prickly (or bristled) fruits are egg-shaped and can be up to 30 centimetre (12in) long with a moderately firm texture. flesh is juicy, acid, whitish and aromatic. abundant seeds.

The fruit are usually processed into ice-cream, sherbets and drinks, but fiber-free varieties are often eaten raw. In Malaysia, we used it leave and root to cure the disease like coughs, diarrhea, dermatosis, hypertension, rheumatism, and to reduce bleeding. Immature soursops are often cooked, and eaten as a vegetable. this fruit are high in vitamins B1, B2 and C.

6. A related species is Cananga fruticosa, which is a dwarf ylang-ylang that grows as small tree or compact shrub with highly scented flowers.

7. Ylang-ylang has been cultivated in temperate climates under conservatory conditions.

8. Its fruit are an important food item for birds, such as the Collared Imperial-pigeon, Purple-tailed Imperial-pigeon, Zoe's Imperial-pigeon, Superb Fruit-dove, Pink-spotted Fruit-dove, Coroneted Fruit-dove, Orange-bellied Fruit-dove, and Wompoo Fruit-dove(Frith et al. 1976)

 FAMILY : Annonaceae

ORIGIN : IndiaTYPE/USES : vine/shrub

SIZE : 8'-10'GROWTH RATE : very fast growing


MIN. TEMP. : upper 20°sFLOWER : warmer months of the year

Outer petals up to 1 cm wide.  Carpels glabrous. 

Fruitlets 3-4 cm long when ripe, ovoid, conspicuously apiculate, quite glabrous. 

Seeds 15-20 mm long, pale brown, smooth"

"Climbing shrub, to 12 ft. long; leaves narrowly oblong-lanceolate, to 6 in. long; flowers not showy but very fragrant, 1-2 together on low peduncles, sepals reflexed, yellow, petals about 1 in. long; fruit narrowly obovoid, yellow, 1 1/2 in. long, sessile, in dense clusters 20 in long“.

6. Most people that expect large, colorful flowers will be disappointed with the Artabotrys 7. The flowers appear during the warmer months and are greenish/yellow and very often hidden by the leaves8. These beautiful vines with shiny green leaves are not really grown for the flowers9. People like them for their the unusual fragrance10. They are also called "juicy fruit vine." 11. Artabotrys are tropical vines and have to be protected against freezing temperatures12. They can also be grown in containers with proper trimming and brought indoors during the cold spells.

Kingdom : Plantae ( unranked ): Angiosperms ( unranked) : Magnoliids

Order: Magnoliales Family : Annonaceae

Genus : Polyathia Species : P. Longifolia

Binomial name : Polyathia Longifolia

Polyalthia longifolia is a lofty evergreen tree, native to India, commonly planted due to its effectiveness in alleviating noise pollution

It exhibits symmetrical pyramidal growth with willowy weeping pendulous branches and long narrow lanceolate leaves with undulate margins

The tree is known to grow over 30 ft in height

(Gujarati)- Asopalav , false ashoka, green champa, Indian mast tree, Indian fir tree

(Indonesian) - glodogan tiang

Found natively in India and Sri Lanka

It is introduced in gardens in many tropical countries around the world

Fresh leaves are a coppery brown color and are soft and delicate to touch, as the leaves grow older the color becomes a light green and finally a dark green

The leaves are larval food plant of the kite swallowtails

Close up flowers in Hyderabad, India In spring the tree is covered with delicate

star-like pale green flowers The flowers are not conspicuous due to

their color Fruit are borne in clusters of 10-20.

Initially green but turning purple or black when ripe. These are loved by birds, such as the Asian Koel Eudynamys scolopaceus and bats including the flying foxes.

The leaves are good and for ornamental decoration and used in festivals

The tree is a main attraction in gardens throughout India. The tree can be cut into various shapes and maintained in required sizes.

Methanolic extracts of Polyalthia longifolia have yielded 20 known and two new organic compounds, some of which show cytotoxic properties.

The leaves are good and for ornamental decoration and used in festivals. The tree is a main attraction in gardens throughout India. The tree can be cut into various shapes and maintained in required sizes.

Methanolic extracts of Polyalthia longifolia have yielded 20 known and two new organic compounds, some of which show cytotoxic properties.

Kingdom : Plantae Division : Angiosperms Subdivision : Magnoliids Order : Magnoliales Family : Annonaceae Genus : Asimina Species : A.triloba Binomial name: Asimina triloba common name : paw-paw

common pawpaw – native to eastern North America, from southernmost Ontario and New York west to eastern Nebraska, and south to northern Florida and eastern Texas.

large shrub or small tree growing to a height of 11 meters (rarely to 14 m) with a trunk diameter of 20-30 cm.

The flowers are produced in early spring at the same time as or slightly before the new leaves appear, each flower dark red, 2-5 cm diameter, with three sepals and six petals; they have a fetid smell

leaves are deciduous, spirally arranged, broad lanceolate, 15-30 cm long, with an acute apex and an entire margin

The fruit is a large yellow-green berry 5-15 cm long, containing several brown, 15-25 mm diameter seeds embedded in the soft, edible fruit pulp.

On a global scale, the common pawpaw has a Global GRANK of G5 (Very Common).

The common pawpaw is considered a threatened species in New York, and an endangered species in New Jersey.

In Canada, it is only found in portions of southern Ontario, where it has a National NRANK of N3 (Vulnerable) and a Provincial SRANK of S3 (Vulnerable). The Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources has given A. triloba a general status of "Sensitive", and its populations are monitored.

The fruit is rich in fatty acids, the major one being octanoate. They also contain cis-δ9- and cis-δ11-hexadecenoate, cis-δ9-, cis-δ11- and cis-δ13-octadecenoate.

The seeds have been shown to contain the chemicals asimitrin (an adjacent ring-hydroxylated bis-tetrahydrofuran acetogenin) and 4-hydroxytrilobin (an adjacent bis-THF ring with two flanking hydroxyl groups and an α,β-unsaturated γ-lactone with a 4-hydroxyl group).These chemicals seem to have selective cytotoxicity against prostate adenocarcinoma (PC-3) and colon adenocarcinoma (HT-29) cell lines, thus may become a useful chemotherapeutic chemical for these types of cancer.

The leaves also contain toxic annonaceous acetogenins, making them impalatable to most insects. The one notable exception is the zebra swallowtail butterfly (Eurytides marcellus), whose larvae feed on the leaves. This confers protection from predation throughout the butterfly's life, as trace amounts of acetogenins remain present, making them unpalatable to birds and other predators.

The bark contains other acetogenins, including asimin, asiminacin and asiminecin, which have been shown to be potent inhibitors of mitochondrial NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase,

making A. triloba a promising source of pesticide and anti-tumour compounds.

Character evolution in Anaxagorea (Annonaceae)1 Tanya Scharaschkin2,3 and James A. Doyle2 2Section of Evolution and Ecology, University of California, Davis, California 95616 USA Received for publication April 10, 2005. Accepted for publication October 10, 2005. Anaxagorea is a critical genus for understanding

morphological evolution in Annonaceae because it shares a variety of features with other Magnoliales that have been interpreted as primitive relative to other Annonaceae

A number of morphological synapomorphies have been identified for a clade containing most Central American

species and another comprising all Asian species

• Some such characters concern the androecium

• However, two Anaxagorea species lack inner staminodes

• inner staminodes were originally present in Anaxagorea and were lost independently within Anaxagorea and in other Annonaceae. the stamens of most Anaxagorea species are more or less laminar, as in other Magnoliales, and thereby differ from the peltate stamens (with a cap-like connective extension) found in most other Annonaceae

• some Anaxagorea species have stamens that approach the peltate type. Again, it was assumed that the laminar type was ancestral and deviations from it occurred independently

in Anaxagorea and other Annonaceae• Similar patterns are seen in leaf architecture

and anatomy. Most species of Anaxagorea have brochidodromous leaf venation, but some are eucamptodromous. Eucamptodromous venation is also found in the majority of the other Annonaceae, whereas most other Magnoliales have a brochidodromous pattern, often of the

festooned type